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Fneish Says Resistance Complements Army's Anti-Israel Role
[An Nahar] Sport and Youth Minister Mohammed Fneish of Hizbullah
...Party of God, a Leb militia inspired, founded, funded and directed by Iran. Hizbullah refers to itself as The Resistance and purports to defend Leb against Israel, with whom it has started and lost one disastrous war to date, though it did claim victory...
stressed Sunday that Hizbullah's military role in the face of Israel complements that of the Lebanese army.

"The Resistance enjoys the awareness and preparedness to pursue the Israeli enemy wherever its threat is present, in harmony with the army's role. This stance might not please some parties, but we insist on it," Fneish said during a Hizbullah ceremony in south Leb.

"The equation has become a reality and no one can dampen its characteristics, strength and results, especially that it has offered the Lebanese a feeling of serenity, recaptured the land, deterred the Israeli enemy, and made its leaders fear the growing strength of the Resistance," the minister added.
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
He underlined that "no one can think of weakening the Resistance's capabilities, unless they are stupid, conspiring or ignorant of their country's interest."

"The Paleostine experience is the best testament about those who counted on the U.S., Europe and the international organizations," Fneish pointed out. "Do you want us to renounce the strength of the resistance that is in our hands in order to endorse a futile approach that relinquishes objectives and rights?"

President Michel Aoun
...a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hizbullah...
had recently stressed that Hizbullah's weapons "do not contradict with the State," drawing criticism from some of the party's opponents.

Raad, Fneish Sons Wounded in Syria Battles
[An Nahar] The sons of Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad and caretaker Minister of State for Administrative Reform Mohammed Fneish were maimed during the battles in the Syrian town of al-Qusayer, Kuwaiti al-Seyassah newspaper reported on Thursday.
Good. Live by the sword...
According to the daily, Fneish's son sustained "serious injuries" in his face and is undergoing a surgery in one of Beirut's hospitals.

Syria's rebels conceded on Wednesday they had lost the battle for the strategic town of Qusayr but vowed to fight "thousands of Lebanese mercenaries" after the army seized total control of it and the surrounding region.

The main opposition National Coalition shrugged off the defeat, declaring the "revolution will continue".

Tuesday's development comes after the military support of Hizbullah has helped Syrian regime forces gain the upper hand in the battle for control of Qusayr, where an army assault began last month, amid a Lebanese, regional and international outcry.

Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah had previously justified the group's involveme
nt in Syria by saying they were defending Lebanese-inhabited border villages inside Syria and Shiite holy sites.

Harb: Lawsuit Has Been Filed against Syrian Officers Linked to Tueni's Assassination
[An Nahar] Opposition MP Butros Harb revealed on Tuesday that the case of the liquidation of MP Gebran Tueni may be referred to the Special Tribunal for Leb should the Lebanese judiciary fail to address the matter.

He added: "A lawsuit has been filed against Syrian officers linked to the politician's liquidation."

He made the announcement during a presser in light of a recent Al-Arabiya television report that aired documents demonstrating the alleged involvement of Syrian officers and Hizbullah intelligence in the December 12, 2005, liquidation of journalist, MP, and chairman of the board of directors of An Nahar newspaper Gebran Tueni.

As the attorney tackling the case, Harb said during the presser: "We want to continue the investigation in the matter and stress that the case of Tueni and the rest of the deaders will remain alive."

"We want to send a clear message to the criminals that we reject political liquidations and anyone who tries to assassinate Leb will be confronted," declared the MP.

"Despite the political pressure being exerted, we are determined to place our faith in the Lebanese judiciary to tackle Tueni's murder," he added.

"We will turn to the STL and request that this case be added to the others it is looking into," revealed Harb.

"Should the international tribunal agree to our request, then we will ask the Lebanese judiciary to cease its investigations in the case and turn it over to the STL," he said.

"The STL's jurisdiction and means go beyond the agreements signed between Leb and Syria, and at that point, Syria cannot refuse a request to interrogate one of its officers," he stated.

Furthermore, he stressed: "We did not turn to the Lebanese government to address this case because we are aware of its poor history in dealing with such matters."

The opposition MP said that the government's past practices in similar situations have portrayed it as a partner in obstructing justice.

Addressing Hizbullah and its alleged involvement in Tueni's liquidation, Harb said: "We hope the party would act in a manner that would erase all suspicions against it."

"We hope our suspicions over this document do not become realized and so far no suspect in Tueni's liquidation has faced the judiciary," he remarked.

"We will strive to uncover all the crimes against the Lebanese people through the judiciary. Should we fail then we will leave justice to God," he stressed.

On Saturday, Al-Arabiya obtained an alleged Syrian document saying: "With the help of members of the intelligence department of Leb's Hizbullah, Mission 213, which was assigned to them on December 10, has been successfully accomplished with excellent results."

The document, dated December 12, 2005, was sent by head of the operations department in the Syrian intelligence, Hasan Abdul Rahman, to then chief of national security department Assef Shawkat, according to Al-Arabiya.

"In concurrence with Assef Shawkat's letter on accomplishing the mission and on the same day the letter was sent to the Syrian presidential palace, a booby-trapped car was awaiting Lebanese politician Gebran Tueni to end his life while on his way to work, in an liquidation operation described as mysterious back then," Al-Arabiya added.

Hizbullah on Monday denied links to Tueni's liquidation, with Minister Mohammed Fneish saying: "Al-Arabiya's document on Hizbullah is fake and not everything published is a real document and you can tell that from the content."

The party later issued a statement denying the report and accusing the March 14 camp of taking advantage of the "baseless accusations fabricated by the Saudi network Al-Arabiya and attributed to Syrian opposition activists, including those related to the liquidation of MP Gebran Tueni."

Hizbullah Denies Involvement in Gebran Tueni Assassination
[An Nahar] Hizbullah on Monday denied involvement in the 2005 liquidation of prominent journalist and MP Gebran Tueni, chairman of the board of directors of An Nahar newspaper, after Al-Arabiya television broadcast Saturday a report claiming that Damascus
...The City of Jasmin is the oldest continuously-inhabited city in the world. It has not always been inhabited by the same set of fascisti...
and Hizbullah's intelligence department were behind the operation.

"Al-Arabiya's document on Hizbullah is fake and not everything published is a real document and you can tell that from the content," Hizbullah's State Minister for Administrative Development Mohammed Fneish told news hounds as he entered a cabinet session at the Grand Serail.

Later on Monday, Hizbullah issued an official statement denying "any involvement whatsoever" in Tueni's liquidation, saying it is "awaiting the judiciary's ruling in this case."

The party also slammed the comments of "some March 14 figures and websites" that were voiced after the airing of the report.

"The stances voiced by the March 14 forces on several issues are always based on fake documents and fabricated info," said the statement.

It accused the March 14 camp of taking advantage of the "baseless accusations fabricated by the Saudi network Al-Arabiya and attributed to Syrian opposition activists, including those related to the liquidation of MP Gebran Tueni."

Fneish: Some Parties Employing Hariri Murder for Security, Political Ends
[An Nahar] You won't believe this, but...
State Minister for Administrative Development Mohammed Fneish has stressed that those who criticized Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's recent speech intended to "show that the Resistance
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
has opponents" in Leb.

In an interview with the Akhbar al-Yaum news agency, Fneish said that "some parties are employing the murder of martyr premier Rafik Hariri for security and political ends."

"Politically, through pointing the finger at the Resistance,
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
acquitting Israel and tampering with the country's stability; and security-wise through enabling the Israeli, together with the American, of having the information they want," Hizbullah's minister added.

Fneish noted that both the country and the Resistance
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
are being targeted, announcing that Hizbullah would confront any targeting "according to the situation and in a manner that would protect the country and the Resistance
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
and prevent violations."

"How, and by what means, that would be decided according to circumstances and developments."

Commenting on Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel's call for Hizbullah to abide by the democratic system, Fneish described his remarks as "insults and accusations," noting that they have no objective or logical basis.

Asked about the ongoing Syrian-Iranian-Saudi contacts, he stressed that "Arab contacts have never stopped, but the problem lies in the obstructive U.S. role."

"Every time positive indications loom on the horizon, we start to notice U.S. media and political interventions, such as the visit of Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman to Leb."

"That was aimed at preventing the Lebanese from reaching an understanding," he added.

Fneish: Resistance Won't Use Weapons in Interior unless Some Wanted to Do Harm to It
[An Nahar] State Minister for Administrative Development Mohammed Fneish, a Hizbullah member, on Tuesday noted that "on May 7 (2008), the objective was an aggression against the Resistance,"
That'd be the Hezbullies, natch...
stressing that "the Resistance won't use its weapons in the interior unless some wanted to do harm to it."
Translation: We're here to kill Juices, not our brother Lebanese, even if they are infidel Christians and infidel Sunnis... and some traitorous Shiites who refuse to get with the program. Trust us -- this time it'll be different!
In an interview on Future News television, Fneish said that there is "a political scheme that is creating political feuds and Hizbullah isn't the one to blame."
Innocent as the driven snow, that's us!
"Hizbullah won't accept that any of its officials be interrogated in the case of the murder of former premier Rafik Hariri," Hizbullah's minister noted.

"We accepted the article related to the (Special) Tribunal (for Leb) in the ministerial Policy Statement out of keenness on justice," he added.

Fneish stressed that "Hizbullah's arms are in the service of whole Leb."

As to the anticipated STL indictment, Fneish stressed that "when it wants to condemn the Resistance, then it is a civil strife scheme, and that would have repercussions on Leb."

"Some in the interior are stressing that the indictment would condemn Hizbullah and we're not falsely accusing anyone. Some in the interior are anticipating and seeking to finish off their battle against the Resistance."

"We are keener on Leb's stability," Fneish added.

"Civil strife is one of the means they are seeking to implement in order to achieve the objectives of (U.N. Security Council Resolution) 1559."

Hizbullah's minister noted that "should the tribunal change its (legal) course, it would be, politically speaking, heading towards putting Hizbullah on the international terrorism blacklist."

Hizbullah Defends Aoun ... Keen on President Seat
[An Nahar] State Minister for Administrative Development Mohammed Fneish defended Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun after the former army general slammed President Michel Suleiman.
He said Hizbullah was "very keen" on the President seat.

Fneish pointed out that Aoun has "self-esteem and a role."

"Any stance made by him (Aoun) or any other national leader should not pass by unnoticed," Fneish said in remarks published Thursday by As-Safir newspaper.

"We won't allow any (political) team to take advantage of such stances and invest them negatively or aggravate the problem under the pretext of supporting the President," he warned.

Hizbullah is "keen that Suleiman and Aoun maintain a good relationship," Fneish stressed.

"We will do what we can to improve this relationship," he added, noting that Aoun's remarks expressed frustration at a certain situation and demands that must be taken into account.

Aoun's comments were "not directed against President of the Republic," Fneish insisted.

Hezbollah ready to share Hariri case evidence
[Iran Press TV Latest] Hezbollah says it is ready to hand over evidence proving Israel's involvement in the murder of former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri to Lebanese authorities.

Hezbollah officials said on Friday that since the resistance movement does not trust the tribunal investigating Hariri's assassination, they would pass the sensitive material to the Lebanese judiciary.

"What Lebanon's jurisdiction asks for we will provide, and what they do with that is their responsibility," State Minister for Administrative Development Mohammed Fneish told AFP.

"Our position has not changed, however. Our evidence is in the hands of the Lebanese government... but that does not alter our view of the tribunal, which is that it has no credibility," the Hezbollah minister added.

Hezbollah lawmaker Nawaf Mousawi also said that it is up to Lebanese authorities to give the information to the UN tribunal.

Hezbollah's Friday decision came after the UN tribunal probing the murder of former Lebanese premier called on the Shia group to submit all the information it has and assist the inquiry.

Some political analysts, however, believe Chief prosecutor Daniel Bellemare's request was "merely an attempt to enhance the credibility of the tribunal."

Hezbollah Secretary-General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah on Monday presented new indications of Israeli involvement in the killing of Hariri in a massive car bomb explosion in 2005.

The evidence included footage from Israeli spy drones of routes used by Hariri and recorded confessions by Israeli spies substantiating that the assassination of Hariri was carried out on orders from Tel Aviv.

U.N. in Lebanon urges restraint after rocket attack
There. That should do it.
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The commander of a U.N. peacekeeping force urged Lebanon and Israel to exercise restraint after at least three rockets were fired into northern Israel from Lebanon on Wednesday.

The Lebanese government condemned the attack, the second launched from Lebanon against Israel since it began its offensive in the Gaza Strip on December 27. Information Minister Tareq Mitri said it "gave Israel an excuse to harm the national interest."

The army deployed additional forces in the south to boost its "defensive capabilities," a military source said.

Labour Minister Mohammed Fneish, the Hezbollah minister in government, denied that the Lebanese political and military group had anything to do with the attack. "... we don't know who fired these rockets, we have nothing to do with it," Hezbollah's website quoted him as saying. "For the Israeli enemy to exploit this accident in order to use its aggression against Lebanon, that is something we condemn, reject and don't accept," he said, referring to Israel's response with artillery fire.
"Please don't stomp us!"
The group, which fought a 34-day war with Israel in 2006, denied any role in a similar attack last week. Israeli officials blamed smaller, armed Palestinian factions in Lebanon.

The Lebanese army and members of the U.N. peacekeeping force, known as UNIFIL, also deactivated three rockets rigged to launch an hour after they had been found, the army said.

UNIFIL commander Major General Claudio Graziano urged maximum restraint after the early morning rocket salvo. He was working with both Lebanon and Israel to maintain the cessation of hostilities, UNIFIL spokeswoman Yasmina Bouziane said in a statement. There had been no claims of responsibility for the rocket attack, she said.

Israel responded with two barrages of artillery fire. There were no reports of damage or injury caused by the Israeli shells, Bouziane said. The rockets fired from Lebanon landed in open areas and caused no damage or injuries, she added.

There have been no claims of responsibility for the January 8 rocket attack from Lebanon.

Hizbullah: Tribunal for Resistance
Hizbullah has countered efforts by majority representatives to refer the topic of its resistance to national dialogue by proposing a similar handling of the international tribunal. The pan-Arab daily al-Hayat said Hizbullah's representative to the ministerial committee drafting the new cabinet's policy statement Mohammed Fneish, made the proposal during a lengthy meeting on Friday.

Majority representatives protested against the Hizbullah proposal, noting that agreement was reached during national dialogue in 2006 on the international tribunal that would try suspects in the 2005 assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri and related crimes. However, Hizbullah sources said Fneish believes that the court was accepted "in principle. However, details require further discussion to guarantee that the tribunal wouldn't be biased and politicized."

Hezbollah setting up Lebanon for a new war this summer
After the resignation of Hezbollah ministers from the Lebanese government, I asked the resigned Lebanese Energy Minister, Mohammed Fneish: "Do you raise the ceiling of your demands because you possess weapons, unlike others?"

He answered: "If we had acted on the basis that we have weapons, we would have demanded more than this."

At the time, Hezbollah was acting, apparently at least, as a political party. It was talking about dialogue and democracy, but today, it is clear that it seeks 'more than that'. It wants to have the right to shape political life. It had explicitly announced, through its secretary general, replacing dictation through weapons with dialogue. In Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech last Monday, it was clear that the man was determined to sidestep the current political approach on the Lebanese arena. He closed the door to the opportunities that have been afforded in the previous stage and told his political enemies in an incontrovertible way: 'Either you accept Hezbollah's conditions or face chaos'.

Hezbollah's conditions, which Sayyed Nasrallah referred to in his speech, are not limited to canceling the establishment of the tribunal - although that is impossible - or to finding a formula so that the State legitimizes the Party's weapons, although the issue of incorporating Hezbollah's weapons is a lie that was made by the Party and believed by others.

The conditions are far from rejecting the details of the government solution. In short, they mean re-arranging the rights of communities in the Lebanese political life.

In his speech, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah linked the fate of Lebanon to the political changes in the region by recalling the tense situation between Washington and Tehran. This link should not only be viewed from the perspective of disengagement between the majority and the opposition or of its impact on the enthusiasm of the international parties, particularly the US, which has lost interest in searching for solutions for the Lebanese problem.

In his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah sidestepped the crisis and went straight to his long-sought objective: possessing arms in the name of liberation. He wanted to deliver a message to the effect that we have been patient in the hope that you will understand that the balance of power between the communities has changed, not only in Lebanon, but also in the region. But you did not realize that. I am reading to you from the last page: Lebanon has been living on the basis of sectarian pro rata since independence, and our share today is 'more than that'. If the Maronites feel that they are marginalized and seek to regain their role, we feel that we have been victims of injustice, because we did not have a role in the past. Therefore, you should sit next to us at table that is not round, and at the head of which we will sit, to correct the distribution before talking about the details of the last stage.

He hinted at the new shape of Lebanon to come through deciding the future of the Presidency of the Republic, saying that President Emile Lahoud will remain until the last day of his tenure. He insisted on toppling the prime minister. In his next speech, he will be more straightforward in dictating his terms to the majority.

There is no doubt that Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's speech resembles, to a great extent, the first statement of military confrontations that are almost certain. Furthermore, it is part of Hezbollah's attempt to undermine the Lebanese State with its current structure. In his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah closed all the windows of opportunity, saying in a supercilious voice: 'My way or the highway' (or 'me or the cataclysm'), but he forgot the fact that the majority sees no difference between the two options. The implementation of the agenda put forward by the Secretary General in his speech will lead to a cataclysm: releasing the accused in the assassination of Hariri, canceling the tribunal and maintaining Hezbollah's State within the Lebanese State will not grant the Lebanese sovereignty, freedom and coexistence. He also forgot that the cataclysm will not leave him any room to achieve his dream of a 'State'.

Certainly, Hezbollah as it is currently is not the party that the Lebanese and the Arabs knew before the July War. The party of liberation, resistance and symbol of dignity has today become a political and military tool to achieve the foreign objective, which is being implemented in the region.

Unfortunately, we may say that Hezbollah is trying hard to undermine the formula of sectarian coexistence between Muslims and Christians. He has even gone too far by repeating the Iraqi experiment through fomenting sectarian division between Muslims in Lebanon.

More dangerous is that the 'Resistance Party' now moves in accordance with the developments on other fronts: if pressure is increased on Tehran, he will create a war with Israel, and if tension is heightened between the US and Syria, he will fan the flames in the Lebanese arena. The Party has subjected Lebanon to the interests of others in the name of opposition to the US project at some times, and in the name of libration at other times. Ironically, he never stops accusing others of being dependent on foreign powers.

It seems that Lebanon has a date with summer wars. Although the previous war broke out by accident, or because of miscalculation, this time it will be started by Hezbollah by design.

Israel wants to restore its dignity through another round of war against Lebanon. Hezbollah has not failed until now in playing its role. The escalation experienced by the Lebanese arena will facilitate the job of Israeli generals. Hezbollah believes that through the new war, it will avoid the international tribunal, or it just pretends to do so to serve goals whose results will come to light next summer.

Hezbollah refuses to lay down its arms
Hizbullah cabinet member Mohammed Fneish, who resigned last November along with four other Shiite ministers just two days before the government was due to discuss a draft U.N. document on an international tribunal to try Hariri's suspected killers, has vowed that Hizbullah will not surrender its weapons. "We hold on to our weapons since their employment is not over yet," Fneish said in remarks published by the daily Al Mustaqbal on Sunday. "The resistance will continue to confront Israeli aggressions. It (resistance) is still a necessary force to protect Lebanon," stressed Fneish. He assured that neither Hizbullah nor its weapons are for bargaining, saying: "no one can argue its legitimacy."

The senior Hezbollah politician Fneish resigned from his cabinet position in November, 2006, but not before stealing critical files from the Ministry of Energy, effectively crippling the organization. Upon leaving his post, Fneish dismissed further negotiations with the government "a return to the negotiating table would now be useless. It's a total waste of time."

Hizbullah was the only armed group which was not asked to surrender its weapons after Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil war because it was considered a "resistance group" then fighting Israel's occupation of Lebanese territory. U.N. Security Council resolutions have called for the disarming of all militias in Lebanon. Hizbullah was expected to disarm under U.N. Res. 1701 which brought an end to the 34-day Israel-Hizbullah war this summer.

All five Shiite ministers and one Opposition Christian in the 24-member cabinet of Prime Minister Fouad Saniora resigned in advance of a vote that approved the creation of an international tribunal to probe the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

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