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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Researchers identify the conditions of early and forced marriages in the North Caucasus
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[KavkazUzel] The problem of early and forced marriages in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia persists, although there are no reliable statistics on their number. The problem is rarely brought into the public sphere against the backdrop of girls’ confidence in their own defenselessness, the lack of working laws and gender discrimination characteristic of the patriarchal structure inherent in these republics, noted the authors of the study “Forcibly Married.”

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, the problem of domestic violence in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Chechnya affects women of different ages, but mostly young girls under 30 try to escape from it. At the same time, they  face threats  of losing contact with children, and the problem of “honor killings” also remains relevant, human rights activists from the Ad Rem team indicated in their report on November 13. In Dagestan and Ingushetia, they are trying to hide data on “honor killings” by removing information about such cases from court websites. In Chechnya, citing a woman’s immoral behavior as a motive for murder helps to obtain a more lenient punishment, said human rights activist Saida Sirazhudinova, commenting on the results of a study on domestic violence in the North Caucasus.

The Ad Rem project published the results of a field study "Forcibly married": The problem of early and forced marriages on the example of the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia and the Chechen Republic. The study was conducted by Yulia Antonova, Inna Airapetyan and Kulsam Magomadova.

“Despite the fact that in modern society young people are more likely to imitate abduction, a stolen bride in the eyes of society traditionally still turns out to be more “guilty” than the criminal kidnapper. If she does not agree to the marriage, she will be considered disgraced,” the authors noted, announcing a study published on the project website.

In some republics of the North Caucasus, early and forced marriages are still not considered a problem that needs to be combated. According to official data, in 2021 in Russia, 4,453 women were married under the age of 18, the authors of the study noted. “These figures would seem to place the problem of early marriages in general in the Russian Federation as insignificant. However, official sources record only a certain percentage of the total number of such marriages. This happens for a number of reasons: some early marriages are not registered with the registry office, and are concluded according to a religious ritual; others have the nature of an actual marriage, without legal registration,” the study says.

At the same time, the topic is not sufficiently covered in the media and is presented on a limited number of resources. “This topic received wide discussion in the media only in 2015, when 17-year-old Kheda (Louise) Goylabieva was married to a 54-year-old head of the police department in Chechnya,” the study emphasizes.

In May 2015, the wedding of the head of the Nozhai-Yurtovsky district police department of Chechnya, Nazhud Guchigov, and 17-year-old Kheda (Louise) Goilabieva took place in Grozny. Reports  about the possible  coercion of a girl into marriage  caused a great public outcry; Guchigov himself and the leadership of Chechnya denied this information. 

Its authors noted that the topic of forced marriage is even less covered. From 1999 to 2007, over 650 reports of abduction for the purpose of forced marriage were registered in the North Caucasus; Only in 25% of cases were criminal cases initiated, the rest were refused. Currently, there are no reliable statistics on bride kidnappings, as victims are still afraid to openly report what happened, not wanting to face public condemnation. Most often, these girls prefer to come to terms with what happened, and law enforcement agencies ignore their appeals.

During the study, 31 women aged 23-43 years were interviewed - 10 people in Dagestan, the same number in Ingushetia and 11 in Chechnya, who were victims of early and/or forced marriages. 10 of those interviewed were divorced at the time of the interview (2021). “In addition to women who suffered from early and/or forced marriages, we interviewed 15 experts from three republics - practitioners providing assistance to girls and young women who suffered from early and/or forced marriages, or related to these groups due to their professional responsibilities," the study says.

Based on interviews, researchers identified the main causes of forced marriage. They put gender discrimination first. “Based on the interviews, one of the main reasons for the prevalence of early and/or forced sex in the North Caucasus remains gender discrimination, which is based on the patriarchal idea of ​​the social role of women, limited to the family, caring for relatives, housework, giving birth and raising children. <...>

Answering questions about the reasons and circumstances of marriage, almost all interviewed female victims told interviewers similar stories: first there was kidnapping, then family negotiations, and, as a rule, reconciliation with what happened,” the study emphasizes. 

Bride kidnappings in Dagestan have practically stopped, as both society and religious organizations condemn them, noted analysts interviewed by the Caucasian Knot. The editor-in-chief of RIA Derbent, Milrad Fatullaev, pointed out that until recently, so-called “pseudo-kidnappings” were practiced, when the family did not have the opportunity to pay for a luxurious wedding, according to local unwritten rules. “Back then, by mutual agreement of the parties - both the boy’s relatives and the girl’s relatives - in order to circumvent the issue of dowry-kalym, they organized a “kidnapping” and a theatrical reconciliation. Now the problem of kalym is a thing of the past, although even now some echoes remain, when, for example, one one side buys an apartment for young people, and the other furnishes it, but this also  meets with condemnation  in society,” he emphasized.

Researchers put the economic disadvantage of families, especially large families, in second place as the reasons for early and forced marriages. “The family finds a way out of this situation by quickly transferring their daughters to the care of their husband, thus easing their financial burden. Sometimes we are talking about the actual “selling” of their minor daughter as a bride. <...> Girls and young women in such situations they rarely resist because they feel responsible for the well-being of their family,” the study authors noted. 

A woman’s honor is equal to the honor of the family, therefore non-compliance with the “rules” and “indecent” behavior of a woman are strictly punished. The most extreme manifestation of such control is the honor killings that still occur in the region

The third reason is concern for the “honor of the family.” “As in any patriarchal society, in Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan there is strict control over the sexual sphere of a woman’s life. A woman’s honor is equated with the honor of the family, therefore non-compliance with the “rules” and “indecent” behavior of a woman is strictly punished. The most extreme manifestation of such control is “honour” killings that still occur in the region,” the study authors noted.

Women whose behavior is considered a disgrace by their relatives may become victims of “honor killings” in the Caucasus. These murders are committed by relatives themselves, most often by a father or brother, as noted in the Caucasian Knot reference material “Honor Killings in the North Caucasus.”

They emphasized that parents or relatives do not take kidnapped brides, as it is generally accepted that the kidnapped girl or girl is already “unclean”, this greatly reduces her chances of marrying another person, especially if the girl spent the night in the abductor’s house. 

In addition, often the motive for forced marriage of a girl is the fear of relatives that she may dishonor the family by marrying a person of the wrong nationality or simply showing interest in the opposite sex.

“My parents were afraid that I would marry someone of a different nationality, a Dargin or a Lezgin. This is not accepted here, you have to marry an Avar, your own,” said Aishat, a native of Dagestan, who was forcibly married at 19 years.

Separately, there are cases where girls who are victims of rape are married to rapists out of fear for the honor of the family. “My relatives beat me, but did nothing to him. Then old men began to come and marry me to Zaur. My father was against it, but my male relatives said: “She’s either in the grave or married.” She is no longer a girl." They also accused me. They gave me away for him, and I didn’t even know that I was married off. Nobody even asked me whether I wanted it or not,” the publication quotes the words of Fatima, a native of Ingushetia, who was kidnapped in 17 years.

In addition to these reasons, researchers also identified weak compliance with legislation in the republics of the North Caucasus.

Justification for the practice of early and/or forced marriage may be based on references to tradition, religion or cultural norms, they pointed out. "On the surface, these arguments may even appear to be caring. A girl's family may sincerely believe that marrying at a young age will secure her financial future or protect her from possible sexual assault. But all of these harmful practices are based on the assumption that a girl's or woman's rights obviously more limited than the rights of a boy or a man,” the study emphasizes.

Among the consequences of such marriages, researchers named various types of violence. “Early and/or forced marriage is, first of all, an act of violence against a girl or young woman, which often leads to further violence against her by her husband, his relatives and society as a whole. This violence manifests itself in a variety of forms - economic, physical, psychological, sexual,” the study authors indicated.

Thus, the lack of education among girls who are victims of early and forced marriages leads to economic dependence on their husband’s family and violence. “Married girls and young women face many barriers to education. These include uneven distribution of unpaid domestic work, bearing and raising children, and the need to care for elderly relatives. The likelihood of a girl or young woman continuing her education after marriage is extremely low.” the study emphasizes.

"Immediately after marriage - pregnancy and everyday life. Then we lived with [my husband's] parents, there was cleaning and cooking. There was simply no time for study or even to think about it, to be honest. I remember how my classmates were going to school, they were finishing 10th-11th grade, and someone was walking across our street... I remember how I envied them, they were so carefree and cheerful, and I was sweeping or washing something near the fence and gate. ", Liana from Dagestan, who was forced into marriage at the age of 14, said in an interview.

Most often, a minor wife is treated as a person without rights. The young bride is under constant pressure and control from her husband, mother-in-law and in-laws.

At the same time, the majority of girls without education who have the opportunity to work are forced to find employment unofficially, which, on the contrary, only increases their vulnerability, and often cannot manage the money they earn. All this puts them in an extremely vulnerable, financially dependent position on their husband and his relatives. Almost all the women who took part in this study told us about cases when they experienced financial violence in the family.

“My husband never gave me money, even when I had to go to the maternity hospital. And he didn’t let me get treatment,” said Fatima from Chechnya, who was forced into marriage at the age of 17. 

Such marriages actually lead to the isolation of women. “Most often, a child wife is treated as a person without rights. The young bride is under constant pressure and control from her husband, mother-in-law and in-laws, and is subject to slander, slander, humiliation, and insults. She is burdened with backbreaking work and lives in isolation. Girls experienced severe moral and psychological suffering, remaining without support,” the study authors indicated. 

Almost half of the respondents (14 out of 31) said that they had been subjected to physical violence by their husbands, from spanking and kicking to strangulation and beating. In addition, many of the girls faced sexual violence, the researchers noted. “In traditional societies, rape by husbands is not advertised, women victims do not seek help, and rapists go unpunished. The topic of sexual violence in marriage is hushed up, as it is considered something personal and shameful,” the study says.

In addition, early marriages lead to consequences for women’s health; 15 out of 31 respondents reported problems during pregnancy, and 13 girls noted that often complications during and after pregnancy were also caused by incessant physical violence from the husband and his relatives. Four girls noted that the cause of complications during pregnancy was a delay in seeking qualified medical care. “As a result of the young wife’s dependent financial situation on her husband and his relatives, she is not able to independently make a decision about seeking medical help. There is often no support from the husband and his relatives in this matter, since this is associated with financial costs ", the authors of the study emphasized.

“I also had an additional problem with my husband and mother-in-law. For them, medical care... they didn’t understand it. I couldn’t go to the hospital. It was considered wrong from the point of view of our religion,” said Madina from Dagestan, forcibly married at 16 years old.

Appeals to the police, as a rule, in cases of early or forced marriages in the regions of the North Caucasus are not practiced or are ineffective. The girls themselves are sure that they will not get help anywhere and do not turn to human rights activists or the muftiate, sometimes trying to find support from their relatives, say the authors of the study.

“Support from their own relatives and parents is in fact the main protection mechanism that girls and women who have become victims of early and/or forced marriages can count on. But often this resource turns out to be inoperative, since the family itself is highly influenced by local traditions and is afraid public condemnation, is not ready to help her daughter,” they emphasized.

None of the studied republics of the North Caucasus, nor in Russia as a whole, has any established system of protection and assistance to minor girls in cases of early and/or forced marriages.

Regional legislative initiatives in Ingushetia and Chechnya prohibiting bride kidnapping have not proven effective, the study authors noted, adding that some of the respondents “were abducted after these regulations came into force, but were unable to avoid marriage.” Often families The bride and groom came to an agreement - the fine imposed for kidnapping the bride was paid to the bride’s family, or the kidnapper himself or his relatives had connections in government structures, which made it possible to avoid punishment,” the study notes.

In certain regions of the North Caucasus, Muslim clergy are fighting the practice of bride kidnapping without the consent of the parties. So, in Ingushetia, the Muftiate established a fine of 200 thousand rubles for this. In Chechnya, religious figures are prohibited from becoming mediators in resolving conflicts caused by bride kidnapping, and the bride kidnapper is required to pay her family  a fine of one million rubles.

“None of the studied republics of the North Caucasus, nor in Russia as a whole, has any established system of protection and assistance to minor girls in cases of early and/or forced marriages. Legislation designed to protect the rights of minors in these circumstances is applied extremely rare and ineffective,” the authors concluded.

The experts participating in the study pointed out the lack of crisis centers for victims of violence, which could become an important element of the system for protecting victims of early and/or forced marriages, and emphasized the importance of developing socio-psychological services and expanding educational work to combat early and forced marriages, especially in remote and rural regions.

On June 10, 2021, in Dagestan, security forces and their colleagues from Chechnya  came to a shelter apartment for victims of domestic violence in Makhachkala, detaining journalist Svetlana Anokhina, employees of the Marem project and the mother of a 15-year-old daughter who was hiding from domestic violence. Their goal was to remove from the shelter a resident of Chechnya, Khalimat Taramova, who fled the republic after complaining of domestic violence. Various injuries, some from blows with a blunt object, were recorded on the bodies of Iraida Smirnova, Maysarat Kilyaskhanova and Svetlana Anokhina, who were then in the shelter.

The problem of the safety of shelters remains unresolved, especially in the North Caucasus, representatives of non-governmental organizations said in September 2023. The statement was preceded by a decision of the ECHR, which recognized violations of the rights of women who were in the Makhachkala shelter when security forces took from it a native of Chechnya, Khalimat Taramova.

The authors of the study proposed revising Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation and introducing a uniform age for marriage from 18 years in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as establishing criminal liability for forcing minors to marry. In addition, in their opinion, it is necessary to introduce mandatory state registration of all marriages.

They also propose to amend Articles 131–134 of the Criminal Code, abolishing the exemption of persons who have had sexual intercourse with a person under the legal age from criminal liability in the case of marriage with the victim and introducing criminal liability for marital rape.

In addition, the authors of the study consider it necessary to introduce criminal liability for holding a religious marriage ceremony in which a man marries an underage girl and to ensure that parents who consent to such a marriage are held accountable.

Also, in their opinion, it is necessary to provide victims of early and/or forced marriages and bride kidnapping with access to justice, including free legal assistance, compensation for damages and rehabilitation, including social, medical and psychological support.

In addition, it is necessary to develop a network of crisis centers, carry out explanatory work, prepare and implement programs “to support national communities in overcoming customs that are harmful to the development and health of girls through information events taking into account the characteristics of the culture and traditions of peoples, especially in rural areas.” Also, according to the researchers, it is important to ensure the involvement of religious organizations in protecting the rights of girls and raising awareness, especially in rural regions.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Three IS supporters convicted of preparing a terrorist attack in Cherkessk
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[KavkazUzel] A court in Karachay-Cherkessia found three people guilty of preparing a terrorist attack and participating in the activities of Islamic State. They were sentenced to 18.5 years in a maximum security colony.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, in April 2022, the FSB reported on the detention  of three people in Karachay-Cherkessia on suspicion of connections with IS and preparation of a terrorist attack on the territory of the republic. During the search, components of an explosive device, new SIM cards, as well as a diagram of the location of buildings in the center of Cherkessk were confiscated from them.

According to the case materials, the accused, “sharing terrorist ideology,” established contacts with militants in Syria via Telegram, after which, at their direction, they arrived in Cherkessk, where they rented an apartment and chose one of the administrative buildings as the target of attack. They then purchased materials to assemble an explosive device and were detained, TASS reported today, citing the FSB press service.

All three defendants in the case were found guilty by the Southern District Military Court of preparing for a terrorist act, undergoing training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities, participating in a terrorist organization and illegal trafficking in explosives. Each of them was sentenced to 18 years and 6 months of imprisonment to be served in a maximum security colony, the FSB noted.

The verdict has already entered into legal force.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" wrote that in April the court also sentenced residents of Stavropol Ansar Guseinov, Abdula and Miyasat Irkkuev, as well as Timur Bukharov to long prison terms, finding them guilty in the case of preparing a terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic State.
Karachay-Cherkessia: 2024-04-30 A lieutenant colonel and a sergeant major were killed during an attack on security forces in Mara-Ayagy
Karachay-Cherkessia: 2024-04-23 Two policemen killed in Karachay-Cherkessia as a result of an attack
Karachay-Cherkessia: 2024-04-11 Festive prayers were held in mosques in the south of Russia on Eid al-Fitr
Cherkessk: 2024-02-01 ‘Squad' members Tlaib and Bush sole votes against bill to bar Oct. 7 attackers from entering US
Cherkessk: 2023-12-26 Riot participant at Makhachkala airport charged with attempted murder of a security officer
Cherkessk: 2023-12-17 In Ingushetia, a local resident was injured when his car was fired upon

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Human rights activists reports the kidnapping of a Krasnodar resident from a shelter
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[KavkazUzel] A resident of Krasnodar, who complained about violence in the family of a native of Chechnya, stopped communicating after her husband and accomplices kidnapped her from the shelter, human rights activists reported.

33-year-old Krasnodar resident Maria Smelaya was in a shelter for women victims of domestic violence. Previously, she appealed to human rights activists with a request to protect her from her husband, who, according to her, systematically beat her, took her to the forest and threatened her with violence when she was pregnant with their son, reports the human rights project “Caucasus Without a Mother”.

“Violence on the part of the husband began soon after their trip to see her husband’s relatives in Grozny and marriage. Brave told human rights activists that he began to drink regularly and “engage in extortion,” says a publication on the project’s telegram channel.

The human rights project “Motherless Caucasus” is positioned as “research and educational”; its participants provide consulting, legal and psychological assistance to victims, as well as help with evacuation and highlight cases of rights violations, according to a self-presentation on the project’s website. “We are a group of like-minded people, and we are researching the practices of illegal removal of children from mothers in the Caucasus, covering and sharing information whenever possible,” it notes.

On May 7, employees of the “Motherless Caucasus” project helped place the victim in a safe place “outside the Krasnodar Territory.” However, on the night of May 9, Maria’s husband “together with his accomplices broke into the apartment where the woman and the child were and took her back to the Krasnodar Territory.”

“Now Maria is not in touch. In a telephone conversation with an employee of the center after the abduction, [Maria’s husband] threatened her with rape, he also allowed human rights activists to briefly hear the abducted woman. Human rights activists were never able to communicate with her,” says the publication posted on Telegram -project channel at 17.33 Moscow time. As of 20.00 Moscow time, there are no more recent publications in the telegram channel.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, the problem of the safety of shelters remains unresolved, especially in the North Caucasus, representatives of non-governmental organizations said in September 2023. The statement was preceded by a decision of the ECHR, which recognized violations of the rights of women who were in the Makhachkala shelter when security forces took from it a native of Chechnya, Khalimat Taramova.

On June 10, 2021, in Dagestan, security forces and their colleagues from Chechnya  came  to a shelter apartment for victims of domestic violence in Makhachkala, detaining journalist Svetlana Anokhina, employees of the Marem project and the mother of a 15-year-old daughter who was hiding from domestic violence. Their goal was to remove from the shelter a resident of Chechnya, Khalimat Taramova, who fled the republic after complaining of domestic violence. Various injuries, some from blows with a blunt object, were recorded on the bodies of Iraida Smirnova, Maysarat Kilyaskhanova and Svetlana Anokhina, who were then in the shelter.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Journalist Kevorkova was arrested on charges of justifying terrorism
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[Regnum] Journalist and writer Nadezhda Kevorkova was arrested in the case of justifying terrorism, the Telegram channel “Courts of General Jurisdiction of the City of Moscow” reported on May 7.

“The court granted the request of the investigating authorities to select a preventive measure in the form of detention for a period of 2 months, that is, until July 6, 2024,” the authors indicated.

Kevorkova was charged with committing crimes under Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Public calls for terrorist activities, public justification of terrorism or propaganda of terrorism”).

As Regnum reported, on the morning of May 6, searches were carried out in Kevorkova’s apartment. During the search, they found posters with the inscriptions “they are not terrorists” and “a better rally.” Then the journalist was taken to the Investigative Committee. According to Izvestia, Kevorkova was on friendly terms with terrorists, including the coordinator and founder of radical Islamic foundations Israil Akhmednabiev, known as Abu Umar Sasitlinsky
…a Dagestani preacher and founder of the Mukhadzhirun Islamic Foundation (Living Heart), which raised funds for ISIS...
(listed by Rosfinmonitoring as terrorists and extremists), and other persons associated with the activities of terrorist organizations.

In addition, the journalist on her social networks justified the attack on Nalchik in 2005,
…an raid by Caucasian Front jihadis (subsequently Al Qaeda-linked Caucasian Emirate, then ISIS-linked on Russian Vilayat Kavkaz) on Russian security forces that left 320 casualties including 125 civilians…
as well as the activities of the Taliban movement (a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation). Kevorkova did not admit her guilt.
Israil Akhmednabiev 04/10/2024 Relatives of Gadzhiev and Tambiev on preparations for consideration of the appeal
Israil Akhmednabiev 08/22/2023 Colleagues of Hajiyev assessed the chances of his acquittal
Israil Akhmednabiev 08/01/2023 Colleagues of Hajiyev held pickets in Makhachkala

Abu Umar Sasitlinsky 04/10/2024 Relatives of Gadzhiev and Tambiev on preparations for consideration of the appeal
Abu Umar Sasitlinsky 08/22/2023 Colleagues of Hajiyev assessed the chances of his acquittal
Abu Umar Sasitlinsky 08/01/2023 Colleagues of Hajiyev held pickets in Makhachkala

Nalchik: 2024-04-27 Two residents of Kabardino-Balkaria were arrested for recruitment into IS
Nalchik: 2024-04-19 Two police officers from Kabardino-Balkaria are suspected of systematic bribery
Nalchik: 2024-04-13 The identities of those killed during the special operation in Nalchik have been established

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
The court sides with a convict from Chechnya in a dispute with the colony administration
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[KavkazUzel] The appellate instance did not satisfy the appeal of the colony administration against the decision of the Grozny court, which recognized violations of the rights of a native of Chechnya, Arbi Dandaev, who was convicted in the case of the attack of Basayev’s
... Shamil Salmanovich Basayev, also known by his kunya "Abu Idris" and Emir Abdullah Shamil Abu-Idris (1965-2006). Chechen warlord in the post-Soviet Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, which after his death became the Al Qaeda-linked Caucasus Emirate. In 2015 most of the hard boys changed their allegiance to the local Islamic State affiliate, Vilayat Kavkaz, whereupon a majority chose to escape the Russians hunting them by making hijra to the caliphate in Syria. Some of his projects were the 2004 Beslan school siege and the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis...
militants on Dagestan.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, the Supreme Court of Dagestan in March 2009 sentenced Chechen resident Arbi Dandaev to life imprisonment, recognizing that during the militant attack on Dagestan in 1999, Dandaev personally participated in the execution of six servicemen. The Supreme Court of Russia recognized the verdict as legal, and in August 2009 it entered into legal force.

On August 7, 1999, more than a thousand armed fighters led by Shamil Basayev and Jordanian Amir Khattab  (also referred to as Emir Khattab) entered Dagestan from Chechnya. Fighting continued in the republic for more than a month; only on September 15, 1999, Defense Minister Igor Sergeev announced that the territory of Dagestan was completely liberated from the participants in the attack, according to the “Caucasian Knot” certificate “ Invasion of militants in Dagestan (1999) .”

The Supreme Court of Chechnya upheld the decision of the Visaitovsky District Court of Grozny dated June 28, 2022, which partially satisfied Arbi Dandaev’s claim against the colony in the Khabarovsk Territory. Dandaev demanded that the actions of the administration be declared illegal and that compensation be awarded to him for violating the conditions of detention; the district court’s decision was appealed by the colony’s management, as stated in the appeal ruling posted on the website of the Supreme Court of the Republic.

In his lawsuit, Arbi Dandaev stated that “the defendant violated the conditions of detention for a long time.” In particular, according to the document, the Constitution and the Chechen-Russian dictionary were confiscated from the convict, the electricity was turned off during the fasting month of Ramadan, his opportunities for watching films and videos and television programs were limited, and he was kept “in a metal cage during court hearings in a video conference room.” connections."

Arbi Dandaev demanded compensation of 500 thousand rubles. The court ordered the administration of colony No. 6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Khabarovsk Territory to return to Dandaev the brochure “The Constitution of the Russian Federation” and the Chechen-Russian dictionary, declared the power outage during the month of Ramadan illegal and ordered the colony to pay Dandaev ten thousand rubles. The district court did not satisfy the remaining requirements, as indicated in the publication of the Supreme Court.

"In the appeal, the representative of PKU IK-6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Khabarovsk Territory O.V. Shadrina asks the court to cancel the decision as illegal and unfounded, and to make a new decision in the case to refuse to satisfy the claims. In the court of appeal, A.Kh. Dandaev ., participating in the court hearing through the use of video conferencing systems, objected to the arguments of the complaint and asked the court’s decision to be left unchanged,” the document says.

Contrary to the arguments of the appeal, the district court, when determining the amount of compensation for violation of the conditions of detention of the convicted person, “took into account the nature and duration of the violations, the circumstances under which these violations were committed, the amount of compensation corresponds to the principle of reasonableness and fairness,” the Supreme Court indicated.

“The decision of the Visaitovsky District Court of the city of Grozny dated June 28, 2022 is left unchanged and the appeal is not satisfied,” the judge ruled.

Let us remind you that Arbi Dandaev has previously initiated litigation. So, in 2020, he demanded 300 thousand rubles as compensation for moral damages for prolonged detention in solitary confinement in a pre-trial detention center in Makhachkala in 2008-2009. The court refused to satisfy the claim, and Dandaev in a new claim changed the defendant from the Makhachkala pre-trial detention center to the department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Dagestan. In May 2022, the Kirov District Court of Makhachkala again rejected his claim.

In addition, Dandaev challenged the decision of the Grozny district court, which refused to recognize as illegal the decision of the leadership of the colony in the Sverdlovsk region to place Dandaev on preventive registration as prone to escape. In August 2022, the Supreme Court of Chechnya upheld the decision of the district court.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Tajik Foreign Ministry condemns the torture of those accused in the Crocus terrorist attack case
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[KavkazUzel] Security forces must comply with the principles of international law in relation to those arrested in the case of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall and remember the presumption of innocence and the prohibition of torture, the head of the Tajik Foreign Ministry said.
Those are American laws and customs. What are the laws and customs in the former Soviet Union?
He also noted that the information campaign launched after the terrorist attack creates a negative perception of Tajiks.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, on March 22, armed people broke into the Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow, opened fire and committed arson. The FSB classified the incident as a terrorist attack. As of April 6, 11 people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the terrorist attack. According to official data, as of April 5, 145 people were killed in the terrorist attack. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) stated that those detained during the counter-terrorism operation in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk were planning terrorist attacks; they were found with automatic weapons, ammunition and an improvised explosive device.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Festive prayers were held in mosques in the south of Russia on Eid al-Fitr
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[KavkazUzel] The mosques of Nalchik and Rostov-on-Don could not accommodate all those who came to the festive prayers on Eid al-Adha. In Dagestan, interest in Eid al-Fitr among children is growing; they willingly participate in the traditions associated with this holiday, residents of the republic said.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, in 2024 the fasting month of Ramadan began in most of the republics of the North Caucasus on March 11, in Dagestan the first day of Ramadan was declared on March 12. In connection with the Eid al-Fitr holiday,  days from April 10 to 12 were declared non-working in Dagestan, and from April 9 to 11 in Chechnya. Residents of Makhachkala said that food prices had increased significantly before Eid al-Adha, and the mosques were crowded for the holiday.

Ramadan  is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, a month of fasting, spiritual and moral purification, as well as strengthening faith and will. During Ramadan, Muslims must abstain from food and drink during daylight hours. The month of fasting ends with the holiday of breaking  the fast of  Eid al-Fitr.

According to Mufti Bata Kifah Mohamad, about two thousand people gathered in the Volzhsky mosque today. He noted that believers from all over the region usually come to the central mosque in Volzhsky. In total, there are approximately 200 thousand Muslims in the region, the Volgograd Notebook reported.

Hundreds of Muslims performed festive prayers in a mosque  in Stavropol this morning. The building without minarets and domes is located on Oktyabrskaya Street, behind the Voskhod factory. Mosque volunteers prepared five cauldrons of pilaf, which will be served to everyone. In addition, treats are distributed to believers, the ATV Media television company reported on its website.

A festive prayer (Eid namaz), performed by Muslims on the holidays of Kurban Bayram and Eid al -Fitr, took place in the mosques of Karachay-Cherkessia . The start time for holiday prayers begins 30 minutes after sunrise, RIA Karachay-Cherkessia reported today, publishing a fragment of a crowded holiday prayer in one of the mosques in the republic on its Telegram channel. 

In Rostov-on-Don, Muslims gathered for worship at the mosque on Furmanovskaya Street, Donday reported today. As follows from a photo report published by the publication, many Muslims were forced to pray on the street.

The Nalchik Cathedral Mosque, where a festive service dedicated to the end of the month of Ramadan and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr was held, could not accommodate everyone; many parishioners settled in the courtyard of the mosque, RIA Kabardino-Balkaria reported.

The heads of the regions of southern Russia congratulated Muslims on the holiday in their Telegram channels. Thus, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that he celebrated the holiday in his ancestral village. “The blessed holiday of Eid al-Fitr for Muslims begins with the performance of a number of important religious rituals. When morning comes, they perform obligatory prayer, visit the graves of relatives and friends, and pay zakat al-Fitr. Also, in populated areas, believers gather for collective Eid prayer, after which the main part of the holiday of breaking the fast begins. We performed today’s morning prayer in the mosque of my ancestral village of Akhmat-Yurt,” he wrote in his telegram channel.

In Dagestan, the authorities emphasized that one of the traditions associated with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr is being preserved. “One of the most beloved traditions of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which passes from generation to generation, is when children go home and congratulate them on the holiday! They are treated to sweets,” the Magaramkent district administration said today, publishing photographs of children with gifts.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Three police officers were taken into custody in connection with the death of Dalgatov
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[KavkazUzel] A court in Makhachkala tightened the measure of restraint for three police officers who were under house arrest in the case of the death of detainee Kurban Dalgatov.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, on February 22, the investigation reported 13 defendants in the case of Dalgatov's death. On March 11, it became known about the arrest of the former deputy head of the criminal investigation department of the Soviet regional police department of Makhachkala, Arsen Abdulkadirov. On March 13, he was arrested in connection with the death of Makhachkala resident Kurban Dalgatov. On March 14, former police detective Timur Gugaev, who was detained a day earlier in the same case, was also taken into custody.

Kurban Dalgatov died on January 20, 2023 after he was taken to the Sovetsky district police department of Makhachkala. Relatives stated that he died of suffocation, which occurred after Dalgatov “was given electric shocks to the heart area.” The man  received injuries before his death, the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed.

The court changed the preventive measure for three detectives of the police department who were under house arrest in the case of the death of Kurban Dalgatov in the building of the police department, said the head of the press service of the Supreme Court of Dagestan Zarema Mamaeva.

“The court, having considered the investigation’s petition, changed the measure of restraint for three employees of the Sovetsky District Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Makhachkala to detention for the period of the preliminary investigation,” TASS quoted her as saying on April 9.

The decision was made by the Soviet District Court of Makhachkala, Bolat Medzhidov, Nazhmudin Chupanov and Magomedshapi Magomedshapiev were placed in custody, Chernovik reported on the evening of April 9.

Let us remind you that on January 15, the Sovetsky District Court of Makhachkala placed under house arrest two police officers detained in the case of the death of Kurban Dalgatov - Muslim Kerimov and Magomedshapi Magomedshapiev. When choosing a preventive measure, the court took into account that one of them had disabled parents as dependents, and the other took part in hostilities.

The next day, the court placed another detective of the police department in the Sovetsky district under house arrest. At the same time, on February 3 it became known that  the decision  to place Muslim Kerimov under house arrest had been cancelled.

On January 20, 2023, before the arrest of 35-year-old Dalgatov, a conflict occurred on the street between two men, one of them, according to the police, shot at his opponent and escaped with the help of Dalgatov. Kurban Dalgatov was found and detained. During the investigation at the police department, his health worsened, he was given first aid and taken to the hospital, but doctors pronounced him dead.
Makhachkala: 2024-04-10 Relatives of Gadzhiev and Tambiev on preparations for consideration of the appeal
Makhachkala: 2024-04-05 A court in Dagestan arrests three more detainees for terrorism
Makhachkala: 2024-04-04 Two suspects arrested for preparing a terrorist attack in Kaspiysk

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Relatives of Gadzhiev and Tambiev on preparations for consideration of the appeal
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[KavkazUzel] The security forces did not interfere with the picket in support of Abdulmumin Gadzhiev,
…also spelt Abdulmumin Hajiyev, he’s the editor of the Chernovik newspaper. Along with Abubakar Rizvanov, head of the Ansar charity fund and Kemal Tambiev he was convicted of financing terrorism — collecting 68 million rubles and 200 thousand dollars for ISIS under the pretext of building mosques and helping poor Muslims. Israil Akhmednabiev (Abu Umar Sasitlinsky), a Dagestan preacher and founder of the Mukhadzhirun Islamic Foundation, had suggested they join forces for the work...
they only copied personal data, said the deputy editor-in-chief of Chernovik. Gadzhiev and Kemal Tambiev continue preparing for the consideration of the appeal and are familiarizing themselves with the case materials; the date of the hearing has not yet been set, their relatives and lawyer said.

As the "Caucasian Knot wrote, Abdulmumin Gadzhiev's colleagues consider his criminal case to be political persecution and regularly hold single pickets in his support. On April 1, such a single action was held at the traditional place - the intersection of Dakhadayev Street and Gamzatov Avenue - by the deputy chief editor of Chernovik, Magomed Magomedov. The next single picket took place not as usual on Monday, but today, Chernovik warned in advance about the postponement of the action.

Pickets in defense of Gadzhiev have been held regularly since June 2019, when Gadzhiev was detained. They were disrupted only because of provocations and arrests of picketers. The picketers were taken to the police, but they still continued the campaign in support of Gadzhiev. According to colleagues, Gadzhiev is suffering because the newspaper voiced “inconvenient questions” to the authorities and security forces, according to the Caucasian Knot report “  Draft”: threats, criminal cases, murder of the editor-in-chief.”

Today in Makhachkala a picket in support of journalist Abdulmumin Gadzhiev took place again. This time it did not take place on Monday. Magomed Magomedov, deputy editor-in-chief of the Chernovik publication, went on a solo picket.

“The picket passed calmly. Without incidents. People also support. Those driving in cars express their support with signals. A police officer approached twice and then a local police officer, who again recorded the data,” he told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

Abdulmumin Gadzhiev's wife  Dana Sakieva  told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that her husband was getting acquainted with the case materials and minutes of the meeting.  “We have problems with the security forces. We receive letters from Abdulmumin,” she said.

Kemal Tambiev's wife Laura also said that her husband continues to get acquainted with the case materials and court records, but the date of the appeal hearing is still unknown. “Kemal is also now in the Novocherkassk pre-trial detention center for the duration of the appeal. Letters come regularly. The store is open in the pre-trial detention center, you can transfer money, and they order,” she told the “Caucasian Knot” correspondent.

According to Laura, the family did not have any problems with the security forces. “Everything is fine. No one calls, writes, or searches,” she said.

Lawyer Arsen Shabanov  said that there is still no progress on the appeal. “The date for the appeal meeting has not yet been set. Appeals have been filed in full. But there is no consideration yet. They are probably waiting until they get acquainted with the minutes of the meeting,” he said.

Let us recall that the editor of the Chernovik newspaper, Abdulmumin Gadzhiev, as well as the head of the Ansar charitable foundation, Abubakar Rizvanov, and businessman Kemal Tambiev were arrested in June 2019 on charges of financing terrorism. On September 12, 2023,  the court sentenced  Gadzhiev to 17 years in prison, Rizvanov to 18 years, and Kemal Tambiev to 17.5 years. The prosecution did not present convincing evidence in court, the defendants said in their final plea.

Gadzhiev is in a pre-trial detention center in Novocherkassk. An appeal against the verdict was filed back in September 2023, but a hearing  has not yet been scheduled, although according to the law, two months are allotted for this, Gadzhiev’s lawyer told the Caucasian Knot on March 5.

In January 2024, weekly pickets of colleagues in support of Hajiyev were disrupted three times. Thus, on January 29, “New Business” journalist  Idris Yusupov * went out on a solo picket in support of Gadzhiev, but the security forces interfered with the action until it  had to be completed  due to the fact that another man unfurled a similar poster next to Yusupov*.

A week earlier, on January 22, an unknown man with a piece of paper in his hands also tried to stand next to Yusupov, who was holding a picket in support of Gadzhiev. After this, the journalist was forced to curtail the action.

On January 15, Magomed Magomedov tried to hold a single picket in support of Gadzhiev. Another picketer joined him, and the security forces detained the journalist, accusing him of violating the rules for holding a single protest. However, the court found no signs of wrongdoing in his actions, and Magomedov was released. He considered the disruption of the picket  a planned provocation  by the security forces.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
A court in Dagestan arrests three more detainees for terrorism
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[Regnum] In Dagestan, the court decided to take into custody three more people detained for terrorism. One of them is Russian, the other two are citizens of Tajikistan, the head of the press service of the Supreme Court of the republic, Zarema Mamaeva, said on April 4.

She said that the Russian citizen is also a native of Tajikistan. In Russia, all three joined the group - a structural unit of an international terrorist organization, the court representative noted.

“Having considered the materials, the court, by decisions of April 4, 2024, chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the form of detention for a period of 1 month 26 days, until June 1, 2024 inclusive,” the RIA Novosti agency quoted Mamaev as saying.

As Regnum reported, on April 3, Mamaeva informed about the arrest of two citizens of Tajikistan, detained on March 31 during the counter-terrorism operation. They were remanded in custody for two months by the Sovetsky District Court of Makhachkala - until June 1, 2024. As the investigation found out, upon arriving in Russia, they joined a group that is part of an international terrorist organization. In the city of Kaspiysk, men stored illegally acquired weapons and ammunition.

On March 31, security forces detained three criminals in Kaspiysk and Makhachkala who were planning new terrorist attacks in Russia. Weapons, ammunition and a ready-to-use improvised explosive device were confiscated from them. One of the detainees admitted during interrogation that he took weapons to the terrorists who staged a terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow on March 22.
The Crocus City lot were Caucasus Emirate, ie. ISIS, as I recall.
According to the FSB, those detained in Dagestan were involved in financing the terrorist attack at Crocus: they transferred money to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack. They themselves planned to carry out an explosion in Kaspiysk.
Dagestan: 2024-04-04 UK charities urge government to welcome Gazans with family ties in Britain
Dagestan: 2024-04-04 Three days off have been announced in Dagestan and Chechnya on the occasion of Eid al-Adha
Dagestan: 2024-04-04 Two suspects arrested for preparing a terrorist attack in Kaspiysk

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Two suspects arrested for preparing a terrorist attack in Kaspiysk
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] A court in Makhachkala arrested until June 1 two citizens of Tajikistan suspected of participation in a terrorist organization and illegal arms trafficking.

As the " Caucasian Knot " wrote, on March 31, three people were detained in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk during a counter-terrorism operation. The National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) stated that they were planning terrorist attacks; automatic weapons, ammunition and an improvised explosive device were found on the detainees. Two of the detainees are from Central Asia, the third is from Dagestan, a source in the security forces said today.
That sounds like a Caucasus Emirate/ISIS project rather than hired heavies for Ukraine.
Four people detained during the counter-terrorism operation in Dagestan supplied money and weapons to the participants in the attack on Crocus City Hall, and also prepared a terrorist attack themselves, the FSB said on April 1. The agency distributed footage of the detention and interrogation of suspects in preparing a terrorist attack in Dagestan, during which they admitted that they planned to blow up the embankment or Victory Park in Kaspiysk.

The counter-terrorism operation (CTO) regime was introduced on March 31 in the Leninsky and Sovetsky districts of Makhachkala and in Kaspiysk, bordering Makhachkala. Before this, according to security forces, information was received about the whereabouts of armed people involved in terrorist activities. As a result of the special operation, there were no casualties among civilians and no casualties among security forces, NAC reported. The CTO regime  was canceled on the same day.

Two citizens of Tajikistan detained in Dagestan for terrorism were arrested by a court in Makhachkala until June 1, RIA Novosti reported, citing the head of the press service of the Supreme Court of the republic, Zarem Mamaev.

The investigation's petitions to select a preventive measure for two suspects of participation in the activities of a terrorist organization (Part 2 of Article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of Russia) and illegal trafficking in explosives (Part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of Russia) were considered today by the Sovetsky District Court of Makhachkala

According to the investigation and the court, “the suspects, citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan, while on the territory of the Russian Federation, joined a group that is a structural subdivision of an international terrorist organization.” The investigation suggested that no earlier than February they “illegally acquired weapons and ammunition, which they transported and stored at their place of residence - in Kaspiysk,” according to a statement on the court’s website.

The court chose a preventive measure for two suspects, born in 2000 and 2003, in the form of detention for a period of one month and 28 days, until June 1, 2024 inclusive, the court’s press service reported.
Crocus City Hall: 2024-04-02 Russia says 4 arrested for funding, arming Moscow concert attackers
Crocus City Hall: 2024-04-02 Iran alerted Russia to security threat before Moscow attack, sources say
Crocus City Hall: 2024-04-02 Analysts assess the reasons for the intensification of the underground in the North Caucasus
Kaspiysk: 2024-04-02 Russia says 4 arrested for funding, arming Moscow concert attackers
Kaspiysk: 2024-04-02 Analysts assess the reasons for the intensification of the underground in the North Caucasus
Kaspiysk: 2024-04-01 Terrorists in Dagestan were identified, security was strengthened after Crocus

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Russia says 4 arrested for funding, arming Moscow concert attackers
[IsraelTimes] FSB says it foiled additional plot by suspects in ISIS shooting at Crocus City Hall, which killed over 140 people

Russia’s FSB security service has said that four people arrested Sunday in a foiled "terror" plot had provided money and arms for the deadly attack on a Moscow concert hall last month.

More than 140 people were killed when button men stormed the Crocus City Hall venue on March 22 before setting the building on fire in the most fatal attack in Russia for two decades.

The FSB said in a statement on Monday that it had arrested a group of four a day earlier in the southern Dagestan
...a formerly inoffensive Caucasus republic currently bedevilled by low-level Islamic insurgency, occasional outbreaks of separatism, ethnic tensions and terrorism, primarily due to its proximity to Chechnya. There are several dozen ethnic groups, most of which speak either Caucasian, Turkic, or Iranian languages. Largest among these ethnic groups are the Avar, Dargin, Kumyk, Lezgin, and Laks. While Russers form less than five percent of the population, Russian remains the primary official language and the lingua franca...
region who "were directly involved in the financing and supply of terrorist means to the perpetrators of the terrorist act carried out on 22 March in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow."

On Sunday, Russia’s national anti-terrorism committee said it had apprehended three people who were "planning to commit a series of terrorist crimes."

The FSB said Monday that four foreign citizens had been arrested in the operation in the regional capital Makhachkala and the nearby town of Kaspiysk.

The Interfax news agency cited an FSB video showing one of the detained men saying: "I took weapons to them, these guys who attacked Crocus City Hall. I took them weapons from Makhachkala."

Russian authorities had previously announced the arrests of 12 people they say are connected to the attack — including the four suspected button men, who have been identified as Tajik citizens.

The Investigative Committee, which probes major crimes, said separately on Monday that it was formally charging another suspect with carrying out a "terrorist attack." It said it would ask a judge to send him to pre-trial detention.

"At the moment, the investigation has charged 10 defendants," it said in a statement.

The Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
(IS) has grabbed credit for the massacre, the most deadly it says it has ever carried out on European soil, though Russian President Vladimir Putin
...President-for-Life of Russia. He gets along well with other presidents for life. He is credited with bringing political stability and re-establishing something like the rule of law, which occasionally results in somebody dropping dead from poisoning by polonium or other interesting substance. Under Putin, a new group of business magnates controlling significant swathes of Russia's economy has emerged, all of whom have close personal ties to him. The old bunch, without close personal ties to Putin, are in jail or in exile or dead from poisoning by polonium or other interesting substances...
has talked up a Ukrainian and Western connection.
Crocus City Hall: 2024-04-01 Foreign Ministry: Russia conveyed anti-terrorism demands to Ukraine through Minsk
Crocus City Hall: 2024-04-01 Terrorists in Dagestan were identified, security was strengthened after Crocus
Crocus City Hall: 2024-03-31 A symphony orchestra concert is taking place at Crocus in memory of the victims

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