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-Short Attention Span Theater-
Labor group levels charges of union busting against Muslim rights organization:
[FoxNews] The nation’s largest Muslim advocacy organization has been hit with charges of union busting amid a row with a labor union attempting to organize its Washington, D.C., staff.

The Maryland-based Service Employees International Union Local 500 filed a charge of unfair labor practices against the Council on American-Islamic Relations -- alleging that the Islamic civil rights group denied union organizers access to the workplace, made threatening and coercive statements to workers ahead of a planned organizing vote and fired at least three employees for attempting to organize workers.

The charges -- which delayed the scheduled Monday workplace organizing vote by CAIR’s staff scheduled -- were filed with the National Labor Relations Board, the United States main federal labor law enforcement agency. The filings were posted on the NLRB’s website, but the actual complaint from the SEIU Local 500 has not been made public.

A spokesman for SEIU Local 500 told Fox News that the filing and the delay of the vote on Monday was necessary because of the atmosphere of “intimidation and fear” at CAIR.

“The vote was postponed because there is so much union busting going on over there that it is impossible to have a fair election,” said SEIU Local 500 spokesman Christopher Honey. “The whole things seems totally antithetical to what they do with their work at CAIR.”

In a statement provided to Fox News, CAIR called the charges leveled against the organization “meritless” and said it “strongly supports the organized labor movement.” The communications director at CAIR, Ibrahim Hooper, did not answer Fox News’ question of whether or not the organization supported its own workers unionizing and instead referred back to CAIR’s statement.

“CAIR has remained neutral throughout this process and respects the free choice of employees,” the statement said. “We look forward to the election going forward as soon as possible.”

CAIR was formed in 1994 under the auspices of working to promote social, legal and political activism among Muslims in America. Over the years the group has had to fend off numerous charges that it is pursuing an Islamist agenda.

While SEIU Local 500 asserts that they filed charges and delayed the vote because of intimidation tactics on the part of CAIR management, Hooper implied that the union wanted a delay because they didn’t have enough votes to actually unionize. If successful, SEIU Local 500 would represent between 17 and 20 non-management employees at CAIR’s Washington D.C. office.

SEIU Local 500 attests that last October they begin the push to unionize after being approached by CAIR employees who told the union they had a majority of employees in support of going that route.

“We went in with the majority of cards on our side,” Honey said.

CAIR has argued to the NLRB that it is a religious organization and exempt from the National Labor Relations Act. But earlier this month, a regional administrator at the NLRD disagreed when ruling that CAIR was "more akin to a secular civil rights group" and therefore its workers were free to unionize – a ruling that CAIR has so far rejected.

-Short Attention Span Theater-
OH hotel clerk freaks out over man in thobe speaking on cell phone
AVON, Ohio - A 911 call alleging that a hotel patron pledged his allegiance to ISIS caused panic at an Avon hotel earlier this week.

On Wednesday just before 6 p.m., the Avon Police Department received a 911 call from the sister of a woman working as a clerk at the Fairfield Inn and Suites on Colorado Avenue.

The caller said her sister told her there was a man in the hotel lobby "in full head dress with multiple disposable phones pledging his allegiance to ISIS."

According to police, she repeated that there was a "suspicious mal at the front desk with disposable phones, two of them, in a full head dress."
Apparently the head dress little resembled the one worn by Mel Brooks during his cinematic attack on schwarzes riding in a covered wagon. Now that the highest US legal authorities went stupid far out of their way to obscure a real ISIS inspired attack, the little people on the front lines now must make their own threat assessments, however ill-informed. Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR mentioned "anti-Muslim bigotry".

Home Front: WoT
Meanwhile, An Islamic Fifth Column Builds Inside America
[NEWS.INVESTORS] In berating GOP presidential hopeful Ben Carson
... a neurosurgeon who is under the impression that being brilliant qualifies him to be president....
for suggesting a loyalty test for Moslems seeking high office, CNN host Jake Tapper maintained that he doesn't know a single observant Moslem-American who wants to Islamize America.
Meaning no one's rigged his car with explosives yet.
Tapper doesn't get out much. If he did, chances are he'd run into some of the 51% of Moslems living in the U.S. who just this June told Polling Co. they preferred having "the choice of being governed according to Shariah," or Islamic law. Or the 60% of Moslem-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research they're more loyal to Islam than America.
If your loyalty is to Allah, whose will is interpreted by your local holy man, you're not loyal to the U.S.A., whose structure was laid out by Jefferson and Madison and Hamilton, et al.
Maybe they're all heretics, so let's see what the enlightened Moslems think.
Oh, come now. Do we ever let facts interfere with an opinion?
If Tapper did a little independent research he'd quickly find that America's most respected Islamic leaders and scholars also want theocracy, not democracy, and even advocate trading the Constitution for the Koran.
They're also the holy men who do the interpreting.
These aren't fringe players. These are the brass hats representing the Moslem establishment in America today.

Hopefully none of them ever runs for president, because here's what he'd have to say about the U.S. system of government:

Muzammil Siddiqi
... issued a fatwa on Islam Online, stating By participating in a non-Islamic system, one cannot rule by that which Allah has commanded.... We must not forget that Allah's rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction. In 2002, federal authorities raided headquarters of the Fiqh Council. However, no arrests were made, and in fact in July 2005, Siddiqi's Fiqh Council of North America publicly issued a fatwa piously stating Islam's condemnation of terrorism and religious extremism.....
, chairman of both the Fiqh Council of North America, which dispenses Islamic rulings, and the North American Islamic Trust
...holds titles to the real estate assets of Islamic centers and schools in more than forty States. Properties are operated primarily for the purpose of religious worship. In addition, NAIT pools the American Muslim community’s assets under its Islamic Centers Cooperative Fund, and publishes credible Islamic literature under its American Trust Publications. Through a wholly-owned for-profit subsidiary, NAIT develops financial vehicles that are compatible with both the Shariah and American law, e.g. mutual funds.....
, which owns most of the mosques in the U.S.: "As Moslems, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change, (but) we must not forget that Allah's rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction."

Omar Ahmad
...founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He also worked for the Islamic Association of Palestine, a precursor to CAIR. He was born in Amman, Jordan. He holds a Masters in Computer Science from Santa Clara University as well as a Masters in Political Science. Says the reporter who quoted him saying the Koran must become the supreme authority in the U.S.A. is a liar, damn her.....
, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations
... the Moslem Brüderbund's American arm ...
, the top Moslem lobby group in Washington: "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."

...designated a terrorist group by the UAE...
front man Ibrahim Hooper: "I wouldn't want to create the impression that I wouldn't like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future."

• Imam Siraj Wahhaj, director of the Moslem Alliance in North America
...a predominantly black organization representing Moslems indigenous to the United States, founded in 2001 by Siraj Wahhaj, believed to be a co-conspirator to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, and Ihsan Bagby. The latter is currently MANA’s General Secretary. Convicted cop-killer Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) was once a driving force behind MANA and continues to enjoy the organization's support. MANA seeks to establish Shariah as the governing principle of American society. MANA is part of the American Moslem Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections (AMTF), along with American Muslim Alliance, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Circle of North America, the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim American Society, the Moslem Public Affairs Council, the Muslim Students’ Association of the U.S. and Canada, the Muslim Ummah of North America, Project Islamic Hope, and United Moslems of America...
: "In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam."

• Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif.: "If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we'd take over this country in a very short time. . . . What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Moslems."

Home Front: WoT
Inflammatory bus ads link Muslim anti-Semitism to Hitler
[Ynet] American Freedom Defense Initiative campaign seeks to pressure US to cut aid to Islamic countries by recalling Nazi-era alliance.
That Pam Geller, stirring up trouble again.
Bus ads linking "Islamic Jew-hatred" with Adolf Hitler
...late Fuehrer of Germany, founder of the Third Reich, currently communing with his pals Himmler and Heydrich. He is reincarnated every few days as a politician somebody doesn't like...
are out on the streets of Washington, and the US capital's transit authority says it is legally powerless to ban them.

The elongated broadsides on 20 Metro buses feature a photo of the Nazi German dictator in conversation with "his staunch ally" Haj Amin al-Husseini, grand mufti of Jerusalem during World War II.

"Islamic Jew-hatred: It's in the Koran. Two-thirds of all US aid goes to Islamic countries. Stop racism. End all aid to Islamic countries," the ad states, over a fine-print disclaimer from the Metro Transit Authority.

The ads, which are to run until mid-June, were placed by the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), which aims to "raise awareness of the depredations of Islamic supremacism", according to its website.

It hopes the campaign will raise $20,000 by Friday via an online crowd-funding campaign that, as of Tuesday, had yielded about $7,500.

"We're not able to refuse ads on the basis of content," a spokeswoman for Metro told AFP, citing a 2012 court case that allowed another AFDI bus ad on the grounds that it was free speech.

On its website, AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller called the campaign a direct response to like-sized Washington bus ads placed in April by American Moslems for Paleostine which read: "Stop US aid to Israel's occupation."

As Moslem leader in then British-ruled Paleostine, Husseini sought Hitler's support for an Arab and Moslem homeland that would be free of Jews.

Council on American-Islamic Relations
... the Moslem Brüderbund's American arm ...
(CAIR) front man Ibrahim Hooper said that such "inflammatory" ads were clearly intended "to promote hatred of Islam and Moslems".

He told AFP that CAIR is developing on its own bus ads "to promote mutual understanding as a response to Geller's hate ad". In the meantime, he added, it's giving away free Korans.

Rep. Keith Ellison addresses chapter of Hamas-linked CAIR
Just keeping an eye on Rep. Ellison
[Jihad Watch] This is not the first time: Hamas-linked CAIR raised large amounts of for Ellison's first campaign, and he has spoken at numerous CAIR events.

CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case -- so named by the Justice Department. CAIR operatives have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR's cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements. Its California chapter distributed the poster above telling Muslims not to talk to the FBI. CAIR has opposed every anti-terror measure that has ever been proposed or implemented.

But all that is apparently fine with Ellison; in fact, to bring it up would be "Islamophobic." And no one will care about this. But imagine if Ellison were not a Muslim, but a Christian, and had addressed a conference of, say, the American Freedom Defense Initiative. Do you think there would be a furor in the mainstream media, with calls for Ellison's resignation? So do I. And yet AFDI has no connection to any terror groups. CAIR has plenty. And the world is upside down indeed.
Link to Ellison web site and interesting article on Rep. Ellison's legislation that would raise billions to invest in our economy by taxing highly speculative financial transactions.

Never doubt it, one way or another, they are coming after the IRA's and 401K's.
They have to. That's where the money is and they're broke. And amoral...

CAIR urges British mosques to install panic alarms and safe rooms
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has been advising British mosques on security measures, including the installation of safe rooms and panic alarms, warning that they are at greater risk than in any other western country.

The group has discussed its revamped security regulations with the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) following the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich, which it said had even provoked attacks in the United States.

The security measures urged by CAIR, America's largest Muslim advocacy group, encourage the building of transparent fences around mosques, wire screens on windows, designated security personnel, three-inch-thick doors, panic alarms and safe rooms.

CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said, "From the outside it definitely seems UK mosques are more at risk than anywhere, including the States. There have been a number of recent incidents targeting UK mosques, groups like the English Defence League marching on mosques and a spike in violent right-wing groups."

Ibrahim Mogra, assistant secretary general of the MCB, said it was vital mosques not become too security conscious. He said, "We don't want mosques going overboard, where it's almost like a fortified place. We want these places to be open, and seen to be welcoming places that people would not hesitate to visit. Clearly our American friends have shown concern for us and have shared their safety and security measures. Although not all are relevant, we can learn from each other's experiences. The common foe is a criminal we wish to keep out."

Home Front: WoT
Second Anti-Muslim Class Run By Military Officials Revealed
'Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, has infiltrated the U.S. government and the rules of war no longer apply.'

A second anti-Islamic course being taught to U.S. military officers has been discovered following revelations that one class advocated 'total war' against Moslems.

Al Jizz obtained the material from a course taught on a military base in Virginia which imply that the Paleostinian terrorist group Hamas has infiltrated the U.S government at the highest levels.

The slides seemingly warn officers of a link between Moslem Civil Liberties Advocacy Organisation (CAIR), and other American Moslem groups, with Hamas.
Our military people need to know that, because it's true.
Both courses are voluntary and were put together by the same group, a nonprofit that offers classes and workshops to military and government officials.

The slides are apparently approved by two retired three-star generals and James Woolsey, a former CIS director.
One of the slides in the course, which was taught to senior military officers in north Virginia, says that the Geneva Conventions are 'no longer relevant' when fighting against Moslems, Al Jizz reported.

Hundreds of slides were sent to the news website by an unidentified soldier who said 'this bigoted conspiracy cabal is both disgusting and so deeply un-American.'
One soldier's opinion. Odd that he would send it to Al Jazeera instead of the New York Times, though...
The shocking slides are part of a course called 'Understanding the Threat to America', which was taught at Joint Forces Staff College by Army Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Dooley.

Dooley has since been suspended from the army but still works at the college.
...which may suggest that the Joint Forces do not disapprove of the work he's been doing...
The presentation - entitled 'So What Can We Do?' A Counter - Jihad Op Design Model - lists Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki as precedents which can be applied to 'Mecca and Medina's destruction.'

The presentation reads: 'Given the factual basis of what "Islamists" say they seek to impose on the world, the United States has come to accept that radical "true Islam" is both a political and military enemy to free people throughout the world.
Note the sarcasm quotes around true Islam, modified by the adjective radical and referring to Islamists rather than Muslims in the first clause of the sentence...
'It is therefore time for the United States to make our true intentions clear. This barbaric ideology will no longer be tolerated. Islam must change or we will facilitate its self destruction.'
And, in fact, some in the Islamist movement do seem to be changing, inasmuch as they've grasped that engaging in violence against the homelands of the unbelievers results in harm to the Ummah rather than the historic bounties of conquest, and therefore other pathways ought to be pursued.
The documents showed that both the anti-Islamic courses were prepared by the Strategic Engagement Group, Inc., according to Al Jizz.

The group formed in 2010 'for the purpose of exposing and defeating efforts to subvert the United States Constitution and subjugate the American People,' says the company's website.
That's the first sentence. The second paragraph has an interesting list of clients.
Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director, told Al Jizz: 'The intention of these trainers is to demonise Islam and to marginalise American Moslems.'
He says things like that an awful lot.
The slides are apparently approved by two retired three-star generals and James Woolsey, a former CIS director.
Is that the same gentleman who used to be director of the CIA?
John Kirby, a front man for the Department of Defense, said: 'The material that was presented to us as a matter of concern by this young officer student certainly is not in keeping with our values - and more importantly, not even in keeping with the strategy as we see it in the "War on Terror".'

Home Front: Culture Wars
'Islamophobia happening in US on a daily basis'
[Iran Press TV] A pilot refused on Friday to take off from Memphis with two Mohammedan holy mans traveling to a conference in Charlotte, N.C.

"It's one of those kind of incidents that we get on a regular basis, and unfortunately it's a growing problem that seems to be legitimized by people like Ron Williams who say it's ok to feel uncomfortable riding with someone on an airplane that looks like a Mohammedan, so it's an issue we deal with regularly and one I think will be resolved with education," Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director, CAIR, Washington, said in an interview with Press TV's U.S. Desk on Saturday in regards to the incident.

"I think this incident is definitely a symptom of Islamophobia
...the irrational fear that Moslems will act the way they usually do...
because these people were told that the passengers were not comfortable flying with them. They weren't told they were any kind of threat it was just a function of comfort," Hopper added.

Home Front: WoT
Two Imams kicked off U.S. domestic flight after pilot refuses to take off with them
Two Muslim religious leaders were asked to leave a commercial airliner in Memphis - and were told it was because the pilot refused to fly with them aboard.

Masudur Rahman and another imam had already been allowed to board their Delta Connection flight from Memphis, Tennessee, to Charlotte, North Carolina before they were asked to get off the plane.

'It's racism and bias because of our religion and appearance and because of misinformation about our religion.' Mr Rahman said. 'If they understood Islam, they wouldn't do this.'
Or, because they understand Islam, and your behaviour or appearance had certain markers, they felt they must do this.
Mr Rahman said he and Mohamed Zaghloul, of the Islamic Association of Greater Memphis, were cleared by security agents and boarded the plane for an 8.40am departure.

The aircraft pulled away from the gate, but the pilot then announced the plane must return, Mr Rahman said.

When it did, the imams were asked to go back to the boarding gate where they were told the pilot was refusing to accept them because some other passengers could be uncomfortable.

Mr Rahman said Delta officials talked with the pilot for more than a half-hour, but he still refused to fly with them aboard.

The men were taken to a lounge and booked on a later flight. They flew on to Charlotte later the same day.
After their luggage was thoroughly examined in the back room, and their names passed on to the FBI.
Mr Rahman said a Delta manager apologised for the pilot's actions, but that he and Mr Zaghloul never spoke directly with the pilot.
Pilots, like ship captains, are absolute dictators while underway, and need explain nothing to mere passengers. Being charming at dinner is only something they might choose to do when they aren't busy running things.
Both passengers are Memphis-area residents. Mr Rahman, who is also an adjunct instructor of Arabic at the University of Memphis, said he was dressed in traditional Indian clothing. Mr Zaghloul was clad in Arab garb, including traditional headgear.
Perhaps that's what set the pilot off. Next time perhaps y'all might consider dressing in conformance with local customs, especially when local temperatures are considerably colder than those for which your traditional styles were designed.
Transportation Security Administration spokesman Jon Allen in Atlanta confirmed the incident but said it was not initiated by that agency.

A Delta Air Lines spokesman said the flight was operated by Atlantic Southeast Airlines, which is also based in Atlanta. Jarek Beem, a spokesman for Atlantic Southeast, said the airline was investigating the incident. 'We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience that this may have caused,' he said.
And thus Mr. Beem has accomplished his purpose in life.
Mr Rahman and Mr Zaghloul have contacted the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim civil rights and advocacy group in Washington, D.C. Ibrahim Hooper, of the American-Islamic organisation, said the group will follow up with the airline and with the TSA to help ensure such incidents do not continue to occur.

Home Front: Culture Wars
TN legislators take Sharia out of anti-terror bill
The sponsors of a Tennessee bill targeting organizations that practice Sharia are rewriting the measure to remove all references to religion.

The new version takes out language that said Sharia advocates violence and threatens the United States and Tennessee constitutions. The change makes clear that peaceful religious practices wouldn't be considered a violation.

One of the sponsors said, "It is about protecting our citizens from those who would use religious doctrine as a justification to commit criminal activities or terrorist acts."

"I think it's a victory for common sense and legislative restraint," Ibrahim Hooper said. "This is a win for Tennessee's Muslim community."

Mohamed Ahmed, imam of the Islamic Center of Nashville, was pleased that language that implicated Muslims was removed from the bill, but he wondered whether lawmakers in Tennessee should press ahead when the federal government already has broad powers to fight terrorism.

"I don't think there is a need for it. It's not going to target me as a Muslim, but it's going to target other people," he said.

Home Front: WoT
Teen detained in Kuwait sues US over no-fly list
ALEXANDRIA, Virginia -- Attorneys for a Virginia teenager have filed a federal lawsuit, claiming he was detained and tortured in Kuwait after being arbitrarily placed on the United States' no-fly list.

Lawyers for Gulet Mohamed, 19, argued in their lawsuit filed in US District Court in Alexandria that he was a nice boy placing Mohamed on the no-fly list without due process violates his constitutional rights.

A judge immediately scheduled a hearing on Mohamed's case for Tuesday afternoon.
Let me guess: a Clinton or Carter appointee, and the whole watch list system is about to be declared unconstitutional.
"The United States is depriving Mr. Mohamed of perhaps the most basic prerogative of American citizenship: the right to reside within the United States," wrote Nadhira F. Al-Khalili and Gadeir Abbas with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is representing Mohamed and has complained on behalf of other Muslim Americans in similar circumstances.

Mohamed was born in Somalia but is a naturalized US citizen who immigrated at age 3 and most recently lived in the Alexandria area. In March of 2009, Mohamed travelled to Yemen and Somalia, where he still has family, to learn Arabic.
Sure, he couldn't find anywhere in all of northern Virginia to learn Arabic...
What? And miss those two sparkling jewels in the crown of Islamic civilization, Yemen and Somalia?
He stayed in those countries for just a few months and settled in Kuwait in August 2009, where he lived with an uncle.
Just picking up the local culture, and maybe a wife or two...
In December, when he applied for a routine visa extension, he was arrested by plainclothes agents and claims he was beaten and tortured. Interrogators whipped his feet and threatened run electrical current through his genitals, Mohamed says.
Perhaps he was just sniffing around the local wimmin, or perhaps he was a little too forward in his beliefs about jihad...
The interrogators wanted to know about his time in Yemen and asked numerous questions about radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, an American who is hiding in Yemen and is believed to be a top al-Qaida recruiter.
Wotta coincidence...
Mohamed denies that he any contact with terrorists.
"No, no, certainly not!"
Mohamed says he was twice questioned by FBI agents, who told him that he would remain in Kuwaiti detention indefinitely if he continued to insist on having his lawyer present for questioning.
The Kuwaitis just don't respect Miranda warnings the way we do...
Mohamed alleges that his detention in Kuwait is entirely at the behest of the US government.
Makes for a nice story kid, but you have any proof of that? No?
In fact, he claims the Kuwaiti government tried to deport Mohamed Monday, but US officials would not let him on the plane because he is on the no-fly list.
He could have gone to Pakistain...
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper said Tuesday Mohamed "is just sitting in detention because they wouldn't let him get on the plane."

The Department of Justice said in a statement that it would not comment on the specific allegations in the lawsuit, but defended the way it adds people to the no-fly list.

"As a general matter, the process used to add anyone to the consolidated terrorist watchlist involves multiple layers of interagency vetting," the statement said. "At the same time, the federal government has well-established redress procedures in place for those seeking relief from adverse effects that may be related to watchlist screening. Today's watchlisting process serves our overall counterterrorism efforts while preserving the civil liberties of all Americans."
Until a screwy judge overturns it all.

Home Front: Politix
Christie nominates Muslim lawyer for NJ bench
NJ governor Chris Christie has nominated a Muslim lawyer who defended Islamist terror suspects after 9/11 for a seat on the state's top court.

Sohail Mohammed "worked in the aftermath of the attacks to try to foster trust between American Muslims and law enforcement, particularly federal officials," according to The New York Times.

Christie met him at an annual Ramadan dinner at the American Muslim Union some time back, and has praised the Muslim lawyer.

Mohammed gained notoriety defending The Fort Dix Six, would-be Islamist terrorists who plotted to shoot up the Fort Dix in January 2006.

"If these people did something, then they deserve to be punished to the fullest extent of the law," Mohammed said of his clients then. "But when the government says -- 'Islamic militants,' it sends a message to the public that Islam and militancy are synonymous."

"Don't equate actions with religion," he said.

Mohammed mainly works on immigration issues. He has also arranged job fairs that help Muslims to find employment in the FBI and other law enforcement, and has given many lectures on Islam and Muslim culture to the FBI.

Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR praised the nomination.

"It's just more evidence of the growth and maturity of the American Muslim community and our contributions to American society," The Daily Reporter quotes Hooper. "We have a large number of young Muslim attorneys coming up through the legal system, which is a fairly recent trend. It used to be that Muslim parents wanted their children to become doctors or engineers."

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