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‘Matchless champion of the Jewish people': Israeli, US officials mourn Joe Lieberman
[IsraelTimes] Allies and opponents pay tribute to the former Connecticut senator, whose career in public service blazed a path for religious Jews in American politics.
Also a former Democratic vice presidential candidate (with Al Gore in 2000), followed by becoming a former Democrat in 2006, when the Democratic party made it clear they preferred their Jews considerably more liberal and considerably less Jewish. Connecticut's voters, however, liked Joe just fine, and overrode the Democrats to send him back to the Senate as an Independent.
Israeli officials joined their US counterparts in paying tribute to longtime US senator and first Jewish vice presidential nominee Joseph Lieberman, who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 82.
from complications following a fall, it was reported.
In one of his last interviews released just last week, Lieberman heavily criticized US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for the speech he gave on the Senate floor calling for early elections in Israel.

Calling the speech “outrageous,” Lieberman accused Schumer of “crossing a diplomatic red line,” and dismissed the speech as “a case of a high elected official in the US taking advantage of a friend.”

Home Front: Politix
Maverick running out of air speed and altitude, saying goodbye to friends
[American Thinker] As we read, Senator McCain is saying goodbye to old friends, from former vice president Joseph Biden to others.
Well actually, it was just Joe, Barack and Harry Reid.
He is also saying that he should have chosen Senator Joseph Lieberman over Governor Sarah Palin in 2008:

For the record, I was not in favor of Governor Palin in 2008. Yes, Palin sparked our side and was a great campaigner. But her lack of experience was obvious. At the same time, she was not the reason that McCain lost.
I've asked that she not attend.
The race was a dead heat around the first debate, but Senator McCain fell victim to that banking crisis in the last weeks of the campaign. In other words, the spread between McCain and Obama grew after the banking crisis broke in the news.

It did not help that the media were in the tank for Senator Obama.

-Election 2012
In Connecticut, a Democrat struggles to pull ahead
Late last week, Rep. Chris Murphy, the Democratic contender for Senate in Connecticut, stopped in at El Flamboyan restaurant in Bridgeport.

This is one of poorest sections of the state's most populous city and home to the kind of Democratic Party loyalists Murphy needs in droves if he is to win on November 6.

With time running out before election day, he is locked in a close race with Republican Linda McMahon to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Joseph Lieberman.

McMahon, a nationally-known former wrestling executive, has emerged as a disciplined, aggressive opponent two years after losing a senate race in this Democratic state.

"Linda McMahon keeps running a race on character attacks, and I'm running a campaign about the issues," Murphy told a crowd of news hounds and a few lunch guests at the Puerto Rican restaurant. "Ultimately, if the campaign is about issues, we'll do really well."

Murphy has been struggling. In a state where Democrats have a 16-point voter registration advantage over Republicans and where President Barack Obama
How's it going, Sunshine?...
, a Democrat, won by 23 percentage points in 2008, recent polls suggest the race is a dead heat.

A Siena College Research Institute poll released on Wednesday found Murphy edging out McMahon 46 to 44 percentage points, and other polls show a similarly close race.

For Democrats, who hope to hold onto their 51-47 advantage over Republicans in the 100-seat U.S. Senate, the tight race in a Democratic state is a nail-biter they could live without. Last month, The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee began running ads attacking McMahon.

Home Front: WoT
FBI Probe Targets Suspected Islamic Extremists in U.S. Army
[An Nahar] The FBI is investigating more than 100 suspected Islamic Death Eaters in the U.S. military, following the 2009 "lone wolf" attack by an alleged al-Qaeda sympathizer that killed 13 people at a Texas army base, a news report said Monday.

About a dozen of the cases are considered "serious" threats involving suspects believed to be actively planning attacks or in contact with dangerous cut-thoats, National Public Radio reported.

The potential internal threats come from active duty military as well as reserves and civilians with access to military installations, the radio broadcaster reported.

The Pentagon declined to comment on the investigations.

The FBI discussed the investigation at a joint House and Senate committee closed-door hearing last December, according to NPR.
See the NPR report here.
"I know one can say that as a percentage of the millions of people in active military service or working with contractors, the numbers you talk about are a small percentage of the total," Joseph Lieberman, the senator who presided over the hearing, told NPR.

"But the reality is it only took one man, Nidal Hasan, to kill 13 people at Fort Hood and injure a lot more."

Pak will have to prove they didn't know bin Laden was there
[Dawn] Pakistain must prove to the United States that it did not know al Qaeda leader the late Osama bin Laden
... who has left the building...
was hiding in a compound in an affluent neighborhood near the capital of Islamabad, a top US politician said on Monday.

"This is going to be a time of real pressure" on Pakistain "to basically prove to us that they didn't know that bin Laden was there," Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Joseph Lieberman said at a news conference.

Africa North
McCain, Lieberman call for aid, arms for Libyan provisional government
You can count on these two old dogs to do the right thing when the chips are down.
Cairo -- The United States and its allies should recognize and arm a provisional government in Libya, and also impose a no-fly zone that would prevent Libyan aircraft from attacking anti-government protesters there, two leading U.S. senators said Sunday.

Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, [said] that the Obama administration needs to do more to help protesters oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

"I think the world has to do more," Lieberman said. "I'd begin with the imposition of a no-fly zone so that Gadhafi can't be attacking his own people from the air."

In addition, Lieberman said, "We've got to recognize the opposition provisional government as the legitimate government of Libya and that we ought to give that government certainly humanitarian assistance and military arms, not to go in on the ground ourselves, but give them the wherewithal to fight on behalf of the people of Libya against a really cruel dictator."
It's up to the Libyan people to free themselves. But we can help them. Nothing prevents us from doing that. Lieberman is exactly right.
Where will we get the manpower? Our guys are kind of busy right now, between Iraq, Afghanistan, and all sorts of places around the world that aren't much mentioned...
Both Lieberman and McCain stopped short of calling for U.S. forces to get involved. McCain added that the United States and allies should make clear that any foreign mercenaries backing Gadhafi in attacking the Libyan people would face a war crimes tribunal.

"Get tough," McCain said. "I understand that the security and safety of American citizens is our highest priority. It's not our only priority."

People throughout the Middle East and around the world were " looking to America for leadership, for assistance, for moral support and ratification of the sacrifices they've made in the defense of democracy," McCain said. "America should lead."

Hariri's Circles Refuse to Respond to Jumblat
[An Nahar] Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri's sources refused to respond to the positions issued by Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Wally Jumblat
... Druze politician, head of the Progressive Socialist Party, who's been on every side in Leb at least four times...
on Thursday when he described as "silly" Hariri's demands in return for abandoning the Special Tribunal for Leb.

They told the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat in remarks published on Saturday that Hariri "will not forget Jumblat and his supporters' stand after the liquidation of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005."

They added that this stand was fundamental in the establishment of the March 14
Those are the good guys, insofar as Leb has good guys...
movement, stressing that Jumblat was never accused of betraying the Hariri family.

"We are in no way seeking to harm Jumblat's supporters with whom we share a relationship of mutual loyalty and therefore we will not comment on his statements," they added.

On Thursday, Jumblat stated that Hariri was referring to him and Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati "when he spoke of betrayal" in his speech on February 14, the sixth anniversary of the liquidation of Rafik Hariri.

"I'm convinced of what I've done since 2009," Jumblat said of his new alliances.

"We engaged in the May 7 adventure following U.S. incitement aimed at cornering Hizbullah after it defeated Israel in 2006, and today the same plot has surfaced again through the STL," Jumblat noted.

He voiced concerns that the U.S. might try to "financially blockade Leb in order to pressure the Lebanese," adding that the visit of U.S. senators Joseph Lieberman and John Maverick McCain
... the former presidential candidate and even more former foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution...
to Leb this week was "part of that pressure."

Addressing the rapid developments in the Arab region, Jumblat said "the Americans will claim to support the popular uprisings sweeping the Arab world, while in Leb their scheme is to destroy Hizbullah at any price."

He noted that "U.S. and Egyptian pressures" torpedoed the failed Saudi-Syrian initiative that aimed to find a solution to Leb's political crisis.

Jumblat warned that "there's a trap set up for Leb by Israel."

Geagea Accuses Aoun of Seeking to Push Suleiman to Resign
Lebanese Forces
A Christian political party founded by Bashir Gemayel, who was then bumped off when he was elected president of Leb...
leader Samir Geagea
... Geagea was imprisoned by the Syrians and their puppets for 11 years in a dungeon in the third basement level of the Lebanese Ministry of Defense. He was released after the Cedar Revolution in 2005 ...
ruled out the formation of a government soon and accused Free Patriotic Movement
Despite its name a Christian party allied with Hizbullah, neither free nor particularly patriotic...
leader MP Michel Aoun
...a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hizbullah...
of pushing President Michel Suleiman to resign.
Suleiman's a retired general and probably not tame enough to learn new Hezbollah tricks.
In remarks to As Safir daily on Wednesday, Geagea said: "Issues linked to the international tribunal and Hizbullah's arms no longer afford vague stances" from Premier-designate Najib Miqati.

Geagea "ruled out the ability of Miqati to form the cabinet soon regardless of whether the March 14
Those are the good guys, insofar as Leb has good guys...
forces would participate in it or not."

Turning to Aoun's latest campaign against the president and demands to get the interior ministry portfolio which was previously from Suleiman's share in the government, the LF leader said the MP "was seeking to shorten the term of President Suleiman or push him towards resignation."
Aoun really wants that interior ministry. That'll allow Hezbollah to stuff it full of their gunnies.
Geagea met with visiting U.S. Senators John Maverick McCain
... the former presidential candidate and even more former foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution...
and Joseph Lieberman on Tuesday.

Home Front: Politix
Lieberman to Retire
That’s what Connecticut politico Kevin Rennie is reporting:

United States Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) is expected to announce Wednesday that he will not seek a 5th term in 2012, Daily Ructions has learned. Lieberman has invited supporters to an event at the Marriott hotel in Stamford Wednesday afternoon for his announcement.

Cook has Lieberman’s seat as “Lead D” in 2012.

UPDATE: Former Connecticut secretary of state Susan Bysiewicz has already announced she’ll vie for the Democratic nomination for Lieberman’s seat. Her internal polling purportedly shows her ahead of much of the probable field, including Linda McMahon

Home Front: Politix
Cap and Trade dead
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Senate Democrats reportedly are shelving legislation that would limit emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to climate change, acknowledging they don't have the 60 votes needed for even a limited proposal to pass.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada said his party's leadership instead will push for a bill aimed at holding BP "accountable" for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday in its online edition.
Okay, boys. We lost cap and trade. How about we...blame BP for the oil spill!
Good one, Harry! No one will see through that!
Harrrrumph harrrumph harrrrumph....

Reid said it would include a provision to remove the cap on damages paid to residents and businesses by oil companies after spills and also include incentives for vehicles fueled by natural gas, the Journal reported.

Curbing emissions linked to climate change is one of President Barack Obama's top priorities.
So my bet is this won't be the lead on tonight's news...
Reid didn't offer a timetable for action on the new legislation, but said Democrats would continue to try to build support, according to the Journal.

A bill authored by Sens. John Kerry, a Democrat from Massachusetts, and Joseph Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, would have required reduced carbon pollution by 17% from 2005 levels in 2020. It would have put a price on emissions from electric utilities, transportation and manufacturing. But even a scaled-back version of that bill didn't have enough support to make it through the Senate.
Jawn Kerry triumphs again!

Home Front: Politix
Crap & Tax Lives: US Senate climate bill to be unveiled April 26
A long-awaited compromise bill to reduce U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases blamed for global warming will be unveiled by a group of senators on April 26, sources said on Thursday.
I guess they just couldn't resist the opportunity to take more of their money from us.
The legislative language to be sketched out in 11 days, according to government and environmental sources, is being drafted by Democratic Senator John Kerry, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and independent Senator Joseph Lieberman.

Backers of the environmental bill hope the unveiling will pave the way for the full Senate to debate and pass a measure in June or July if the compromise attracts enough support from a group of moderate Republicans and Democrats.

Republican Senator Judd Gregg told Reuters he was "committed to getting something that addresses our energy needs in a constructive and comprehensive way." He added he did not know yet whether he would support the bill being developed.

President Barack Obama has made climate change one of his top priorities and took steps recently to show Republicans he was serious, including expanding federal aid for building nuclear power facilities and allowing more domestic offshore oil drilling -- initiatives to be included in the Senate compromise.

The White House is also eager to show the rest of the world the United States is ready to take a leadership role on global warming, including to help kick-start stalled international efforts to tackle the problem.

Despite vocal climate change skeptics in the United States, leading scientific groups have been hoping the United States, the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases after China, would take action.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported on Thursday the world's combined land and ocean surface temperatures in March were the hottest on record.

Once the senators formally sketch out their bill, Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid will decide the next steps in a year crowded with competing legislative priorities and congressional elections in November.

The bill could face stiff opposition from lawmakers in states with economies heavily dependent on oil and coal.

Lou Hayden, a policy expert at the American Petroleum Institute, said his group would not support the bill unless it went through an economic analysis by the Energy Information Administration, an independent arm of the Energy Department.

The bill is already slated to be analyzed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Congressional Budget Office, which could take more than a month.
No problemo. The CBO only had four days to figure out the Healthcare Takeover bill.

Kerry, Lieberman and Graham have been working for months on a global warming compromise significantly different from a measure passed last year by the House of Representatives and a bill approved by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. It also takes many elements from those bills.

Like the House-passed bill and Obama administration policy, it would set a target of 17 percent reductions in smokestack emissions of carbon dioxide by 2020, from 2005 levels.

Point Carbon, an energy markets consulting service, estimated the anticipated Senate bill would result in U.S. gasoline prices rising an average of 27 cents a gallon from 2013 to 2020. The bill is expected to contain a fee on motor fuels.

On Wednesday, a Senate source told Reuters the legislation would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide emissions. It would also end state and regional carbon-trading programs, such as the one several Northeastern states participate in, to be replaced by a national carbon reduction policy. [N14150360]

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, with 10 participating states from Vermont to Maryland, has raised over $582 million for state efficiency and climate programs, said Environment Northeast, a Boston research group.

Peter Shattuck, a carbon markets policy analyst there, said shutting the program could create concerns among the states over lost revenues.

A group of nine senators, mostly from Midwestern manufacturing states, urged Kerry, Graham and Lieberman in a letter on Thursday to take into account jobs in their states.

"Without such a plan, we are concerned that the legislation will ultimately be unsuccessful," Ohio Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown and others wrote.

Home Front: Politix
Red on Red Alert: Progressive group steps up offensive against Emanuel
A liberal group is stepping up its offensive against White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, urging its members to sign a pledge claiming they will not to support the former Illinois congressman if he ever runs for public office again.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee launched a television ad in December questioning Emanuel's handling of the health care issue.

On Monday, the PCCC initiated a pledge campaign in response to a January 12 New York Times article that detailed how Emanuel met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and helped broker the decision to abandon a public option in order to garner the support of Independent Sen. Joseph Lieberman. The Connecticut senator had just gone on a Sunday morning talk show to announce he would not vote for the Democrat's health care bill, and thus, could not be counted as Reid's 60th vote. The PCCC said Emanuel "undermine[d] progressives behind the scenes."

"There's nobody in Washington, D.C. who caves at the slightest hint of a fight with corporate interests more than Rahm Emanuel," PCCC co-founder Adam Green said in a statement. "We're making clear to Rahm that when he undermines progressives and the overwhelming will of the American people on issues like the public option, he will pay a political price back home."

The pledge Web site says the PCCC's goal is 1000 signatures; as of Monday afternoon, about 950 PCCC members had signed the pledge, and the group planned an online ad campaign in Illinois to boost awareness of the campaign.

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