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Africa North
Women call for Islamic governance in Tunisia
[Daily Nation (Kenya)] Hundreds of Mohammedan women gathered near Tunis Saturday to call for the return of the caliphate, the defunct Islamic system of governance which they said was the only means of guaranteeing their rights.

The members of the Hizb ut-Tahrir party came from Islamic countries including Arab states, Indonesia and Turkey, as well as from Europe to debate the benefits of the system that disappeared nearly 90 years ago.

"This conference raises questions about the secular liberal way of life and asks whether it is a system that has succeed in securing the dignity and rights of women," chief spokeswoman Nasrin Nawaaz of the British branch of the party told AFP.

"Mohammedan women are gathering together saying that we no longer want to live under secular liberal democratic systems," she added.

"We want a new system, we want the khalifa system that historically has been tried and has succeeded in securing the rights of women."

Nawaz said that countries such as Soddy Arabia and Iran that promote themselves as Islamic states "in reality they implement nothing but the rules of dictatorship."

Men were banned from the conference, which opened with a film castigating Western political systems and calling for "patient and determined work to re-establish the law of Islam."

Founded in 1953, Hizb ut-Tahir has members and sympathisers in more than 50 countries. It seeks the return of the caliphate, based on Islamic charia law, by political means.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukraine police arrest three Islamists
Ukrainian police on Tuesday said they had arrested three members of an Islamic fundamentalist group that was planning terrorist acts, the Interfax news agency reported. Two of the suspects reportedly were ethnic Tartars living in Ukraine's Crimean peninsula. All three had been working as labourers in the Crimean resport city Yalta, according to a police statement. The men reportedly had become active members of Hizb ut Tahir, a pan-Islamist group with branches in the Middle East, Europe, and the former Soviet Union, in 2006.

Police arrested the men in Simferopol without incident. Weapons confiscated by law enforcers included two shotguns, two pistols, and "Jihad-related literature." The men were suspected of conducting robberies to finance planned later terrorist attacks against Ukrainian government institutions, participating in land theft, and attempting to develop a guerilla organization in the Crimea region, the police statement said.

Relations between the predominantly Orthodox Christian population of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula and its Sunni Muslim minority have become increasingly sensitive in recent months, primarily because of land ownership disputes. Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko last month appointed a new prosecutor general to the region, with instructions to take steps to prevent increased inter-ethnic conflict.

Down Under
Agencies investigate Hizb ut-Tahir jihad group
GOVERNMENT security agencies are reviewing the terrorist status of Islamic extremists allegedly distributing pamphlets calling for a holy war to destroy Israel.

Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said Australian security agencies examined the group, Hizb ut-Tahir, when it came to their notice a year ago, and considered whether to list it as a proscribed terrorist organisation. "And the decision that was taken by competent agencies at that time was there was insufficient evidence for the legal criteria for proscription to be satisfied," he said today.

With alleged links to the London bombings, Hizb ut-Tahir is reportedly distributing pamphlets through suburban Sydney calling for a holy war. The leaflets call for a jihad to destroy Israel and use key dates in the Muslim calendar to signal the coming destruction of the Jewish state, News Limited newspapers have reported.

The group is banned in Germany and British Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for it to be outlawed in the UK. But it remains legal in Australia despite calls for it to be banned.

"I am certainly aware of the additional material that has been circulated." Mr Ruddock said. "I've drawn it to the attention of competent agencies and if they form a view that that alters their opinion as to whether or not it constitutes a terrorist organisation, that matter can be brought to our attention and we can have a look at it."

NSW Premier Morris Iemma earlier urged the extremists to leave that sort of hatred overseas. Mr Iemma said legitimate debate, free speech and opinions were welcome in Australia. "However, the sort of inflammatory language about conflicts in wars overseas, leave them behind," he said. "Leave the conflicts, the old wars and the hatred behind."
You're asking them to leave the Master Religion™ behind and become Aussies. I don't think that's going to happen.

Down Under
Pamphlet drop calls for 'holy war'
A RADICAL group with alleged links to the London bombings is reportedly distributing pamphlets through suburban Sydney calling for a holy war. The leaflets, from the extremist group Hizb ut-Tahir, call for a jihad to destroy Israel and use key dates in the Muslim calendar to signal the coming destruction of the Jewish state, The Daily Telegraph reported today.

The group is banned in Germany and British Prime Minister Tony Blair has called for Hizb ut-Tahir, which has alleged links to last year's London terrorist attacks, to be outlawed there. It remains legal in Australia despite calls for it to be banned.

A spokesman for Attorney-General Philip Ruddock's office said security agencies were "very aware" of the pamphlets. "In order for a group to be proscribed as a terrorist organisation it must be directly or indirectly engaged in, preparing, planning, assisting in or fostering a terrorist act," he was quoted as saying.

Hizb ut-Tahir spokesman Mohammed Abdalwahab said the group called for the non-violent overthrow of governments and the rise of Islamic governments and Sharia law.

Down Under
Hizb ut-Tahir islamic under investigation in Aust.....
THE Federal Government has ordered an urgent ASIO report into a radical Islamic organisation in Sydney.

The Hizb ut-Tahir group which has been banned in Britain describes suicide bombers as martyrs and denounces Western values.
A Sydney newspaper has reported that Attorney-General Philip Ruddock asked for the investigation into the group, which has been meeting secretly in western Sydney.

Islamic community leaders have already complained the group, known also as the Party of Islamic Liberation distributes anti-Western literature.

The paper reports the group will be banned in Australia if the ASIO report finds it poses a threat to security or encourages terrorist behaviour.

Hizb-ut-Tahrir threatens Blair
British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s pledge to ban militant Islamic groups will be seen by Muslims as “stifling legitimate political dissent”, a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir said today. Imran Waheed, a spokesman for Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, said the group would fight any ban through the courts and insisted it was a “non-violent political party”.
I think it's pretty well established that it's an al-Qaeda front organization.
He added: “There will be serious repercussions in terms of community relations if this ban goes ahead. We have a lot of support among the Muslim community in Britain and it will be seen by the Muslim community as stifling legitimate political dissent.
Sounds like a threat to turn Britain into something like Karachi on a hot day...
“Hizb ut-Tahrir is a non-violent political party. It has had a history of non-violence for the last 50 years and these measures are like what we have seen in Uzbekistan where President Karimov has been burning his political opponents alive. Our members are all for political expression, not for violence.”
Hizbut's members also all call for the establishment of a caliphate to rule an Islamic world. They take the phrase "over my dead body" literally and look forward to it with anticpation.
Mr Waheed said the group had made its position on the London bombings clear - that it was “not justified to take innocent lives”.
"But since they're already dead, we should just move on. There's certainly no reason to actually do something about it."
“We have been very clear about that and we will fight any ban through the legal system. We will continue our work. Our work is totally non-violent.” But he added: “Our views are very similar to those in the Muslim community. We want an end to Western interference in Muslim countries.”
In that case, you'll have nothing against those Muslim communities being moved to Karachi and left to their own devices...
Mr Waheed rejected shadow defence minister Gerald Howarth’s comments that Muslims opposed to the British way of life should leave the country even if they are UK citizens. “This is nothing to do with not liking the country,” he said. “We were born in Britain and there is nothing precluding a Muslim from a being a decent citizen in this country. By doing this, he (Mr Blair) is setting an example to the tyrant rulers of the Muslim world, encouraging them to further suppress their populations.”
There's nothing precluding a Muslim being a decent citizen of Britain. That doesn't explain why those who aren't decent citizens shouldn't be dumped...
The Hizb ut-Tahrir website says the group’s aim is to “resume the Islamic way of life and to convey the Islamic da’wah (teachings) to the world”. A statement posted following the G8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, last month said the “colonialists, especially America and Britain, harbour a hidden hatred against Islam and the Muslims".
We just hide it really well, since we as nations go out of our way not to offend the sensitive little beasties...
It continued: “They forget their differences when it comes to Islam and the Muslims. The London explosions, which took place at the time of the G8 summit, revealed this crusader viewpoint and hatred of Islam and the Muslims to the extent that every Muslim in Britain, even British citizens, have come under suspicion where even some British organisations have begun calling openly for ‘waging a crusader war to expel Muslims from the streets of Europe’.
Only those who've declared war against the host country. I use the term "host country" descriptively, to describe a nation that's afflicted with destructive parasites. Parasites, in fact, like Hizb ut-Tahrir...
“You can see these states, especially the colonialist states and those which have ambitions over our countries, may disagree on everything but they are united against you and against your Deen (faith).” The site has several question and answer-style pages arguing that America is trying to create an “evil empire which will control the whole world”.
That's why we've imposed a tax on the countries we've liberated, right? That's why we've removed their treasure to our own countries. That's why we've slaughtered their military age males in batches... Oh. Wait. That's what Muslims would do. That's what Saddam did, in fact.
Other statements read: “Western capitalism is a shameful and licentious civilisation for which there is no precedent known in history. Abnormal behaviour, mutilation and nudity can be found amongst human beings.”
If you don't like it, don't indulge. If you don't like being around it, go back to Karachi. The difference between Western civilization and Islamism is that we in the West have over the course of the years tamed our impulses somewhat to tell other people how to live their lives.
The common link between Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut-Tahir is Sheikh Omar bin Bakri bin Mohammed. Bakri Mohammed has been investigated by police over his allegedly inflammatory language, but no charges have ever been brought.
We'll believe the Brits have actually caught on when he's booted...
After living in Syria and Lebanon, he was expelled from Saudi Arabia as an extremist and arrived in Britain in 1986. He set up a branch of Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation), which recruited from mosques and colleges. He split from the group in 1996 and created Al-Muhajiroun (The Eyes and Ears of the Muslims), which praised the “Magnificent 19” hijackers after September 11. Last October, Bakri Mohammed announced he was disbanding Al-Muhajiroun in the interests of unity in the Muslim world, and has since adopted a lower profile.
Which means he's working behind the scenese and thinking of going underground if he thinks Tony's serious this time. Tony faces the choice to be Churchill or Musharraf...
However, he is now head of one of the “successor organisations” referred to by Mr Blair today – the Saviour Sect (Ahl ul-Sunnah wal Jammah), which disrupted a Muslim Council of Britain press conference in April.
I think he sees this as a British equivalent of Jamaat-e-Islami...
A group of chanting militants stormed the meeting, condemning the Council as “a mouthpiece” of Mr Blair’s and claiming that voting in the General Election would go against Islam. There were chaotic scenes as a group of more than a dozen men, two of them masked, broke down the door of the library in the Central London Mosque in Regent’s Park. The men who burst in said they represented the Saviour Sect, from the disbanded Al Muhajiroun group and headed by cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed. They also targeted election candidates George Galloway and Oona King in violent scuffles during hustings in London’s East End in April.
Sounds a lot like the Islami Jamiat Talaba and the festivities at Punjab University, doesn't it?
Another Al-Muhajiroun offshoot is known as Al Ghurabaa, or “The Strangers”. This week, Al Ghurabaa spokesman Abu Izzadeen refused to condemn the July 7 bombings and said he hoped they would make people “wake up and smell the coffee”.
We're all hoping exactly the same thing, bub.

Fifth Column
Unholy alliance: Jihadists, Nazis
As illustrated by the various RB reports of Aryan nation, Aryan brotherhood,... 's pleads of allegiance to AQ. See also http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=124130&D=2005-07-15
Officials see growing terror ties between radical Islam, skinheads
By Joseph Farah and Yoram East
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – Neo-Nazi skinheads are working with radical Islamists in a growing unholy alliance that has European law enforcement officials concerned about a new front in the war on terrorism, reports Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, the premium, online intelligence newsletter published by the founder of WND.

Sources in the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Switzerland and in the Middle East are warning that the world should not be surprised to see young, white males involved in terrorism and in league with Osama bin Laden.

Just a few years ago, Muslims represented one of the biggest harassment targets of neo-Nazi skinheads in Europe. But anti-Muslim hate crimes by skinheads have seen a dramatic drop-off – even as their movement takes on more visibility and bigger numbers.

"In business they ignore the race," said an Italian official.

Law enforcement officials fear skinheads and neo-Nazis could provide not just additional numbers to the Islamic terrorist cause but also some operatives who would defy profiling efforts.

Skinheads can easily cover their tattoos and wear respectable clothing to deceive police and immigration authorities, say police officials. An Italian police expert on gang activities said it is known skinheads travel as far as Australia, South Africa and the Indian sub-continent "at times looking like the boy next door or a student on vacation." He also revealed Italian agents are aware of a number of meetings between gang leaders, radical Islamic students and organized crime bosses.

The chilling possibility that Muslim terrorists and neo-Nazis may combine forces was raised as a distinct possibility by Israel's president last month.

On a visit to commemorate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and Germany, Moshe Katsav declared, "Let us not be surprised if one day terror organizations use neo-Nazis to carry out terrorist attacks."

The majority of Muslims in Europe are law-abiding citizens, he added. But Muslim extremists may form alliances with neo-Nazis, he said.

What brings the groups together is a common enemy – Jews – and business interests, say law enforcement officials. Neo-Nazi skinheads are deeply involved in drug-running and human smuggling gangs – two areas of common interest with Islamists.

Long before Katsav warned about the links between the neo-Nazis and the jihadists, Germany's minister of the interior, Otto Schily, the Muslim Hizb ut-Tahir, or Party of Liberation, which had ties with the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party. Hizb ut-Tahir, an organization with acolytes in many European countries, wants to unite the Muslim world in a single theocratic state under a caliph, or supreme Muslim leader.

Schily banned the group in 2002 after accusing it of "spreading violent propaganda and anti-Jewish agitation" and after receiving reports its representatives had met with members of the National Democratic Party in 2001. Schily is now considering a ban on activities by Hezbollah members in Germany.

Three million or more Muslims live in Germany, comprising about 4 percent of its population.

There is also a community of 100,000 ethnic German converts to Islam. One of them, Steven Smyrek, was arrested and imprisoned in Israel some years ago on charges of being a Hezbollah agent. He was released in 2004 in an Israel-Hezbollah prisoner swap, and now lives in Germany as a free man.

The mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, Mohammed Atta, lived and studied in Hamburg, a major port in northern Germany.

Twenty-five thousand to 30,000 Muslims in Germany are members of radical Islamic organizations, according to a ministry of interior official.

Meanwhile, neo-Nazi skinhead numbers are swelling throughout Europe.

As Swiss President Samuel Schmid stood on the Rutli Meadow last week commemorating the Swiss Federation, he was shocked by more than 700 skinheads and neo-Nazis wearing black T-shirts who stood facing him, waving their fists in a Nazi salute.

The number of militants amounted to more than one third of the people attending the event, twice the number registered in the 2004 celebrations. The skinheads, waving the Swiss national flag, were not shy about chanting slogans such as "Schmid is a traitor," and other slurs aimed at minorities, especially against refugees from the third world. As is their common routine they also voiced hate expressions against the U.S. and the Jews.

Schmid was openly shaken as he realized he would not be able to finish his speech. He later expressed his anger and suggested that radical changes in future public celebrations of national day events should be seriously considered.

G2 Bulletin reports it has learned from a reliable source the stunned president did not waste any time contacting members of cabinet and other officials, telling them to get their act together and put an end to what he described as "hoodlums taking over a national holiday."

In reality it was the 10th year in a row that the extremists have made the journey to the legendary meadow on the shores of Lake Lucerne, and their numbers have increased each year.

An analysis of the overall proliferation of skinhead movements that originated in the UK, where they first appeared as gangs in the '60s, shows the Swiss numbers probably represent only a small fraction of the total number. Overall figures of those directly involved with skinheads, who later also joined neo-Nazi and fascist movements is well over 150,000 worldwide.

An Interpol source said the skinheads are well-organized, citing a number of events this year including a mass gathering during a concert near Germany. At that event, French and German police tried to stop hundreds of French and Italian skinheads and neo-Nazis from crossing the border into Germany.

Other notable events this year were neo-Nazi gatherings in Germany including Berlin and neo-Nazi and skinheads’ demonstrations in the Baltic States and Scandinavia. Skinheads and neo-Nazis are a growing menace in Poland and in parts of Russia where they are accused of having committed murders, arson attacks, robberies and of cooperating with organized crime elements.

Russian law enforcement agencies are witnessing constant clashes between skinhead gangs and the police and murders of foreigners.

A Swiss official with the federal police, reacting on the Rutli Meadow event, bitterly emphasized agents have to divert attention from pressing issues related to the global war on terrorism to monitor skinheads, neo-Nazis, bikers and other street gangs.

They need to recognize who is who in these radical movements and to prevent gangs from becoming hired guns or suppliers of forged documents, weapons and explosives later used against governments at war with jihadi Islam.

The danger posed by the skinhead-Islamist alliance is being compared with the fast-growing menace of Central American street gangs, such as the Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, who are now the largest and most dangerous criminal group in several Latin American countries and in the U.S. MS-13, too, has been known to meet with al-Qaida operatives and is believed to be involved in smuggling some into the U.S. across the Mexican border.

Arrest of Osman Bakhash from the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lebanon
The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir [Arabic for Islamic Liberation Party] in Lebanon

In the name of Allah the most merciful,

"Allah has promised those among you who believes, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practice their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah.)
(Sura 24:55)

Press Release

Arrest of Osman Bakhash from the Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lebanon

State Officers, dressed up as civilians, have broke into Mr. Osman Bakhash's Office in the Makassed Hospital where he works, and arrested him and taken him into an unkown location. This came after the broadcast of Hizb ut-Tahir's activities in Lebanon on LBC TV [ Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation] on Wednesday Night. The broadcast included an interview with Engineer Osman Bakhash, form the Media Office, in which he answered questions that were posed to him. His arrest comes after the arrest of Ali Aslan And Waseem Shaarani during the past 10 days, on the accusation of membership with "Hizb ut-Tahrir". These arrests are an indication that we are living in a Police State, that closes people's mouths, and replies to arguments and reason with Fire and Steel.

This campaign of arrests and continuous chasing of Hizb ut-Tahrir members has no valid argument in the laws for which the Lebanese state claims to apply and look upon.

It is of our interest to reveal that what the State Officers are doing under the instructions of the concerned authorities, will not stop the struggle, path, and call of Hizb ut-Tahrir; neither will it change its method, which is calling to Islam through argument and reason, even though this call was to be faced by the policy of imprisonement, which is an indication of the bankrupcy of the people in charge of this state, and their fail to resort to the usual means of persuasion.

The Media Office of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Lebanon
On 29/7/2004


Damascus releases 92 political prisoners
The Syrian authorities on Saturday released 92 political prisoners. A matter which raises the number of released prisoners since last Thursday to 122 persons. The Syrian lawyer and human rights activist, Anwar al-Bunni, said that most of those prisoners belong to the Ikhwan al-Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) group, or the Hizb ut-Tahirir al-Islami (Islamic liberation party), or the Baath party of Iraq, and that among them persons who completed their imprisonment sentence and others who are sick.
What is up with all these releases going on, are they running out of jihadis? Hehe they didn’t know what they were getting into when they decided to take on the USA did they?

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