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'The people who control the country.' How Afghanistan has changed under the Taliban
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semeov
Russia is determined to normalize relations, and will say anything to do so. Count up the fictions as you read, dearReader.
[REGNUM] The problems of Afghanistan are known, but the real power there lies with the Taliban movement and this cannot be ignored, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the press following his visit to Uzbekistan on May 28.

“There are problems in Afghanistan, they are undeniable, everyone is well aware of them. The question of how to build relationships with the current government is another question. But we have to build it somehow, these are the people who control the country, control the territory of the country. They are the power in Afghanistan today,” the Russian President said.

A day earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also made it clear that Russia is going to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorists, on which it is still included.

“Kazakhstan recently made a decision, which we are also going to make, to remove them from the list of terrorist organizations. Moreover, the UN Security Council did not declare the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
It only takes one veto, or the threat of one.
There are, in my opinion, 12–15 specific characters on the list of terrorists,” Lavrov told reporters.

Initially, the Taliban came under international sanctions and were included in terrorist lists not so much because of their own actions, but because of their support for other terrorist organizations. For example, Al-Qaeda, whose representatives received asylum in Afghanistan.
Al Qaeda is still there, as are all their little buddies. And ISIS-K is one of the leading exporters of jihad among the ISIS franchises. Some of these have connections, and have been causing trouble, in Russia.
Of course, the Taliban was and remains a fundamentalist movement, but both now and during the period of the first Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA - the Taliban state) distanced itself from obvious terrorist activities.

The Taliban, unlike Al-Qaeda and ISIS, have never advocated the dismantling of the world order and “global jihad.”
But they support — and intermarry with — those who do. Tomaytoes, tomahtoes.
During their first statehood in the 1990s, they maintained diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Pakistan. Neighboring Turkmenistan was then close to recognizing them.

At the moment, it has also become obvious that all concerns about the hypothetical expansion of the Taliban into neighboring countries have remained at the level of speculation and speculation. The Taliban movement has demonstrated in practice that it intends to build good neighborly relations with all its neighbors.
They’e still at the consolidation phase, and can’t afford external wars as well as the internal ones.
For Moscow, of course, the positive attitude of the Afghan authorities towards Russia itself and its approaches to international affairs also plays a role.

As political scientist and orientalist Mir-Ali Askerov, who recently returned from Afghanistan, told IA Regnum, “there has never been a situation in which, when you say that you are from Russia, it causes some kind of negativity, that is, it either causes at least something neutral, positive, or strictly positive attitude. The Afghans express their gratitude for the fact that you visited their country and, in general, offer their help there in every possible way.”
I assume Mr. Askerov is male.
Askerov emphasized that Afghans look with hope at the confrontation between Russia and the collective West, with the hope that Russia “will be able to withstand this onslaught, this pressure and will be able to achieve a revision of this monopolar world order.”
No doubt.
As Russian officials have rightly noted, the Taliban are making good progress in nation-building.

Although the country has serious economic problems and terrorist groups continue to operate, the risk of political and economic collapse is assessed as minimal, and the country has also managed to overcome crime and make the lives of citizens safer.

According to Askerov, the crime situation has become much better than during the reign of Ashraf Ghani and the Americans, and during that period he also had the opportunity to visit Afghanistan.

“ You can now walk around Kabul at night, during the day, at any time of the day and in any area, it is absolutely safe. The only problem is pickpockets, but this is only a problem of large markets,” said the orientalist.
Again, Mr. Askerov is not female.
At the same time, security is ensured in a much “softer” way than during the American occupation.

“Of course, there are many guards and checkpoints in the city, but they do not create the impression of a police state, as during the American presence with rough searches and searches of everyone. On the streets you can also see employees of the ministry of “commanding what is good and prohibiting what is bad” (morality police), but they act unobtrusively, politely and rather try to explain or explain something rather than prohibit and detain, so this does not cause any rejection or conflicts,” Askerov noted.
No, no, perish the thought.
At the same time, he said, some problems remain, despite the optimism of Afghans:

“The population perceives current changes positively and looks to the future with hope. But, of course, Afghans live poorly, and even the wealthiest live very modestly by our standards; economic problems have not gone away.”

Nevertheless, the Taliban still managed to somewhat stabilize the economy.

Afghanistan's foreign trade fell after they seized power. However, despite the decline in imports, most of the country's income now comes from taxes.

As experts note, the Afghan economy is no longer in a state of free fall and appears to be frozen in a precarious balance, albeit at the lowest level.

Modest positive trends include lower inflation, exchange rate stability, some recovery in imports, a more than doubling of exports,
…opium and heroin, right?
stable or slightly increased labor demand and continued wage levels.

Of course, the problem of Afghan drug trafficking remains.
Opium and heroin, yes.
However, it arose long before the Taliban came to power and was “chronic” for this country.
The Taliban took control of it during their first tenure, and never let go.
Nevertheless, the IEA leadership is making efforts to limit the production of opiates.

Thus, according to a 2023 UN report, poppy cultivation in southern Afghanistan fell by more than 80% as a result of Taliban campaigns to stop its use in opium production. For example, the decline in poppy cultivation in Helmand province has dropped by 99%.

In November 2023, a UN report found that throughout Afghanistan, poppy cultivation had fallen by more than 95%, depriving the country of its status as the world's largest opium producer.
The warehouses were full to bursting. No point in producing more until that supply is used up and the price increases.
Although Iran does not agree with such optimistic assessments, since, according to Iranian officials, supplies of opium and heroin from Afghanistan to their country continued in large volumes.
The Taliban have also made progress in dialogue and taking into account the interests of ethno-confessional minorities living in the country, primarily the Shiite Hazaras, who were able to gain access to some leadership positions, which may indicate the movement’s readiness to follow the path of forming an inclusive government.
Tokens to shut up the rubes.
However, problems remain with the Uzbek and Tajik minorities, who are dissatisfied with the fact that their representatives, not associated with the Taliban, are still not represented in the IEA power structures.

An important factor in recognizing the Taliban and removing terrorist labels from the movement is its success in suppressing the activity and presence of international terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

It is significant that the Americans, who spent 20 years trying to eradicate the brainchild of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, were forced to recognize this success. But as soon as they left, the Taliban themselves solved this problem.

In particular, as Christy Abizaid, director of the US National Counterterrorism Center, stated on September 11, 2023, "al-Qaeda is in its historic decline in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its resurgence is unlikely."

She also cited declassified data that the group had "lost access to targets, leadership talent, group cohesion, grassroots commitment, and supportive local environment." She said the terrorist organization's ability to threaten from Afghanistan " is at its lowest level" since it moved there in 1998.

The Taliban were also able to suppress the activity of ISIS and its local affiliate ISIS-K in Afghanistan.
Within Afghanistan, anyway. Or perhaps just reports of their activities. But not abroad.
After a significant increase in their activity, due to the security vacuum created in some parts of the country after the US withdrawal, the Taliban changed this dynamic, depriving the terrorists of control over certain territories that they were able to acquire by following the Americans fleeing the country.

Their activities were dealt a blow, and activity over the past year has decreased significantly, which was noted in the relevant reports of international structures.

It is noted that the Taliban were able to conduct a successful campaign against ISIS-X and eliminated most of the sleeper cells that were ready to continue terrorist attacks in Afghan cities. After a surge in the number of terrorist attacks in the first months after the Taliban came to power, their number begins to decline as a result of counter-terrorism measures by the IEA security structures.

In particular, in 2022–2023. the number of terrorist attacks and other attacks by ISIS-X has decreased significantly. If in the first year of Taliban rule (2021-2022) there were 314 attacks and assaults, then in 2022-2023. only 69 - that is, less than during any period of activity of the group in Afghanistan since its inception.

The Taliban’s fight against ISIS is systematic and consistent; for this purpose, special counter-terrorism forces have been created in Afghanistan that can effectively counter it.

This counter-terrorism unit is called "Red Squad", or "Sara Kheta" in Pashto.
... also known as Red Unit, Red Brigade, Blood Unit, Danger Group, and Taliban Special Forces Unit. The Taliban’s special forces/shock troops unit was first deployed in Sangin town in Helmand province in 2016, then claimed a victory against ISIS-Khurasan in 2018. They were most active in Kunduz, Baghlan, and Faryab Provinces.
It is divided into several battalions of 300–350 men, selected by field commanders from among the fighters based on their discipline, dedication and skills. Each battalion operates in a separate province, but within the Red Squad there is also a battalion-sized group of the most trained elite forces known as Badri 313.
The Badri 313 Battalion was trained by the Haqqani network and based at Salahaddin Ayyubi Military Operations Academy. There is evidence it was at one point al Qaeda's military arm in Pakistan, with members gleaned from the Taliban and Pakistan’s pet jihadi groups including Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Jundallah, used for nasty attacks on the Pakistani army under the leadership of Ilyas Kashmiri (until 2011) followed by Shah Sahib.
In emergency situations, units work together to cover a multi-province area.

It was the “Red Detachments” that defeated the ISIS in the province of Nangarhar, which was a stronghold of terrorists. After which part of the “Red Detachment” battalions was transferred to the province of Kunar, which was soon also cleared of ISIS militants.

Of course, it is too early to talk about a complete victory over ISIS in Afghanistan.

But a significant decrease in terrorist activity allows the Taliban movement to establish economic ties with foreign partners and organize business trips to this country.

Therefore, Russia, acting proactively, can economically enter Afghanistan before others, officially recognizing the Taliban movement as the legitimate Afghan government.

Before this, there were many factors that forced our entrepreneurs to act with caution in Afghanistan, including the fear of persecution for justifying and financing terrorism.

By removing the Taliban from the terrorist lists, Moscow can speed up the implementation of economic projects in Afghanistan and begin absolutely legal, not “gray” investments.
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Iran summons British, French and German ambassadors over 'double standards'
[GEO.TV] Iran"s foreign ministry summoned on Sunday the ambassadors of Britain, France, and Germany to question what it referred to as their "irresponsible stance" regarding Tehran"s retaliatory strikes on Israel, the semi-official Iranian Labour News Agency reported.

The three European countries have condemned Iran"s drone and missile attack against Israel, which went through Saturday night into Sunday and were in retaliation for Israel"s bombing of its consulate in Syria on April 1.

The director for Western Europe at Iran"s foreign ministry accused the three countries of "double standards" as they opposed earlier this month a Russian-drafted UN Security Council statement that would have condemned Israel"s attack on Iran"s embassy compound in Syria.
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UN Security Council: 2024-04-12 Al-Hakim denounced the assassination of Haniyeh"s sons
UN Security Council: 2024-04-12 "Simple contract" and its consequences. Ukraine could have joined NATO in 1954

Iranians celebrate after attacking Pearl Harbor Israel from all sides with suicide drones, missiles and rockets
[NYPOST] Israel is being attacked from all sides as Iran and its proxies launched hundreds of suicide drones, ballistic missiles and rockets at the Jewish state.

It is Iran’s first-ever direct attack on Israel, and photos emerged Saturday night of Iranians celebrating in Tehran.

U.S. officials anticipate Iran will launch approximately 500 drones and missiles from within the Islamic Republic — as well as from proxies in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria, ABC News reports.

The drones have already entered Syrian and Jordanian airspace, according to the Fars News Agency, adding “the missile attack will begin soon.”

ABC News reports U.S. officials anticipate Iran will launch approximately 500 drones and missiles from within Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria.

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Yemen: 2024-04-12 Is a Preemptive Strike in the Offing?
Yemen: 2024-04-11 Houthis say they targeted four ships in Gulf of Aden, including US destroyer
Iraq: 2024-04-12 Al-Hakim denounced the assassination of Haniyeh"s sons
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Lebanon: 2024-04-12 Israel hits Hezbollah targets in Syria
Lebanon: 2024-04-11 Good Morning
Lebanon: 2024-04-11 Rocket fired at Kiryat Shmona as UN peacekeepers on Lebanon border fear escalation
Syria: 2024-04-12 29 foreign infiltrators arrested across the Sulaymaniyah border
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Fars News Agency: 2023-08-15 US uses Syrian terrorists to deplete Russia
ABC News: 2024-04-11 Peskov said that Russia continues to cooperate with the United States on peaceful space
ABC News: 2024-04-11 Foreign terror groups including ISIS and Al-Qaida are renewing calls to attack America and using "mafia-like" tactics, warns FBI chief Christopher Wray
ABC News: 2024-04-06 Federal Appeals Court Blocks Joe Biden"s Student Loan Bailout Program

Al-Hakim denounced the assassination of Haniyeh's sons
[NINANEWS] The Head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, condemned the Zionist entity’s crime of assassinating 3 of the sons of the head of the Hamas
...always the voice of sweet reason...
Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh
...became Prime Minister of Gaza after the legislative elections of 2006 which Hamas won. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 June 2007 at the height of the Fatah-Hamas festivities, but Haniyeh did not acknowledge the decree and continues as the PM of Gazoo while Abbas maintains a separate PM in the West Bank...
Al-Hakim said in a statement, "We condemn in the strongest terms the systematic targeting by the Zionist entity of the family of Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, as three of his sons and a number of grandchildren were martyred as a result of this targeting."

He stated that "the crimes of the Zionist entity in targeting the Paleostinian human being without distinguishing between what is civilian and military are evidence of the bankruptcy and suffocation from the steadfastness of the resistance in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamas with about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
Al-Hakim added, "We seize the opportunity to renew our demand on the international community to assume its responsibilities in stopping the war, and implementing the UN Security Council resolution to stop the war, bring in aid, and rebuild the city."
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National State Forces Alliance: 2023-12-24 Top Shiite politicians consolidate grip on power in Iraq’s local elections
National State Forces Alliance: 2021-12-28 Iraq’s top court ratifies election results despite allegations of fraud

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Zelensky’s terrorist legions: what ISIS militants are doing in Ukraine
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semenov

[REGNUM] The well-known Chechen terrorist Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, who also fought against federal forces in Chechnya, said that his militants were attacking the Russian border. They became part of the Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups (DRG) operating in the Belgorod region.

Abdul Hakim Shishani (real name Rustam Azhiev) has a long track record of participation in the activities of international terrorist organizations. In particular, he was the commander of the Caucasus Emirate, an organization not only banned in Russia, but also recognized as terrorist in the United States and at the UN level.

After the defeat of terrorists in the North Caucasus, Azhiev moved to Syria, where the civil war began. There he led the Caucasus Emirate in Syria group, which later transformed into Ajnad Al-Caucasus.

In the Syrian province of Idlib, this faction closely interacted with another terrorist organization on the UN sanctions list - Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and came under its control.

However, the subordination of HTS probably weighed heavily on Azhiyev, especially since the leadership of the terrorists in Idlib set a course for “rooting” the group, that is, turning it into a purely Syrian one, instead of an international one, and under various pretexts purged foreign fighters who were trying to maintain a certain independence.

Then Abdul Hakim al-Shishani came into contact with the leader of the Ichkerian separatists in exile, Akhmed Zakayev, and received from him an offer to lead the “Ichkerian battalions” participating in the ranks of armed formations in hostilities against the Russian Federation. Then Azhiev and his people arrived from Idlib to Ukraine.

In addition to Ajnad al-Caucasus, another jihadist cell, previously associated with HTS terrorists in Idlib, may also be operating in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, namely the “Albanian Jamaat” (or “Albanian Group”), whose arrival in Ukraine and joining the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was confirmed HTS representatives themselves in Idlib in January 2023.

At the same time, a number of Russian-language information resources, including telegram channels patronized and financed by HTS, changed their broadcast schedule, switching from covering events in Syria to propaganda in the interests of the Kyiv regime and its Western patrons. Probably, the support of HTS and the structures of the Kyiv regime affiliated with it should become an additional argument in favor of the possible legalization and recognition of this structure by the United States and Western countries.

But there is a threat that the jihadist groups already present in Ukraine could be replenished by militants of the most radical terrorist organization “Islamic State” (ISIS is a terrorist organization banned in Russia) who settled in Ukraine, who, apparently, lived there under the tutelage of the SBU. It cannot be ruled out that the special services of the Kyiv regime planned to use them in subversive activities against Russia.

This is indicated by the fact that the presence of influential ISIS commanders in Ukraine became known quite by accident, due to the inconsistency in the work of the SBU and the CIA.

The SBU (or GUR), apparently, were afraid to inform the CIA about their possible plans to use ISIS militants and their presence on the territory of Ukraine. Even for their American colleagues, this was too radical a scenario. It is likely that the SBU or the Main Intelligence Directorate in this case could have acted in conjunction with the intelligence services of other Western states.

One way or another, in 2019, the CIA, with the help of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs, identified a high-ranking ISIS terrorist, Caesar Tokhosashvili, a native of Georgian Pankisi, also known as Al-Bara al-Shishani, who was in Ukraine and quietly living in the city of Bila Tserkva. He was considered one of the influential commanders of ISIS due to the patronage of his fellow countryman Tarkhan Batirashvili, one of the main “military amirs” of ISIS.

Until Tokhosashvili was discovered by the CIA in Ukraine, he was presumed dead.

In August 2017, he and his family were believed to have been killed in an airstrike in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. However, it later turned out that his death was staged in order to divert attention from the redeployment from Syria, from where he moved to Ukraine. All this looked like a planned action and could concern a whole group of ISIS militants who received a corridor and refuge in Ukraine.

The most interesting thing is that Caesar lived in Belaya Tservki for more than a year with his wife and three children and came to the country with real documents. That is, the SBU was aware of who they were accepting.

The capture of such a high-ranking militant should be a source of pride for the SBU. But they, on the contrary, carefully concealed this event in order to prevent the spread of rumors about the role of the SBU in “protecting” ISIS terrorists, and pretended that they simply were not aware of who lived on their territory until the Americans informed them.

That is, if the CIA had not accidentally found this militant, he would also most likely have ended up in the ranks of the terrorist Abdul-Hakim al-Shishani and his Ichkerian VFU battalions.

They could also include other ISIS militants living in Ukraine, whom the intelligence services of other states could not reach. They were waiting for their moment X, that is, the opportunity to be thrown into Russia and begin terrorist activity there, simultaneously with the planned invasion of Ukrainian forces into the people's republics of Donbass, which was stopped by the beginning of the North Military District.

The SBU itself was forced to admit that while in Ukraine, Tokhosashvili remained a member of ISIS and continued to recruit radicals living in Ukraine into the ranks of Amniyat (ISIS Security Service). There was little doubt about where they were planned to be deployed.

Although some of the ISIS fighters and sympathizers of this terrorist organization were nevertheless detained, these are rather isolated cases. And subsequently, the detainees were released and took part in hostilities in the ranks of the VFU.

For example, the chief military prosecutor of Ukraine Anatoly Matios, during the detention of the Nazi Daniil Lyashuk, who professed radical Salafi-jihadist views, called him “the most dangerous and brutal fighter of the Tornado battalion” and stated that Lyashuk was going to join ISIS, although the reasons for his arrest were completely different.

Nevertheless, soon “Al-Takbir” (as Lyashuk recorded himself in the Ukrainian passport) was released and killed near Bakhmut during the Northern Military District, where he fought in the ranks of the Ukrainian Federal Unity.

The activities of ISIS in Ukraine, of course, attracted media attention.

Thus, Polish journalist Pavel Pieniazek, who covered the war against ISIS in Syria and investigated the influence of terrorists in Afghanistan, and Ukrainian reporter Alena Savchuk investigated how and why Ukraine became a haven for ISIS militants.

In comments for their publication, former deputy chairman of the SBU Viktor Yagun stated in 2020 that hundreds of people living in Ukraine are associated with ISIS. He also noted that Ukraine is a “rest base” for ISIS militants, whom it does not intend to harm.

Ukraine, he said, is one of the safest places left for them after Georgia introduced harsh penalties for terrorism offenses in 2015 and stopped turning a blind eye to border crossers, and Turkey began deporting more and more disreputable foreigners. While in Ukraine they could already find possible use.

Now, with a high degree of probability, these people can be looked for in the “Ichkeria battalions” of the VFU, which, as they say, are located on the other side of the border in the Belgorod direction. Moreover, among the supporters of ISIS in Ukraine, apparently, there were many Chechens.

The history of the relationship between the Kyiv regime and ISIS has deeper roots.

In particular, back in 2015, Italian Member of the European Parliament Matteo Salvini addressed the then High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini with a request regarding the activities of ISIS in Ukraine.

In particular, he wrote in his request, citing sources in the American media:

“ It appears that they [ISIS supporters] have openly sided with Ukraine, seeking to weaken Russia and force it to concentrate its forces in this country, diverting resources from other fronts on which it confronts various Islamic terrorist groups. To date, Ukrainian authorities have made no attempt to refute these reports, disavow these fundamentalist ISIS combatants, or attempt to expel them from the territory Ukraine claims as its own. Given the serious danger posed by ISIS and Islamic terrorism in general, as recently confirmed by the tragic attacks in France and Tunisia, does the Vice President/High Representative consider it appropriate to rethink his position on the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and engage in closer dialogue with Russia to contain this fundamentalist threat? "

Salvini received a very vague answer: they say, we don’t have the data, but we can say that Ukraine is committed to the fight against international terrorism,” Ms. Mogherini replied.

Nevertheless, then, apparently, pressure began to be put on Ukraine so that it would stop the activities of ISIS cells on its territory. In 2016, the SBU announced that it had blocked two ISIS branches in Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov, which provided material and logistical support to members of the group in Ukraine, as well as 11 “checkpoints” of ISIS militants in Kyiv and Kharkov. The SBU also stated that 443 people associated with the Islamic State were not allowed into Ukraine.

Since then, the SBU has regularly reported arrests of people involved in ISIS, but after verification, this information often turns out to be untrue.

In particular, in response to a request from the Polish Gazeta Wyborcza, the SBU was forced to report that from 2014 to 2020 they investigated the cases of only 9 people involved in the activities of ISIS, three more criminal proceedings were under consideration as of 2020.

Thus, in the territories controlled by the Kyiv regime, there may still be several hundred ISIS fighters who, apparently, have joined the Salafi-jihadist formations as part of the Ukrainian armed units. At the same time, one cannot exclude their use for subversive activities within the Russian Federation, as well as for the exchange of terrorist experience with the SBU and the State Intelligence Directorate.

Ajnad al-Kavkaz (AK or AAK; Arabic: أجناد القوقاز ‘Ajnād al-Qawqāz; lit. 'Soldiers of the Caucasus')[16] is a Chechen-led[2] Salafi jihadist militant group in northwestern Syria, operating primarily in the mountainous and forested areas of Latakia Governorate. Although it was formed by former fighters of the Caucasus Emirate and was tentatively linked to the organization,[23] AK operated autonomously from the beginning and later cut ties with the Caucasus Emirate.[12] Though it had become "the largest of the Muslim factions from the former Soviet Union fighting in Syria"[7] by September 2016, AK's activity dwindled in the following years.[24] In 2022, the group's centre of operations shifted from Syria to Ukraine, as most AK militants had begun mobilizing to fight against the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[5] As of 2023, AK has largely been engaged in the Battle of Bakhmut in Ukraine.

Abdul Hakim al-Shishani: 2016-09-13 4 Terrorist Commanders Killed In Homs & Hama Provinces
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-03-07 Malgobek resident fined for calls for terrorism
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-03-06 Five prisoners of the Kalmyk colony were convicted in the “prison jamaat” case
Caucasus Emirate: 2024-01-04 France revokes the citizenship of a native of Chechnya convicted of training militants
Akhmed Zakayev: 2023-05-24 Dzhambetov's father agreed to his son's murder
Akhmed Zakayev: 2012-07-19 Russian ex-cop charged in journalist's killing
Akhmed Zakayev: 2012-06-15 Kadyrov: Chechen militant would like to return home
Caesar Tokhosashvili: 2023-08-17 Tsiskara Tokhosashvili sentenced to 12 years in prison
Caesar Tokhosashvili: 2022-12-09 Siloviki reported on the detention of one of the ISIS leaders in Tbilisi
Bila Tserkva: 2024-01-19 The unification of Rus', the future of Ukraine. 370 years of the Pereyaslav Rada
Bila Tserkva: 2023-11-30 Current information on the situation on the front line: November 29 (updated)
Bila Tserkva: 2023-08-10 Where and how the Armed Forces of Ukraine hide their combat aircraft
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2023-08-17 Tsiskara Tokhosashvili sentenced to 12 years in prison
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2016-07-18 Georgian Family of Top IS Commander Shishani Mourns His Death
Tarkhan Batirashvili: 2016-03-10 Pentagon Says ISIL’s Shishani Killed in US Strike over Syria

France revokes the citizenship of a native of Chechnya convicted of training militants
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] France deprived of French citizenship of a native of Chechnya, Khasanbek Turchaev,
...also spelt Khassanbek Turchaev, but not in our archives under either name...
who was sentenced in 2019 to 10 years in prison for training militants in Syria. The corresponding document was published on the website of the official government gazette Journal officiel.

“By a resolution of January 2, 2024, based on the relevant conclusion of the State Council, Khasanbek Turchaev, born on January 25, 1970 in Grozny, Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), is deprived of French citizenship,” the document says.

As reported by IA Regnum, in November 2019, a guilty verdict was handed down in France to Khasanbek Turchaev, a native of Chechnya. A jury in Paris sentenced him to 10 years in prison for training militants in Syria.

Turchaev, who arrived in France to live from Chechnya in 2002, admitted in court that in the period from 2013 to 2014 he was in Syria, but, according to him, not at all to participate in hostilities on the territory of illegal armed groups. The accused stated that he was allegedly looking for his brothers in Syria.

However, the investigation received information that Turchaev, having left his wife and children in Strasbourg, arrived in Syria to participate in the war on the side of the militants and even trained them in the use of explosives. He was the so-called emir of one of the gang groups. In 2015, a native of Chechnya was detained in Moldova and extradited to France.

kavkaz-uzel.eu has more details
France revokes the citizenship of a refugee from Chechnya

A native of Chechnya, Khasanbek Turchaev, who is serving a sentence in the case of participating in the war in Syria on the side of militants, has been deprived of French citizenship.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote, a court in France in November 2019 sentenced a native of Chechnya, Khasanbek Turchaev, to 10 years in prison, recognizing him as a participant in the fighting in Syria on the side of a terrorist organization. According to the court, Turchaev participated in combat operations in Syria, and also trained militants in sniper rifle shooting and explosives production, and was also an emir.

Khasanbek Turchaev, a 53-year-old native of Chechnya, who emigrated to France in 2002, having received the status of a political refugee, has been deprived of French citizenship, the Kavkaz.Realii publication reported today*. As stated in the publication, he received citizenship in 2008.

Le Parisien reported that Khasanbek Turchaev, the son of the former Minister of Energy of Chechnya, studied law in Grozny from 1994 to 1998, and subsequently worked in the criminal police of the Chechen capital. Turchaev was arrested in the summer of 2015 in Moldova, he stated that he was tortured there, and then was deported to France. At the trial, Turchaev claimed that he did not go to Syria to fight, but, on the contrary, to convince his two brothers to return to Europe, but they died in Syria. He also stated that this case is part of “a conspiracy conceived by Russian intelligence services with the complicity of the French judicial system,” according to the publication dated November 7, 2019.

According to the French publication Actu17, the decree depriving Turchaev of French citizenship was published today. Turchaev's adult children live in Alsace.

The deprivation of Khasanbek Turchaev's French citizenship is part of a wider pattern: between 2019 and 2023, France announced at least twenty cases of deprivation of citizenship for reasons related to terrorism. This measure, which only applies to dual citizens not born in France, is usually used in cases of attacks on the fundamental interests of the nation or convictions for terrorist crimes, the publication notes.

Let us recall that on October 13, 2023, a teacher was killed at a school in Arras in France, and two more people were stabbed as a result of the attack. French media named the attacker as 20-year-old Mohamad Mogushkov, a native of Chechnya, whose family came to France from Ingushetia. On October 19, French media reported that Mogushkov was placed under arrest and refused to communicate with investigators; his younger brother and cousin were arrested. Also, according to them, Mogushkov’s father was deported from France for involvement in terrorism and lives in Georgia.

On October 16, 2023, the French Ministry of Internal Affairs announced that about 60 people, including people from the North Caucasus republics, would be expelled from France after an attack on a school in the city of Arras, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. On October 20, French media reported the detention of a 15-year-old native of Chechnya who was standing with a knife near a synagogue in Strasbourg. In his phone, law enforcement officers found threats to open fire at the lyceum with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, and in his browser history a search for prices for such weapons.

The "Caucasian Knot" also wrote that a court in France in early November 2023 sentenced Abdul Hakim Anaev, a native of Chechnya, to 10 years in prison. He was found guilty of inciting the terrorist attack of Khamzat Azimov, who attacked passers-by with a knife in Paris, killing one and injuring four others.

Earlier, on October 16, 2020, history and geography teacher Samuel Paty was beheaded in France, who had previously shown his students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad from Charlie Hebdo magazine during a lesson on freedom of speech. When detained, the alleged killer shouted: “Allahu Akbar!” and was shot dead by police. He turned out to be a Russian citizen of Chechen origin, 18-year-old Abdulak (Abdullah) Anzorov, who was granted refugee status in France.

In December 2020, Anzorov was buried with honors in the Urus-Martan region of Chechnya. About 200 people took part in the farewell ceremony, mainly relatives and close families of the Anzorovs. For security reasons, local authorities introduced a special access regime; mainly local residents were allowed into the village, and 65 police officers were stationed in the surrounding area.

From 2019:
Chechen native convicted in Paris for links with Syrian militants

[CaucasianKnot] A court in La Belle France sentenced Khasanbek Turchaev, a native of Chechnya, to 10 years in prison, after finding him guilty of taking part in warfare in Syria on the side of a terrorist organization. In 2002, Khasanbek Turchaev received asylum in La Belle France; and in 2008, he received a French citizenship.

According to the court, Turchaev participated in battles in Syria, and also trained faceless myrmidons in sniper rifle shooting and manufacture of explosives, the Le Figaro writes.

Besides, according to Sherlocks, Turchaev was Emir of a grouping that was part of the terrorist organization “Imarat Kavkaz",
...Caucasus Emirate in English, it was established in 2007 by Chechen warlord Dokka Umarov as the local Al Qaeda franchise, but by 2015 most of the membership had moved to Syria as a branch of ISIS (Vilayat Kavkaz)...
banned in Russia, the "MBKh Media" has added.

Turchaev has admitted that in 2013 and 2014 he spent about three months in Syria; but he has emphasized that he went there "to search for his brothers, not to fight." "I didn't fight, I defended myself," Turchaev has stressed.

He also explained that he was the Emir for "only 15 days." "When I was at the frontline, the Emir died during a battle, so they needed a boss. Young people loved me; they asked me to become the Emir's heir," the newspaper quotes Turchaev as saying.
Imarat Kavkaz: 2022-08-20 Six people charged in the case of terrorists in the Kalmyk colony
Imarat Kavkaz: 2021-10-19 Dagestani terror suspect detention extended by Russian court
Imarat Kavkaz: 2017-05-16 Armed Islamist gunned down in Dagestan
Caucasus Emirate: 2023-10-27 Convicted in the case of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo won the case in the ECHR
Caucasus Emirate: 2023-10-23 MMA fighter Yakubov detained for publicly justifying terrorism
Caucasus Emirate: 2023-09-02 A native of Ingushetia is suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack in Beslan
Vilayat Kavkaz: 2023-10-23 MMA fighter Yakubov detained for publicly justifying terrorism
Vilayat Kavkaz: 2023-08-07 Zelimkhan Mazaev convicted in terrorism financing case
Vilayat Kavkaz: 2023-06-07 The case of the participation of residents of Stavropol and Chechnya in Basayev's attack on Dagestan reached the court

Top Shiite politicians consolidate grip on power in Iraq’s local elections
[Rudaw] Iraq’s former prime minister and a pro-Iran
...a theocratic Shiite state divided among the Medes, the Persians, and the (Arab) Elamites. Formerly a fairly civilized nation ruled by a Shah, it became a victim of Islamic revolution in 1979. The nation is today noted for spontaneously taking over other countries' embassies, maintaining whorehouses run by clergymen, involvement in international drug trafficking, and financing sock puppet militias to extend the regime's influence. The word Iran is a cognate form of Aryan. The abbreviation IRGC is the same idea as Stürmabteilung (or SA). The term Supreme Guide is a the modern version form of either Duce or Führer or maybe both. They hate Jews Zionists Jews. Their economy is based on the production of oil and vitriol...
politician emerged as the main winners of Monday’s provincial elections in Iraq, according to official preliminary results.

The State of Law Coalition, led by former premier Nouri al-Maliki, gained most of the votes in Muthana province. It emerged second in Wasit, Najaf, Diwaniyah, Karbala, Maysan and Dhi Qar provinces and third in the oil-rich Basra as well as in the capital city of Baghdad, announced the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) in a presser on Tuesday.

The We Build Alliance, headed by Hadi al-Amiri, leader of the pro-Iran Badr Organization, performed extremely well in the polls. The alliance garnered most of the votes in Najaf, Diwaniyah, Babil, Maysan, and Dhi Qar province. It emerged as second in Basra and Baghdad provinces and third in Wasit, Karbala and Muthana provinces, according to the official preliminary results by the IHEC.

The IHEC announced that the results represented 94 percent of the counted votes.

Both Shiite alliances are among the main backers of Mohammed Shia’ al-Sudani’s cabinet.

Maliki was the third winner of the 2021 parliamentary vote and Amiri was the fifth.

Moqtada Tater al-Sadr
...hereditary Iraqi holy man and leader of a political movement in Iraq. He had his hereditary rival al-Khoei assassinated shortly after the holy rival's appearance out of exile in 2003. Formerly an Iranian catspaw, lately he's gagged over some of their more outlandish antics, then went back to catspawry...
, whose Sadrist Movement, gained most of the seats in the parliamentary poll but later withdrew from the political scene boycotted Monday’s polls after labeling them as "corrupt elections." However,
a person who gets all wrapped up in himself makes a mighty small package...
he called on his supporters not to attack the process.

The main Shiite winner in the elections is the National State Forces Alliance which includes Ammar al-Hakim’s National Wisdom Movement and former prime minister Haider al-Abadi’s Victory Party.

The overall voter turnout reached 41 percent, higher than the parliamentary elections in 2021 despite the boycott by influential holy man Sadr.

The councils were dissolved in 2019 in response to demands by Tishreen protesters who criticized the system for its failures and for enabling corruption. After several delays, the election date was set for December 18.

Iraq's long-anticipated provincial elections took place in 15 provinces, excluding the Kurdistan Region. The last provincial council elections took place in 2013, without Kirkuk.

The provincial councils were created by the 2005 Iraqi constitution following the fall of dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime. They hold significant power, including setting budgets for several key sectors such as education, health, and transport, but are accused of being rife with corruption.
Hadi al-Amiri: 2023-10-10 IRAQ (Actually Iran Shill) Threatens US
Hadi al-Amiri: 2023-07-30 Why Iraq thinks a plot is fanning the flames of its diplomatic crises
Hadi al-Amiri: 2022-01-02 Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq: the ''resistance'' will force the Americans to leave Iraq
Badr Organization: 2023-10-10 IRAQ (Actually Iran Shill) Threatens US
Badr Organization: 2023-09-05 Volunteer mobilization in Sinjar District for deployment in Syria, Source
Badr Organization: 2023-07-30 Why Iraq thinks a plot is fanning the flames of its diplomatic crises
Nouri al-Maliki: 2023-08-07 Iraq blocks Telegram over ‘national security’ concerns
Nouri al-Maliki: 2022-08-30 Day 2: Death toll rises to 15 amid Clashes after Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr resigned
Nouri al-Maliki: 2022-08-14 Sadrist Movement calls for 'million' demonstration in Baghdad
State of Law Coalition: 2022-04-01 Al-Sadr withdraws from negotiations to form the government, Al-Maliki starts talks
State of Law Coalition: 2022-01-16 No technocrats in the new government, source says
State of Law Coalition: 2022-01-11 Kataib Hezbollah: ''tough days will pass in Iraq''

A native of Chechnya convicted in Strasbourg for promoting terrorism
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] A court in Strasbourg sentenced a native of Chechnya to 15 months in prison, finding him guilty of promoting terrorism due to videos and songs of the Islamic State* published on TikTok.

A 19-year-old Russian of Chechen origin was convicted in Strasbourg for promoting terrorism on the social network TikTok.

The young man was arrested this week and immediately appeared in court. According to investigators, for several months he broadcast videos and war songs of the Islamic State* on TikTok, including a video glorifying the terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris and Brussels, the French publication Le Figaro writes on December 22.

In court, the man admitted that he broadcast the relevant videos, but denied religious radicalization. It is noted that his channel had about a thousand subscribers as of November, but already in December their number doubled.

The court found the young man guilty of promoting terrorism and sentenced him to 15 months in prison.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" wrote that in early December a 16-year-old native of Chechnya was arrested in Germany and accused of preparing a terrorist attack together with his acquaintance of Afghan origin.

A court in France in early November sentenced Abdul Hakim Anaev, a native of Chechnya, to 10 years in prison. He was found guilty of inciting the terrorist attack of Khamzat Azimov, who attacked passers-by with a knife in Paris, killing one and injuring four others.

On October 13, a teacher was killed at a school in Arras, France, and two other people were stabbed in the attack. French media named the attacker as 20-year-old Mohamad Mogushkov, a native of Chechnya, whose family came to France from Ingushetia. On October 19, French media reported that Mogushkov was placed under arrest and refused to communicate with investigators; his younger brother and cousin were arrested. Also, according to them, Mogushkov’s father was deported from France for involvement in terrorism and  lives in Georgia.

On October 16, the French Interior Ministry announced that about 60 people, including people from the North Caucasus republics, would be expelled from France after an attack on a school in the city of Arras, the Interior Ministry said. On October 20, French media reported the detention of a 15-year-old native of Chechnya who was standing with a knife near a synagogue in Strasbourg. In his phone, law enforcement officers found threats to open fire at the lyceum with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, and in his browser history - a search for prices for such weapons.

Strasbourg: 2023-11-13 Tens of thousands 105,000 march in Paris against antisemitism, including political parties
Strasbourg: 2023-10-31 The Left Is Responsible for the Mass Psychogenic Illness of Jewish Hatred
Strasbourg: 2023-10-27 Convicted in the case of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo won the case in the ECHR

The Peshmerga reveal ISIS movement in disputed areas
[Shafaq News] Two military leaders in the Peshmerga forces revealed on Friday movements and activity by ISIS in the vacant areas between the Kurdistan Region (KRI) and Saladin governorate, confirming the existence of more than 200 km² of security-restricted areas since 2017.

Colonel Hakim Karim Sati, Commander of Brigade 17 in the Peshmerga, informed Shafaq News Agency that "ISIS elements have started moving on cycle of violences from the Kalabat areas towards the Gora mountains and the restricted areas due to the absence of security forces there."

Sati affirmed that "the military Arclight airstrike
s targeted ISIS movement locations in coordination with the army on the outskirts of Tuz Khurmatu mountains, bordering Kurdistan," indicating that "ISIS is attempting to establish a presence in vacant areas and evade pursuit."

...back at the cheese factory, there was only one thought in the mouse's mind: I can do this! I can do this! Then the trap sprung...
Brigadier Jamal Warani, Commander of Brigade 731 in the Peshmerga, disclosed "the existence of more than 200 km² of vacant territories designated as security-restricted between the responsibilities of the Peshmerga and the army between KRI and Tuz Khurmatu in eastern Saladin."

Warani pointed out that "despite their small number and being limited to mobile detachments, ISIS elements have been present in areas such as Balkana, Balkana 2, Tahir Koh, reaching Qarat Shaw, Gora mountain, and on the outskirts of villages Balka and Juwan Row since 2017 until now, exploiting the absence of inhabitants in these villages and areas."

Warani emphasized that "the joint coordination brigades will engage in combat training starting tomorrow at the Qarqush camp in Diyala governorate to implement the joint coordination plan and address the security vacuums and eradicate any remaining ISIS presence."

It is noteworthy that Brigade 731 is located on the borders of Kifri district in eastern Saladin on the outskirts of Tuz Khurmatu district, with four units spread across to safeguard security zones, villages, and critical areas, while Brigade 17 operates in the Balka and Juwan Row areas.

Daily Evacuation Brief September 22 - 23, 2023

Daily Evacuation Brief | September 23, 2023

[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • TALIBAN MAY BE PLANNING A CRACKDOWN ON THE TTP TO APPEASE PAKISTAN – The recent high-level dialogue between Pakistan and the Taliban regime in Kabul appears to have borne some fruit for Pakistan. Pakistan’s special envoy for Afghanistan, Asif Durrani, traveled to Kabul for discussions over various matters but security was clearly at the top of his list. Durani released some details of the negotiations with AMU TV and said that Taliban officials appear to now understand the importance his country has placed on halting any possible incursions from Afghanistan of TTP militants. While he did not elaborate, he did say that the Taliban intends to take concrete steps to eliminate the threat posed to Pakistan. He also announced an intention to form a standing Pakistan/Afghanistan committee that would be the main vehicle for handling disputes between the two countries where the joint border is concerned. Several temporary committees have previously been formed to handle certain situations but this new proposed body may have greater authority and more permanence than previous iterations. For their part, the Taliban will have to walk carefully as it clearly has sympathy with the TTP’s goals and most estimates put the number of armed TTP fighters in Pakistan around 5,000. Rumors and source-based information had indicated the TTP leadership was becoming disillusioned with the Taliban’s support for their cause and some leaders believed they were being sacrificed in the interests of better regional relations.

  • THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK WILL PROVIDE $400M IN HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE FUNDING – The Bank has already approved the amount and will add it to $149M in approved funds from the European Union in order to shore up aid operations in the country. The United Nations has long warned that donors have not followed through on promised commitments to provide aid and it is facing a massive shortfall in funding for the country. The additional funding is expected to buoy humanitarian support operations throughout the coming winter months.

  • TALIBAN WORKING ON A CONSTITUTION – The Chief Justice, Abdul Hakim Haqqani has been charged with writing a new constitution for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and a spokesman for the Taliban claims he is finalizing details about the advisory committee that will help draft the governing document. There are not many who believe the constitution will be ratified in any type of democratic process but will be imposed on the population. Many have theorized the constitution will enshrine the bans against women’s education/work and say the deliberative process is being delayed until after some form of recognition is achieved. The question of elections has been absent in most of the international discussions about Afghanistan. Typically, in nations where a non-democratic transfer of power takes place, elections are a dominant topic. Perhaps international negotiators deem the topic premature and have chosen to discuss it after some of the more egregious policies have been moderated.

IRANIAN POLICE ENFORCING NEW HIJAB LAW – Some reports out of Iran suggest that over 500 women have been arrested for violations of the Hijab law. A source in Tehran said that orders had come down late on Wednesday night from the Ministry of the Interior to ‘make an example’ of women who may be flaunting the law. Police and militia were advised verbally to do so in public spaces for maximum effect. The majority of the arrests have taken place in Tehran and near University campuses. At-risk Afghans in Iran are advised to observe the law so as not to draw unwanted attention to themselves. With the announcement of the passage of the stricter new Hijab laws recently, it appears likely that security forces will prioritize enforcement over the coming days.

Daily Evacuation Brief | September 22, 2023

[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • AFGHAN WRITER FOUND DEAD IN GERMANY – Mohammad Dawood Siawash’s body was found after being reported missing for three days in Germany. German authorities have begun an investigation but it is not clear yet what may have caused his death. Siawash’s family believe he was murdered and many others among the Afghan diaspora in Germany have called on the authorities to look for potential Taliban sympathizers living in the country.

  • ISLAMABAD HIGH COURT WEIGHS IN ON TREATMENT OF AFGHAN REFUGEES – The court has asked the government to develop a system for Afghan refugees to voluntarily report upon arrival to the country. The High Court also issued an order prohibiting the detention of any refugee who has registered with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. In a twenty-one-page ruling, the High Court reiterated that Pakistan’s constitution grants the right of asylum. A very important point in the ruling concerns the ability of the Ministry of the Interior to issue exit permits which will enable travel to a country that has granted asylum. Many refugees have been forced to pay exorbitant fines when departing Pakistan.

  • AFGHAN EMBASSY IN ISLAMABAD SAYS IT IS READY TO BEGIN ISSUING PASSPORTS – The Consul General for the Embassy announced yesterday that the Embassy now had everything in place to begin issuing passports. Those who want to apply are encouraged to visit the online application portal and then wait for their appointment to visit the Embassy.

  • IRAN APPROVES NEW HIJAB LEGISLATION, PAVES WAY FOR IMPRISONMENT AND/OR INCREASED FINES – The bill has been debated for several months but was finally passed yesterday in Tehran. The new law will be implemented for a 3-year period in order to evaluate its feasibility. As previously reported, the law will increase fines, allow for imprisonment, ban travel, exclude from education, and a host of other penalties. The law also contains a provision aimed at those leading protests against the regime by allowing for a 5-10-year prison sentence for anyone encouraging groups to violate the dress code. Legal opinions have already lambasted the new laws as unconstitutional but the overwhelming support for it in Parlament means it will be unlikely to be challenged.

  • GERMAN OPPOSITION PARTIES PLAN TO CALL FOR HALT TO AFGHAN ADMISSIONS PROGRAM – The two largest opposition parties are expected to call for a halt to the current admission program and scale back the acceptance of Afghan refugees to ‘only those who have worked for the German government’. It is not clear if the parties have enough support to actually cancel the program which had established the goal of accepting 1,000 refugees per month.

Kabul: An attack by an unidentified Resistance group in the 17th Police District of Kabul reportedly claimed the lives of 3 Taliban fighters while wounding an additional 3 yesterday evening.

RUMORS THE TALIBAN MAY BE TARGETING HAZARAS IN BAMYAN PROVINCE – Several photos and reports appeared on social media over the last twenty-four hours that showed what looks like deep trenches that have been excavated along roadways and around the town. The reports say the barriers were made to block Hazaras from entering or leaving the villages. This information has not yet been confirmed but seems to be a fairly extreme method of impeding travel and may suggest that further action is planned. There has been no explanation for the actions or what may have caused local Taliban leaders to take such drastic measures.

Panjshir’s Governor Rejects Claims of Human Rights Violations
“Nuh uh,” he said, “and pshaw!”
[ToloNews] Panjshir province governor Mohammad Agha Hakim rejected the claims of international institutions and organizations regarding the violation of human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...
in this province.

In an interview with TOLOnews, Hakim said that there have been no human rights violations in Panjshir province, and currently Panjshir is the safest province and there is no group to make it unsafe.

"These reports are definitely untrue because they get these reports from the people and they are in line with the opposition," he said.

This official of the Islamic Emirate noted that for ensuring security of the province, 300 outposts and around 10,000 forces have been assigned to Panjshir.

"There are about 300 security outposts in the four surrounding areas of Panjshir, because Panjshir is a province that has borders with seven neighboring countries," Hakim noted.

In a part of his speech, the governor of Panjshir said that they are trying to prevent schools from turning into security outposts in this province.

"We decided that every school should be evacuated and we thank God that 95% of the schools have been evacuated," the governor further stated.

Mohammad Agha Hakim urged the people who left Panjshir after the reestablishment of the Islamic Emirate to return.
Panjshir: 2023-08-25 Taliban Detain Rights Activist’s Brother Three Months After Arresting Him in Kabul
Panjshir: 2023-08-24 Panjshir Resident Tortured to Death by the Taliban in Herat
Panjshir: 2023-07-18 Daily Evacuation Brief July 18, 2023
Mohammad Agha Hakim: 2023-06-26 Three Former Government Soldiers Arrested in Panjshir Province After Talib Provincial Gov Sez Security Improved

Taliban declare ban on all political parties in Afghanistan
Raising the heat under the pot.
[KhaamaPress] The Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
’s Ministry of Justice announced on Wednesday a ban on the activities of all political parties in Afghanistan, citing their misalignment with the interests of the people.

Abdul Hakim Sharaee, the Acting Minister of Justice for the Taliban, stated in Kabul that political parties are deemed unnecessary due to their lack of alignment with Sharia principles.

"Political parties do not have a Sharia basis, nor are they in the nation’s interest, nor does the nation want it. Experience has shown that the current destruction of the country is due to the country’s political parties," he said.

While before the Taliban took over, the Ministry of Justice in Afghanistan had permitted around 73 political parties to work and be involved in politics, according to records.

These political parties within the Republic’s government have been actively involved in at least three presidential elections held in the country since 2001.

Following the return of the Taliban on August 15, 2021, political figures and party leaders left Afghanistan. Leaders from these parties operate beyond Afghanistan’s borders, primarily in opposition to the Taliban administration.

The Taliban’s two rule periods in Afghanistan saw a consistent strategy of banning political parties. From 1996 to 2001, the Taliban banned such parties and avoided compromises and collaborations with other political groups.

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