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Africa Horn
Sudan's descent into chaos sets stage for al-Qaida to make a return to historic stronghold
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
's moment has come; chaos is our chance to sow the seeds of jihad," warned Abu Hudhaifa al-Sudani, a high-ranking al-Qaeda leader, in an October 2022 manifesto.

His words may have seemed premature at the time, but a year of brutal civil war has now plunged Sudan into the kind of chaos in which terrorist groups thrive. The risk of al-Qaeda gaining ground in Sudan is now very real and imperils, I believe, not only the country itself but also regional — and potentially global — security.

In April 2023, fighting broke out in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, creating a power vacuum that Lions of Islam are eager to fill.

At the same time, the Rapid Support Forces — a group that developed under and was once allied to Sudan's al-Qaeda-harboring former president Omar al-Bashir
...Former President-for-Life of Sudan He came to power in 1989 when he, as a brigadier in the Sudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodless military coup that ousted the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi and eventually appointed himself head cheese. He fell out with his Islamic mentor, Hasan al-Turabi, tried to impose shariah on the Christian and animist south, resulting in its secessesion, and attempted to Arabize Darfur by unleashing the barbaric Janjaweed on it. Sudan's potential prosperity has been pissed away in warfare that has left as many as 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced. Hee was overthrown by popular consent in 2019. Omar has been indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but nothing is expected to come of it...>
— has been solidifying its grip in strategic areas such as Darfur and southern Khartoum.

Indeed, both the paramilitary group and the armed forces have been accused of recruiting Islamist fighters, fueling fears that the civil war will — regardless of the victor — prove a toehold for bully boy groups.

As a defense policy researcher and counterterrorism expert, I'm concerned that Sudan risks becoming an al-Qaeda stronghold — and a potential base for orchestrating attacks on the U.S. and its allies. A potential Rapid Support Forces takeover in Sudan could mirror pre-9/11 Afghanistan, where Taliban
...Arabic for students...
control facilitated al-Qaeda's rise.

Al-Qaeda members, seeking opportunities to achieve what they couldn't in the Middle East, are already heeding calls to head to Sudan.

Sudan's civil strife predates the current fighting by decades. It ignited in 1989 when al-Bashir seized power, aligning the nation with radical Islamist ideologies. He imposed Sharia law and in 1991 sheltered al-Qaeda leader the late Osama bin Laden
...... who is now neither a strong horse nor a weak horse, but a dead horse......
. Under al-Bashir's regime, bin Laden established training camps and expanded al-Qaeda's financial network, laying the groundwork for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Facing international sanctions over its support of terrorism, Sudan expelled bin Laden in 1996.

But al-Bashir's sponsorship of the Janjaweed militia group, the architects of the 2003 Darfur genocide, further solidified his alignment with Islamist bully boys. Under scrutiny, al-Bashir rebranded the Janjaweed as the Rapid Support Forces in 2013, appointing ex-Janjaweed member Mohammed Hamdan "Hemeti" Dagalo as its leader and retaining their brutal tactics.

The 2021 coup, orchestrated by Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan of the Sudanese Armed Forces and Hemeti of the Rapid Support Forces, soon devolved into a power struggle between the two men, igniting Sudan's current conflict.

Today, with Hemeti at the helm, the paramilitary group continues its oppressive campaign in West Darfur, engaging in alleged ethnic cleansing against the Indigenous Masalit people.

...back at the barn, Bossy's udder had begun to ache...
a prison attack in April 2023, which the Sudanese army blamed on Rapid Support Forces rebels, facilitated the escape of al-Bashir's allies, though the former president remains hospitalized under guard.

With conflicts in the Middle Eastand Eastern Europe, the West might be overlooking the crisis in Sudan and the potential it holds for al-Qaeda, a group that has long harbored ambitions of returning to Sudan.

Despite his expulsion, bin Laden continued to emphasize Sudan's importance in his plans for global jihad. This was evident in his 2006 audiotape and diary entries in which he referred to Sudan as a pivotal operational base.

A 2023 publication by key al-Qaeda figure Ibrahim al-Qussi titled "Fragments from al-Qaeda's History" revealed that bin Laden directed an investment of US$12 million solely for jihad in Sudan, highlighting the region's ongoing relevance to al-Qaeda's objectives.

Sudan's appeal to Lions of Islam extends beyond its connections to bin Laden. Strategically bridging North and sub-Saharan Africa, Sudan is a key location for Islamist Lions of Islam aiming to expand their influence across the region.

After the 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban's return to power, al-Qaeda reestablished a presence in the country, reopening training camps and madrassas.

Well before that, however, al-Qaeda had long since evolved from a centralized organization in Afghanistan into a decentralized network with global affiliates — from the Arabian Peninsula to the Indian subcontinent all the way to sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel.

Recent developments highlight al-Qaeda's increased focus on Sudan and are driven by detailed expansion plans of Sudanese al-Qaeda leader Abu Hudhaifa al-Sudani. A former bin Laden associate with a notorious background in Afghanistan and Iraq, al-Sudani issued a renewed call for jihad.

Following the onset of civil war in Sudan, al-Sudani's 2022 manifesto, "Now the fighting has come: War messages to the Mujahideen in Sudan," not only prescribes a military strategy of targeted strikes and guerrilla warfare across Sudan but also a vision for jihad extending from Dongola in the country's north to Darfur in its south, with Khartoum as the command center.

Al-Qaeda further articulated its threat in a message on the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 attacks on the U.S., promising, "It is only a matter of time before the next strike eclipses the horrors of 9/11."

This declaration, combined with the group's escalating presence in conflict zones such as Niger and Libya, actively positions them to target U.S. interests worldwide. Indeed, a 2022 United Nations
...an idea whose time has gone...
report indicated that al-Qaeda was planning high-profile attacks, possibly at sea.

What an bully boy takeover would mean

Al-Qaeda's potential in resource-rich Sudan should not be underestimated. Historically, the group's operations from resource-limited Afghanistan were devastating; in Sudan, with its abundance of oil, gold and fertile land, their capabilities could be significantly magnified.

Sudan provides a lucrative base for whoever holds power. Forging links with both sides of the civil war would no doubt be of huge financial benefit to al-Qaeda should either side prevail, in the same way al-Bashir's rule was a generation earlier.

And Sudan's Red Sea access makes it potentially an even greater threat than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

Gaining a Sudanese stronghold could empower al-Qaeda affiliates across Yemen
...an area of the Arabian Peninsula sometimes mistaken for a country. It is populated by more antagonistic tribes and factions than you can keep track of...
, Somalia and the Sahel region
... North Africa's answer to the Pak tribal areas...
, exacerbating regional conflicts and threatening crucial Red Sea trade routes. Interestingly, a United Nations July 2022 report revealed that al-Qaeda's Yemen branch had been boosting its maritime capabilities.

The resurgence of al-Qaeda capabilities in the region could lead to increased piracy, militarized blockades and unregulated arms flow, escalating regional tensions and causing broader geopolitical unrest.

But as the United States redirects resources and attention to wars in Europa
...the land mass occupying the space between the English Channel and the Urals, also known as Moslem Lebensraum...
and the Middle East and countering China, Sudan has seemingly slipped down its priority list. Complicating matters further, U.S. responses are tangled in the conflicting interests of its Gulf allies supporting various factions in Sudan's civil war.
Al-Qaeda: 2024-05-11 Sinister Hamas terms would let it keep most hostages, win the war, inflame the West Bank
Al-Qaeda: 2024-05-11 UNRWA shuts Jerusalem headquarters after Israelis allegedly set fire in compound
Al-Qaeda: 2024-05-10 After ban, ministry raids Al Jazeera's Nazareth branch, seizes equipment

Africa Horn
TPLF: We are not involved in Sudan conflict
Good to know.
[Garowe] The Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) has denied claims that it is involved in the Sudanese conflict, which has seen Rapid Support Forces (RSF) engage the Sudanese army in fierce fighting as the two factions push for total control of government.

A statement issued by the Tigray Interim Administration termed the claims as 'baseless', noting that it has never been involved in the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) conflict, which has left thousands of people dead.

The claims, Tigray Interim Administration noted, are "apparently designed to shore up international support for its campaign against the SAF by internationalizing the tragic civil war." "The RSF’s allegation that TPLF fighters were taking part in the Sudanese civil war is based on nothing more than a fecund imagination."

RSF, the paramilitary wing which previously worked closely with the Sudanese army, made sensational claims that it has 'credible' evidence linking TPLF with close partnerships with SAF, which is struggling to contain the group.

The RSF leveled accusations against the Sudanese army, contending that since the outset of the civil conflict in Sudan, the SAF has actively solicited support from foreign mercenaries and entities across various nations, Addis Standard reports.

According to the RSF, these external entities have provided extensive support to the SAF, encompassing diverse operational domains such as air force operations, engineering tasks, artillery maneuvers, the deployment of military drones, and engagement in information warfare.

"Our advanced surveillance systems have documented the deaths of numerous mercenaries killed in combat and tracked their remains as they were repatriated through Port Sudan Airport last November and December."

The civil war erupted in Sudan on 15 April 2023, pitting two factions of the military government against each other: the SAF and the RSF. Allegations of foreign involvement in exacerbating the conflict have been rampant on both sides.

In November 2023, the Sudanese army, led by General Abdul Fattah al-Burhan, accused the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of supporting the RSF and facilitating the transfer of supplies through countries including Uganda.

Sudan has been in political turmoil since the ouster of Omar al-Bashir
...Former President-for-Life of Sudan He came to power in 1989 when he, as a brigadier in the Sudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodless military coup that ousted the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi and eventually appointed himself head cheese. He fell out with his Islamic mentor, Hasan al-Turabi, tried to impose shariah on the Christian and animist south, resulting in its secessesion, and attempted to Arabize Darfur by unleashing the barbaric Janjaweed on it. Sudan's potential prosperity has been pissed away in warfare that has left as many as 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced. Hee was overthrown by popular consent in 2019. Omar has been indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but nothing is expected to come of it...
, with the military always tussling for leadership with civilians. And the RSF entered the twist, pushing for integration into the Sudan Armed Forces.

"Despite confronting internal adversities, the Sudanese populace and government have diligently extended aid and protection to the distressed refugees," reads the statement.

Given these circumstances, the Addis Standard adds, the interim administration, led by Getachew Reda, emphasized that "Tigray does not incline to intervene in the ongoing civil strife, recognizing Sudan as a cherished sanctuary for Tigrayans."
Tigray People''s Liberation Front: 2024-02-10 US calls for investigation into alleged civilian killings in Ethiopia's Amhara region
Tigray People''s Liberation Front: 2024-02-04 Not just UNWRA: The Sexual Predators of the WHO
Tigray People''s Liberation Front: 2023-09-08 Opposition leaders in Ethiopia's Tigray 'arrested' ahead of rally
Rapid Support Forces: 2024-05-08 In the besieged and starving city of El Fasher, a deadly battle for Sudan's Darfur region looms
Rapid Support Forces: 2024-05-07 RSF in Saudi Arabia ban social media posts after video controversy
Rapid Support Forces: 2024-05-07 Sudanese army, RSF clash intensifies in Al-Jazira State

Africa Horn
Sudan's military rejects civilian transition, vows to punish RSF backers
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
’s Assistant Army Commander, Yasser al-Atta, reiterated the military’s stance on Saturday, refusing to relinquish power to civilians until elections are organized. He also vowed to hold accountable those perceived as supporting the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) during the ongoing conflict.

Al-Atta spoke to a delegation from the National Forces Coordination, a newly formed alliance led by Deputy Chairman of the Sovereign Council Malik Agar. This coalition is expected to sign a political declaration with the army soon. The army and its allies have accused the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) coalition of being the RSF’s political base, a charge the FFC has consistently denied.

Addressing the National Forces Coordination leaders at an Omdurman military base, al-Atta declared, "The army will not cede power to civilian forces without elections. During the transitional period, the head of state will be the armed forces commander."

He further threatened accountability for those deemed to have supported the RSF. "Any agent or traitor will be treated like the Janjaweed (a notorious militia accused of war crimes) because they support them," he stated. "Their status, name, or popularity won’t matter."

Al-Atta revealed that at the war’s outset, he requested leaders outside the FFC to influence the FFC Central Council faction to change their minds about the war. "However,
there's no worse danger than telling a mother her baby is ugly...
" he added, "the time for discussion is over. Justice will be served according to the law."

Since the overthrow of al-Bashir’s regime, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereign Council, has repeatedly advocated for continued military rule with a technocratic cabinet until general elections are held.

Al-Atta’s remarks sparked outrage among FFC leaders, who condemned the targeted language. Yasir Arman and Khalid Omer Youssif, in separate statements, interpreted al-Atta’s words as revealing the true motive for the war: the military’s complete power restoration and the sidelining of civilian forces.

Arman called for an immediate focus on ceasefire efforts, prioritizing peacemaking without linking it to the political process at this stage. He emphasized the need for active civilian and FFC involvement, contrasting it with the past isolated negotiations held in Manama and Jeddah.

Similarly, Khalid Omer Youssif stressed that the war aims to extinguish hopes for a democratic civilian transition.


Africa Horn
Sudan: RSF commit ethnic killings in Darfur, UN says
[AFRICANEWS] Paramilitary forces and their allied militias fighting for power in Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
have carried out large-scale ethnic killings and rapes as they take control of much of West Darfur, which could amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, UN experts said in a new report.

The report to the United Nations
...an organization conceived in the belief that we're just one big happy world, with the sort of results you'd expect from such nonsense...
Security Council, obtained Thursday by The News Agency that Dare Not be Named, paints a terrifying picture of the brutality of the Arab-dominated Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against Africans in Darfur. It also explains how Rapid Support Forces managed to take control of four of Darfur's five states, in part through complex financial networks involving dozens of companies.

Sudan plunged into chaos in April, when long-simmering tensions between the army, led by General Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the Rapid Support paramilitary forces, commanded by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, boiled over into street fighting in the capital, Khartoum.

The fighting has spread to other parts of the country, but in Sudan's Darfur region, it has taken a different form: brutal attacks by Rapid Support Forces against African civilians, particularly members of the Masalit ethnic group.

Two decades ago, Darfur became synonymous with genocide and war crimes, particularly by Arab Janjawid militias against populations who identify with Central or East Africa. This appears to be the case again, with International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan saying in late January that there was reason to believe both sides were committing war crimes, crimes against humanity. or genocides in Darfur.

The panel said Darfur was experiencing "its worst violence since 2005". The ongoing conflict has caused a large-scale humanitarian crisis and displaced around 6.8 million people - 5.4 million in Sudan and 1.4 million who have fled to other countries, including around 555,000 to neighboring Chad, said the experts.

Both the RSF and rival Sudanese government forces have used heavy artillery and shelling in highly populated areas, leading to the mass destruction of critical water, sanitation, and sanitation facilities. , education, and health care.

In their 47-page report, the experts indicate that the RSF and its militias targeted sites in Darfur where displaced people had found refuge, civilian neighborhoods, and medical facilities.

According to intelligence sources, the panel said that in one town alone — Geneina, the capital of West Darfur state near the Chad border — between 10,000 and 15,000 people were killed.

Experts said sexual violence by the RSF and its allied militias was widespread.

According to Geneina's reliable sources, women and girls as young as 14 years old were raped by RSF elements in a United Nations World Food Program warehouse controlled by the paramilitary force, in their homes or when they returned home to collect their personal belongings after being displaced by violence. In addition, 16 girls were reportedly kidnapped by RSF soldiers and raped.

"Racial slurs against the Masalit and the non-Arab community were part of the attacks," the panel said. "Neighborhoods and homes were continually attacked, looted, burned and destroyed, particularly those where Masalit and other African communities lived, and their residents were harassed, assaulted, sexually abused and sometimes executed."

Experts said prominent members of the Masalit community were targeted by the FSR, which had a list, and the group's leaders were harassed and some executed. At least two lawyers, three doctors, and seven staff members, as well as human rights
...not to be confused with individual rights, mind you...
activists who were monitoring and reporting on the events, were also killed.

The RSF and its allied militias looted and destroyed all hospitals and medical storage facilities, leading to the collapse of health services and the deaths of 37 women suffering from childbirth complications and 200 patients requiring treatment. kidney dialysis, according to the expert panel.

According to the report, after the liquidation of the West Darfur governor in June, the Masalit and African communities decided to seek protection in Ardamata, just outside Geneina. A convoy of thousands left at midnight, but as it reached a bridge, FSR and allied militias opened fire indiscriminately, and survivors reported that around 1,000 people had been killed.

The panel stressed that disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks against civilians — including torture, rape and murder, as well as the destruction of essential civilian infrastructure — constitute war crimes under the Geneva Conventions of 1949.

The RSF was created from Janjawid fighters by Sudan's former president, Omar al-Bashir
...Former President-for-Life of Sudan He came to power in 1989 when he, as a brigadier in the Sudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodless military coup that ousted the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi and eventually appointed himself head cheese. He fell out with his Islamic mentor, Hasan al-Turabi, tried to impose shariah on the Christian and animist south, resulting in its secessesion, and attempted to Arabize Darfur by unleashing the barbaric Janjaweed on it. Sudan's potential prosperity has been pissed away in warfare that has left as many as 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced. Hee was overthrown by popular consent in 2019. Omar has been indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but nothing is expected to come of it...
, who ruled the country for three decades, was tossed in a popular uprising in 2019, and is wanted by the Criminal Court internationally for accusations of genocide and other crimes during the conflict in Darfur in the 2000s.

According to the group of experts, "the RSF's takeover of Darfur relied on three lines of support: allied Arab communities, dynamic and complex financial networks, and new military supply lines through Chad, Libya, and South Sudan."

While the Sudanese army and the RSF have engaged in extensive recruitment drives across Darfur starting in late 2022, the RSF have been more successful, experts say. They also "invested large sums from their pre-war gold trade in several sectors of activity, thus creating a network of 50 companies".

The RSF's complex financial networks "made it possible to acquire weapons, pay salaries, finance media campaigns, lobby and buy support from other political and gangs", the experts said.

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who visited Chad in September, called the report's findings " horrible" and said she was "deeply disappointed" that the Council UN Security Council and the international community have paid so little attention to these allegations. "The Sudanese people feel like they have been forgotten," she said.

Given the humanitarian catastrophe in Sudan and the wider region, Thomas-Greenfield called on the Sudanese army to lift the ban on cross-border aid from Chad and to facilitate cross-border aid in coming from the east of the country. She also demanded, in a statement on Wednesday, that the RSF end the looting of humanitarian warehouses and that both sides stop harassing aid workers.

"The Council must act urgently to alleviate human suffering, hold those responsible to account, and end the conflict in Sudan," the US ambassador said. "Hurry up."
West Darfur: 2024-01-22 Ethnic Killings in One Sudan City Left Up To 15,000 Dead, UN Report Says
West Darfur: 2024-01-07 Sudan's army chief rejects negotiations with rival RSF
West Darfur: 2023-12-07 U.S. says war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing committed in Sudan
Janjawid militias: 2006-12-16 Immediate Janjawid disarming urged
Janjawid militias: 2005-03-29 Sudan detains 14 for Darfur abuse
Janjawid militias: 2004-05-02 Sudan violates Darfur cease-fire. Again.

Africa Horn
U.S. offers reward for arrest of ex-minister accused of Darfur war crimes
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The United States Department of State has announced a reward of up to $5 million for information leading to the arrest of Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
’s former Minister of State for the Interior, Ahmad Mohammad Harun, who is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur.

The State Department’s designation of Harun under the War Crimes Rewards Program is a significant step towards bringing him to justice for his alleged crimes. The program has a proven track record of success, having helped to bring over 20 war criminals to justice.

Harun, who has been wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) since 2007, is accused of mobilizing, funding, and arming the Janjaweed militia, a notorious group responsible for widespread atrocities in Darfur.

The former regime in Sudan had refused to cooperate with the ICC and refused to hand over Harun and other indicted officials. However,
there's no worse danger than telling a mother her baby is ugly...
after the fall of Omar al-Bashir
...Former President-for-Life of Sudan He came to power in 1989 when he, as a brigadier in the Sudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodless military coup that ousted the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi and eventually appointed himself head cheese. He fell out with his Islamic mentor, Hasan al-Turabi, tried to impose shariah on the Christian and animist south, resulting in its secessesion, and attempted to Arabize Darfur by unleashing the barbaric Janjaweed on it. Sudan's potential prosperity has been pissed away in warfare that has left as many as 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced. Hee was overthrown by popular consent in 2019. Omar has been indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but nothing is expected to come of it...
’s regime, Harun was arrested and tossed in the clink
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!


Africa Horn
Sudanese joint forces repel fresh RSF attack on South Kordofan's town
[SUDANTRIBUNE] A combined force of the Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
ese army and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), under the leadership of Abdelaziz al-Hilu, thwarted an offensive launched by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) against the city of Dilling in South Kordofan.

According to a military source in the second town of South Kordofan, "The army and SPLA-N forces repelled the third attack in four days on Dilling carried out by the RSF and their allied militias."

The official Sudanese government spokesperson issued a statement highlighting the joint forces’ valour in repelling the attack. "The Sudanese Armed Forces, the police, the General Intelligence Service, and the SPLA-N al-Hilu, succeeded in repelling an attack launched by the Janjaweed militia on Dilling today at 1:00 pm," the statement read.

The spokesperson emphasized that the joint forces seized vehicles and destroyed others, inflicting heavy losses on the RSF. "The attacking force retreated, leaving behind their dead and maimed," the statement added.

Social media platforms were abuzz with videos and images capturing the aftermath of the attack. Footage showed hundreds of women and kiddies fleeing the city amidst the sounds of shelling and gunfire.

Activists shared videos of numerous Dilling residents rallying in support of the military, while others depicted captured RSF vehicles and fallen RSF fighters scattered across city streets.


Africa Horn
Sudan: Fears of ethnic cleansing mount in western region of Darfur
[AFRICANEWS] Fears of a repeat of a genocide in Darfur, a region in western Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
, are mounting.

The European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
condemned Sunday "ethnic cleansing" of Darfur's Masalit people by the RSF paramilitary.

The bloc cited reports that over 1,000 people had been killed.

The Masalit people are a non-Arab group who reside mainly in Chad and Darfur a region about the size of Spain.

Citing local monitors, Al Jazeera reported that about 1,300 Masalit Sudanese were killed by RSF fighters in early November.

The UN Human Rights Office said in July it obtained credible information stating that bodies of Masalit Sudanese and others, allegedly killed in June by RSF and their allied militia were buried in a mass grave outside West Darfur's capital.

Fighting rages in Sudan despite the warring parties signing a statement after talks in Soddy Arabia
...a kingdom taking up the bulk of the Arabian peninsula. Its primary economic activity involves exporting oil and soaking Islamic rubes on the annual hajj pilgrimage. The country supports a large number of princes in whatcha might call princely splendor. When the oil runs out the rest of the world is going to kick sand in the Soddy national face...
The resident U.N. humanitarian coordinator for Sudan, said on Friday that the belligerents committed to establishing a Humanitarian Forum, with U.N. participation.

She added that 25 million Sudanese, half of the population, require assistance and protection.

A conflict in 2003 began in Sudan when rebels from Darfur’s ethnic central and sub-Saharan African community launched an insurgency, complaining of oppression by the Arab-dominated government in the capital, Khartoum.

The government responded with a scorched-earth campaign of aerial bombings and unleashed militias known as the Janjaweed, who are accused of mass killings and rapes. Some 300,000 people died in the Darfur conflict, 2.7 million were driven from their homes.

These same militias who were known as Janjaweed are now fighting alongside or under the banner of the RSF.
Darfur: 2023-10-25 Iraq recovers millions of stolen Oil For Food dollars in Switzerland
Darfur: 2023-10-20 Bou Habib agrees with Arab ambassadors on need for Gaza ceasefire
Darfur: 2023-10-14 Israeli shelling on Lebanon border kills Reuters journalist, wounds 6 others
Masalit: 2023-08-30 Al-Burhan reveals soldier fatalities in his exit operation from Khartoum
Masalit: 2023-08-27 Sudanese army thwarts new attack on Armoured Corps
Masalit: 2023-06-28 Sudan: UN warns on possible ethnic conflict amid war
Janjaweed: 2023-09-22 White Nile's volunteers prepare to join the fight against RSF in Khartoum
Janjaweed: 2023-08-27 Sudanese army thwarts new attack on Armoured Corps
Janjaweed: 2023-07-25 Sudan Army rejects proposal to deploy East African troops to the country

Africa Horn
White Nile's volunteers prepare to join the fight against RSF in Khartoum
[SUDANTRIBUNE] The Governor of White Nile State, Omer al-Khalifa Abdallah, has announced the successful graduation of the first volunteer group as they prepare to join the army in the fight against the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the capital, Khartoum.

In response to escalating threats from RSF paramilitary forces to expand hostilities into Sudan
...a Moslem country located in the Horn of Africa. It is noted for its affinity for rule by ex- or current generals, its holy men, and for the oppression of the native Afro population by its Arab conquerors. South Sudan, populated mostly by the natives, split off from Sudan proper, which left North and South Darfur to be oppressed by the guys with turbans...
’s northern and central regions, the army established training camps across the country to militarily prepare young volunteers for combat and safeguard their regions from potential RSF attacks.

During a graduation ceremony for the first group of volunteers at the al-Jabalin locality camps, Governor Omer al-Khalifa stated, "The trained young volunteers represent crucial support for the army in its struggle against the Janjaweed militia in Khartoum." He emphasized the readiness of mobilization camps across White Nile localities to produce more graduates to join the army’s efforts against the RSF.

On April 15, a significant conflict erupted between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, extending across large areas of Khartoum, Kordofan, and Darfur states, displacing 5.25 million individuals from their homes.

Major General Sami al-Tayeb, Commander of the 18th Infantry Division in White Nile State, highlighted that the young men who entered the training camps chose to defend their people and their nation and stand alongside the army in its battle against the rebel militia. He emphasized that the remarkable military parade conducted by the mobilized youth reaffirmed their preparedness to assist the army in the Battle of Khartoum.

The army officially declared the RSF paramilitary group "a rebellious militia against the state".

The ongoing conflict has severely damaged the country’s infrastructure, leading to a 42% decline in the Sudanese economy, as reported by the United Nations
...boodling on the grand scale...
. At the same time, half of the nation’s population desperately needs humanitarian assistance and protection.


Africa Horn
Sudanese army thwarts new attack on Armoured Corps
[SUDANTRIBUNE] On Saturday, the Sudanese army successfully repelled a fresh assault launched by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF)
...the UAE-supported paramilitary led by General Mohammed Hamad Daglo, known as “Hemetti”, a Zaghawa ‘Masalit’ — the term for ethnic African tribals from Darfur in Western Sudan. Not long ago Hemetti was the Number 2 in the Sudanese government until the Big Guy suddenly changed his mind...
against the armoured corps headquarters, resulting in significant losses for the attacking forces.

Just over a week ago, the Armored Corps Command, situated south of the capital, Khartoum, faced a series of meticulously coordinated attacks from the paramilitary forces. But the army repelled these attacks on the strategic site.

Maj Gen Nasr al-Din Abdel-Fattah, the commander of the Armored Corps, in an audio recording circulated on platforms supportive of the armed forces, stated that "The army managed to shatter the enemy’s advance and achieved a resounding victory against the Janjaweed forces. For seven consecutive days, we have inflicted heavy losses upon them in engagements that lasted a mere two hours."

Elaborating further, he disclosed that the RSF sought to advance from the southern flank of the army in the suburb of Jabra, mobilizing a considerable number of soldiers, accompanied by heavily armed four-wheel drive vehicles and a tank.

Reaffirming that the army responded to this aggression without requiring Air Force intervention, he recounted how they compelled the attackers to flee, leaving their casualties behind.

"Our current concern centres around the presence of deceased bodies in the vicinity of the armoured corps and nearby neighbourhoods. The enemy’s resistance cannot endure for more than ten minutes," he added.

In the preceding week, the paramilitary forces which have been fighting the army for more than four weeks managed to breach the eastern perimeter, of the 20 km camp, before the army successfully ousted them once again.

The departure of al-Burhan from the army’s general command headquarters on August 24 and his relocation beyond the capital sent shockwaves through the Rapid Support Forces, who had previously claimed to have besieged him.

Furthermore, the Sudanese Army Air Force on Saturday conducted a series of intensive sorties targeting Rapid Support positions across the three cities of Khartoum.
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-08-25 Sudan cancels diplomatic passports of RSF Leaders, political figures
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-08-25 Al-Burhan inspects Sudanese troops in Omdurman following repelled RSF attack
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-08-25 Sudan: Heavy fighting in Khartoum for control of a strategic military base

Africa Horn
Sudan Army rejects proposal to deploy East African troops to the country

A senior general from the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) has supported the rejection of a proposal to deploy the East African troops to the troubled country.

Lt Gen Yasir Alatta, Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan Armed Forces on Sunday said the army stands opposed to the presence of an East African force tasked with protecting civilians and aid workers.

Sudan has openly accused Kenyan president William Ruto of having business ties with its rival paramilitary group, Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and refuses to cooperate with the quartet group until he is replaced.

...back at the dirigible, Cynthia backed into the galley, the barbecue fork held in front of her.
Jack! she called. Where the hell are you?...

Saudi and US mediators are continuing their efforts to bring the warring parties to commit to ending the war.

General Alatta emphasized that the army’s ultimate goal was to preserve a united Sudan "free from the Janjaweed menace."

"We, as soldiers, do not aspire to govern; rather, the political forces have to reach an agreement and govern the country, but we tell them that Sudan is not a game for every unscrupulous politician, profiteer, and mercenary," he stressed.

The war has entered its 100th day, and the army has deployed infantry forces in Khartoum to launch ground operations against the RSF militiamen. Additionally, the military has established training camps for volunteers in northern, eastern, and central Sudan states.
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-07-23 Sudanese foreign minister denies imminent truce with RSF
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-07-22 Sudanese army strikes RSF troops in Khartoum and North Kordofan
Rapid Support Forces: 2023-07-21 Fighting in Khartoum intensifies after generals briefly appear

Africa Horn
Fighting in Khartoum intensifies after generals briefly appear
[AFRICANEWS] Air strikes, street battles and artillery fire shook Sudan's capital Khartoum and the major southern city of El-Obeid on Thursday, witnesses told AFP.

"Artillery fire targeted paramilitary bases of the Rapid Support Forces," said a resident of El-Obeid, 350 kilometres (220 miles) southwest of Khartoum.

Fighting between the RSF and the regular army, led by feuding generals, has killed at least 3,000 people and displaced more than 3.3 million since April 15.

Army jets on Thursday were striking paramilitaries, who were responding with anti-aircraft fire, said another El-Obeid resident, who asked not to be named for security reasons.

In Khartoum's south, witnesses reported three air raids in the early morning.

"The blasts were terrifying," one of them told AFP.

The army on Wednesday accused the RSF of targeting a residential area of the capital in a dronezap that left "14 civilians dead and 15 injured".

Residents told AFP at least 13 non-combatants were killed.

The conflict pits army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan against his former deputy, RSF commander Mohammed Hamdan Daglo.

Burhan on Tuesday appeared in rare video footage shortly after an audio recording of Daglo was released.

In the video clip of less than one minute, Burhan, carrying a pistol and an automatic rifle, and donning a T-shirt and cargo pants, is seen in the army headquarters as he greets the army top brass.

The massive complex in central Khartoum has been the site of frequent festivities between the warring sides.

Daglo was last seen in a short video clip the paramilitaries shot in the early days of the conflict that is now in its fourth month.

But he has released several audio recordings since, the latest on Monday evening in which he told Sudanese he was willing to "choose peace" but remained "ready for war".

The combatants loyal to him would fight until "victory or martyrdom", Daglo said.

The RSF chief also mentioned the vast western region of Darfur, which in the early 2000s saw a bloody war and which has been hit by some of the worst violence in the new conflict.

The paramilitaries have labelled the Darfur bloodshed "tribal conflicts", while rights campaigners blame the RSF and allied Arab militias for reported atrocities including rape, looting and the mass killings of ethnic minorities.

The International Criminal Court has opened a new probe into alleged war crimes in Darfur, its chief prosecutor Karim Khan said last week.

He warned against "allowing history to repeat itself" in Darfur, where 300,000 people were killed in a conflict from 2003 that led the ICC to charge former leader Omar al-Bashir
...Former President-for-Life of Sudan He came to power in 1989 when he, as a brigadier in the Sudanese army, led a group of officers in a bloodless military coup that ousted the government of Prime Minister Sadiq al-Mahdi and eventually appointed himself head cheese. He fell out with his Islamic mentor, Hasan al-Turabi, tried to impose shariah on the Christian and animist south, resulting in its secessesion, and attempted to Arabize Darfur by unleashing the barbaric Janjaweed on it. Sudan's potential prosperity has been pissed away in warfare that has left as many as 400,000 people dead and 2.5 million displaced. Hee was overthrown by popular consent in 2019. Omar has been indicted for genocide by the International Criminal Court but nothing is expected to come of it...
with genocide.

Khartoum: 2023-07-15 Khartoum internet, mobile networks cut as fighting rages
Khartoum: 2023-07-10 At least 22 killed in air raid attack in Sudan
Khartoum: 2023-07-06 Fighter jet shot down amidst ongoing clashes in Sudan
Darfur: 2023-07-15 Khartoum internet, mobile networks cut as fighting rages
Darfur: 2023-07-10 At least 22 killed in air raid attack in Sudan
Darfur: 2023-07-06 Fighter jet shot down amidst ongoing clashes in Sudan
International Criminal Court: 2023-07-19 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 18th, 2023
International Criminal Court: 2023-07-16 Putin Wants to Attend BRICS Meeting, Host Country Dissuades Over His Arrest Warrant
International Criminal Court: 2023-07-16 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: July 15th, 2023

Africa Horn
At least 22 killed in air raid attack in Sudan

At least 22 people have been killed in an Arclight airstrike
in Ondurman, at the outskirts of Suadnese capital, Khartoum.

The attack is one of the deadliest in the weeks-long fighting between Sudan’s army and a renegade paramilitary force.

According to a statement by the Sudanese Health Ministry, the attack also maimed an unspecified number of people and has drawn condemnation from the United Nations
...the Oyster Bay money pit...
The RSF,
... Rapid Support Forces, the successor organization to the Arab/Muslim Sudanese Janjaweed militia drawn from local nomadic tribes of camel and cattle herders. Originally a tool of Muammar Ghadaffy’s pan-Arabism back in the 1980s, by the beginning of the new millennium they were supported by the Sudanese government to harass rebellious Bantu/Muslim farmers in the Darfur region — though some would call the murder of over 200,000 civilians an attempted genocide. Heaven only knows why they’ve fallen out with the military government now...
which said the attack killed 31 civilians, blamed the army for attacking residential areas in Omdurman where fighting has raged between the warring factions.

The military reportedly attempted to cut off a crucial supply line.

The RSF "vehemently condemn the deliberate air strikes conducted by the Death Eater terrorist militia led by (army Chief Abdel Fattah) al-Burhan", the group said in a statement.

Adding, "This heinous attack, orchestrated by the Sudanese Armed Forces [SAF] with the support of remnants from the former regime has resulted in the tragic loss of more than 31 lives and numerous civilian injuries."
RSF: 2023-07-06 Fighter jet shot down amidst ongoing clashes in Sudan
RSF: 2023-07-04 Sudan: RSF forces man a checkpoint in Omdourman as battles continue
Volume 90%

RSF: 2023-07-04 Advocacy group calls for UN and AU monitoring teams in Darfur
Omdurman: 2023-07-04 Sudan: RSF forces man a checkpoint in Omdourman as battles continue
Volume 90%

Omdurman: 2023-06-30 Hemetti admits violations by RSF elements, announces field courts
Omdurman: 2023-06-30 Air raids reported in Khartoum despite Eid truce

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