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Fifth Column
Brainwashed Mass Murderer Like Lee Malvo?
[NEWSBUSTERS.ORG] The late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle is recognized as the most effective sniper in U.S. military history. Max Blumenthal, the son of liberal journalist and adoring Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal, only has a reputation for being a jerk who trolls conservative conventions and writes books with titles like “Republican Gomorrah.” Twitchy reported on Friday that Max Blumenthal on Twitter compared Kyle to Lee Boyd Malvo, the “brainwashed” teenage half of the Beltway sniper team. Both were “mass murdering snipers.”

Home Front: WoT
Terrorist Sniper John Allen Muhammad executed
Jarratt, Virginia (CNN) -- -- Washington-area sniper John Allen Muhammad was executed Tuesday by lethal injection, a Virginia prisons spokesman said. He was declared dead at 9:11 p.m., said Larry Traylor, director of communications for the Virginia Department of Corrections.

"There were no complications; Mr. Mohammad was asked if he wished to make a last statement," he told reporters. "He did not acknowledge this or make a last statement whatsoever."
Save it for Himmler ...
Mohammad, 48, said nothing from the time he entered the death chamber accompanied by guards, Traylor said.

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine denied a last-minute clemency request Tuesday for Muhammad, the mastermind behind the Washington-area sniper attacks of 2002 that terrorized the nation's capital.

During three weeks in October 2002, Muhammad and accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo, then 17, killed 10 people and wounded three, while taunting police with written messages and phoned-in threats and demands.

"Having carefully reviewed the petition for clemency and judicial opinions regarding this case, I find no compelling reason to set aside the sentence that was recommended by the jury and then imposed and affirmed by the courts," Kaine said in a written statement. "Accordingly, I decline to intervene."

Kaine's announcement came a day after the Supreme Court declined to intervene in the case.

Home Front: WoT
US Supreme Court refuses to stop John Allen Muhammad execution
The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to block Tuesday's scheduled execution of sniper mastermind John Allen Muhammad.

The Court did not comment Monday on why it refused to consider his appeal.

Muhammad is scheduled to die by injection at a Virginia prison for the slaying of Dean Harold Meyers at a gas station during a three-week spree in October 2002 across Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Muhammad and his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were also suspected of fatal shootings in other states, including Louisiana, Alabama and Arizona. Malvo is serving a life sentence in prison.

Muhammad still has a clemency petition before Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine.

Home Front: WoT
Gregory Kane: Justice for John Allen Muhammad
by Gregory Kane

Kill him next week or kill him some time thereafter, but John Allen Muhammad has to die, no matter what his lawyers say.

Muhammad was convicted in Virginia for the murder of Dean Meyers in October of 2002. Meyers' death was part of a four-state, one-city (the District of Columbia) killing spree. Lee Boyd Malvo, who was then in his teens and is now serving a life sentence for the crime, was the triggerman in the murderous rampage that left 10 dead. But Muhammad was the mastermind pulling the strings.

And if we can't execute a guy responsible for 10 murders, then what good is the death penalty?

Opponents of capital punishment would answer with a resounding "none!" of course, and as usual they'd be wrong. One thing the death penalty is certain to do, and that is to keep murderers from killing again. And much as death-penalty opponents don't like to admit it, many murderers on death row aren't there for their first killing, but for at least their second.

Apparently Muhammad decided to get all his killings in with one swoop. His lawyers argued that he wasn't competent to act as his own attorney, which he did during the first two days of his trial.

Muhammad's mouthpieces also claim that the trial judge didn't allow expert testimony that would have shown their client suffered from brain damage incurred from childhood beatings and that the prosecution withheld exculpatory evidence.

That childhood abuse left Muhammad sane enough to join the U.S. Army, attain the rank of sergeant and serve in the first Gulf war. His attorneys have already asked Virginia Gov.Timothy M. Kaine for clemency, and the Old Dominion state's chief executive might just want to ponder why Muhammad's mental illness didn't manifest itself in the early 1990s, but somehow popped up around 2002.

No, Muhammad is not my ideal case for a murderer who should be strapped to a gurney and given a lethal injection. And no, I don't buy the argument of death-penalty opponents that lethal injection, or any other form or execution, amounts to "cruel and unusual punishment" and thus violates the Eighth Amendment.

Remember when the phrase "cruel and unusual punishment" simply meant "let the punishment fit the crime," and not "murdering varmints have a right to be comfy when they're being put to death"?

There are others who I'd like to see get what we Marylanders call the "Thanos cocktail" before Muhammad. (Murderer John Thanos was the first death-row inmate in our state to die by lethal injection.)

Barry Mills and Tyler Bingham come immediately to mind. They're the leaders of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang who were tried for ordering their minions to murder some black inmates. A federal jury had the chance to give both these unrepentant miscreants - who somehow manage to still order murder and mayhem while behind prison walls - but wussed out.

In fact, I'd like to see any gang leader - be he from the Aryan Brotherhood, Black Guerilla Family, Nuestra Familia, MS-13, Mexican Mafia, Bloods, Crips - who murders in prison or orders murders while in prison be executed sooner rather than later.

Ditto for those inmates who murder corrections officers. That happened to corrections Officer David McGuinnat the Maryland House of Correction more than three years ago. The two suspects in that case haven't even gone to trial yet. In the meantime, Maryland's governor and legislators have made it all but impossible for either to get the death penalty.

Muhammad was captured in Maryland; unfortunately for him, then-Attorney General John Ashcroft managed to get him shipped out of the "kill our corrections officers with impunity" state and sent to Virginia. He may not be my ideal candidate for execution next week, but with 10 bodies under his belt he'll just have to do until somebody better comes along.

That means, basically, that I don't buy his attorneys' claims about his mental incompetence. That killing spree he organized was too well-planned and too well-executed for Muhammad to be anything but mentally competent. Muhammad is mentally competent, all right.

And if there's any justice in this world, by this time next week, he'll also be dead.

Home Front: WoT
DC sniper calls himself 'this innocent black man'
Attorneys for John Allen Muhammad released a May 2008 letter on Wednesday in which the mastermind of the deadly 2002 sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C., area proclaims his innocence.

The rambling, handwritten letter was made available because of requests for a statement from Muhammad, his attorneys wrote on the Web page of their law firm. The letter was filed in federal court in connection with Muhammad's unsuccessful attempt to block his execution, the attorneys said.

Muhammad, 48, is scheduled to die by injection on Nov. 10 at a Virginia prison.

In the letter dated May 8, 2008, and rife with misspellings, Muhammad writes of discussions with a new team of attorneys and of assurances that "exculpatory evidence" that he claims was withheld from his trial "will prove my innocent and what really happen ...."

The letter adds: "So all you police and prosecutors can stand-down-'rushing' to murder this innocent black man for something he nor his son (Lee) had nothing to do with ...."
Lee Boyd Malvo was Muhammad's teenage accomplice, who is serving a life sentence. Muhammad fostered a father-son relationship with Malvo but the two were not related.

Jonathan Sheldon, one of Muhammad's attorneys, wrote in an e-mail to The Associated Press that the letter has been filed in U.S. District Court since May 2008. "It just had not come to public attention, like much of our filings," he wrote.

The letter, written under the heading "Attorney Client Privilege," was apparently filed during an attempt by lawyers to spare Muhammad from the death penalty.

In their filing, the lawyers said Muhammad was regularly whipped with hose pipes and electrical cords and beaten with hammers and sticks by family members during a brutal childhood.

Muhammad was convicted of killing Dean Harold Meyers at a Manassas, Va., gas station during a three-week spree that killed 10 in October 2002. The killings happened in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Tuesday, Muhammad's attorneys asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stop his execution.

Muhammad's lawyers also have asked Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine for clemency, saying Muhammad is mentally ill and should not be executed.

Home Front: WoT
DC sniper Muhammad set to die by lethal injection
The mastermind of the 2002 Washington, DC-area sniper attacks will die by lethal injection next month, Virginia officials said Tuesday. John Allen Muhammad declined to choose between lethal injection and electrocution, so under state law the method defaults to lethal injection, Virginia Department of Corrections spokesman Larry Traylor said.

Muhammad is scheduled to be executed Nov. 10 for the October 2002 slaying of Dean Harold Meyers at a Manassas gas station during a string of shootings.

The three-week killing spree in October 2002 left 10 dead in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

Muhammad and his teenage accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, were also suspected of shootings in several other states, including a killing in Louisiana and another in Alabama. Malvo is serving a life sentence in prison.

Muhammad's lawyers have asked the Virginia governor for clemency and plan to file an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court early next month.

Home Front: WoT
Rehabbing The D.C. Snipers
CNN manages to outrage us again. Remember the fear and anxiety that gripped the Capital region? Remember the dead innocents murdered by these two? It was jihad, it became clear at the trials that it was all about jihad. Now see what CNN has done.
I remember it well. And I note that the MSM has done its best to bury this anniversary. And then they give us this load of crapulence. Guaranteed if this had been the lone angry white man we were deluded into looking for, this story would be 24/7.
By the tenth anniversary they'll be a coupla angry white males, maybe from Alabama, like they were supposed to be in the first place.
Media Bias: Why would two Muslim men travel 3,000 miles to kill random people in the nation's capital a year after 9/11? CNN investigated and found Islamic terror had nothing to do with it.

In its special marking the fifth anniversary of the sniper attacks, the network downplays the religious angle to the story in a reprise of its original shameless coverage. When news of the snipers' identity first broke, CNN anchors were so determined to avoid making the obvious connection to radical Islam that they called the lead sniper, a Muslim convert, by his old name. Police were looking for John Allen Muhammad, but CNN insisted on referring to him as John Allen Williams.

Jailhouse sketches, including this one containing references to 'jihad,' 'holy war' and 'infidels' were entered into evidence in the 2003 trial of convicted D.C. sniper Lee Boyd Malvo. His attorneys said they were evidence of indoctrination by Malvo's accomplice, John Allen Muhammad. But the only drawing shown in a new one-hour special on CNN shows Malvo shedding tears.

Now the network has completely scrubbed Islam from the picture, offering child abuse (boo-hoo) and spousal revenge as alternative motives for the snipers' bloody rampage.

Nowhere in its one-hour special — promoted as "The Minds of the D.C. Snipers" — is Islamist brainwashing even hinted as a motivating factor behind their serial assassinations. Yet the evidence is overwhelming that they were on a jihad.

In their own words, Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo traveled across the country to terrorize Washingtonians on the first anniversary of the 9/11 attacks
To be absolutely fair, the DC killings started in the first week of October. JAM and Lee Malvo did kill a few people along the way from the West Coast to Washington, so maybe there was a 9/11 connection, but I'm not entirely sold on that as a motivation.
— first by picking off random people and then by blowing up school buses using plastic explosives loaded with ball bearings. Their plan was to ramp up their shootings to 25 a day before moving on to explosives, killing scores of children. Thankfully, they were caught before they could put phase two into effect.

Muhammad and Malvo, now in prison in Virginia, still managed to kill 10 and wound three — including an elementary school kid shot in the back — while paralyzing the nation's capital for three full weeks. The jailhouse drawings of the younger sniper, Malvo, tell it all:
• One sketch of Osama bin Laden exalts him as a "Servant of Allah."
• A self-portrait of him and Muhammad is captioned: "We will kill them all. Jihad . . . Allah Akbar!"
• A sketch of the burning Twin Towers has as its caption: "America did this. You were warned."
• A poem scribbled alongside an American flag and star of David drawn in cross hairs reads: "Our minarets are our bayonets, Our mosques are our baracks, Our believers are our soldiers."
• The Quran (Surah 2:190) is quoted as follows: "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and slay them wherever ye catch them." Also: "Islam the only true guidance."
• The White House is drawn in cross hairs, surrounded by missiles, with the warning: "Sep. 11 we will ensure will look like a picnic to you," and "you will bleed to death little by little."
• Another warning reads: "Islam. We will Resist. We will conquer. We will win."

CNN maintains that Malvo, an alleged victim of negligent parents, now has remorse for his victims — even though he wrote in one notebook: "They all died and they all deserved it. We will not stop. This war will not end until you are all destroyed utterly."

CNN also omitted the fact that while Muhammad and Malvo were in county jail awaiting trial, their lawyers insisted they be fed Islamic "halal" meals, such as veggie burgers, instead of ham sandwiches. They also got copies of the Quran.

According to Knight Ridder and others reporting at the time, the director of a shelter where the two men stayed for a spell in Washington state tipped off the FBI that Muhammad "might be a terrorist." That incident mysteriously disappeared from an interview that CNN host Soledad O'Brien conducted with the same source for the special.

The revisionism and sanitization of Islam continued with O'Brien's interview with Muhammad's ex-wife, who insisted that jihad and hatred of America had nothing to do with her husband's cold-blooded killings. Her head covered with a hijab, Mildred Muhammad claimed that she and she alone was the target of his attacks, and that the dozen-plus victims were an attempt to cover up the real target. CNN bought her story, even packaging it as an exclusive.

But a simple check of local news stories at the time would have revealed that neighbors reported seeing Muhammad visit with his former wife and children at their Maryland town house before and during the shootings. One neighbor said he even jogged with him. Police even staked out her house in the hope he would visit again.

By leaving out all these facts — never even mentioning that the subjects of its investigation had converted to Islam — CNN committed professional malpractice. Its "special investigation" is nothing more than a politically correct whitewashing of the truth aimed at pleasing Muslim groups like CAIR, which has argued that "there is no indication that this case is related to Islam or Muslims."

Home Front: WoT
Malvo Gets Life in 6 Md. Sniper Killings
ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) - Convicted sniper Lee Boyd Malvo was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for six murders in Maryland that were part of a three-week shooting spree that terrorized the Washington area in 2002. Malvo, 21, pleaded guilty in October to the murders in Montgomery County, where the series of 13 shootings began and ended in October 2002.

The Maryland trial in Montgomery County Circuit Court included Malvo's chilling insider account of his trip across the country with accomplice and mentor John Allen Muhammad.

In a brief statement in court Wednesday, Malvo apologized for his role in the killings. "I'm truly sorry, grieved and ashamed for what I've done," said Malvo, his voice breaking.
Good. Now back to your prison cell, and the next time you come out will be for your funeral.
It is unlikely, however, that Malvo will ever serve time in a Maryland prison. He has already been sentenced to life in prison in Virginia for sniper shootings there and was sent to Maryland last year for a new trial on the condition he be returned after his case ended. That could happen within the next several days, said Darren Popkin, Montgomery County's chief deputy sheriff.

Home Front: WoT
Lawyers: Possible Deal for Sniper Malvo
ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) - Convicted Washington-area sniper Lee Boyd Malvo is seeking a broad plea agreement in which he would plead guilty to other 2002 shootings that authorities have linked him to, defense attorneys and Maryland prosecutors said Tuesday. The deal, announced as Malvo formally pleaded guilty to six Maryland murders, could be reached before his Nov. 9 sentencing for those killings. He is expected to receive six life sentences, without chance of parole, at that hearing.

Malvo lawyer William Brennan told Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Ryan that he hoped to use the time before sentencing to ``reach a global resolution to Mr. Malvo's legal problems.''
We actually have that already: he's got life in the slammer in Virginia with no chance for parole. Putting him on trial elsewhere doesn't change anything. We've got the resolution most of us want.
Asked later by reporters for specifics, Brennan would only say that he would have ``candid, frank discussions with some local prosecutors.''

Montgomery County State's Attorney Douglas Gansler said such a plea deal could mean Malvo may not serve his sentence in Virginia, where he was sentenced to life for his 2003 conviction in the death of FBI analyst Linda Franklin. He also pleaded guilty to another Virginia sniper shooting. Malvo, 21, could plead guilty to the Oct. 3, 2002, shooting of Pascal Charlot in Washington and serve his life term in the federal system, Gansler said. Federal prosecutors handle murder cases in the District of Columbia.

Gansler said the decision rests with Virginia authorities, who agreed to let Malvo and his one-time mentor, John Allen Muhammad, come to Maryland for new trials. Under an interstate agreement, Maryland must return Malvo after his sentencing.

Kevin Hall, a spokesman for Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, said Kaine's staff has not had any recent discussions with Maryland prosecutors on a plea deal for Malvo. Virginia prosecutors had expressed sharp disapproval when the idea was proposed before Muhammad and Malvo's first trials in 2003.

Prince William County Commonwealth's Attorney Paul Ebert, who tried Muhammad, said he didn't think Malvo should be able to shop around for a prison. ``I feel sorry for Mr. Malvo that he doesn't like Virginia,'' Ebert said. ``But he shouldn't have come here and committed crimes.''
And a prison in hot, rural Virginia is just the place for him.

-Lurid Crime Tales-
No One Wants to Call it a "Sniper"
No one wants to use the term "sniper." The word has some fairly ugly connotations in the Washington area. But someone took a shot at a dump truck rolling down northbound Interstate 395 in the Alexandria area yesterday morning, piercing a passenger-side window and driving a shard of glass into the driver's right arm, state police said. The driver was not seriously hurt.
The cops were looking in my building yesterday, and I heard the cops on my roof. If I lived in Toledo, Ohio, this would certainly be 'local'. But in DC, the home of the converted-muslim snipers that killed ten people a three years ago, well.... this might be the start of something larger. I certainly hope not.
In October 2002, a sniper shot 13 people, 10 fatally, over a three-week period in the Washington region. None of the victims was in a moving vehicle. The shootings caused schools to lock down, events to be canceled and fear to dominate the area, before John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were arrested.
On a fluke. Cops questioned him about sleeping in his car, but missed the small hole in the trunk where the rifle barrel protruded.

Coulda been local gun sex, I suppose....

Thx for the story, Bobby, and let's keep an eye on this one. AoS.

Home Front: WoT
If It Looks Like A Jihad and It Acts Like A Jihad...
Despite the cover-ups, the spinning, and the outright lies by government officials and the liberal press, a full-blown Islamic jihad has come to America. If we are to survive the Muslim onslaught, we must see past the politically correct rhetoric fed to us by the mainstream media and even by those who are sworn to protect us. With 86 percent of Americans identifying themselves as Christians, the Muslim barbarians realize that they will never convert us and as directed by the Quran--have now decided to kill us. However, you will never hear that painful truth from the mouths of network anchors nor from our gutless politicians (Nor from the rather apparently emasculated FBI!).

The recent deadly attack by a Muslim gunman upon the Seattle Jewish Federation is only the latest act of Islamic terrorism on American soil. Naveel Afzad Haq forced his way into the Jewish Federation building and shot six people, killing one. This brave Muslim warrior attacked only women, one of them being pregnant. Once surrounded by a SWAT team, this coward surrendered.

Jewish Federation employee Marla Meislin Dietrich told reporters that as Haq walked the halls firing at defenseless women, he shouted: "I'm Muslim-American" and "I'm angry at Israel." It should be noted that the terrorist Haq's father is a founder of a Seattle area mosque.

While this was clearly an act of Muslim terrorism, the authorities refuse to classify it as such. Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels instead said: "This is a crime of hate." Seattle's FBI counter terrorism chief David Gomez characterized the attack by saying Haq was: "acting out antagonism toward this particular organization."

Almost laughable was the announcement of Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske, when he told reporters: "We are protecting mosques because there is always concern about retaliatory activity."

How many mosques have been attacked by Jews?...I'm guessing none! Chief Kerlikowske's politically correct comment was an obvious attempt to equate unprovoked Muslim violence with a Jew's or Christian's justifiable need for self-defense.

This past March, a young Muslim man named Mohammed Reva Taheri-azar rented an SUV and drove into a crowd of students at the University of North Carolina. The Iranian native told police that he decided to carry out the attack due to "the treatment of Muslims around the world." The attack left nine people injured.

Despite lively student protests, UNC Chancellor James Moeser refused to characterize the attack as terrorism.

In October, 2005, a 21 year old Muslim student attending the University of Oklahoma accidentally exploded his backpack bomb outside of a sold-out football game at Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. According to eyewitnesses, Joel Henry Hinrichs was sitting on a park bench about 100 yards from the stadium and fiddling with his backpack, when the bomb detonated. He was apparently arming the bomb which was to be carried into the stadium crowded with 84,000 fans.

Hinrichs was a Muslim and attended a local mosque with his Pakistani roommate. Police searched their apartment and discovered it to be filled with bomb-making materials as well as anti-Semitic, anti-American Islamic literature. Though the FBI would claim that Hinrichs was simply a "troubled" young man without any connection to terrorist organizations.

Oklahoma FBI agent Salvador Hernandez said that Hinrichs had simply decided to commit suicide "near a packed football stadium using an explosive attached to his body." Despite the government white washing, it is obvious that the Muslim Hinrichs simply made a mistake and prematurely discharged his bomb. If he had successfully armed the device and entered the stadium, several people would have been killed and more seriously wounded. The story would have also been given more than five minutes worth of coverage. However, the feds would have still undoubtedly danced around the fact that it was Muslim terrorism.

On July 4, 2002, Egyptian national Hesham Mohamed Hadayet walked into Los Angeles International Airport and shot and killed El Al stewardess Vicky Chen and L.A. resident Yaakev Aminov. Hadayet also stabbed an El Al security guard (Haim Safir), who in turn fatally shot the terrorist.

El Al being the official Israeli airline, the nature of this attack was correctly described...at least by the Israelis.

Israeli L.A. consul general Yuval Rotem said: "The way (the attack) was conducted is very much similar to previous attacks throughout the years at El Al counters. Therefore, unfortunately, given this history, we presume that it may and would appear to be a terrorist attack."

Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres said: "The terrorists deliberately chose the Fourth of July to carry out their crime on the soil of the United States."

In stark contrast, FBI spokesman Matt McLaughlin told reporters: "There is no indication of any terrorism connection in this matter." Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn said: It appears this was an isolated incident."

All of the aforementioned terrorist attacks disappeared from the nation's newsrooms, just as quickly as they appeared. Many of you have no doubt either forgotten or never heard of these Muslim attacks. That is exactly the effect which our government and liberal press wants to achieve.

Even during the 2002 D.C. sniper attacks, the feds continued to play down the possibility of Muslim terrorism. The ATF even announced that they believed the sniper to be a 33 year old white-supremacist named Robert Gene Baker!

Of course, the snipers turned out to be two black Muslims (one was an illegal alien). Despite the fact that one of them admitted to targeting "as many white people" as they could kill, neither Lee Boyd Malvo, nor John Allen Muhammed was characterized as a terrorist nor charged with a 'hate crime.' The pair killed 20 innocent people before their reign of Islamic terror ended.

Who could forget the disgusting image of President George W. Bush standing in his stocking feet inside a D.C. area mosque and proclaiming Islam to be " a religion of peace"? He made that ridiculous comment while the ruins of the World Trade Center were still smoldering. While Bush may be willing to submit to Islam...I am not!

It is clear that our political leaders still do not understand the threat that the Muslim world represents. Our politicians and law enforcement officials seem to believe that the policy of appeasement will work with these savages. They are mistaken and if we do not wake them up to this fact...We will have no nation left to defend!

There are currently 300,000 Muslims living in the Dearborn, MI area. There is also a large population of converted Muslims inside this nation's prison system. The potential for recruitment for terrorist attacks within the United States, is overwhelming. We cannot afford to sit back and watch our government allow our citizens to be murdered by Muslim terrorists. We must demand action now!

We can do very little about the subversive left-wingers who deliver the news. However, we can direct our politicians to defend this nation...Remember, they work for us, not the other way around! Let us take to the streets in peaceful (though loud) protest, let us fill Congressional offices, and let us cast our votes this fall.

We must demand our enemy be named at every turn and terror must be brought to our Muslim enemy, the way they have brought it to us!

Dave Gibson is a freelance writer and part-time political consultant living in Norfolk, Va. He is also a longtime volunteer with several animal welfare groups.

Home Front: WoT
D.C. area sniper gets six life terms
ROCKVILLE, Md. - Twice-convicted sniper John Allen Muhammad was sentenced Thursday to six consecutive life terms in prison with no possibility of parole, a sentence prosecutors consider insurance in case his Virginia death sentence is ever overturned.

“You, Mr. Muhammad, have no hope. You have no future. You will spend every day for the rest of your life locked in a cage,” Montgomery County Circuit Judge James Ryan said.

Muhammad, 45, stood with his head bowed as the sentence was announced. Some in the audience applauded.

Muhammad was convicted Tuesday of six counts of murder for six of the 10 deadly sniper attacks that terrorized the Washington area in October 2002. This time, Muhammad acted as his own attorney at trial, and his young accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, took the stand for the first time to testify against him. Malvo told jurors how the older man, his one-time mentor, trained him to shoot and drew him into a sinister plan to kill people, including children, indiscriminately.

Jurors deliberated less than five hours before finding Muhammad guilty.

Malvo, sentenced to life in prison in Virginia, had agreed to plead guilty in the Maryland killings. He was not promised leniency but told jurors he wanted to face the man who he said trained him to be a killer. He called Muhammad a “coward” and, at one point, glared at him, saying: “You took me into your house and you made me a monster.”

Muhammad called him “son” and questioned Malvo’s credibility, saying the 21-year-old had problems with exaggeration and memory. He also claimed he was framed by investigators who planted and fabricated evidence and said he was the victim of a broad law enforcement conspiracy.

Muhammad could be returned to Virginia’s death row as early as Thursday afternoon, according to Darren Popkin, Montgomery County chief deputy sheriff. Malvo likely will remain in Maryland until he formally enters a plea in October. Other states still have outstanding charges against Muhammad from earlier shootings, including Louisiana and Alabama. It will be up to Virginia whether to send him away again for further prosecution.
We have plenty now, I think.

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