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Democrats Denied Election Results 150+ Times Before Trump Was Indicted for Challenging Election
[Breitbart] Although a Georgia grand jury indicted former President Donald Trump on Monday for challenging the 2020 election result, Democrats have refused to accept the results of elections they lost for decades.

As Breitbart News reported, more than 150 examples show Democrats denying election results, including President Joe Biden; two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton; House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY); Reps. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX); and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

In fact, every single Democrat president since 1977 has questioned the legitimacy of U.S. elections, according to the Republican National Committee. In both 2013 and 2016, Biden claimed that Al Gore won the 2000 presidential election. In May 2019, Biden said he “absolutely agrees” that Trump was an “illegitimate president.” Biden cast doubt on the legitimacy of the 2022 midterms this year.

In 2006, then-DNC Chairman Howard Dean stated that he was “not confident that the [2004] election in Ohio was fairly decided.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said it is “appropriate” to have a debate concerning the 2004 election and claimed that there were “legitimate concerns” regarding the “integrity” of U.S. elections. Then-Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) cast doubt on the security of electronic voting machines in the 2004 election, saying he was “worried” that some machines do not have a paper trail.

Democrats also cast doubt on the 2016 election. Seven House Democrats tried to object to the 2016 election electoral votes. After President Trump’s victory in 2016, 67 Democrats boycotted his inauguration, with some claiming Trump’s victory was not legitimate.

In September 2017, Hillary Clinton said she would not “rule out” questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election. In October 2020, she added that the 2016 presidential election was not conducted legitimately, saying, “We still don’t really know what happened.”

In addition, Democrats supported Stacey Abrams in her stolen election claims. Hillary Clinton said Stacey Abrams “would have won” Georgia’s gubernatorial race “if she had a fair election” and that Stacey Abrams “should be governor” but was “deprived of the votes [she] otherwise would have gotten.”

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said, “I think that Stacey Abrams’s election is being stolen from her.” Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) contended that “if Stacey Abrams doesn’t win in Georgia, they stole it.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said, “the evidence seems to suggest” the race was stolen from Stacey Abrams.

“We won,” Abrams falsely claimed about the 2018 election. “I didn’t lose; we got the votes,” and “we were robbed of an election.” She also called it a “stolen election” multiple times and argued, “It was not a free and fair election.”


Home Front: Politix
Elizabeth Warren Vows to Keep Fighting After Poor Showing in New Hampshire
[BREITBART] Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Being Native American has been part of my story since the day I was born Warren
...Dem Senatrix from Massachussetts, who traces her noble lineage all the way back to Big Chief Spouting Bull. It has been alleged that she speaks with forked tongue but she denies that. She had a DNA test to prove her lineage and it turns out she's colorless...
Remember her?
is getting some media attention after her single-digit, fourth-place finish in the New Hampshire primary, but it is not the kind candidates seek.

USA Today published an in-depth article about what has gone wrong in the Warren campaign ‐ after only one caucus and a primary ‐ and how it will not be easy to gain the momentum she needs to win the Democrat nomination.

A news hound talked to people who were at Warren’s final get out the vote rally in New Hampshire, including Richard Lemmerman, a 60-year-old investor from Hampton, New Hampshire.

"She’d make a good secretary of State, a great attorney general. I just don’t think she’s going to be a good president," Lemmerman said.

"In the end, as people start to focus on who’s the best progressive that’s got a chance of going the whole way, Bernie was winning that battle," Joe Trippi, who ran Vermont Gov. Howard Dean
Former Dem governor of Vermont or Rhode Island or one of those dinky states. Howard lost his bid to be president by shrieking and screaming and acting like a loon. Then they made him chairman of the Dem national campaign committee, where he continued doing the same things only nobody paid any attention....
’s failed presidential bid in 2004, said in the USA Today piece. "When it came to who was moving at the end among women who really wanted to see a woman get the nomination ... it starts to go to Amy."

"She was just drifting down, as was Biden, and the others were basically gaining ground at her expense," Trippi said.


Home Front: Politix
Woman Who Said ‘We Don't Need White People Leading the Democratic Party' Joins Biden Campaign
[Free Beacon] Democratic strategist Symone Sanders has joined the 2020 Joe Biden campaign, despite her previous comments that white people should not lead the party.

The former Bernie Sanders spokeswoman and political commentator spoke out against former DNC chairman Howard Dean's rumored plans to run again for the position in 2016. Appearing on CNN, Sanders said that the next DNC spokesperson should not be white.

"In my opinion we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now," Sanders said. "The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC."

"I want to hear more from everybody. I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks," she said at the time.

Now Sanders has joined the recently announced campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden‐who is neither brown nor a millennial‐as a senior advisor. In her announcement tweet, Sanders allowed that Biden "won't always be perfect."

Home Front: Politix
Howard Dean: Georgia Election 'Almost Certainly Stolen' by Kemp; Tells Abrams Not to Concede
Idiocy and the erosion of the faith in our system continue
After a hard-fought and often nasty campaign, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp has won the race to become the state’s next governor over House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams.

Kemp eked out a victory with fewer than 70,000 votes separating him from Abrams. Quixotic Libertarian candidate Ted Metz picked up just over 37,000 votes.

Kemp has declared victory in the race. His campaign manager Cody Hall told the media:

"Based on counts released by the Secretary of State’s office, Brian Kemp’s margin is so large that the number of provisional ballots and overseas ballots will not change his Election Day victory," Hall said. "Simply put, it is mathematically impossible for Stacey Abrams to win or force a run-off election.
"Peach State voters made a clear decision at the ballot box. Brian Kemp will now begin his transition as governor-elect of Georgia. He will work every day to keep our state moving in the right direction."

Naturally, Abrams has refused to accept the results. She claims that there are still votes to be counted, and she believes that those votes can push her over the edge. Her campaign said so in a statement.

"These counties also represent heavily-Democratic leaning constituencies, and the majority of those votes are anticipated to be for Stacey Abrams," the statement read. The campaign also said absentee ballots could make a difference.

"Across our state, folks are opening up the dreams of voters in absentee ballots, and we believe our chance for a stronger Georgia is just within reach," Abrams said Wednesday morning.

The race has gotten national attention ‐ largely because if Abrams wins, she will become the first African-American female governor of any state. Part of the attention stems from the accusations of voter suppression. Those claims relate to federal regulations for clearing voter rolls of inactive names, a rule that is outside of Kemp's control.

Even former Vermont governor Howard Dean has weighed in:

She should not concede. The election was almost certainly stolen by a candidate who supervised his own "election"

We don't like the results so you stole it.

Eat a dick, Dean. You and all your hellspawn of a party.

Home Front: Politix
Howard Dean: ‘The President Is Mentally Ill'
But not in the same way Howard Dean is.
[Breitbart] Sunday on MSNBC, former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) said President Donald Trump was "mentally ill."

Dean said, "Trump has been an outlier since he’s been president and he’s not a particularly well-respected person. He wasn’t very well respected when he was in business in New York, and he’s not very well respected now. What you had was what I think was an extraordinary tribute to John McCain. He basically rallied the decent people in this country, Republicans, and Democrats, to make a statement about America being a decent country and not being represented by the president, who is not a decent person."

He continued, "I’ve long believed the president is mentally ill and I believe narcissism overcomes his ability to know, A, what’s good for the country, and B, what’s good for him."

He added, "He’s not going to change after 70-odd years. I don’t see this as just Washington elite. I see this as a matter of a statement of decency about the whole country. It’s not a coincidence that Donald Trump is at the lowest approval rating he’s ever been at, which is 36 percent. That means 70 or 64 percent of the people believe that this country is a good country regardless of whether they’re Republicans or Democrats and believe we ought to move forward in a more decent direction and more thoughtful direction and think about each other. That was the core message of that funeral, which was, never mind if we’re Democrats or Republicans, let’s do what’s right for the country."
Vid @ LINK.
Pay attention to MEEEEE!! Has-been wannabe emits Democrat common wisdom, changing no minds. He would have more impact if he went back to his original profession as a medical doctor, where he is actually needed. On that subject it should be pointed out that, given his training and practice was family medicine, he is not qualified to opine on President Trump’s psychiatric situation, which may make his doing so contrary to medical ethics.

-Land of the Free
MSNBC Anchor Wonders If Trump Trying To Provoke A Terror Attack To Prove A Point
[DAILYCALLER] MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts theorized on Sunday that President Trump is trying to provoke a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in order to "prove himself right" about Islamic terrorism.

Roberts floated the theory during two separate interviews, one with Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed and another with former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean
Former Dem governor of Vermont or Rhode Island or one of those dinky states. Howard lost his bid to be president by shrieking and screaming and acting like a loon. Then they made him chairman of the Dem national campaign committee, where he continued doing the same things only nobody paid any attention....
Roberts pointed to Trump’s tweets early Sunday in the wake of a terrorist attack that left at least seven dead in London.

Trump wrote that "we must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people." He also criticized London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, who said that there was "no reason to be alarmed" following the attacks.

"The president doesn’t want us to be politically correct, right? So let’s not be PC about this. Is the president trying to provoke a domestic terrorist attack with this Twitter rant, because only to prove himself right?" Roberts asked Reed during an interview.


Home Front: Politix
What today's fascists don't understand
Former Dem governor of Vermont or Rhode Island or one of those dinky states. Howard lost his bid to be president by shrieking and screaming and acting like a loon. Then they made him chairman of the Dem national campaign committee, where he continued doing the same things only nobody paid any attention....
thinks "hate speech" is not protected by the First Amendment. A New York University professor was given space in the New York Times
...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...
to deride the idea of "a blanket permission to say anything anybody thinks" and to defend protestors who, using violence, shut down a speech that was to be delivered recently by Charles Murray, the social scientist. A political science professor at Middlebury, the college where Murray was barracked, jostled, and threatened, apologized to the perpetrators for inviting Murray.

Justification of modern, left-wing fascism
...a political system developed in Italy symbolized by the Roman fasces -- thin reeds, each flimsy in itself but unbreakable when bound into a bundle. The word is nowadays thrown around by all sorts of people who have no idea what they're talking about...
and spineless capitulation in the face of it is becoming more common. The illiberal tide is rising. This isn't just a thing among wacky rich kids at colleges that aren't worth the fees they charge. No, a growing minority on the left argues against the principle of free speech and against the idea of open debate. They use bad law and bad philosophy for their arguments.

They would, without a doubt, gravely regret the consequences if they got their way, for the results would be pernicious.

Ann Coulter, the right-wing provocateur, was invited to speak at the University of Caliphornia, an impregnable bastion of the Democratic Party,, Berkeley, recently, which infuriated campus holy warriors. Some of them protested and threatened massive disruption, at which the university caved in and canceled Coulter's speech. The censors -- they are thought police, the same ilk as book burners -- had won. They deployed the threat of violence to silence a voice that disagreed with them.

Former Vermont Governor and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean thought this was just fine. Citing a tasteless Ann Coulter joke about Timothy McVeigh blowing up the New York Times building, Dean wrote on Twitter "Hate speech is not protected by the first amendment."

Dean is an ass. He is flatly wrong, as every scholar of the First Amendment could show. Hate speech, crazy speech, idiotic speech, communist speech, fascist speech, racist speech, sexist speech -- they're all protected by the Constitution. Incitement to violence, speech actually urging people to attack others, is a rare exception to the freedom of speech. But joking that you wished someone were dead doesn't count as incitement.


Home Front: Politix
Brilliant -- Howard Dean Drops Out of DNC Race Paving Way for Keith Ellison
[THECONSERVATIVETREEHOUSE] Oh, the good news just keeps on coming. We are one step closer to actually seeing Keith Ellison as the Chairman of the DNC. We should do everything possible to ensure his success in this quest.

Washington (Via CNN) ‐ Howard Dean
Former Dem governor of Vermont or Rhode Island or one of those dinky states. Howard lost his bid to be president by shrieking and screaming and acting like a loon. Then they made him chairman of the Dem national campaign committee, where he continued doing the same things only nobody paid any attention....
has dropped his bid for a second stint chairing the Democratic National Committee, citing "other priorities" and a "possibly divisive race.
...politicians call things divisive when when the other side sez something they don't like. Their own statements are never divisive, they're principled...
"I’m not going to be a candidate for the DNC chairmanship," the former Vermont governor and 2004 presidential candidate said at the start of an Association of State Democratic Chairs forum in Denver. "I think it could possibly be divisive. I have other priorities. I have a grandchild now. But I am fully dedicated to using as much time as I can to support whoever the chairman is."

A leading contender for the spot is Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota.

Home Front: Politix
Firefighters union chief calls AFL-CIO ballot for DNC chair 'totalitarian'
A top union leader lashed out at AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka for sending out an endorsement ballot for chair of the Democratic National Committee that listed the name of only one candidate.

"A single name on the ballot more resembles an attempt at a coronation in a totalitarian regime rather than an election within the House of Labor," Harold Schaitberger, president of the International Association of Fire Fighters, wrote in an email to Trumka sent late Wednesday.

The ballot, sent Wednesday to members of the AFL-CIO's Executive Committee, provided three options: to endorse Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.); to abstain; or to "make no endorsement at this time." Omitted were South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison; New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley; and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, all declared candidates.

Also absent were two prospective candidates reportedly favored by the White House: Labor Secretary Tom Perez and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

The voting began Nov. 30 and continues until Dec. 6. The DNC will choose its new chair at its winter meeting in Atlanta, Feb. 23-26.

Schaitberger, whose union lies at the more conservative end of the labor movement, wrote that Trumka's attempt to "pre-ordain the result by including only a single candidate on the ballot is contemptible."

Ellison has been endorsed by a number of top labor groups. In a memo to the Executive Board that POLITICO reported on Wednesday, Trumka signaled a clear preference for Ellison, citing those endorsements and noting that a "strong majority" favored Ellison in a previous straw poll of the board's Political Committee.

"Your memo notes that both New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley and South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Jaime Harrison took time out of their busy schedules on very short notice ... to attend and address the Political Committee," Schaitberger wrote. "Yet, you failed to give either Mr. Buckley or Mr. Harrison the common courtesy of a place on the ballot because of your own personal bias for Representative Ellison."

Schaitberger also noted that Trumka acknowledged that other potential DNC candidates had contacted him and Executive Council members, including "our very good friend Secretary Tom Perez," to talk about the race. Perez has been mulling running for either DNC chair or Maryland governor.

"This causes me great concern that those who may call into question the integrity of our labor movement will now have more ammunition to use against us when we are in the trenches," Schaitberger wrote, "fighting to protect the hard won gains our members have earned through the years."

And they wonder why so many blue collar union workers voted Trump this year.

Home Front: Politix
Former Sanders Spokeswoman:
[REALCLEARPOLITICS] Symone Sanders, former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders
...The only openly Socialist member of the U.S. Senate. Sanders was Representative-for-Life from Vermont until moving to the Senate for the rest of his life in 2006, assuming the seat vacated by Jim Jeffords...
presidential campaign, appeared on CNN Wednesday afternoon to weigh in on the future of the DNC and the Democratic party. Sanders dismissed the idea of Howard Dean
Former Dem governor of Vermont or Rhode Island or one of those dinky states. Howard lost his bid to be president by shrieking and screaming and acting like a loon. Then they made him chairman of the Dem national campaign committee, where he continued doing the same things only nobody paid any attention....
returning as DNC chairman commenting, "we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now."

"Howard Dean is also on record maligning young people and millennials. Telling those Bernie folks they just need to get in line and maligning Bernie Sanders. And that is not what we need," Sanders said about the former party chairman.

"In my opinion we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now," Sanders said.
Then why did that very pale man, Bernie Sanders, run for president of the United States and, had he won, head of the Democratic Party?
"The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC."
As I recall, Donna Brazile wasn't on your side, Bernie...
"I think we need a robust discussion about this and I think we need to hear more from all the candidates," Sanders told CNN's Brianna Keilar. "Jaime Harrison of South Carolina, he's great, too. He's done real party building, but everybody doesn't necessarily know Jaime and they want to know what he stands for. So I want to hear more from everybody."

"I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks," she finished.

Sanders' reaction to a white person getting dragged from car and beaten by anti-Trump protestors: "Oh my goodness, poor white people."

Home Front: Politix
Do You Really Want to Listen to this for 8 Years? Well, Do You?
Shrieking Hillary's Howard Dean Moment.

Almost on the level of the "Barking Dog Video." Hillary as a Barking Dog. I give her an 8 or 9 on the Unhinged Scale. Listen to her for 4-8 years? I think not. Strike a blow for the country's good and its collective sanity. Vote for Trump.

Home Front: Politix
Howard Dean: Bobby Knight's Trump Endorsement a Difference Maker in Indiana
[Breitbart] Leading up to next week’s Indiana primary, GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump got legendary Indiana University basketball coach Bobby Knight’s endorsement.

Former Gov. Howard Dean (D-VT) reacted Thursday on MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" to the Knight endorsement by saying Knight’s status in Indiana means his endorsement, unlike most, makes a real difference.

"It is the the same as Bear Bryant endorsing somebody in Alabama. I mean, [Knight] did more for Indiana basketball, which I have to say, is the biggest sport in Indiana by far. I do -- I agree, endorsements usually don’t make much difference. This one does."

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