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Africa North
Egypt's official gazette publishes verdict placing Muslim Brotherhood on terror list for five more years
[AlAhram] The court also put the group's acting Supreme Guide Mahmoud Ezzat and former presidential candidate and ex-Brotherhood member Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh on the list

Egypt's official gazette published on Sunday a ruling by a Cairo court placing the Moslem Brüderbund on the list of terrorist entities for a five-year period, as well as placing the group's acting Supreme Guide Mahmoud Ezzat on the terrorist lists for the same timeframe.

On 12 January, a Southern Cairo criminal court placed the banned group on the terrorist list for five years, starting the date of decision.
They need a time limit? They're expecting the MB to reform?
It could happen — five years from now the horse might learn to sing.
The court also put 16 names on the terror list for five years, including Mahmoud Ezzat, who was arrested in August 2020, and former presidential candidate and ex-Brotherhood member Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh, who was arrested in February 2018.

The court said the decision was issued as per law no.8/2015, known as the law regulating lists of terrorist entities and terrorists.

Under the law, any person placed on the terror list is subject to a travel ban and having their assets frozen.

The group has repeatedly been put on the terror list after the Egyptian government banned it in 2013 and declared it a terrorist group in 2013.
Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh: 2020-11-24 Cairo court places Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh, Alaa Abdel-Fattah on terrorism list
Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh: 2013-07-14 Abdel-Moniem Abul-Fotouh meets Azhar Grand Imam
Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh: 2013-07-07 Mohamed ElBaradei appointed Egypt's new PM
Mahmoud Ezzat: 2020-09-03 The Brotherhood’s ‘black box’
Mahmoud Ezzat: 2020-08-30 Mahmoud Ezzat, Supreme Guide of Muslim Brotherhood, joins the MoI's weird mugshots hall of fame.
Mahmoud Ezzat: 2020-08-29 Mahmoud Ezzat Muslim Brotherhood's leader in Egypt is arrested.

Africa North
Case on stripping ElBaradei's nationality referred to State Commissioners Authority
[Al Ahram] Former Vice President for International Affairs Mohamed ElBaradei is accused in a legal case of being antagonistic towards the Egyptian people and army

Africa North
Court dismisses lawsuit against Egypt's ElBaradei
[Al Ahram] A Cairo misdemeanors court dismissed a lawsuit on Saturday accusing former vice president Mohamed ElBaradei of "breaching national trust."

The lawsuit was filed by a number of Egyptian lawyers after ElBaradei resigned from the vice presidency in protest of the violent dispersal of two sit-ins supporting former president Mohamed Morsi on 14 August.

Following Saturday's decision, ElBaradei criticised the "malicious and absurd lawsuits" filed against him.

"Are lies and hypocrisy becoming a hobby for some?" asked ElBaradei via Twitter.

The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been subject to a smear campaign by a number of journalists and politicians who charge that his resignation was "unpatriotic" and accuse him of abandoning the government at a critical moment.

Africa North
ElBaradei warns against 'fascist' media campaign in Egypt
[Al Ahram] Former Egyptian vice president Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
criticised on Sunday what he described as a fascist media campaign that does not uphold the value of human life.

On his official Twitter account, the former leader of the Constitution Party complained about a "systematic fascist campaign by 'sovereign sources' and 'independent' media that are against the insistence on upholding the value of human life and the inevitability of national consensus. Violence only begets violence."

Several state-owned and independent media outlets have been critical of political figures, including ElBaradei, who opposed recent security measures against the Moslem Brüderbund.

ElBaradei resigned from his position as vice president on 14 August in objection to the violent dispersal of pro-Morsi protest camps in Cairo by security forces, which left hundreds of protesters dead, saying he was troubled by the loss of life "particularly as I believe it could have been avoided."

Following his resignation, he left the country for Europe.

The Nobel peace laureate has been subjected to a smear campaign by some journalists and politicians who charged that his resignation was "unpatriotic" and accused him of abandoning the government at a critical moment.

ElBaradei was recently accused by opponents of collaborating with the international Moslem Brüderbund organization to sabotage the post-Morsi government.

the hip bone's connected to the leg bone...
no meeting between ElBaradei and members of the Moslem Brüderbund was confirmed.

Africa North
Egypt ex-VP ElBaradei's party 'shocked' over lawsuit
[Al Ahram] Constitution Party Media Secretary Khaled Dawoud expresses his "shock" at news that the party's founder and former Egyptian vice president Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
may face trial for having resigned, calling the legal petition part of a campaign against ElBaradei.
Helwan University criminal law professor Ahmed El-Ateeq filed a case against ElBaradei this week charging he "breached national trust."

"No official was ever charged in any country in the world with a crime for simply resigning from his post," Dawoud maintains.

Dawoud argues, however, that El-Ateeq used financial law in his case against ElBaradei, which he says doesn't apply, according to the Constitution Party's blurb.

He adds that reviewing such a case so quickly - a Cairo court set the trial date for 19 September, which also coincides with the judges' annual holiday - is proof of a "rabid campaign aimed at tarnishing [ElBaradei's] reputation and stances." He also points out that this isn't the first time the Constitution Party has stood against a campaign against them.

ElBaradei resigned citing that he could not bear the responsibility for decisions that led to violence witnessed at the dispersal of sit-ins on 14 August that were pressing to reinstate president Mohamed Morsi. Protests against the violent dispersal erupted in the days following, with hundreds dying and thousands injured in festivities.

Africa North
NSF says Egypt facing attempts by Muslim Brotherhood to overthrew state
[Al Ahram] The National Salvation Front (NSF), anti-Brotherhood party coalition umbrella, said on Monday that both the country and its people are facing attacks from what it described as "organized terrorist groups," and that the country is still determined to follow the roadmap to democratic civilian rule.

NSF members said in a press conference that the attacks that occurred early Monday on army conscripts in Sinai is part of terrorist organizations' war on the country and its people.

"Egypt is facing violence and attempts to overthrew the state by the Muslim Brotherhood. Both the state with all its institutions along with its people are facing one enemy and that is terrorism," NSF's statement read.

The attacks targeted conscripts heading to their barracks in Rafah, killing at least 25 and injuring two.

Security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Ahram Online it was an execution-style murder.

The Front has praised the "historic" role of the army and police facing the attacks that "aim to destroy the country and its people."

The main Egyptian party coalition umbrella has praised the role of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Bahrain in supporting the Egyptian transitional government in its "war against terrorism." They also criticized some countries' "double-standards" towards the current Egyptian situation.

NSF has seen internal divides since the bloody crackdown on the pro-Morsi sit-ins in Rabaa Al-Adawiya and Nahda Square, leaving at least 600 dead after the dispersal and subsequent clashes.

The Front said that it is a coalition of political parties and that the absence of some individuals from the press conference does not hinder the NSF's mission.

The official spokesman for the NSF, Khaled Dawoud, resigned on Friday in protest at the group's support for police violence against supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.

The NSF has also criticized former vice president Mohamed ElBaradei's resignation from his official post.

ElBaradei was the NSF's general coordinator from December 2012 until July 2013, before he resigned to take up the post as vice president for foreign affairs in Egypt's interim government.

Africa North
Spokesman for Egypt's NSF quits group over support for 'police massacres'
[Al Ahram] The official front man for the National Salvation Front resigned on Friday in protest at the group's support for police violence against supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.
Khaled Dawoud resigned from the front, a liberal coalition that led opposition to Morsi, citing his rejection of the group's support for the police's use of force against pro-Morsi demonstrators in a crackdown on Wednesday which left hundreds dead.

"The National Salvation Front has refused to condemn the massacre committed by security forces in dispersing [pro-Morsi] sit-ins in Rabaa and Nahda squares," said his resignation statement, posted on his Facebook account Friday.

"The front has clearly decided to side with the police in its ongoing confrontation with the Brotherhood."

Dawoud also rejected the "unacceptable attack" by some of the front's members on Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
, a leading liberal politician and member of the coalition who on Wednesday resigned his position as vice president following the crackdown.

Dawoud went on to stress that the only way out of the current crisis is a political solution that ensures the Brotherhood are reintegrated into the political process.

Clashes rapidly ensued on Friday afternoon after renewed protests by Morsi supporters. Dozens have been pronounced dead, with numbers expected to rise as violence continues.

The National Salvation Front was a strong supporter of the 30 June protests that demanded the resignation of Morsi and his subsequent ouster by the military.

Africa North
Egypt authorizes further use of live ammunition
CAIRO -- Egypt’s military-backed government authorized the security forces to fire live ammunition against opponents Thursday, underlining its determination to crush with force any lingering challenge posed by supporters of the country’s ousted elected president in the wake of a bloody crackdown on their camps.

A day after Egyptian soldiers and police killed hundreds of people when they stormed two camps set up by the Muslim Brotherhood to call for the reinstatement of deposed president Mohamed Morsi, a separate government statement pledged the use of “all power” to confront the organization, setting the stage for further bloodshed in the days ahead.

Egypt was under a curfew and a state of emergency, one day after police smashed two Muslim Brotherhood protest camps.

Earlier Thursday, Morsi supporters set fire to two local government buildings in Giza, a city across the Nile River from Cairo that is home to the Pyramids, the Associated Press reported.

With supporters of Morsi and of the military urging their followers to take to the streets again Friday, there seemed little prospect of an imminent end to the crisis that has engulfed Egypt since June 30, when millions of people took to the streets to demand the overthrow of their first supposedly democratically elected leader.
Notice how WaPo slips that one in: Morsi was "democratically elected". It was kinda, sorta a fair election. Once he was in office he was doing everything he could to make sure his election was the LAST election Egypt had for a couple decades. But WaPo doesn't bother with that, since Morsi and the Brüderbünd are Champ's guys, and what Champ wants, WaPo delivers.
Interrupting his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., to address the Egyptian crisis, President Obama announced the cancellation Thursday of next month’s joint military exercises with Egypt, while leaving more than $1 billion in annual military aid in place, as the United States reviews its relations with the most populous Arab nation in the wake of the violence.

The U.N. Security Council said it planned to hold a meeting on Thursday evening to address the crisis in Egypt. The closed-door meeting was convened at the request of Australia, Britain and France, and the United Nations’ deputy secretary general was expected to brief representatives.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which backs Morsi, issued its call for further demonstrations in defiance of a state of emergency declared by the interim government, which took power after a July 3 coup.

By nightfall, the interim government had declared a month-long state of emergency, and Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel Peace Prize winner and vice president, had tendered his resignation in protest over the bloody crackdown.
More screens of WaPo love for Morsi if you hit the link.

Africa North
Presidential source denies officials quit, says no decision on ElBaradei resignation
[Al Ahram] A presidential source has denied to Al-Ahram Arabic news website Wednesday evening news of possible resignations by Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Bahaa El-Dini and the presidential political advisor for strategic affairs.
The source further added that no final decision has been made regarding the resignation of Vice President for International Affairs Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
Earlier Wednesday, ElBaradei had submitted his resignation letter to Interim President Adly Mansour.

The move came after scores were killed in a security forces crackdown on loyalists of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.

ElBaradei earlier demanded high-level assurances that the operation would not veer from the within the boundaries of the law, and according to two sources "threatened to resign if the corpse count among the protestors proved to be high."

Africa North
Egypt declares month-long state of emergency
[Dawn] Egypt declared a month-long state of emergency Wednesday as violence raged across the country following a crackdown on supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.

The nationwide state of emergency will begin at 4:00 pm, the presidency said in a statement read out on state television
... and if you can't believe state television who can you believe?
Egypt's health ministry said on Wednesday that 149 peoples had been killed on Wednesday in a police raid on supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi at a Cairo protest camp and festivities nationwide.

"The dead are both from police and civilians. We are waiting to get more details," said the ministry's front man, Hamdi Abdel Karim, adding that 1,403 people had been maimed.

Egyptian vice president, Nobel laureate Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
, announced his resignation in a letter to the interim president to protest the deadly police assaults.

The teenage daughter of a senior Moslem Brüderbund leader was also reportedly killed Wednesday during a police cracked down on a Cairo camp set up by supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi.

Seventeen-year-old Asmaa al-Beltagui, daughter of wanted Brotherhood leader Mohammed al-Beltagui, was killed in festivities at the Rabaa al-Adawiya protest camp, Brotherhood front man Gehad al-Haddad said.

A spokeswoman for the main pro-Morsi coalition, the Anti-Coup Alliance, told AFP the girl had been shot twice, once in the chest and once in the back.

Earlier on Wednesday, Security forces backed by bulldozers moved in on two huge protest camps set up in Cairo by supporters of Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi, launching a long-threatened crackdown that left dozens dead.

The operation began shortly after dawn when security forces surrounded the sprawling Rabaa al-Adawiya camp in east Cairo and a similar one at Al-Nahda square, in the centre of the capital.

Witnesses and an AFP correspondent said police rained canisters of tear gas down onto tents before entering Rabaa al-Adawiya, sparking pandemonium among the thousands of protesters who set up the camp soon after Morsi was ousted by the army on July 3.

Men in gas masks rushed to grab each canister and dunk them in containers of water.

Clashes quickly erupted between protesters and security forces on one side of the camp, as automatic fire could be heard. It was not immediately clear who was doing the shooting.

Television footage showed injured people being carried to a makeshift medical centre as well as police dragging away protesters, who have defied numerous ultimatums to end their demonstrations.

Protest leaders wearing gas masks stood defiantly on a stage while crowds of people wearing face masks stood amid the swirling tear gas as bulldozers began dismantling the camp.

Egypt's interior ministry mid-morning said security forces have "total control" over Al-Nahda Square, the smaller of the two camps.

"Police forces have managed to remove most of the tents in the square," the ministry said.

A security official told AFP that dozens of Morsi supporters had been tossed in the slammer
Don't shoot, coppers! I'm comin' out!
with the help of residents of the area.

Television footage showed protesters who had been rounded up sitting in the ground handcuffed and surrounded by security forces.

Families, with their children, carrying plastic bags were seen being escorted out of the square by police.

Railway authorities announced that all trains had been grounded to prevent protesters from moving outside of Cairo and reassembling.

Morsi's Moslem Brüderbund urged Egyptians to take to the streets in their thousands to denounce the "massacre".

"This is not an attempt to disperse, but a bloody attempt to crush all voices of opposition to the military coup," Brotherhood front man Gehad al-Haddad said on Twitter.

The Rabaa al-Adawiya protest camp, where several Brotherhood leaders are staying, "is calling on Egyptians to take to the streets to stop the massacre", Haddad said.

In a separate tweet, Haddad said at least 250 people were killed and over 5,000 injured in the crackdown. There was no immediate independent confirmation of the tolls.

An AFP correspondent counted 43 bodies at a makeshift morgue at Rabaa al-Adawiya, adding that many appeared to have died from gunshot wounds.

There were no women or children among the dead, the correspondent said.

Police barred journalists not already in the camp from entering.

Egypt's interior ministry said two members of the security forces were killed in the operation.

The crackdown came just hours after the United States urged the military-backed interim government to allow Morsi supporters to protest freely.

State Department deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf said Washington regarded freedom to protest as a "key part" of the democratic process but would be concerned by reports of violence.

Africa North
Egyptian vice president El-Baradei resigns
[AAWSAT.NET] Egypt's vice president for foreign affairs, Mohamed El-Baradei, resigned on Wednesday after only one month in office, in protest at the decision to use force to clear protest camps occupied by protesters demanding the reinstatement of ousted Moslem Brüderbund-backed president Mohamed Mursi.

In his resignation letter to interim president Adly Mansour, which was subsequently posted online, El-Baradei said: "It has become difficult for me to continue bearing responsibility for decisions that I do not agree with and whose consequences I fear. I cannot bear the responsibility for one drop of blood."

"As you know," it continued, "I saw that there were peaceful ways to end this clash in society, there were proposed and acceptable solutions for beginnings that would take us to national consensus."

El-Baradei's resignation followed the announcement that the official corpse count of Wednesday's violence in Egypt had reached 149, with hundreds more injured.

In response to the violence, the Egyptian government declared a month-long state of emergency. It also introduced a curfew in many areas, from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Foreign governments were quick to denounce the use of violence, including condemnations from the US, UK, Turkey and Qatar, among others.

In his letter, El-Baradei expressed his deep disappointment in the days events--and those that preceded them.

"I will remain faithful and loyal to this country, whose security, stability and progress I believe can only be achieved through national consensus and social peace," he wrote.

He also said that he believed this in turn is only achievable through the establishment of a civil state and the separation of religion and politics.

Observers and analysts have commented over recent weeks on disagreements within the interim government, which failed to reach a consensus on how to approach the dissent from Moslem Brüderbund and pro-Mursi supporters.

"Within the government, there are two contradictory directions," Rabab Al-Madi, professor of political science at the American University of Cairo told the AFP news agency.

The first camp, she explained, consisted of the interior ministry and military leaders.

"The other camp," Mahdi continued, "represented by Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
and Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Bahaa Eldin, speak to a different constituency and have a more democratic approach."

Africa North
Egypt: Plot To Assassinate Al-Sisi, Elbaradei Uncovered
[Ynet] Security officials say Sinai-based jihadists planned to attack convoys of senior figures behind Morsi's overthrow with grenades on first day of Eid al-Fitr holiday

Egyptian intelligence agencies exposed this past week three armed terror cells in the Sinai peninsula that were working together to carry out a plan to assassinate senior military and police figures, Kuwait newspaper Alrai reported, citing Egyptian officials.

Egyptian security services are currently seeking some 60 people who are suspected of being involved in the plot.

According to the report, the conspirers planned to kill Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim and Vice President Mohamed ElBaradei
Egyptian law scholar and sometime Iranian catspaw. He was head of the IAEA from December 1997 to November 2009. At some point during his tenure he was purchased by the Iranians. ElBaradei and the IAEA were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for something in 2005. ElBaradei served on the Board of Trustees of the International Crisis Group, a lefty NGO that is bankrolled by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as George Soros' Open Society Institute. After the fall of Mubarak he ran for president. He lost.
The officials said that as soon as the plot was exposed the suspects fled to the mountainous areas in Sinai. The suspects, who in the past have operated individually when they attacked sensitive facilities and army and police outposts, have now joined forces with the goal of assassinating those who were behind the overthrow of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi.

Alrai further reported that a Paleostinian conspirer who was incarcerated
Keep yer hands where we can see 'em, if yez please!
in Sinai revealed that 12 of the suspects who fled belong to the Paleostinian Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, movement, while the rest are Salafists
...Salafists are ostentatiously devout Moslems who figure the ostentation of their piety gives them the right to tell others how to do it and to kill those who don't listen to them...
The Egyptian officials said the Islamists planned to arrive in Cairo on the first day of Eid al-Fitr -- the holiday marking the end of Ramadan -- and carry out the attack on the senior figures' motorcades using grenades obtained from Libyan arms smugglers.

...back at the alley, Slats grabbed his rosco...
the Paleostinian news agency Ma'an reported that Egyptian police have arrested 12 Paleostinians from Gazoo as part of an operation in the city of El-Arish to track down infiltrators. The detainees were transferred to Cairo for further interrogation.

On Sunday, separate attacks by jihadists on army positions in Sinai resulted in the death of two soldiers.

Monday night saw unknown assailants, thought to belong to an bully boy religious group in North Sinai, use improvised bombs to blow up the shrines of two religious leaders. The first shrine belonged to Sheikh Hamid Abu Jarir, located in the Al-Mughara region of the city of Al-Hassana in Central Sinai, with the second belonging to Sheikh Salim Ashraf Abu Jarir in the Mazar region in the city of Bir Al-Abd.

The attacks were coordinated and took place at the same time, with the assailants fleeing both scenes in four-wheel-drive pickup trucks without license plates.

Over the weekend a senior Egyptian official said 90 suspects, including seven Paleostinians, have been arrested over the past month during military operations in Sinai. He said 60 gunnies have been killed, among them 30 Paleostinians.

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