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Iran waives visa-stamping rules in bid to bypass Trump measures, boost tourism
[IsraelTimes] Iranian media is reporting that the country has implemented a measure allowing officials to waive rules relating to stamping visas in foreigners’ passports.

The report by Seday-e Miras, a news website affiliated with the country’s tourism department, says the decision is aimed at increasing visits by tourists.

Since 2015, people that have traveled to Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of. Except for a tiny handfull of Jews everthing there is very Islamic...
have faced restrictions when applying for visas to visit the United States.

In June, former NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A collection of multinational and multilingual and multicultural armed forces, all of differing capabilities, working toward a common goal by pulling in different directions...
chief Javier Solana’s online application to enter the US was rejected for having previously traveled to Iran.

Other countries, including Israel, have applied similar measures.

Home Front: WoT
Lawfare: Terror-hunting attorney sets her sights on Western Union and Boeing
[IsraelTimes] Western Union and Boeing had better look out. The American giants are in the cross-hairs of an Israeli lawyer with a track record of humbling huge corporations and winning multi-million-dollar settlements for her clients.

Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner has spent the past decade filing lawsuits for the victims of terror attacks against the governments, banks and corporations that enabled or financed the violence. As a result of her efforts, more than $200 million has been collected for terror victims and their families (including out of court settlements), and some $600 million in assets has been frozen.

Darshan-Leitner has also used the courts to fight against what she considers to be unfair lawsuits against Israeli military commanders. In one notable case, she stopped a Spanish lawsuit against Israel’s Chief of Staff Dan Halutz over a bombing raid in Gazoo by filing a similar suit against Javier Solana, a top Spanish politician who had overseen NATO
...the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. A single organization with differing goals, equipment, language, doctrine, and structure....
’s bombing of Kosovo. Spain changed the law.

Last year, she won an unprecedented $655 million verdict against the Paleostinian Authority and PLO on behalf of 11 American families whose loved ones had been killed or injured in attacks in Israel. That decision was overturned by the US Court of Appeal, but Darshan-Leitner says she is not deterred.

Darshan-Leitner and Shurat Hadin, the non-profit law center she heads, are self-funding and do not receive backing from any government, including that of Israel. Sometimes she can be more effective even than the Israeli army: In 2011, she prevented a Gazoo-bound activists’ flotilla from leaving Greece after challenging the seaworthiness of the vessels in a local court.

Now she has discovered that Leb-based terrorist group Hezbollah is using Western Union to channel funds, and Iran is planning to use Boeing aircraft to deliver missiles to Syria. She plans to sue them both.

"Hezbollah is launching a fundraising campaign and using Western Union to accept the donations, so one of the moves that we are planning is to go after Western Union," says Darshan-Leitner. "In addition, we learned that Boeing not only signed a horrible deal with Iran providing them with 80 aircraft with a special waiver for the sanctions, Iran actually is using these aircraft to deliver missiles into Syria and let Hezbollah drive them to South Leb to shoot them over Israel.

"We are suing Boeing now to stop the deal, and we are launching a campaign to put pressure on the administration not to let Boeing continue," she says.

Darshan-Leitner is also suing Facebook, Twitter and other social media giants for their alleged role in "facilitating" terror activity.

"Facebook, Twitter and Google provide material support in the form of social media network services to Hamas, the well-beloved offspring of the Moslem Brotherhood,, to ISIS. This is unacceptable. It’s also a violation of American law. So we’ve filed lawsuits against them as well," she says.
Make them live up to their own rules, said Alinsky.

Arafat Suffered from Leukemia, Medical Treatment Exasperated His Condition
They meant exacerbated. But it's a common problem, even among native English speakers.

This is what transpired in October 2004. IDF intelligence received news regarding severe deterioration in the physical health of the head of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat. The initial assessments discussed that it was due to flu complications exasperated by poor sanitation conditions in the section of the Mukataa governmental building in Ramallah where Arafat was besieged, surrounded by IDF forces.

While the Second Intifada had begun to fade in those days, Yasser Arafat remained a form of serious trouble. The IDF allowed for the constant supply of food to Arafat, a few people with him, and the order was that he was not to be released from the siege.

At that time, Israeli lawyer Dov Weissglass, then the head of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's bureau, received a phone call from the Spanish diplomat Javier Solana, then in charge of foreign and defense matters for the European Union. Solana, who was in touch with senior Palestinian Authority officials, asked that Yasser Arafat be approved for urgent medical treatment (he was examined in Ramallah by doctors from Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia), and a follow-up request arrived very quickly: release Arafat from the siege and allow him to receive medical treatment in Europe.

Major General Aharon Ze'evi Farkash, then the head of the IDF's Directorate of Military Intelligence, emphatically opposed this. The IDF's assessment was that Arafat's life was not facing a genuine danger and that the real purpose was to extract him from the siege, allow him to renew his political efforts, and carry out activities to bring the dying Intifada back to life.

Prime Minister Sharon debated whether or not to answer Solana's request when a conversation took place that tilted the balance -- a senior Palestinian Authority official spoke with Weissglass and told him that "Arafat only had a few weeks left to live. If he dies in the Mukataa, you will be perceived as responsible for his death, and that death will haunt you as the way the Christians have been blaming you for killing Jesus for 2,000 years."

The Prime Minister's bureau also consulted with a senior doctor at the Shiba Hopital in Israel, who also assessed that Arafat was suffering from flu complications. Sharon decided to allow Arafat's leave in order to undergo treatments at a hospital in France. Major General Yoav Galant, the military secretary, was angry over the decision, but conveyed the message to the IDF: the Prime Minister gave the order -- let him out.

So what happened in France? Here's another exposé. Arafat arrived on October 29 in serious condition. According to the information that reached few Israeli officials, and is revealed here for the first time, he suffered from complications stemming from leukemia. It's possible that the publications that said he was suffering from AIDS were correct and it's possible they weren't -- this writer has no conclusive information on that issue. What was known among those at the top of Israel's defense echelon was that Arafat's condition had begun to improve at the French hospital. Then, according to Israeli sources, the French doctors performed a dramatic measure -- a full body blood transfusion. The process put Arafat in a state of shock and into a coma, one from which he never recovered. He died on November 11, 2004, and was transferred for burial to Ramallah.

What of the investigation being published by the Al Jazeera news network this week, which claims that Arafat was poisoned by Israel? It's a collection of details, some of which might be true, but together create a completely groundless picture. The details being revealed here for the first time are based on sources that had first-hand knowledge of the full situational picture, and which do not hold any official public position today.

Why has Israel not bothered to officially refute the rumors of Yasser Arafat's poisoning all these years? Because it had no interest in sustaining rumors as though the Mossad's long reach made its way into Arafat's circulatory system as well. Why have the French kept silent about it? Allegedly because of patient confidentiality of the deceased, but also because the true story reveals the fact that the direct cause of Arafat's death was the medical treatment he was given. Lastly, why have the heads of the Palestinian Authority and the widow, Suha Arafat, kept quiet until this week's investigation? Because they knew the truth all along, and they know it just as well today.

Erekat: PA planning to declare statehood
[Ma'an] Ma'an/Agencies - The Palestinian Authority is mobilizing international support for declaring statehood, chief PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat said on Saturday. "The idea is clear and understandable," Erekat told the Arabic-language daily newspaper Al-Ayyam. "Now we mobilize."

Palestinians will bring the issue to a vote before the United Nations Security Council, which would declare a Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 border with Israel, he explained. He called the initiative a response to Israel's policies, which would send a clear message that "settlements and other unilateral actions are null and void and do not establish rights or territory."

Erekat said he had discussed the idea more than once with the Americans and Europeans, while President Mahmoud Abbas raised the proposal with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Russian officials, who reacted positively. Abbas will seek support from Latin America by the end of the week, Erekat added, and continue to lobby Europe.

The concept was first proposed by EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, he said. "Contacts with the Europeans have been ongoing as well as with Russia and the UN. All Arab countries support the idea and will choose the right time to bring up the issue with the UN Security Council after they consult the other international powers, including Europe and even America."

Solana's presumptions before nuclear talks with Iran
[Iran Press TV Latest] Two days before the high-level talks begin in Geneva on Iran's nuclear program, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana asserts that Iran should provide "guarantees" on its enrichment program.

"My expectation, or my hope, is that we will be able to get engaged in order to get the guarantees from Tehran, that the program in which they are engaged in is a peaceful program," Solana told reporters at an EU defense conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Solana claimed that Iran would have a hard time proving that its nuclear program is solely for civilian purposes, but the P5+1 is nevertheless determined to keep in touch with the Tehran government.

'P5+1' refers to the group of five permanent members of the UN Security Council, UK, US, France, China, and Russia, plus Germany.

Iranian officials say the long-awaited talks would provide a good opportunity to discuss a whole range of regional and global issues.

Washington, taking and active participation in the talks for the first time, has made the repeated claim that it will 'make sure' that the meeting would focus on Tehran's nuclear case.

Iranian officials have in turn emphasized that they have no objections to the talks, though they will not compromise on the country's inalienable nuclear rights.

Washington and European powers have been accusing Tehran of refining uranium for nuclear weapons development, despite many evidences to the contrary. Iran, however, continues to dismiss the allegation, saying its nuclear activities are solely aimed at peaceful energy production and under close monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

EU calls Iran missile launch 'a concern'
Not 'a serious concern', mind you ...
European Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said on Monday he was concerned about Iran's test firing of missiles amid growing tensions over the Islamic Republic's nuclear ambitions.

"Everything that is done in that context is a concern," he said on the sidelines of a meeting of EU defense ministers in Sweden, the current holder of the revolving presidency of the bloc.

Solana said last week's disclosure by Tehran that it is building a second uranium enrichment plant was something that had to be resolved "immediately" with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

When asked what sanctions Iran should face if it failed to comply with Western demands over its nuclear program, Solana said "now is not the time to talk about that."
It never is, is it ...
The EU official added that the aim of Thursday's talks in Geneva was "engagement, engagement."

Meanwhile, a Russian Foreign Ministry source told Interfax news agency on Monday that Russia was urging restraint from the international community in reaction to the Iranian missile launches.

"We should not give way to emotions now," the source said. "We should try to calm down and the main thing is to launch a productive negotiations process [with Iran]."
One that ends up with Iran having the bomb, the source almost added ...

Iran talks compulsory after revelation: Solana
[Iran Press TV Latest] On the day that Iran made public it is building a new nuclear enrichment facility in the country, the European Union foreign policy chief says the announcement has made the upcoming nuclear talks 'more necessary than ever.'

Observing the rules of the game, Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the existence of an under-construction nuclear plant for uranium enrichment in the country.

IAEA spokesman Marc Vidricaire confirmed Iran's attempt for clarity on its nuclear activities, saying, "I can confirm that on 21 September, Iran informed the IAEA in a letter that a new pilot fuel enrichment plant is under construction in the country".

Reacting to the news, EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said on Friday that the issue necessitates a meeting for crucial nuclear negotiations.

"In view of today's announcement concerning Iran's nuclear program the upcoming meeting on Oct 1 is more important and necessary than ever," Solana said in a statement issued by his office.

The chief Western negotiator said the European Union expects Iran to use the scheduled October 1 meeting in Geneva with global powers for full engagement, with the aim of removing concerns about its much wrangled-over nuclear program.

"At this meeting we expect Iran to engage fully in order to resolve the nuclear issue," said Solana, who has headed the Western negotiating efforts with Iran.

Iran and the six major powers -- Russia, China, Britain, France and the US plus Germany -- have agreed on October 1 as the date to hold wide-ranging talks addressing global issues along with Tehran's nuclear program.

While the Islamic Republic is under three rounds of UN Security Council sanctions resolutions for its enrichment work, tougher sanctions are likely to be considered against the country should the talks fail to bear fruit.

Swedish FM cancels Israel trip amid tensions between nations
[Jerusalem Post Front Page] Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt has cancelled a planned trip to Israel on September 11, against the background of Israeli anger at the Swedish government's refusal to condemn an article in a Swedish newspaper accusing IDF soldiers of killing Palestinians and harvesting their organs.

While Swedish officials told The Jerusalem Post late last week that the visit was in doubt, Israeli diplomatic officials said Saturday night that the visit had definitely been cancelled.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was considering not meeting Bildt unless he condemned the article in the tabloid Aftonbladet, something the Swedish government - citing freedom of the press - has adamantly refused to do. Netanyahu gave vent to Israel's disappointment over the matter during a meeting last week in Jerusalem with visiting EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

During that meeting, Netanyahu said that no one was expecting the Swedes to restrict freedom of the press, but that it was reasonable to expect the government to speak out against the type of defamation that in the past had led to the mass murder of Jews.

Sweden currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU, and Bildt's failure to visit here will have an impact on the country's ability during its term as president to have any real say on the diplomatic process.

Ironically, while the Swedes continued to refuse to condemn the article, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Moratinos said Saturday in Stockholm that he regretted the Spanish newspaper El Mundo's decision to run an interview Saturday with Holocaust denier David Irving as part of a retrospective on the start of World War II 70 years ago.

"The foreign minister, while maintaining the most absolute respect for freedom of expression, regrets that space was given to a historian who denies one of the biggest tragedies for humanity in modern history," a spokesman for Moratinos said. "These types of statements deeply hurt the Jewish people."

Fayyad defends plan: Establishing a state is our responsibility
Ma'an/Agencies -- Palestinian caretaker Prime Minister Salam Fayyad defended his plan for a de facto independent Palestinian state against Israeli criticism on Sunday night.

"Establishing the state and its institutions is a Palestinian responsibility," Fayyad said in a joint press conference with European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana. "We are interested in this project and we are working towards implementing it," he added.

Earlier Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman criticized the plan Fayyad plan.

"Palestinians' unilateral initiatives do not contribute to a positive dialogue between the parties," said Lieberman, who threatened that Israel could respond with some unilateral initiatives of its own.

"If the Palestinians do indeed adopt the unilateral program proposed by Salam Fayyad, it will not go unanswered," the Israeli official warned.

Responding to Lieberman, Fayyad said that "if this was a unilateral act, then it is a positive unilateral act, which aims at ending the occupation."

Speaking after a meeting with Fayyad, Solana said Europe supports the plan. "We support the Fayyad plan," he said according to DPA, "It is very good and it shows the fact that the Palestinian government is functioning."

Fayyad's plan focuses on building up infrastructure and improving the economy. Among other things the program calls for the construction of an airport in the West Bank and rail links with neighboring countries.

Palestinians demand settlement freeze for peace
[Al Arabiya Latest] Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday ruled out holding any peace talks with Israel until a full and lasting freeze in Jewish settlements, which EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Tel Aviv may agree to by mid-September.
What small fraction of the first percent above zero as odds that Mr. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana consulted any Israeli government official before saying that?
Javier is an agnostic diplomat: he'll say anything to anyone ...
Abbas and one of his senior allies in his Fatah party both reiterated the Palestinian stance on the settlement issue as a U.S. official acknowledged the problems in persuading Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-leaning Israeli coalition to stop settlement completely.

Nabil Shaath The official, who spoke last week, said Washington would not insist on a total freeze if the Palestinians would accept something less.

But Palestinian official Nabil Shaath Shaath told foreign media in Ramallah that if President Barack Obama should ask Fatah to start negotiations after only a partial, temporary settlement freeze: "I would say, Mr. Obama, we love you...but I am sorry this is not enough to bring us to the peace process."
Thank you, President Obama.

Iraq's stability is in Syria's interest- Assad
BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that it is in Syria's interest that Iraq enjoys improved security and stability, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said today. This came during his meeting with the EU high representative for common foreign and security policy, Javier Solana. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem attended the meeting.

"Syria has a direct interest in establishing security and stability in Iraq and achieving reconciliation among all constituents of the Iraqi people," the news agency quoted Assad as saying.
His lips had to be flapping on the floor ...
Iraqi-Syrian relations have seen a heated tension following accusations that Syria is harboring groups believed to be behind the recent suicide blasts that killed and wounded scores of people in the capital Baghdad.

Solana urges UN to recognize Palestinian state
[Iran Press TV Latest] The EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana calls on the UN to recognize a Palestinian state by a set deadline even if Israel refuses to do so. The European Union's top diplomat made the remarks on Saturday during a speech in London, while the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations have reached a deadlock.

"After a fixed deadline, a UN Security Council resolution should proclaim the adoption of the two-state solution," Solana said.

He added that the declaration should specify borders of the Palestinian state, the fate of Palestinian refugees, control over Jerusalem (al-Quds) and security arrangements, Reuters reported on Sunday.
That would cause Israel to walk out of the UN. If GWB were president it would cause us to walk out right behind them. Bambi? He'll offer the Paleos a permanent seat on the Security Council ...
Solana went on to say that the EU would accept the Palestinian state as a full member of the UN, and set a calendar for the implementation. "It would mandate the resolution of other remaining territorial disputes and legitimize the end of claims," he said.

Solana stressed that Israel should return to the borders it maintained before the 1967 Six-Day War, during which it occupied the West Bank and other territories.

Mediators should also set a timetable for a final peace agreement between the two parties. "If the parties are not able to stick to it (the timetable), then a solution backed by the international community should be put on the table," he emphasized.

The Palestinian Authority says it will resume negotiations with Israel only after all the illegal settlement constructions in the West Bank are stopped. Tel Aviv, however, says that it will continue constructing housing units within the existing settlements to meet the needs of its 'natural growth'.

The EU, along with the United States, Russia and the United Nations, is part of the Quartet charged with brokering the Middle East peace negotiations.

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