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Angela Merkel accused of insufficient Russophobia
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Mikhail Zakharov

[REGNUM] On August 7, the Statistical Office of Germany published another evidence of the far from the best state of the national economy - the index of industrial production in June fell by 1.5% compared to May and by 1.7% compared to June last year. The statistics can be considered a confirmation of the overall disappointing assessment that the German Economic News recently gave - Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: the energy crisis (caused by the rejection of Russian energy sources), coupled with other difficulties, is pulling the economy of the "German locomotive" to the bottom, and with it the economy the entire European Union.

In the former ruling party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), they found the culprit for the mistakes that led to a disappointing situation - and this, curiously, is not the current Social Democrat Chancellor Olaf Scholz, but the former leader of the same CDU, ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“Angela Merkel has become a disaster for the whole of Germany. She deprived the country of its future,” said CDU functionary Arnold Vaatz in an extended interview with the Swiss Neue Zürcher Zeitung.

The article opens with a large photograph from Merkel's meeting with Vladimir Putin. The photo illustrates the main thesis of the functionary of the ex-ruling party. The mistakes of the CDU leader, which have accumulated towards the last term of her chancellorship (2018-2021) - including mistakes on the Russian and Ukrainian tracks - have led to the growth of the popularity of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), a party that advocates the restoration of relations with Russia . And most importantly, the further, the more the number of those who, if not positively, then neutrally, relates to the Russian leader, is growing, Vaatz concludes.

Merkel "broke Germany out of action by destroying her energy base, she destroyed the Bundeswehr, she erased the criteria for the stability of the euro from the agenda," the party leader lists the sins of his former leader. He especially highlights the “suicidal rejection of nuclear energy and coal” - a decision that was made by no means by the now ruling Social Democrats and the Greens, but precisely by the Merkel government.

On the other hand, Vaatz and those whose opinion he expresses accuse the ex-chancellor of demonstrating the weakness of Germany. Angela Merkel was reminded of the “green light for Nord Stream” (which made it possible for Russia to “use gas” against Germany - that is, gas supplies) and the simultaneous refusal to supply weapons to Ukraine. Merkel, we recall, announced this immediately after the Maidan, in 2014.

“Since then, the Russians have been thinking: Germany will give us freedom of action,” laments the Christian Democrat. The last straw was the “heroic flight” from Afghanistan (and not only the Americans, but also their German allies fled), which caused “Homeric laughter” in Russia, Vaatz states.

Against this background, he notes, the popularity of the AfD is growing, which intercepted the conservative agenda from the CDU, and at the same time, many Germans began to show respect for Vladimir Putin, the German politician points out. Those who vote for the “Alternative” and not only perceive the Russian leader as “the antipode of “wokeism” (the English neologism wokeism, denotes a modern left-liberal “agenda” with an emphasis on the rights of minorities, LGBT, etc.), states Vaatz.

“Putin is against gender politics, Putin is against climate alarmism: it turns out that he is our man,” the politician conveys the point of view of “those who understand Putin.”

Vaatz believes:

"There are many in the East [of Germany] who want the return of the GDR and adores Putin, because if he had been at the head of the Soviet Union in 1990, the GDR would still exist today."

But nostalgia is not the main stimulus for such sentiments, the main thing is the “despair of people” from the policies of recent decades, for which Merkel is responsible.

The opinion of this part of the German society was recently expressed by the co-chairman of the AfD Tino Khrupalla in an interview with the ZDF TV channel. In a nutshell, he stated that the authorities of the federal republic should follow only the national interests of Germany (read - not "general Western" or Euro-Atlantic), and in these interests - mutual understanding with Russia. Alternativa co-chair Alisa Weidel said in an interview with Die Welt that it was more beneficial for Germany to remain neutral in the Ukrainian conflict. Judging by the context of these interviews, they cannot be called "Russophile" - but they indicate that Russophobia is considered unproductive by the leaders of the German right.

From the point of view of the CDU and other mainstream parties, expressed by Arnold Waatz, the Alternative for Germany should be "unelected". At the same time, as noted earlier, the AfD has caught up with Scholz's ruling Social Democrats in popularity, recent polls show that up to 23% of Germans can support the AfD.

On the other hand, the authorities continue to put pressure on all those "who are suspected of being too sympathetic to Russia and too active in 'building bridges' with Russia," German political scientist Alexander Rahr told IA Regnum. Moreover, under suspicion of a positive attitude towards Moscow is the same Angela Merkel - in company with another ex-chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder, the expert notes.

Merkel is “very strongly criticized” for trying to have a constructive dialogue with Russia, primarily by the leaders of the Greens, which are part of the ruling coalition. The party in many respects ideologically follow the above-mentioned "Woakism" and at the same time - the Euro-Atlantic agenda - which can be judged by the behavior of the current Foreign Minister Annalena Burbock.

Long before the SVO, in 2018, the then opposition, including the same "greens", attacked Merkel with criticism for her "demonstrative closeness" to Vladimir Putin. At the time, Bild wondered if Merkel should be " too friendly" towards "authoritarian" leaders.

After Frau Merkel's resignation, it became even more convenient to criticize the ex-chancellor. In May of this year, The Wall Street Journal published the material “Did Merkel create the ground for a military conflict in Ukraine?”, where already well-known claims were made against the former German leader: and the conclusion of agreements with Moscow that made the economy of Germany and its neighbors dependent on the import of Russian energy resources , and in blocking the financing of the defense complex (because of which allegedly Germany can no longer resist Russia).

Gets not only alive, but already dead politicians. Alexander Rahr cites the example of the famous German statesman Egon Bahr (1922–2015), who in the time of Willy Brandt advocated détente in relations with our country. “ He generally died a long time ago, but his personality fell out of favor. Conferences and symposiums associated with his name are not held, because it does not suit the spirit of the time, ” said the German political scientist.

“As for the AfD, the suspicion is directly raised against them - based on speculation - that they receive money from Moscow, are almost financed by the Kremlin, in order to destroy democratic foundations and turn Germany into a “pro-Kremlin,” Rahr notes . “ This is complete nonsense, but in the media this point of view is very popular.”

This point of view, including among the functionaries of large parliamentary parties, is promoted by various non-governmental organizations, think tanks and other groups of influence associated with Washington, senior researcher at the IMEMO RAS named after A.I. Primakov Alexander Kamkin .

An example, he says, is the CIA-affiliated think tank Atlantic Bridge, which, according to analysts in the journal International Relations, has a direct impact on the formation of public sentiment in Germany, in particular through work with youth. It is known that columnists from leading German publications such as the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Bild and Spiegel cooperate with the Atlantic Bridge. It has been argued that Most's lobbyists were influential in the scandalous resignation of Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg in 2011 (on charges of plagiarism) and replacing him with the more loyal Theodor de Mézières , and later with Ursula von der Leyen.

“Most politicians within mainstream parties and movements have been trained by American NGOs, they are the conductors of Western soft power,” Kamkin is sure. Under such conditions, any politician who deviates even slightly from the Euro-Atlantic general line is subjected to harsh criticism.

In such an atmosphere of Atlanticist dominance, where Berlin has become an object of American foreign policy, German politicians can hardly talk about national interests and establishing mutual understanding between Russia and Germany, experts say. The accusation of sympathy, and even more so of pandering to Moscow, can become a black mark. The transatlantic narrative is strong, which means that any politicians who are minimally inclined towards good neighborly relations with the Kremlin will be to blame for everything - from the weakness of the Bundeswehr to the growing popularity of "dangerous radicals" from the AfD.
Angela Merkel: 2023-06-27 East German anger boils over in far-right win
Angela Merkel: 2023-06-04 Centrist parties alarmed as poll shows growing support for German far right
Angela Merkel: 2023-05-01 Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: April 30th, 2023

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: August 5th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 23:38 Putin and Erdogan held talks in Sochi. Read more about them in the material Gas and grain .

23:24 The Polish office of Amnesty International, a day after the release of the scandalous report, published a statement condemning the crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the head of the Ukrainian office of the organization, Oksana Pokalchuk, announced that she was leaving her post, because "we disagreed with the leadership on values."

23:19 Investigators from Bellingcat and The Insider have identified a Russian occupier who castrated a Ukrainian soldier on video . It turned out to be a Tuvan named Ochur-Suge Mongush from the Akhmat battalion.

23:17 Zelensky said in an evening video message that Russian assets worth 28 billion hryvnias were forcibly seized in Ukraine, more than 900 objects were proposed to be confiscated. "And if we evaluate the package of property not only of the terrorist state, but also of its residents, then we are talking about 36,000 positions for withdrawal. All this will be aimed at compensating for the damage that Russia causes by war and terror," the president added.

22:36 Zelensky, in an evening video message, called for sanctions against the entire Russian nuclear industry: “Today, the invaders created another extremely risky situation for the whole of Europe - they fired at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, twice a day. This is the largest nuclear power plant on our continent. And any shelling this facility is a frank and daring crime, it is an act of terror. Russia should be responsible for the very fact of creating a threat to the nuclear power plant."

22:18 The White House will announce a new $1 billion aid package to Ukraine on August 8, Reuters reports, citing sources. According to the agency, the new package will include ammunition for HIMARS and NASAMS, as well as 50 M113 armored medical vehicles.

21:17 The Russian occupiers fired at the territory of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant twice today. Energoatom talks about the risk of radioactive spraying, as well as a fire that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe. Read more in the material A radioactive threat has arisen .

20:40 Putin and Erdogan, following the meeting, announced the need to ensure the implementation of the Istanbul agreements, "including the unimpeded export of grain to the Russian Federation." The parties also agreed to increase the volume of mutual trade, strengthen interaction in many areas and reaffirmed the will of Russia and Turkey to further develop relations "despite the current regional and global challenges." The Presidents emphasized the key importance of "trust-based relations" between the Russian Federation and Turkey for "achieving regional and international stability."

20:29 Due to the war with Russia, gas use in Ukraine has decreased by 40%, and the winter may require less than expected, Energy Minister German Galushchenko said on the air of the telethon. According to him, because of this, the plan for filling gas storage facilities can be increased from the current 12 billion cubic meters to 19 billion cubic meters. The minister also noted that part of the gas could be used to generate electricity, since the war could cause problems with the delivery of coal to thermal workers.

20:25 Putin and Erdogan agreed to begin partial payment in rubles for Russian gas supplies to Turkey, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said.

20:06 The Russians are trying with all their might to push the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the western outskirts of Donetsk, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the evening report . The enemy also attempted an offensive in the direction of Lozovoye, but received a decisive rebuff and retreated.

19:44 Zelensky said that he had the first conversation in the history of Ukraine with the President of Malawi, Lazarus Chakvera: "We appreciate the support within the framework of international organizations. We are determined to strengthen cooperation. An important direction is ensuring food security in the region. We are working on expanding the anti-war coalition."

19:33 China calls on all countries to conclude a general agreement on the non-first use of nuclear weapons, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

19:26 As a result of today's shelling of the Ship district of Nikolaev, 22 people were injured , the head of the regional council Anna Zamazeeva reported. Residential buildings, including high-rise buildings, were damaged.

19:09 Russia has asked Turkey to help circumvent Western sanctions, writes The Washington Post, citing information from Ukrainian intelligence. The Russian offer, intercepted ahead of the Putin-Erdogan meeting in Sochi, indicates that Russia hopes Turkey will help. However, as the newspaper writes, there are no signs that Ankara will agree.

18:48 The war in Ukraine is entering a turning point, according to the American edition of The New York Times. U.S. and Western intelligence estimates suggest the likelihood that the next weeks or months will be decisive for Ukraine. For more details, see War Scenarios from the NYT .

18:33 In mid-July, in the occupied territories of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, a closed sociological survey was conducted on whether local residents want to join Russia. Meduza was told by two interlocutors close to the Putin administration that, according to the results of the poll, about 30% were in favor of joining the Russian Federation, and the same number were in favor of keeping the regions within Ukraine. The rest "difficult to answer."

There is no reliable sociological data on this issue, but the Kremlin has no doubt that despite the low level of support, "referendums will be held as they should," the newspaper writes.

18:04 Ukraine will confiscate 903 objects belonging to Russia in favor of the Ukrainian people, Shmyhal said.

17:40 PMC Wagner recruited at least 1,500 prisoners to participate in the war against Ukraine. As the Nesting publication found out, "recruiters" are most interested in criminals convicted of murder and robbery. Those selected are taken to a colony in Rostov-on-Don, where a training camp is organized. According to journalists, the first group of prisoners went to the war zone on July 20.

17:37 Ukraine and Russia are preparing for the start of an extremely active phase of hostilities in the south, Natalya Gumenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the defense forces of the South, said on the air of the telethon: "There is the formation of a strike force by Russian forces in the Krivoy Rog direction and attempts to bring up reserves." According to her, in this regard, it is necessary, among other things, to ensure the evacuation of the population.

17:34 The EU Council approved the decision to reduce gas consumption in the European Union by 15%. Also, the Council "clarified various exceptions and possibilities to partially or completely not comply with this requirement in accordance with the specific conditions of the EU countries, and to ensure that the reduction in gas consumption really contributes to improving the security of gas supplies to the European Union."

17:30 The SBU has launched an online service to search for prisoners of war and missing persons in war conditions. Now it is possible to report the circumstances of the disappearance of a person through an online form . Those citizens who applied to the Joint Center for the Search and Release of Prisoners earlier do not need to re-fill out the electronic form. The data sent through the form is confidential and will not get to unauthorized persons, assured the SBU.

17:09 Despite the war, about 500 Hasidim have already arrived in Uman, who plan to stay in Ukraine until the celebration of the Jewish New Year at the end of September, Mayor Irina Pletneva said.

17:01 Ukrainian air defense forces successfully eliminate many Russian missiles, but there are several types of missiles that are extremely difficult to shoot down. As the speaker of the Air Force Yuri Ignat said, the most dangerous are the Soviet-style Kh-22 and Kh-31 missiles, as well as Onyx and Iskander: "These missiles are very fast, not all missiles can be shot down by our air defense."

At the same time, Russia also produces a large number of Kh-101 and Kalibr cruise missiles in Ukraine. The Ukrainian military, thanks to the cooperation of units, skillfully detects, intercepts and eliminates them.

16:40 The Russians in Energodar staged another provocation - they fired in the direction of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. According to Energoatom, today at 14:30 three “arrivals” were recorded near the ZNPP industrial site. The enemy hit the high-voltage communication line of the ZNPP autotransformer - Zaporizhzhya TPP.

Despite the provocations, the Zaporizhzhya NPP continues to operate and deliver power to the energy system of Ukraine through operating lines. In accordance with their throughput, it was decided to unload and disconnect one of the operating power units of the NPP from the network. Emissions and discharges of radioactive substances have not been recorded.

16:09 The Latvian embassy in the Russian Federation announced that it will stop issuing visas to Russians for an indefinite period, the only exception is entry to the funeral of close relatives.

16:06 The "head" of the occupied Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, has been hospitalized, he is in a medically induced coma, his condition is assessed as moderate, according to Russian media. Earlier, a message appeared on his Telegram channel about complications after suffering COVID.

15:55 Scholz, on the day of the publication of the scandalous interview with Gerhard Schroeder, held an unusual photo session with the Siemens turbine for the Nord Stream gas pipeline, which Gazprom demanded to resume supplies. About what this means - in the material, Scholz revealed Putin's bluff .

15:44 Putin and Erdogan are holding talks in Sochi, according to Russian media.

15:39 In Nikolaev after daytime shelling only in one place more than ten wounded, there are also dead, the head of OVA Vitaly Kim reported.

15:17 The coat of arms of the USSR on the sculpture of the Motherland in Kiev will be replaced with a trident no earlier than 2023, Minister of Culture Alexander Tkachenko said. According to him, the process will require funds, possibly donations from Ukrainians will be attracted.

14:52 The SBU reported the suspicion to the former deputy head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. The major general is suspected of high treason, as well as an attempt on the life of a law enforcement officer and illegal possession of weapons. According to the investigation, he passed secret and top secret information to the Russian special services.

SBU officers detained a suspect at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. During a search at the place of work, he tried to shoot representatives of the investigative-operational group of the Security Service from a Makarov combat pistol. The detainee was the deputy head of the GUR MOU from 2008 to 2010, then worked in various positions in the civil service of this department, as well as in the leadership of the State Space Agency of Ukraine.

14:35 The number of missing Ukrainian servicemen is significantly less than the 7,000 people announced in July, Oleg Kotenko, authorized for missing persons under special circumstances, said on the air of the telethon: "We talked about the fact that more than 7,000 people are considered missing. missing. This figure is incorrect. Since then, we have found about 20-25%, they were in captivity. Therefore, this figure is much lower. "

Kotenko also added that today they managed to return more than 500 bodies of the dead defenders of Ukraine: "We do this every week. The work is underway, and I think that we will return all our defenders who died."

14:07 Podolyak explained why freezing the war in Ukraine is dangerous: "What does the Russian occupation of the south of Ukraine look like? Filtration concentration camps. Mass arrests and torture. Limited distribution of food. Total control. No rights and freedoms. "Freezing" the war is getting a new DPRK with millions of hostages. Ukraine needs weapons, we must immediately release people."

13:41 The SBU detained a man who called for missiles to be fired at the Bandera monument in Lviv and handed over the coordinates of this monument to the DPR.

13:22 Kuleba commented on the words of Amnesty International Secretary General Agnes Kallamar that their report on social networks is "attacked" by Russian and Ukrainian bots and trolls: "Apparently, the Secretary General of Amnesty International calls me a 'bot' and a 'troll', but that won't hurt me to say that her report distorts reality, draws a false moral equality between aggressor and victim, and contributes to Russia's disinformation efforts.

12:49 British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons commented on the Amnesty International report: "The only thing that threatens Ukrainian civilians is Russian missiles, weapons and looting by Russian troops. Period. If Russia stopped invading Ukraine, there would be no danger."

12:37 People from 110 countries of the world have joined the UNITED24 platform, and the total amount of charitable contributions has exceeded UAH 6 billion.

12:22 In Nikolaev, a curfew is introduced from 23:00 Friday, August 5, to 5:00 Monday, August 8 , said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim.

12:20 In a technical well in the Kiev region, they found the body of another person who died during the occupation, said the head of the regional police Andriy Nebytov.

12:18 The Russian military keeps four carriers of Caliber cruise missiles on combat duty in the Black Sea with a total salvo of 24 missiles, in the Mediterranean Sea - five carriers, the Navy reported. Meanwhile, in the Sea of ​​Azov, the Russians continue to control sea communications and keep up to three ships and boats on combat duty.

12:07 Latvia has suspended an agreement with Russia on economic cooperation, the country's Foreign Ministry said. Intergovernmental agreements in the field of scientific, technical, humanitarian and cultural cooperation, as well as agreements on simplification of mutual trips of residents of border areas were also suspended.

11:53 Ukraine asks the IMF to intensify work on a new cooperation program, Shmygal said after a conversation with the director of the IMF's European Department, Alfred Kammer: "The armed forces of Ukraine resist Russian aggression and protect the entire civilized world. The government, for its part, is working to strengthen the economic stability of our state. Ukraine and the IMF have a long history of relations, and we look forward to strengthening cooperation."

11:39 Russians last night, around 21:55, fired four rockets at a residential area in the Shevchenkovsky district of Kharkov. According to the Office of the Prosecutor General, four people were injured, multi-apartment houses and cars were damaged.

10:53 An "investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia" has been formed in Donetsk, the press service of the RF Investigative Committee reported. The department will investigate "the crimes of Ukrainian nationalists." It is also reported that the head of the RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin arrived in the occupied Severodonetsk, Luhansk region. "Investigation departments" should open in a number of captured cities.

10:48 In the Luhansk region, there is a hunt for collaborators, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the partisan movement in the region is gaining momentum, and due to the destruction of the railway, the enemy's logistical communication is complicated, so the hunt for the leaders of the occupation administrations is underway.

10:31 Ukraine received a grant of 1 million euros from Albania, the Ministry of Finance reported. Financial assistance has already been received on the accounts of the State Treasury Service.

10:07 Russia is preparing to launch a reconnaissance satellite commissioned by Iran, but will use it for several months to monitor its military targets in Ukraine, writes The Washington Post, citing Western officials.

Roskosmos announced on August 9 the launch of a satellite, called Khayyam, in pursuance of an agreement with Iran. The satellite will be launched by a Russian Soyuz launch vehicle from the Baikonur space station in Kazakhstan. The Canopus-V system will be equipped with a high-definition camera, which will give Tehran unprecedented capabilities - for example, to monitor important objects in Israel and the Persian Gulf almost continuously. However, Moscow has already told customers in Tehran that it plans to use the satellite for several months or longer to monitor military targets in Ukraine.

10:01 Ukraine is 60% ready for the heating season, Shmyhal said: "Currently, all regions are 60% ready on average. This is in line with the preparation plan developed by the government. We will accelerate in this direction in order to steadily pass the heating season."

09:58 Another ship is heading to Ukraine to load grain. According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, the Fulmar S vessel under the flag of Barbados has already been inspected and is heading to Chornomorsk.

09:29 Canada has allocated $6 million to improve nuclear security in Ukraine. According to the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN, $1 million is intended to improve security at Ukrainian nuclear facilities and $5 million to help identify and respond to illegal trafficking in nuclear materials.

09:13 At night, the enemy fired at the Shevchenkovsky, Industrial and Saltovsky districts of Kharkiv, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. As a result of shelling, three people were hospitalized with wounds, the condition of one is stably grave, the rest are wounded in a state of moderate severity.

09:10 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of August 5. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Donetsk direction.

  • personnel - about 41,650 (+150) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1792 (+3),

  • armored combat vehicles - 4032 (+6),

  • artillery systems - 950 (+4),

  • MLRS - 260 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 123 (+5),

  • aircraft - 223 (+0),

  • helicopters - 191 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 742 (+0),

  • cruise missiles - 182 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2964 (+4),

  • special equipment - 83 (+0).

09:06 Russians fired at the Ship area of ​​Nikolaev at night and in the morning. It is preliminary known about getting into a private house and damage to houses around. In addition, a fire broke out in an open area as a result of the hit of ammunition and their fragments, said the head of the OVA, Vitaly Kim.

09:01 Canada resumes Operation Unifier - up to 225 Canadian troops are sent to the UK to train the Ukrainian military, Reznikov said.

08:44 In Toretsk, Donetsk region, as a result of enemy shelling, seven civilians were killed in a day, nine more people were injured, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

08:42 On the outskirts of Zaporozhye, a rocket hit an infrastructure enterprise. Production equipment was damaged, there were no casualties, said Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the City Council.

08:24 The Russians fired at night on the Nikopol and Krivoy Rog districts of the Dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, said. In particular, the enemy fired on Nikopol twice from Gradov, private houses were damaged, a fire broke out at a local enterprise - a bus and several cars were destroyed. People were not hurt. In the World Community, after the X-59 missile hit, there is also destruction of housing, a gas pipeline was disabled.

08:10 This morning, the first caravan of ships with Ukrainian grain left the ports of Odessa , Minister of Infrastructure Alexander Kubrakov said. Three bulk carriers NAVI STAR, ROJEN and POLARNET carry 57,000 tons of Ukrainian corn on board, bound for Turkey, the UK and Ireland.

07:47 The Russians are carrying out an offensive operation in the Bakhmut and Avdeevsky directions and are trying to expand the controlled territory on the western outskirts of Donetsk, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report .

06:04 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) believes that if Ukraine can put a lot of pressure on Izyum by continuing the counteroffensive in the Kherson region, then the Russians will face a difficult choice - either withdraw from their western positions around Izyum, or use more personnel and equipment.

Analysts also report that the Russians attempted to advance northwest of Izyum and continued ground attacks northeast and south of Bakhmut. In addition, they continued to attempt to advance on Peski and carried out a limited ground attack southwest of Donetsk.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a series of local counterattacks between Izyum and Slavyansk and repelled positions in a number of settlements. Meanwhile, Russian troops continued to transfer equipment and personnel to the northeast of Kherson and west of Zaporozhye regions. Ukraine, apparently, is seizing the strategic initiative and forcing Russia to redistribute forces and change the priorities of efforts, military experts say.

03:11 The Russians launched several missile strikes near Zaporozhye, said the head of the OVA Alexander Starukh. According to preliminary information, there are no victims.

02:27 AFU destroyed three ammunition depots in Kherson, Pridneprovsky and Tokarevka, OK Pivden reported. In particular, four S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems were destroyed, from which the occupiers are shelling Ukrainian cities.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: August 3rd, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited
[Korrespondent] 23:14 The International Committee of the Red Cross said that it did not guarantee the safety of Ukrainian prisoners of war leaving Azovstal - the parties to the conflict are responsible for this. The organization stressed that during the withdrawal of the military from Azovstal, the ICRC was a "neutral intermediary."

23:07 Zelensky, in an evening video message, commented on Moscow’s new propaganda activity and Schroeder’s statement: “New propaganda activity has begun from Moscow. They suddenly decided to define the Azov people as terrorists, although when a terrorist state does this, this is obviously absurd. They activate various emissaries with theses that the terrorist state allegedly wants negotiations... If Russia really wanted the end of the war, it would not be pulling reserves to the Ukrainian south now and would not produce mass graves of murdered innocent people on Ukrainian territory. when the former leaders of powerful states with European values ​​work for Russia, which is at war against these values.

22:56 Zelensky said in an evening video message that the world needs a new global security architecture that would guarantee that no state can ever again resort to terror against another state: "The other day there were a lot of messages about conflict situations and threats occurring in other geographies.First the Balkans, then Taiwan, now maybe the Caucasus... All these situations seem different, although they have one factor in common, namely, the global security architecture has not worked.And this is actually what Ukraine draws attention not only 161 days from the start of a full-scale war, but already for years. Since Russia completely ignored international law, the interests of humanity as such."

21:32 The next ships with Ukrainian grain are already ready and will soon depart from Ukrainian ports according to the agreed schedule, Kuleba said during a joint briefing with his Estonian counterpart Urmas Reinsalu in Kiev. The Ukrainian minister stressed that, as of today, the agreements reached under the grain agreement are being implemented, and recalled that Ukraine was the first of all the participants in this agreement, which was fully prepared to fulfill all the points.

20:45 The UN is launching a mission to establish the facts of the tragedy in the Yelenovskaya colony , Secretary General António Guterres said.

20:41 The International Criminal Court cannot apply the article on aggression specifically to Russia's war against Ukraine, Kuleba said in an interview with Ukrinform: "It is written in its charter that one of the crimes for which it can judge is aggression. But in practice, purely for legal reasons, it cannot apply this article specifically to the case of Ukraine and Russia."

20:32 Kiev will break diplomatic relations with Minsk if Belarusian troops enter Ukraine, Kuleba said in an interview with Ukrinform: "Belarus is an accomplice in the crime of aggression against Ukraine, this is beyond any doubt. Therefore, there are no excuses for them and there will not be."

20:04 Gazprom said that the sanctions of Canada, the EU, the UK and the "inconsistency of the situation with the obligations of Siemens" make it impossible to supply a turbine for Nord Stream.

19:43 The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled all enemy assaults in the Bakhmut direction and did not allow the invaders to advance in the directions of Maryinka and Belogorka, the General Staff said in the evening report .

19:28 The Cabinet of Ministers issued an order on the mandatory evacuation of the population of the Donetsk region. According to the document, residents are going to be taken out to safe areas of Vinnitsa, Volyn, Zhytomyr, Transcarpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kirovograd, Lviv, Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Cherkasy and Chernivtsi regions. The reason for the evacuation was the destruction of gas pipelines in the region and, as a result, the inability to heat it in the winter.

19:02 Baykar Director Haluk Bayraktar and Turn Back Alive Foundation Director Taras Chmut signed a partnership memorandum in Istanbul. The parties have not yet disclosed all the details of future interaction, however, the fund reported that the partners had agreed on the introduction of best practices and international standards for the development of cooperation and the involvement of other representatives in such cooperation.

18:41 In the south of Ukraine, Russian troops are accumulating forces and planning actions to reach the administrative border of the Kherson region, OK Pivden reported: "The enemy continues to conduct hostilities along the occupied defense line. plans counter-offensive actions to reach the administrative border of the Kherson region.

18:36 According to the UN, 10.35 million people have left Ukraine since the beginning of the war, most of them are in Russia - 1.86 million. In second place is Poland, which received 1.26 million Ukrainian citizens. At the same time, almost 4 million more people went to other countries in transit through Poland. 915 thousand Ukrainians moved to Germany.

18:05 In Ukraine, 60% of internally displaced persons have lost their jobs. In total, 6.6 million people are considered IDPs in Ukraine, the International Organization for Migration reported. At the same time, 35% reported that their family's monthly income does not exceed UAH 5,000, which is UAH 1,500 less than the minimum wage in Ukraine.

17:46 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that it was Kiev who allegedly insisted that the prisoners of war be placed in the detention center in Yelenovka, which they themselves then struck. According to Moscow's "data", Kyiv "wanted to remove the witnesses and perpetrators of its crimes against its own people" by attacking Yelenovka.

Also, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russia and Ukraine have already carried out 27 operations to exchange prisoners of war and the bodies of dead servicemen; the repatriation of the Ukrainian military "is carried out in a timely manner, 18 people have already been transferred to Ukraine." In addition, Moscow accuses Kyiv of non-compliance with international law in relation to Russian prisoners of war.

17:35 Zelensky met with Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsal and thanked him for his assistance in restoring critical infrastructure - schools and kindergartens. According to the president, construction of a kindergarten was launched yesterday in the border town of Ovruch in the Zhytomyr region.

17:15 Ukrainian military intelligence has established some circumstances of the deliberate murder of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Yelenovka. According to the GUR MOU, interrogations of prisoners were carried out by investigators of the so-called. "MGB DPR" together with representatives of PMC Wagner and the FSB of the Russian Federation. During interrogations, physical torture and beatings were actively used. The purpose of such "interrogations" was not to obtain confidential information, but to mockery, humiliation, demoralization.

If the plan was implemented, the FSB representatives planned to involve Ukrainian prisoners in filming pro-Russian reports, in which they had to admit "the crimes they committed, atrocities against the local population", as well as renounce their views and condemn the actions of the Ukrainian leadership.

Interrogations were carried out in a pipeline on a regular basis, but were not successful. Ukrainian prisoners showed exceptional courage and willpower. The Russian side had no intention of exchanging the prisoners and, in order to hide the improper conditions and forms of interrogation, deliberately destroyed them. According to intelligence, the mining of the place of detention of Ukrainian fighters was carried out by Wagner PMC militants using a flammable substance, which led to the rapid spread of fire in the room.

17:04 Avdiivka direction, Peski in particular, has become the hottest area on the front. The occupiers cover the Ukrainian positions with heavy artillery fire. About what is happening with the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Donetsk - in the material Hell in Avdiivka .

16:41 Sweden has declared that in case of joining NATO it will not deploy nuclear weapons on its territory.

16:27 Canada provides $40 million to provide granaries in Ukraine. According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, this initiative will allow for the storage of an additional 2.4 million tons of grain in 2022-2023. The project complements a $17 million recent aid provided by the Japanese government to secure the storage of 1 million tons of grain.

16:08 The monument to the liberators of Riga will be completely destroyed after the demolition, Mayor Mārtiņš Stakis said: "The monument complex will be demolished in parts. Since the Occupation Museum did not recognize any of them as artistic value, the entire monument will be completely disposed of."

16:06 Switzerland has joined the seventh package of EU sanctions against Russia. According to the government of the country, first of all, we are talking about a ban on the purchase, import or transportation of gold and products from it from Russia. Services related to these items are now also prohibited.

The assets of Sberbank will also be frozen. The Bank is prohibited from providing funds, economic resources or technical services. This also applies to subsidiaries of Sberbank.

16:02 This afternoon, the enemy fired twice with cluster shells from Hurricanes in the Krivorozhsky district of the Dnepropetrovsk region, said the head of the UVA, Valentin Reznichenko. One person was injured in the Zelenodolsk community, several dozen private houses were damaged in Maryansky and Velikaya Kostromka.

15:58 Shooting lessons will become an obligatory part of the educational process in Polish schools with the start of the new academic year, the Ministry of Education and Science of Poland reports: "The growing threat to the security of the state requires supplementing the goals of education with the acquisition of the ability to shoot and preparing students for actions caused by military conditions."

15:55 Podolyak commented on Schroeder's statement about Moscow's "readiness" for negotiations: "With one hand, Russia raises the degree of terror with new barbaric crimes, with the other, it invites surrender. Schroeder is a well-known herald of the empire and a voice at the royal court of the Russian Federation. If Moscow wants dialogue, the ball on its field. First, a ceasefire and the withdrawal of troops, then a constructive one."

15:51 The RF Armed Forces fired at Ochakov of the Nikolaev region from heavy cannon artillery, OK Pivden reported. According to the command, an electrical substation was damaged during the shelling, as a result of which part of the city was left without electricity.

15:44 The Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council says that Russian propaganda is inciting Ukraine to negotiate, including through foreign politicians. Among the latest examples of such manipulations are the statements of the wife of the President of Ireland that "the conflict in Ukraine will continue until Moscow and Kyiv agree on a ceasefire", as well as Gerhard Schroeder that Russia is ready to sit down at the negotiating table. Such manipulations with the statements of individual speakers are an element of the information and psychological operation of the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to create an image of a peace-loving country around Russia, emphasize the NSDC CPD.

15:19 The Russians fired at Chuguev from the MLRS. As a result of falling into a residential five-story building, one person died, two were injured, Kharkiv OVA reported.

15:06 In Ukraine, 30% of schools are ready to switch to full-time education, Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Shkarlet said. According to him, together with the State Emergency Service, almost 30,000 inspections were carried out.

15:04 Ukrainian citizens who carried out a peacekeeping mission in Kosovo as part of KFOR - the NATO-led International Peacekeeping Force in Kosovo - will be recalled, the command of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

15:00 Peskov said that Russia "was and remains ready to solve the Ukrainian problem through diplomacy on its own terms." He again stressed that these conditions were agreed in Istanbul, but then the Ukrainian side refused to negotiate. "Russia is ready, our conditions are well known to the Ukrainian side. One way or another, they will be provided," Peskov added.

14:51 The Planet Labs satellite recorded that the Russian military began to use a separate ferry crossing to transport equipment across the Dnieper near occupied Kherson. According to Radio Liberty, this is the second crossing that the Russians built after the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Antonovsky automobile and railway bridges.

14:22 The situation at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant is completely out of control. According to the head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, all the principles of nuclear safety were violated at the ZNPP, and contact with the plant personnel is unstable.

14:00 Zelensky, during a conversation with Australian students, called the difference between the Russian Federation and terrorists: "The only difference between terrorists and Russia is that the former take responsibility for their deeds, while Russia does not have the courage to do this and has the audacity to blame others for their crimes - some countries and the whole world ... And now this world is facing a choice: long overdue, uncomfortable, unpleasant for some, but inevitable for everyone. For many countries, the time has come when their own interests must give way to the interests of the planet. Because otherwise both the former and the latter will be threatened by the actions of a global terrorist."

13:36 Ex-Chancellor of Germany Schroeder said after a meeting with Putin that he is ready for negotiations on Ukraine. In an interview with Stern magazine, Schroeder said that Russia wants to find a diplomatic solution to Ukraine, and the agreement reached in Istanbul on the supply of grain "can continue the way forward."

At the same time, he called Kyiv's statements about the return of Crimea absurd and added that an alternative to NATO membership for Ukraine "may be military neutrality, as in Austria."

13:12 The head of the Kharkiv OVA, Oleg Sinegubov, commented on the reports spread by the occupiers about a possible re-offensive on Kharkiv: “Without success at the front, the occupiers not only spread fakes, but also continue terror against civilians out of impotence. There is information that in the coming days the enemy will intensify missile attacks on the city of Kharkov and districts of the region. Therefore, I ask the residents of the Kharkov region not to neglect the alarm signals, not to be on the street unless absolutely necessary, but to be in shelters during the alarm."

At the same time, Sinegubov assured that the Ukrainian defenders are ready for any actions of the enemy, "hold the defense securely, do not allow the enemy to move forward, although he is trying."

13:07 Russia has no scenarios for the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, Alexander Trofimov, a representative of the Russian delegation on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, said at the UN. According to him, the Russian doctrine on this issue is "well known and extremely clear." Moscow allows the use of nuclear weapons only in response to a nuclear strike or to aggression using conventional weapons, "when the very existence of Russia is endangered."

13:04 It will take ten years to clear the Ukrainian sea. According to Roman Primush, Deputy Head of the State Emergency Service, Ukraine turned out to be the most mined country in the world. Ukrainian sailors are already being trained on specialized ships. The crews will be ready for work in a few weeks.

12:56 The vessel RAZONI with Ukrainian grain passed the inspection of the Joint Coordination Center and is ready to head to its destination , the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine reported.

12:39 FlyEye reconnaissance drones, which are used by NATO countries, have arrived in Ukraine. More than 20 DJI Matrice multicopters and, probably, Warmate kamikaze drones also arrived. According to the Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov, this is the first delivery under the contract for 260 million hryvnias. The Ministry of Digital Development is now considering the purchase of Ukrainian drones SKIF, Skyton and Ukrjet.

12:13 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that a missile attack on Radekhiv in the Lvov region allegedly destroyed "a base with weapons and ammunition of foreign production that came from Poland."

11:42 The first cargo ship with Ukrainian grain is already being controlled in Istanbul, according to the Turkish Ministry of Defense. A ship flying the flag of Sierra Leone is heading to the port of Tripoli in Lebanon. On board - 26 thousand tons of corn.

11:38 Last night, the Ukrainian military shot down seven out of eight Russian Kh-101 (X-555) cruise missiles. Forbes calculated that it cost Russia 91 million dollars: X-101 - 13 million, Caliber - 6.5 million, Iskander - 3 million, Onyx - 1.25 million, X-22 - 1 million, Tochka-U - 0, 3 million

11:07 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of August 3. The enemy suffered the greatest losses in the Bakhmut and Donetsk directions.

  • personnel - about 41,350 (+180) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1774 (+6),

  • armored combat vehicles - 4022 (+8),

  • artillery systems - 939 (+3),

  • MLRS - 259 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 118 (+1),

  • aircraft - 223 (+0),

  • helicopters - 191 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 740 (+1),

  • cruise missiles - 180 (+6),

  • ships/boats - 15 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2922 (+8),

  • special equipment - 83 (+1).

10:52 Since the start of martial law, 6,400 conscripts have been detained at the border who illegally tried to leave the country, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. More than 4 thousand of them were detained outside the checkpoints, the rest tried to deceive the border guards at passport control: they disguised themselves as women, hid in cars (even in baby boxes), bought fake documents about their children or illnesses. There was even a man who, according to the entry in the document, was dismissed due to a difficult birth.

10:09 A powerful agency of Ukraine is working in Russia, Vadim Skibitsky, a representative of the GUR MOU, said. According to him, many Ukrainians managed to make a serious career in the public service during the years of their life in the Russian Federation. The environment makes it "very easy" to work with the enemy, spies were introduced back in 2015. Skibitsky noted that it was the agents who informed Kyiv that a full-scale attack on Ukraine was being prepared for February 15, but Putin's decision was postponed to February 24.

09:47 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Alexei Danilov criticized men who want to leave the country during the war: "Go help those guys who are now at the front. There is a lot of work in the country. There is no need to hide behind a woman's skirt and flee the country. We need to help "You can't fight, you can't take up arms - help in another way. Find an opportunity to help."

09:33 Two-thirds of the residents were evacuated from the Donetsk region, now there are about 250 thousand residents left in the region, said the head of the OVA Pavel Kirilenko.

09:16 British intelligence reports that the railway connection between the Kherson region and the Crimea is probably not working after the APU hit the Russian echelon with ammunition. The Russians can repair the railway line within days, but it will remain a vulnerable point for Russian forces and their supply routes from Crimea, analysts say.

Intelligence also writes that the Russians will use the ferry crossing, recently built to replace the damaged Antonovsky Bridge in the suburbs of Kherson, to transfer troops and equipment, despite statements of intention to use it for civilian purposes. Analysts believe that the number of civilians trying to leave Kherson and its environs will increase in the near future, as fighting continues and food shortages worsen. This will put pressure on transport hubs and routes, which will likely lead to the implementation of traffic control measures.

08:57 Ukrainian refugees will be able to return to the EU at any time if they decide to go back to Ukraine, European Commissioner for Internal Affairs Ylva Johansson said during a visit to Kiev. She clarified that when returning home from the EU, Ukrainians must waive the status of temporary protection, but it can be renewed at any time.

08:48 The Pentagon denied Shoigu's statements about the destruction of six HIMARS installations in Ukraine. "We are aware of these latest statements by Minister Shoigu, and they are clearly false again," the acting minister said. Pentagon Representative Todd Bressail.

08:36 As a result of hostilities in Krasnohorivka, Donetsk region, four civilians were killed, seven more people were injured, said the head of the OVA Pavel Kirilenko.

08:09 The Russians attacked the Krivoy Rog district of the Dnipropetrovsk region at night, the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, said. In particular, the Zelenodolsk and Apostolovsk communities came under fire, people were not injured.

08:03 The Armed Forces of Ukraine forced the Russians to withdraw with losses in the Kharkov, Avdeevsky, Bakhmut directions, and in the Slavyansk direction, the Ukrainian army neutralized the enemy reconnaissance group, the General Staff reports in the morning report .

07:05 The American Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reports that Iran may have sent the first batch of drones to Russia and sent pilots and maintenance personnel to train on the Russian Su-35. Meanwhile, Russian troops were conducting unsuccessful offensive operations to the northeast and northwest of Kharkov. The occupiers also made limited ground attacks northwest of Slavyansk and east of Seversk.

The enemy forces made minor gains southeast of Bakhmut and continued offensive operations northeast and southeast of Bakhmut. Russian troops have been gradually advancing around Avdiivka and continue to attempt to advance southwest of Avdiivka. In addition, they launched two assaults in the north of the Kherson region and continue to redeploy troops to the southern axis.

Russia is forming new "volunteer battalions" in the Novosibirsk, Saratov, Ulyanovsk and Kurgan regions, and is also changing the timing of payment of monetary compensation.

06:23 The Russians attacked Kharkiv at night - one blow fell on the Kholodnogorsky district, the second - on the Novobavarsky district, where an infrastructure facility was damaged. In both cases, there was no fire, there were no casualties, Mayor Igor Terekhov said.

06:14 In Nikolaev around 5:00 powerful explosions have thundered, in one of districts of the city there was a fire, in another - the supermarket is destroyed, mayor Alexander Senkevich reported.

03:10 The Russians began the creation of a strike force in the Krivoy Rog direction, OK Pivden reports. The command also reported that rocket and artillery units of the Ukrainian army hit Chernobaevka, where the occupation troops are based.

00:08 In the occupied Kherson region, they began to accept applications from Ukrainian citizens for obtaining Russian citizenship without a local residence permit. Documents are accepted from residents of all regions of Ukraine on the basis of Putin's decree on simplifying the acquisition of Russian citizenship for Ukrainians, said "deputy head of the VGA" Ekaterina Gubareva.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 20th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:09 Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a briefing that reports about the development of plans in the United States to destroy the Russian Black Sea Fleet are not true: "I can tell you with certainty that this is not true."

Earlier, Reuters, citing its sources among US officials, reported that Washington was working on organizing the supply of long-range anti-ship missiles to Ukraine to lift the blockade of the Black Sea.

23:00 The International Olympic Committee will punish every athlete or sports official who openly supported Russia's war in Ukraine, said IOC President Thomas Bach.

22:57 A $40 billion aid bill to Ukraine is being transported to South Korea for signature by Biden, who is visiting there, a spokesman for the National Security Council told CNN.

22:55 Cars that were not allowed out of the occupied territory were parked near Vasylivka, Zaporozhye region, for three days. Tonight they started moving towards Zaporozhye, said the mayor of Energodar Dmitry Orlov. According to him, from the queue of a thousand cars, about a hundred have already passed.

22:36 Zelensky said in an evening address that Ukraine is offering partner states to sign a multilateral agreement and create a mechanism through which every victim of the actions of the Russian army will be able to receive compensation for their losses.

“On the basis of such an agreement, Russian funds and property located in the jurisdictions of the partner states should be seized or frozen, and then confiscated and sent to a specially created fund, from which all victims of Russian aggression will be able to receive appropriate compensation. This will definitely be fair. And Russia will feel the true weight of every missile, every bomb and every projectile it fires at Ukraine," the president said.

22:22 The Ramstein group of countries will hold a new meeting on Monday, May 23, to discuss further defense support for Ukraine. The meeting will take place online, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a briefing. More than 40 countries will take part in it, the full list of participants will be known later.

21:59 Zelensky, on the air of the all-Ukrainian telethon, said that the operation to safely exit the defenders of Mariupol is being carried out with the participation of Western partners, but the details have not yet been disclosed. According to him, to date, all civilians, doctors, and the wounded have been removed from Azovstal. "In the near future, not even one of these days, the export of all will be completed," the president added.

He also said that he was trying to negotiate the unblocking of the plant with partners - Turkey, Switzerland, Israel, France. Zelensky claims that he persistently asked in a conversation with each leader of the partner countries to provide weapons to unblock Mariupol by military means. According to the president, part of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were ready, in the event of the provision of heavy weapons, to go to the military deblockade of Mariupol, despite the risks.

21:51 The authorities of the Japanese city of Hiroshima decided not to invite the delegations of the Russian Federation and Belarus to the events on the occasion of honoring the memory of the victims of the nuclear attack on August 6, 1945.

21:48 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that the territory of Azovstal was "completely liberated." According to Moscow, since May 16, 2,439 Azov fighters and Ukrainian troops have laid down their arms and surrendered. Today, the last group of 531 Ukrainian soldiers surrendered.

Shoigu reported to Putin "on the completion of the operation and the complete liberation of Azovstal and the city of Mariupol." The underground facilities of the plant, he said, have already come under the full control of the Russian armed forces.

The Russian Ministry of Defense also reported that the commander of Azov "because of the hatred of the Mariupol residents and the desire of the townspeople to punish him for numerous atrocities, he was taken out of the territory of the plant in a special armored car."

21:43 Food prices around the world have already risen to historical levels due to the lack of Ukrainian grain on the market. The poorest countries on the planet suffer the most, for which hunger may soon become the main cause of high mortality, and the responsibility for this lies with the Russian Federation. For more details, see Putin's Weapons .

21:40 Zelensky said that many Ukrainian pilots died when trying to fly to Azovstal to help the defenders of Mariupol. He spoke about this in an interview on the occasion of the third anniversary of the inauguration as president, according to TSN. Zelensky also called all the defenders of Mariupol "absolutely heroic" - military, medical, and civilian.

According to the president, the pilots knew that in the absence of air corridors and with powerful enemy air defense, it was almost impossible to fly: “Fly to Azovstal and bring them medicine, food, water, pick up bodies, wounded. All this happened. I couldn't comment officially. Why? Because there were no air corridors to Azovstal because of their powerful air defense." He stressed that Ukraine "not just" asked the world to close the sky over its territory.

21:28 Zelensky, during an online meeting with Ukrainian students, said that Ukraine would build a new Mriya: "We wanted to build it, we needed $800 million. I turned to the President of Turkey with a proposal to build a second Mriya, but we did not find the money. But in this case, it's not a question of money, it's a question of ambition, it's a question of the image of our state and all the excellent professional pilots who died in this war."

21:25 Ukraine received 504 million euros from the World Bank donor trust fund. These are, in particular, funds from the United States and Great Britain, Shmyhal said. Also today, the European Commission paid Ukraine the second part of the tranche of macro-financial assistance in the amount of 600 million euros. According to the prime minister, in the coming months, Kyiv hopes to receive 9 billion euros from the EU, and almost 9 billion more dollars should come from the United States as financial assistance.

21:18 The United States will leave 100,000 of its troops in Europe for now, if Russia does not escalate and threaten Sweden, Finland or NATO members, writes CNN, citing US officials. At the same time, the number of US troops in Europe may temporarily increase if NATO conducts more military exercises in the region, or the US may establish additional bases in Europe if the situation changes.

The US increased its total force in Europe from about 60,000 to 100,000 even before Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

21:09 On the evening of May 20, the Russians launched a missile attack on Kharkov, the State Emergency Service told Suspilny. According to preliminary data, the enemy fired a rocket at the Kievsky district of the city, as a result of the shelling a fire broke out.

20:54 The new package of American assistance provides for the supply of Patriot air defense systems to Ukraine, writes The Washington Post. Long-range artillery supplies are also expected.

20:42 The EBRD will provide Naftogaz with a loan of 300 million euros for the purchase of gas, Irina Kravchenko, deputy head of the bank in Ukraine, said. In addition, it is planned to provide a loan to Ukrzaliznytsia for 50 million euros to support liquidity, as well as to allocate 100 million euros each for tools to support agro-industrial companies and food retail, and pharmaceutical companies.

20:37 This afternoon, Russia fired three missiles at the Kharkiv region, two of which were shot down, and one hit the House of Culture in the center of Lozovaya, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said. As a result of the blow, eight people were injured, among the wounded was a girl of 11 years old. All of them were close to the room. The victims received shrapnel wounds, seven of them were hospitalized.

20:26 Oleksiy Kuleba is returning to the post of head of the Kiev regional administration, who was replaced by Oleksandr Pavlyuk for the period of hostilities in the region, said Taras Melnychuk, a government representative in the Verkhovna Rada.

20:21 Mayor of Nikolaev Alexander Senkevich reports explosions in the city and asks to stay away from windows.

20:05 In the area of ​​​​Chernobaevka, the enemy moved about 130 units of military equipment as part of the acquisition of units that suffered losses, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

19:48 The head of the Odesa OVA Maxim Marchenko said that after a rocket attack on an infrastructure facility in the region, no one was injured, while the facility itself was damaged.

19:43 In the Kherson region, residents were announced the issuance of Russian-style passports, said Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova. According to her, in Skadovsk, Kherson region, a database of residents is being formed under the pretext of the upcoming passportization and social payments in Russian rubles.

19:41 Spain supports Ukraine's aspirations to become a member of the EU and is ready to support the country's admission to the European Union, unless the report of the European Commission recommends otherwise, said Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albarez, Sky News reports.

19:38 During the day, 416 Mariupol residents, including 46 children, were delivered from Mariupol to the filtration camp in Bezymennoye, Novoazovsky district. 512 people were deported to Russia from Bezymennoye after filtration, said Petr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of Mariupol.

19:32 Participants of the Summit of the International Transport Forum pledged to stop any cooperation with the Russian Federation and Belarus. All the delegations present also expressed their unanimous support for Ukraine, the Ministry of Infrastructure reported. In addition, the summit participants discussed specific measures to support Ukraine during the war and the participation of the international community in the post-war reconstruction of the country.

19:28 In Belarus, two missile divisions of the Tochka-U tactical missile system and a division of the Smerch multiple launch rocket system have been deployed at separate ranges. The threat of missile and bomb attacks and artillery shelling from the territory of Belarus remains, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said.

19:23 In Mariupol, the occupiers have completed the removal of the rubble and the removal of the bodies of the dead from the Drama Theater. The equipment has been removed, the zone is open, said Petr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city. The dead are buried under nameless numbers in a mass grave in Mangush, it is no longer possible to find out the number of dead in the Drama Theater.

19:20 The office of the Prosecutor General announced another suspect in the atrocities in the Kiev region - this is Senior Lieutenant Vasily Litvinenko, company commander of the 64th separate motorized rifle brigade of the Ground Forces of the RF Armed Forces as part of the 35th combined arms army. It was he who ordered the killing of civilians in the Kyiv region. In particular, Litvinenko was "senior" during the occupation of the village of Lipovka, Buchansky district.

19:06 As part of a new package of US military assistance in the amount of $100 million, towed howitzers, tractors for them and counter-battery radars were sent to Ukraine, the Pentagon said.

19:05 Shmyhal, at a meeting in Kiev with the Secretary for Interstate Relations of the Holy See, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, called for help in organizing safe corridors for the export of Ukrainian grain.

19:03 Reznikov said that today he had a "very productive meeting" via video link with German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht: "We discussed the launch of a new important project that will strengthen the capabilities of the Ukrainian army. Details will come soon. Thank you Christine for your participation and support!"

18:57 38 people were evacuated from the Lugansk region today, 12 of them are children. According to the head of the OVA, Sergei Gaidai, the police were also able to go to Belogorovka and take eight people from there. People from Lisichansk and Severodonetsk also left.

18:51 In the Bessarabian direction, Russian special services are spreading information about the mining of social infrastructure facilities and so-called government institutions in the cities of Tiraspol, Bendery, Dubossary and Rybnitsa. Thus, the enemy is trying to intimidate the population, reports the Command of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

18:41 A Russian missile hit one of the infrastructure facilities of the Odessa region, said Natalya Gumenyuk, head of the press center of the Defense Forces of southern Ukraine. A fire broke out at the scene, rescuers are working there. There is no threat to the life and health of the civilian population in the nearest settlements.

18:38 Volodymyr Lipandin from Feodosia, who was put on the wanted list by the Security Service of Ukraine in 2014, became the "head" of the police in Kherson, Anton Gerashchenko said.

18:31 The Russian invaders are shelling the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine north of Kharkov and Izyum, trying to advance in the Slavic direction, and also trying to establish a crossing over the Seversky Donets near the village of Yaremovka in the Izyum region, the General Staff said.

17:58 From tomorrow, May 21, the NBU lifts restrictions on setting the rate at which banks can sell cash. Previously, the exchange rate was not supposed to deviate from the official rate by more than 10%.

17:57 The head of the Nikolaev OVA, Vitaly Kim, reported on the missile attack: "The missiles hit where they hit. The smell of ammonia - there is a small lake. There is a smell, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations reports that everything is in order. The concentration is minimal, so don't worry."

17:43 Ukraine will receive the first 15 German anti-aircraft self-propelled guns Gepard in July. This was announced during a video chat between German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht and Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, DW reports. Another 15 units will be delivered during the summer. The aid package also includes almost 60,000 Cheetah ammunition and training for Ukrainian crews at Bundeswehr bases.

17:39 Canada introduces additional sanctions against Russian oligarchs and prohibits the import and export of luxury goods from Russia. The new measures will impose restrictions on 14 people, including Russian oligarchs, their families and close associates of Putin. The import ban will affect Russian goods, including alcoholic beverages, seafood and non-industrial diamonds, while the export ban will affect luxury goods such as shoes, clothing and jewelry.

17:26 The Ukrainian army needs a large amount of weapons for the counteroffensive, said the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The New York Times. So, according to him, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need medium and long-range missile systems, large-caliber artillery and strike aircraft.

“We are waging war on our own territory. If someone thinks that we should have restrictions on the use of certain types of weapons, I would like to remind you that Russia here uses absolutely all types of weapons that it has, from cruise missiles, which are launched from submarines, to strategic bombers. The entire spectrum of Russian weapons is used here, except for nuclear weapons," Budanov said.

17:18 Since the beginning of the open war on the territory of Ukraine, more security officials from the North Caucasus have died than during the armed conflict in the same region since 2014. According to the Caucasian Knot publication, 143 security officials have been killed in the North Caucasian Federal District over the past eight years of terror. And in the so-called "special operation" since February 24 of this year, only according to open data, it was possible to establish that at least 224 people died.

17:03 In each district of Kiev, a flower arrangement will appear, symbolizing the unbending spirit of the Ukrainian people during the war. According to the Kyiv City State Administration, the first such composition was the famous stamp depicting a Ukrainian soldier against the backdrop of a Russian ship. This is a panel measuring 14 by 4.5 meters, formed from several thousand flowers of different varieties near the Levoberezhnaya metro station.

17:01 Belarus does not intend to participate in the war in Ukraine and is not a party to this conflict, Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said in an interview with Al Arabiya TV channel. According to him, "it is beneficial for the collective West to present Belarus as an aggressor or co-aggressor."

16:59 Russian troops today at about 15:00 launched a missile attack on a recreation center in Lozova, Kharkiv region. At least seven people were injured, including an 11-year-old child, Viktor Zabashta, director of the Center for Emergency Medical Assistance, told Suspilny. Firefighting and rubble removal continues, the State Emergency Service said.

16:56 In Kharkov on Tuesday, May 24, the subway will start working. And people who live at metro stations will be gradually relocated to "more or less safe places," Mayor Igor Terekhov said.

16:53 Zelensky held a meeting in Kiev with the heads of the upper and lower houses of the Parliament of Ireland, Mark Daly and Sean O'Farilo.

16:51 Sappers have completed demining in the de-occupied territories of the Kiev region, the OP reported.
That was fast — the Russians only withdrew a few days ago.
16:38 American intelligence is skeptical that a change in Russian public opinion about the war in Ukraine, even a significant one, will force Putin to stop hostilities, writes CNN. Intelligence also doubts that the war will lead to the removal of Putin from power, at least in the short term.

16:17 Zelensky on Ukraine's lawsuit against Russia: "42 states took Ukraine's side in the case against Russia at the International Court of Justice and announced their intention to join our lawsuit. I am grateful to the partners who chose the right side of history. This is the side of truth, international law and justice ".

16:03 Russian troops are working out conditional missile launches from new positions, Defense Ministry spokesman Alexander Motuzyanik said: "The aggressor is defining new frontiers for launching missiles on the territory of our state. As it became known to our intelligence, the Russian crew of Tu-22M3 long-range bombers practiced conditional missile launches from airspace of the northern part of Crimea.

16:01 Relatives of the military from Azovstal will create an organization to protect the rights of prisoners of war. They also intend to establish contact with Russian soldiers' mothers, relatives of the soldiers said at a briefing in Istanbul.

15:56 The French region of Ile-de-France allocated 1.1 million euros for projects to support Ukraine and develop cooperation with the Kiev and Chernihiv regions, the Ukrainian Embassy in France reported.

15:53 ​​Europe will pay Russia a record 100 billion dollars for gas. As Citigroup analysts predict, due to rising gas prices this year, the Russian Federation may receive a record $ 100 billion from Europe, which is almost double the figure for 2021.

15:51 G7 finance ministers announced a new $19.8 billion in financial support to Ukraine.

15:50 The Italian Foreign Ministry confirmed the existence of a peace plan for Ukraine, submitted to the UN. It was also confirmed by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Oleg Nikolenko.

15:48 The number of people in the filtration camps Bezymennoye/Kazatskoye in the Novoazovsky district has grown from 2,000 men to 3-4,000 over the past two weeks. The occupiers continue to take men from Mariupol to these filtration camps, Piotr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city, said. At the same time, not a single Mariupol citizen was released from the camp for five weeks.

The Russian military is actively disseminating information in private conversations that men are being prepared for mobilization into the “DPR” army due to the failure of mobilization in Donetsk and heavy losses at the front. It has already been instructed to conduct a census of men from 18 to 50 years old under the guise of forming a "labor reserve for removing rubble."

According to sources, the invaders plan to start a real and open mobilization of men in July-August after they receive DPR passports or Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure.

15:40 In the Black Sea, two ships of the Russian Federation with a total salvo of up to 16 Caliber missiles are ready for use, said Alexander Motuzyanyk, spokesman for the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

15:33 Putin posthumously awarded the Order of Courage to one of the former leaders of the "DPR" Motorola (Arsen Pavlov), who was destroyed in 2016.

15:22 A missile attack was carried out on the Odessa region with the help of aviation. As reported in the operational command of Pivden, the blow fell on the beach toilet. According to preliminary data, no victims.

15:17 All the weapons that the United States provides are delivered to Ukraine in a very short time, sometimes in less than a day, said Dan Langgenkemp, a spokesman for the US Embassy in Ukraine.

14:55 The head of the Bundestag Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, accused the federal government of delaying the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine for too long: "You are waiting too long - everything could have already been delivered."

14:51 The Russian military blocked all exits from the occupied Kherson region to the territory controlled by Ukraine, the Pivden operational command reported. You can only go to the Crimea.

14:42 Finland received a message from Gazprom to stop gas supplies from Saturday morning, May 21, due to refusal to pay for gas in rubles. Moscow said it would cut off supplies to anyone who would not pay under the proposed scheme.

14:37 Sweden responded to Turkey's claims that it tacitly supports the Kurdistan Workers' Party. Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde said that her country was one of the first to list the PKK as a terrorist organization: "Due to the widespread misinformation about Sweden and the PKK, we would like to recall that Olof Palme's government was the first after Turkey to list the PKK as a terrorist organization. back in 1984. The EU followed suit in 2002. This position remains unchanged.”

14:19 In the National Bank of Ukraine, the growth in the cost of currencies in exchange offices is associated with the introduced currency restrictions, the head of the NBU, Kirill Shevchenko, said in a comment to the EP. In particular, the conversion of funds from hryvnia accounts in the banking system into cash was banned in Ukraine and significantly restricted abroad. As a result, the currency deficit leads to a weakening of the hryvnia, he explained.

The NBU intends to weaken the hryvnia devaluation trend in non-bank exchangers, in particular by lifting a number of restrictions on currency trading by banks, Shevchenko said: help increase the liquidity of the cash segment of the foreign exchange market and stabilize the situation on it.

14:02 Gerhard Schroeder announced the impossibility of extending his powers on the board of directors of Rosneft, the company confirmed this. On the eve of the deputies of the European Parliament voted for the imposition of sanctions against Schroeder and other Europeans who "continue to receive money from Russia" if they do not stop cooperation with state-owned companies of the Russian Federation.

14:00 In Moscow, "Foreign Ministers" of the "DPR" and "LPR" Natalya Nikonorova and Vladislav Deynego met with the DPRK Ambassador to Russia Sin Hong Chol. The meeting was devoted to "consultations on formats and mechanisms for further interaction."

13:58 Russian troops attacked the infrastructure facility of the Lubny community in the Poltava region, said the head of the OVA Dmitry Lunin. He promised to give details later.

13:56 The government of the Russian Federation has created a special headquarters for the "restoration of the liberated territories" of Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said. According to him, the headquarters will allegedly work on the restoration of infrastructure damaged during the hostilities.

13:54 During the full-scale war in Ukraine, 11 Georgian volunteers were killed, Novosti-Georgia reports.

13:42 This morning, the invaders fired artillery at a school in Severodonetsk, where more than 200 people were hiding, killing at least three, said the head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

13:40 Three civilians were injured as a result of a missile attack on Malin, Zhytomyr region, Zhytomyr Mayor Sergei Sukhomlin said. An infrastructure facility and more than 100 residential buildings were damaged.

13:37 The United States destroyed the last M55 missile with chemical weapons, the Pentagon press service said. The missile was destroyed as part of the implementation of the International Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The remaining stocks of chemical projectiles are planned to be neutralized by 2023.

13:35 The commander of the Azov Regiment Denis Prokopenko recorded an appeal in which he confirmed that the command had given the order to stop the defense of Mariupol in order to save the lives of the fighters. Azov's conditions were to bring out the civilians, the wounded, and also to take out the bodies of the dead. Prokopenko said that the task was completed.

13:33 Ukrainians fleeing the war along evacuation routes will be able to receive financial assistance directly upon arrival at the station in a safe area, Ukrzaliznytsia reported. The amount of one-time assistance is 3,000 hryvnia per child and 2,000 hryvnia per adult.

13:28 Russia has taken the first step towards the annexation of the occupied Ukrainian territories, Vadim Denisenko, an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, said in a commentary to the Country. We are talking about a bill in which Putin is proposed to be given the authority to create interim administrations outside of Russia. "This applies not only to Ukraine, but, in fact, to any point where their bases are located. The project was created primarily for Ukraine and future conquests if they decide to go to Georgia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other territories," Denisenko explained. .

He also said that this is a common practice of the Kremlin: first, a bill of authorship not by United Russia (in this case, A Just Russia) is introduced, then it is tested for several months, checking the reaction within the country and the reaction of the international community, and then the adoption procedure is launched.

According to the expert, this is a call that countries such as Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, as well as other territories that Russia obviously wants to include in the design of the USSR-2, should pay attention to.

13:23 There are no financial and economic grounds for the devaluation of the hryvnia, said the head of the Verkhovna Rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, Daniil Getmantsev: "There are no financial and economic grounds for the growth of the exchange rate. And there will not be. If we do not play populism and remember that the country is at war."

Earlier, MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said that the dollar could rise in price to 40 hryvnia.

13:21 Morning explosions in Kiev were associated with the work of air defense, said the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration Nikolai Povoroznik: "At the moment, no emergencies have been recorded in the city. Indeed, the air defense forces have worked, now the city is more or less calm."

13:17 China is quietly increasing purchases of Russian oil at favorable prices, Reuters reports, citing supply data and sources among oil traders. Thus, China "fills the vacuum" that was formed after Western buyers refused to cooperate with the Russian Federation.

Russian offshore oil imports to China will jump to a near-record 1.1 million bpd in May, up from 750,000 bpd in the first quarter and 800,000 bpd in 2021, according to Vortexa Analytics estimates.

13:13 Russian aggression in Ukraine is visible even from space, German astronaut Matthias Maurer, who observed the events on board the ISS, told Bild: “We could see clouds of smoke in the country, and at night - flashes from missiles. For me it was very sad ".

13:06 In Mariupol, the occupiers are planning to launch four schools since September. Teachers are not left with a choice, directly and indirectly threatening "consequences" - from filtration camps to limiting "humanitarian" aid, said Petr Andryushchenko, an adviser to the mayor of the city. According to him, the education system in schools will completely switch to Russian standards and programs, they will teach only three subjects - Russian language / literature, Russian history and mathematics.

12:57 Russia, in response to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, will form 12 military units and divisions in the Western Military District by the end of the year. "The ongoing organizational measures are synchronized with the supply of modern weapons and military equipment to the troops," Shoigu said.

12:51 According to Shoigu, at Azovstal "already 1908 nationalists have surrendered, before that 1387 marines laid down their arms there." According to him, 177 civilians were also evacuated from the plant, including 85 women and 47 children.

12:48 Shoigu said that the "liberation of the LPR" is nearing completion. He also said that since the beginning of the war "from the dangerous regions of the DPR and LPR" and from Ukraine to Russia "evacuated" about 1.38 million people.

12:46 You can now get the status of unemployed in Dії - on the portal and in the application. The service is available for Ukrainians who lost their jobs during the war and live in temporarily occupied territories or territories where active hostilities are taking place.

12:43 For a month of work in the Kiev region, a special police mobile group identified 13 victims of sexual crimes committed by the occupiers, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported. During this period, 21 settlements were worked out, about 340 people were interviewed, a pre-trial investigation was launched in two criminal proceedings on rape.

12:27 The EU transferred a new tranche of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine in the amount of 600 million euros, Ursula von der Leyen said.

12:13 Russia, during the war against Ukraine, uses the blockade of food exports as a weapon, Blinken said at a meeting of the UN Security Council: "It seems that the Russian government believes that the use of food as a weapon will help to achieve what was not possible during the invasion - to break the spirit of the Ukrainian people. Food supplies for millions of Ukrainians and millions of other people around the world are literally taken hostage."

12:01 Defender of Mariupol with the call sign "Orest" Dmitry Kozatsky, who is now in captivity, published his photo archive from Azovstal:

11:39 The Czech Republic will receive German Leopard-2 tanks to replace the Soviet equipment transferred to Ukraine by the end of the year. The shipment will also include a 30-day supply of 120mm ammunition, DPA reports. Equipment and ammunition come from industrial stocks and are financed by the FRG.

According to the German Ministry of Defense, at the first stage, the Czech Republic will receive 14 Leopard-2A4 battle tanks and one tank tractor. The tanks will come from the arsenals of the Bundeswehr, along with ammunition and spare parts. Germany will also finance the training of Czech soldiers.

11:23 Roskomnadzor demanded that the English-language Wikipedia remove a number of materials with "inaccurate information about the special operation" in Ukraine.

10:55 Ukraine will strengthen the border with Belarus in the Zhytomyr region in order to prevent the invasion of the invaders, Zhytomyr Mayor Sergei Sukhomlin said: “The enemy will not have a second attempt. There will be no opportunity to enter Ukraine the way they entered on February 24. began to build along the entire line and concrete blocks.

10:52 A bill on the abolition of the age limit for the conclusion of the first contract for military service has been submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

10:50 Duda said in an interview with Polski Times that he considers the victory of Ukraine with the complete restoration of territorial integrity to be the best end to the war: "I would like it to end with Ukraine returning all its territories within internationally recognized borders. This is very important for me , the security of Poland and for the future, because in a political sense, this would mean the victory of Ukraine in the war."

10:29 Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnik said in an interview with RND that Kyiv will sooner or later join NATO: "This war also shows that NATO is and will remain the only anchor of security in Europe and throughout the world. Therefore, it is logical that this process expansion must continue, and Ukraine must also join this alliance. And I think that this can happen faster than some people think. Not now, in the midst of the war, but perhaps immediately after it."

10:21 Polish President Andrzej Duda said in an interview with Polski Times that he does not really believe in the possibility of a Russian attack on a NATO country: "Of course, a potential threat still exists. But it should be noted that in Poland - more than 10 thousand soldiers of the largest army in the world - "The most powerful, the best and the most modern weaponry. These soldiers have combat experience. We also have American infrastructure, heavy weapons, air defense, thanks to which part of the territory of Poland is already protected by American Patriot systems."

If we imagine that this unlikely scenario is realized against Poland or another member of the alliance, NATO's reaction will be quick and decisive, Duda stressed.

10:16 As a result of morning shelling, three people were wounded in Shevchenkove, Kharkiv region. At night in Dergachi near Kharkov, a shell hit a private house. In the village of Malaya Danilovka, a garage and a car caught fire from the impact, and at about 5:00 a.m., seven garages of the veterinarian academy were on fire, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

10:09 G7 countries agreed to create an alliance to prevent global hunger. The alliance should organize both financing and cooperation of states in providing the world with food, says Spiegel.

10:03 In Energodar, fire brigade workers protested against the Russian invaders, who kidnapped the head of the unit, Vitaly Troyan. Ukrainian firefighters set up 14 pieces of special equipment in front of the recreation center Sovremennik and about a hundred soldiers. In response, the invaders sent 14 units of their military equipment there, after which they began to disperse the rally by force - beating people and damaging fire and rescue equipment, Energoatom reports.

09:59 In the Lviv region, a cruise missile was spotted at a visual observation post, air defense went off, the head of the OVA Maxim Kozitsky said.

09:55 The number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine has exceeded 8 million people, and the total number of those who fled the war is approaching 14 million, UNICEF reports. More than 52% of displaced households have children.

09:51 The United States is considering the possibility of a six-month lifting of sanctions against Belarusian potash fertilizers in exchange for the transit of Ukrainian grain, WSJ writes citing its sources.

09:48 As a result of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region, another ammunition depot, two T-72 tanks, a self-propelled gun mount and a howitzer, two Grad multiple launch rocket systems and a TOR anti-aircraft missile system, armored and automotive equipment, as well as 40 invaders were destroyed, OK reported Pivden.

09:25 The war in Ukraine showed the effectiveness of the EU and the failure of NATO, Kuleba said on the air of the telethon: "War is the moment when the masks are torn off ... The EU has shown itself as an organization capable of acting as a united front and making powerful, important, difficult decisions, and NATO - vice versa".

According to the Foreign Minister, during the three months of a full-scale invasion, NATO did not take a single consensus decision that would benefit Ukraine: “The members of the alliance, individually or in small groups, are really doing extremely cool and important work, providing vital assistance. There are no questions. But NATO As an institution, nothing has been done during this time."

09:21 The countries of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain and the United States) will help Ukraine prosecute Russian war criminals. The ministers of justice of the countries of the alliance agreed on this. They will also contribute to the investigation of the International Criminal Court.

08:50 Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk criticized Scholz for the delay in the supply of weapons: "It seems that the Chancellor does not want to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine." According to the ambassador, everything looks as if Germany is "playing for time and waiting for a ceasefire." "Then the pressure on Germany will subside and there will no longer be a need to make bold decisions," Melnik said.

08:41 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of May 20. The enemy suffered the greatest losses over the past day in the Bakhmut direction.

  • personnel - about 28700 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1263 (+9),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3090 (+27),

  • artillery systems - 596 (+1),

  • MLRS - 200 (+1),

  • air defense systems - 93 (+0),

  • aircraft - 204 (+1),

  • helicopters - 168 (+1),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 460 (+5),

  • cruise missiles - 103 (+0),

  • ships/boats - 13 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2162 (+5),

  • special equipment - 43 (+0).

08:35 Japan will allocate 2 million euros to support the security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities, Foreign Minister Yosimas Hayashi said after a meeting with IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi, writes Japan Today. The minister noted that Japan would finance the immediate dispatch of IAEA experts and the necessary equipment to Ukrainian nuclear facilities.

08:26 British intelligence reports that as soon as the Russians finally capture Mariupol, forces from there will be transferred to strengthen operations in the Donbass. Probably, about 1,700 Ukrainian fighters from Azovstal surrendered, intelligence reports. It is not known how many Ukrainian forces still remain at the plant.

Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol since the start of the war means that Russian forces in the area must be re-equipped and modernized before they can be effectively redeployed, and this can be a lengthy process.

Russian commanders, however, are forced to defiantly achieve operational goals. This means that Russia is likely to quickly redeploy its forces without proper training, fraught with further attrition, analysts say.

08:07 The American Institute for the Study of War reports that Russian troops are intensifying their attempts to move north and west of Popasnaya in preparation for an offensive against Severodonetsk. Here, groups up to a company are trying to capture villages near the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway. Also, with reference to the "DPR", it is reported that the enemy surrounded Gorskoye and Zolote.

In Mariupol, the Russians and the "DPR" are trying to establish "consistent administrative control" over the city. Also, Russian forces were trying to regain control over the settlements they had lost during the Ukrainian counter-offensive north of Kharkov.

Russian forces are beefing up their naval presence around Zmeiny Island to reinforce their group on the island.

07:51 Russian troops are advancing on Lisichansk and Severodonetsk: there are 12 dead in the regional center, more than 60 destroyed houses in the Luhansk region, said the head of the OVA Sergey Gaidai. In Severodonetsk destroyed at least five high-rise buildings. In Lisichansk, 12 houses were damaged by shelling, 14 in Novodruzhesk, and 17 in Privolye.

07:44 Several Russian BTGs moved to Popasnaya under the cover of aviation. According to OSINTdefender analysts, this is done so that Russian troops can break through to the west of the city.

07:42 Volodymyr Zelensky has become the most influential person of the year according to Time magazine readers. 3.3 million people around the world voted for the Ukrainian president. In total, Zelensky received the votes of 5% of readers. In second place was Elon Musk with 3.5% of the vote. Third place - Boris Johnson, he scored 3.4% of the vote. The official results of the vote will be announced on May 23.

07:39 In the Dnipropetrovsk region, Russian troops again fired twice at Bolshaya Kostroma in the Krivoy Rog region, the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, said. Windows were shattered in several houses. People were not hurt.

07:37 Russian troops are advancing in the areas of Lisichansk and Severodonetsk and are equipping positions near the border in the Bryansk region, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in the morning report .

06:36 The US Department of Defense officially announced that M777 howitzers were loaded onto C-17s by US Air Force personnel at the March air reserve base as part of US assistance to Ukraine.

05:24 The New York Times has published new evidence of Russian war crimes in Bucha. Testimony and video obtained by the publication show how the Russians executed at least eight Ukrainians in Bucha on March 4, in what is a potential war crime.

00:05 Zelensky: "The first trial in Ukraine against a Russian war criminal has already begun. And it will end with the full restoration of justice within the framework of an international tribunal. I am sure of this. We will find and bring to justice everyone who gives criminal orders and carries them out."

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: May 19th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:57 Zelensky on the evacuation of the defenders of Mariupol from Azovstal: "I am doing everything so that the most influential international forces are informed and, as far as possible, involved in the rescue of our military."

23:33 Biden approved the allocation of $ 100 million in additional military assistance to Ukraine , Blinken said: "On behalf of the President, I am authorizing the tenth withdrawal of additional weapons and equipment for the defense of Ukraine from the stocks of the US Department of Defense in the amount of up to $ 100 million. Thus, the total amount U.S. military aid to Ukraine has reached approximately $3.9 billion in arms and equipment since Russia launched its brutal and unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24.

22:51 Zelensky, in an address to Ukrainian students, said that the last phase of the war is the most difficult and lengthy, so he cannot yet recommend returning home: "The final stage is the most difficult, the bloodiest, it exists. We cannot dissociate ourselves and say - everything I will tell you frankly that in Kiev after the de-occupation of the Kiev region there is such a feeling that everything, there is no war ... Today I cannot shout "come back home" to everyone who is abroad, because the war has not ended. It's still the choice of each person."

22:48 Biden announced an additional aid package for Ukraine. The U.S. will provide artillery, radar and other equipment, he said: "These weapons and equipment will go straight to the front lines of freedom in Ukraine and reaffirm our strong support for the courageous people of Ukraine defending their country from Russian aggression."

22:46 G7 finance ministers agreed to allocate $18.4 billion to help Ukraine pay its bills in the coming months and said they were ready to support Kiev throughout the war with Russia. More details - in the material How to save the economy of Ukraine .

22:27 Zelensky welcomed the approval of the US Senate bill on additional appropriations for Ukraine for 2022: "$40 billion is a significant contribution of the United States to the restoration of peace and security in Ukraine, Europe and the world as a whole."

21:58 The new package of US military assistance to Ukraine includes 36 counter-battery radars and 18 howitzers, the shipment of these weapons will begin immediately, the Pentagon said.

21:51 Podolyak said on the air of the telethon that negotiations with Russia have not ended - they are suspended, since any war ends with negotiations. The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office added that Zelensky’s negotiations with Putin would take place when the Ukrainian president needs them.

Podolyak also stressed that Russia "must understand that it will not win this war": "They must understand that as a result of this war they will lose everything, so they must stop it."

21:47 The length of the line of contact between Russia and NATO will immediately more than double due to Finland alone, whose foreign policy in Moscow was considered "the most reasonable" among Europeans. Neutral Switzerland also decided to move closer to NATO, while the Baltic countries are asking for more troops. For more details, see NATO Expansion - Who Else Can Join the Alliance .

21:22 The Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti that Russia does not interfere with the export of Ukrainian grain - "logistic problems arose through the fault of Kiev: its troops themselves mined their ports."

21:01 Germany will help Ukraine restore the healthcare system, promised the head of the German Ministry of Health, Karl Lauterbach. In particular, German specialists will help with the development of trauma and burn centers for patients with severe injuries.

20:55 Deputy commander of the Azov regiment, Captain Svyatoslav Palamar, recorded a short video message in which he said that he, along with the command, was on the territory of Azovstal: "A certain operation is ongoing, the details of which I will not disclose."

20:22 Washington is working on organizing the supply of long-range anti-ship missiles to Ukraine to lift the blockade of the Black Sea, Reuters reports citing US officials.

20:21 The US Congress approved the allocation of military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $40 billion. The final stage remains - the President's signature.

20:13 Germany will allocate about 1 billion euros of budget support for Ukraine, said Finance Minister Christian Lindner. According to her, we are talking about grants that should be paid from the budget for 2022, without creating additional debt. The funds will be used to ensure the viability of Ukraine.

20:04 France does not rule out that the war in Ukraine may spread to neighboring countries, Macron said, receiving Moldovan President Maia Sandu at the Elysee Palace: "The recent incidents in Transnistria show that it is impossible to exclude the spread of the conflict to neighboring countries." France, he said, "intends to pay special attention to the situation with regional security and any possible encroachment on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova."

19:57 The Russians have formed two detachments of warships to fortify on Zmeiny Island, but due to stormy weather they are hiding in the Crimea, reports the Operational Command Pivden. According to OK, there are two other Russian ships with cruise missiles in the Black Sea.

19:48 British Armed Forces Minister James Hippie believes that the heroic defense of Mariupol on the territory of Azovstal will be included in military history textbooks as a key factor in Ukrainian success in the war with Russia.

19:46 The G7 countries intend to provide Ukraine with $18.4 billion in financial support, Reuters reports.

19:38 The European Parliament supported a resolution calling on the EU to create a special tribunal for Russian war criminals, Kuleba said.

19:22 In the Kiev region, the Russians destroyed more than 4,000 residential buildings in 46 out of 69 communities, said Kirill Tymoshenko, deputy head of the OP.

19:19 Currently, 36% of the sanctions Plan of the McFaul-Yermak group has been completed. Work on the rest continues. In particular, Ukraine expects sanctions from its allies against the energy sector and the banking system of Russia, Yermak said.

19:17 Foreign Policy correspondent Jack Detch reports, citing Pentagon officials, that in the last 24 hours the Russian Federation has carried out only 140 airstrikes, which is about 100-150 less than the daily count in recent weeks. Including the Russians have sharply reduced the number of strikes on Mariupol.

According to the Pentagon, Russia still has 106 battalion tactical groups in Ukraine, and the US does not see any hints of mass mobilization from the Russian side. At the same time, Russia still has a numerical advantage on the battlefield, and its combat capability remains "significant."

At the same time, Ukraine continues to retake territory east of Kharkiv from Russia - earlier this week, Ukrainian troops pushed the Russians back within three kilometers of the border with the Russian Federation. In the Donbas, Russia is still making slow progress due to serious logistical problems, despite focusing on a smaller geographic area. Also, Russia brought into the battle in the Donbas some units that were not 100% restored after they suffered losses during the unsuccessful assault on Kyiv. The US sees signs that Russian commanders are being fired for poor performance in Ukraine.

18:58 Biden said that Finland and Sweden meet all NATO criteria.

18:47 As a result of Russian shelling of Severodonetsk today, at least 12 people were killed and more than 40 were injured , said the head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the Russians began chaotically shelling the regional center with heavy weapons from the very morning, shelling continues now. Basically, these are targeted hits on residential buildings. Gaidai noted that the data on the dead and injured are still being specified, since it is impossible to examine the territory under shelling.

18:42 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that Russia's offensive in the Donbass has stalled, but this does not mean that the Russian Federation has abandoned its strategic goals.

18:39 In Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region, there are more than a thousand cars in front of the checkpoint of the occupiers, which the Russian military does not allow to enter the territory controlled by Ukraine, or in the opposite direction, the OVA reported.

18:38 Speaker of the Estonian Parliament Jüri Ratas sent a letter to his colleagues from the national parliaments of the European Union, in which he called on them to support granting Ukraine the status of a candidate country for EU membership.

18:36 The European Parliament called on the EU Council to start negotiations on joining the European Union with Albania and North Macedonia, especially in the context of the war in Ukraine.

18:30 On May 18, 127 Mariupol residents, including 12 children, were brought from Mariupol to the occupants' filtration camp in the village of Bezymennoye, Novoazovsky district, said Petr Andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of Mariupol.

18:09 The European Union will completely abandon Russian oil and gas by 2027, said the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. The plan for energy independence from oil and gas from the Russian Federation, presented today, will cost more than 200 billion euros and will ensure energy independence for the EU until 2027.

18:04 On May 19, 37 people managed to be taken out of Severodonetsk under shelling, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai.

17:49 WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that he had asked Lavrov for safe access to Mariupol, Kherson, Yuzhne, Zaporozhye and other occupied areas for the delivery of medical assistance. "Civilians must be protected," he stressed.

17:44 Johnson announced that Ukraine will receive an additional £1.3 billion military aid package from the UK. It will include long-range artillery, anti-ship missiles and drones.

17:30 The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting announced that Russian Radio will now sound like Radio Bayraktar on the air.

17:18 In the Kharkiv region, from the towns and villages liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the past week, yesterday, in just one hour, ten people turned for support after experiencing sexual violence. Of these, eight were raped minors, including two boys of ten years and one-year-old babies, said Lyudmila Denisova, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada.

17:02 The Minister of Digital Transformation, Mikhail Fedorov, entered the Politico Tech 28 European digital leader rating. He was shortlisted and took first place in the Rulebreakers category. Fedorov especially showed himself during the war unleashed by Russia.

16:56 Ukraine and the United States signed a memorandum on transport cooperation. According to Infrastructure Minister Alexander Kubrakov, the document provides for the renewal of the entire fleet of locomotives and wagons by 2030, the creation of a fast rail system between large cities and the improvement of railway infrastructure, especially in large cities. Also in the sphere of priorities is the modernization of existing roads.

16:43 In the Luhansk region, the enemy is throwing all his forces into seizing Severodonetsk and the Lisichansk-Bakhmut highway, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the situation in the region is difficult. If enemy troops capture the Bakhmut-Lysichansk highway, this may cut off the entire region from communication with other regions of Ukraine.

16:28 The prosecutor's office demands a life sentence for the Russian military Vadim Shishimarin, who is accused of killing a civilian, representatives of the prosecution said during the trial. The wife of the deceased, Yekaterina Shelipova, also asked for a life sentence for the accused, but noted that she would not mind exchanging him for the military with Azovstal.

16:15 There will be less blocking of content from Ukraine related to the war and Azov on Facebook and Instagram, Mikhail Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Development, promised after a meeting with Meta President for Global Affairs Nick Clegg.

16:08 The UK intends to transfer long-range artillery, anti-ship missiles and drones to Ukraine, Johnson's office said.

15:56 The Pechersk District Court of Kiev has given permission for the arrest of Yanukovych, the Office of the Prosecutor General said. The ex-president who fled to Russia is suspected of organizing the illegal transfer of people across the state border. So, on February 23, 2014, Yanukovych illegally transported at least 20 people from the village of Urzuf, Donetsk region, to the city of Anapa, Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation.

15:47 In the Kharkiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have liberated 23 settlements since the beginning of the counteroffensive on May 5, said Brigadier General, Deputy Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff Alexei Gromov. He also said that Russian troops have intensified shelling of Ukrainian positions in order to contain their advance to the border.

15:31 Kuleba spoke with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri and thanked him for refusing a Russian ship with grain stolen in Ukraine. The parties also agreed to coordinate efforts so that Russia unblocks the export of food products from Ukraine.

15:24 The European Parliament voted to impose sanctions against ex-German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, as he continues to act in the interests of Russian energy companies such as Rosneft. The text of the EP resolution also calls on the EU countries to expand the list of persons subject to restrictions at the expense of European board members of large holdings and politicians who continue to receive money from the Russian Federation.

14:48 In Zaporozhye, from May 20, the duration of the curfew will be reduced by an hour - it will last from 22:00 to 5:00, OVA reports.

14:47 Zelensky received a letter from the President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovsky, who expressed support and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and stated that the process of EU enlargement should not stop in the Western Balkans. He supported granting Ukraine the status of a candidate country already during the EU meeting in June this year.

"Such support from a country that received the status of a candidate country back in 2005, but is still fighting for the right to start accession negotiations, is very important for Ukraine," Yermak wrote.

14:42 The US is considering a number of measures to deprive Russia of oil profits, writes NYT. Among them, in particular, the introduction of a price ceiling, blocking Russia's access to payments for oil exports, forcing banks to transfer money for Russian oil imports to escrow accounts so that the Russian Federation can spend them only on essential goods, as well as the imposition of secondary sanctions against countries that do not comply with US sanctions.

14:41 Peskov said that the future of the "liberated" Ukrainian territories cannot be decided "without expressing the will of their inhabitants."

14:40 Italy has proposed a four-stage plan for resolving the situation in Ukraine, writes La Repubblica. According to the publication, the document would have been drawn up by the country's Foreign Ministry with the participation of the Chigi government palace and has already been submitted to the UN Secretary General:

  • ceasefire and liquidation of the line of combat clashes under the supervision of the UN;

  • Ukraine's accession to the EU in a short time and its neutral status without joining NATO;

  • an agreement between Ukraine and Russia on the "disputed territories" of Donbass and Crimea to resolve conflicts over internationally recognized borders;

  • a new multilateral treaty for peace and security in Europe, which should ensure arms control and conflict prevention.

14:36 ​​The letters Z and V are not official military symbols, Moscow City Duma deputy Stupin said, citing the response of the Russian Defense Ministry to his request. At the same time, the letter says, these signs are "recognizable and positively accepted by the military and citizens of Russia, the DPR and LPR, and many others."

14:33 Great Britain has included three Russian airlines in the sanctions list - Aeroflot, Russia and Ural Airlines. The sanctions include freezing the assets of companies, according to the website of the British government.

14:32 Ukrzaliznytsia asks the Russians to take the bodies of their military. The company said that for the third month they have been storing hundreds of bodies of Russian soldiers in refrigerated wagons in order to return them to their mothers and wives: "We appeal to the Russians: we know that you are reading this. Your cargo of 200 is waiting."

14:31 In Mariupol, the invaders continue to sort out the rubble of the Drama Theatre. According to the mayor's adviser Petr Andryushchenko, yesterday and today the bodies of the dead were taken out several times by trucks in the direction of Stary Krym. The clearing area is guarded and not given access to the locals. The operation to cover up the consequences of war crimes continues.

14:25 The SBU detained Oleg Tsarev's brother while trying to organize sabotage in the eastern regions. After a full-scale invasion, he was confident in the imminent victory of Russia, he was waiting for the occupation of the region and the promised post of head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. When the hopes for the arrival of the Russians did not materialize, he began to receive instructions from his curators. In particular, his task was to destabilize the situation in the region through a series of explosions at transport and critical infrastructure facilities, the SBU said.

14:19 Arestovich denied the information about the train being blown up by partisans in Melitopol: “I have to disappoint you a little. The rails were blown up, but in front of the train. According to my information, not a single occupier died, and the train was not injured. that the rails were mined near the railway station, and the explosion damaged the track. This indicates that our heroes are acting decisively and boldly. This is the first such case, but not the last."

14:16 The US Department of Defense cannot confirm the information about the use of laser weapons by Russian troops in Ukraine, as Moscow has stated. "I haven't seen anything to support reports of lasers being used. Yes, we've seen some open press reports about it, but we haven't seen anything to support it," a Pentagon spokesman said.

14:07 NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov said in an interview with NV that Russia "is not as weak as we would like": "And those people who say that the war will end in May or in a week are frivolous. It is very difficult and multicomponent process, and the help of our partners with weapons is the key moment in determining the situation today.Depending on what and in what time frame will be delivered, the scales will fluctuate one way or the other."

14:03 The European Parliament supported the abolition of EU import duties on all Ukrainian goods for one year.

13:59 The Swiss Embassy resumes work in Kiev.

13:57 Australia will send 14 M113 tracked armored personnel carriers and 20 Bushmaster armored personnel carriers to Ukraine, Defense Minister Peter Dutton said.

13:54 Russian deputies have submitted a bill to the State Duma that will allow Putin to create "interim administrations" outside of Russia.

13:38 The Russian Foreign Ministry said that in order to open access to seaports in Ukraine, "it is necessary to consider, among other things, the possibility of lifting sanctions against Russia."

13:22 The delivery of heavy weapons to the defending country is not an escalation, Scholz said: "To help in the defense of a country that has been severely attacked, there is no escalation. It is a contribution to repelling an attack and thereby ending violence as soon as possible."

13:13 The International Committee of the Red Cross has started registering prisoners of war who left the Azovstal plant. The Red Cross records information about each captured Mariupol defender in order to track their fate. The operation started on Tuesday and will continue further. At the same time, the committee does not participate in the transportation of the Ukrainian military.

12:54 Lukashenka said that he expects to develop an Iskander-type missile in the country with the assistance of Russia by the end of the year.

12:52 Zelensky said that he had spoken with Ursula von der Leyen: "Thanked for 9 billion euros and 0.6 billion euros of financial assistance. We discussed the Platform for the restoration of Ukraine proposed by the European Commission. It should become a common success story. Agreed on the advisability of introducing joint border control Ukraine and Poland".

12:50 The Center for Counteracting Disinformation under the National Security and Defense Council called manipulation the information that the United States is afraid to transfer weapons to Ukraine because of the likelihood of using it against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation. According to the JRC, this was reported by "Russian propaganda media".

12:44 The NBU received from the UK 5 million pounds (or more than 182 million hryvnias in equivalent) to a special account opened to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is the largest amount received in support of the Ukrainian army in one payment in foreign currency from foreign philanthropists since the beginning of the war with Russia, the regulator said.

12:40 Finland does not plan to deploy nuclear weapons or military bases of the alliance in the event of joining NATO, Prime Minister Sanna Marin said. According to her, these issues are not in the negotiation process. At the same time, she noted the importance of negotiations with Turkey, which objects to the membership of Finland and Sweden in NATO.

12:36 Pushilin gave the command to radically reduce the police corps in Mariupol and return it to Donetsk. According to the mayor's adviser Petr Andryushchenko, there are several reasons for this, one of them is the growing riots of the relatives of the mobilized and dissatisfied residents of Donetsk, where there has been no water for more than a month. The second is purely political, as part of the internal struggle of political clans - conditional Donetsk and Mariupol. "An interesting trend. Little by little it becomes clear who exactly is lobbying the idea of ​​Kadyrov's control over Mariupol from the inside and why," Andryushchenko wrote.

12:29 Poland is ready to build permanent NATO bases to accommodate light units, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said.

12:28 Scholz promised Ukraine further assistance in defending itself against a Russian attack and said that Putin would not be able to dictate peace terms: "Putin still believes that he can bomb and dictate peace. But he is wrong. Just as he was wrong about the determination of Ukrainians and the unity of our unions. Because Ukrainians do not accept this, and neither do we."

12:26 In Ukraine, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia, 88 DRGs have been exposed, about 800 people involved in sabotage activities have been detained, First Deputy Interior Minister Yevgeny Enin said. Almost all of them were transferred to the SBU, he specified.

12:23 Finnish Ambassador to Ukraine Päivi Laine has returned to Kiev, the country's Foreign Ministry said.

12:20 In Nikolaev, the curfew will begin an hour later - at 22:00 and end as usual, at 6:00, said the head of the OVA Vitaly Kim. He also said that the region will soon allow the sale of low-alcohol drinks in cafes. Since the end of March, the sale of alcohol in Nikolaev is allowed only on weekends.

12:14 The Polish state oil and gas company PGNiG has filed a new lawsuit against Gazprom and is demanding interest for an overpayment of $ 1.5 billion for gas supplies in 2014-2020.

12:06 The Russians are shelling the border areas of Ukraine, including in order to divert the attention of Ukrainian troops from the counteroffensive, said Rostislav Smirnov, adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: “We must understand the nature of these shellings, why they began to occur in Sumy, in particular, in the direction. This due to the fact that at the strategic level we are starting to launch a certain counteroffensive. Perhaps not quickly, but if you look at the last few days, we have liberated several settlements in the Kharkiv and Lugansk directions."

12:03 The Russians launched another air strike on Bakhmut in the Donetsk region, shells hit a five-story building, a private house and an office building, said the head of the OVA, Pavel Kirilenko. According to him, in a private house, rescuers got six people out of the rubble, their condition is satisfactory. In the five-story building, an entire entrance was destroyed, but, according to preliminary information, there were no victims.

Kirilenko once again asks everyone who has the opportunity to leave the Donbass, since there are no safe places left in the region.

11:59 In Kharkov, early this morning, the Russians fired at the Kiev region. The projectile hit the boiler room of the Institute of Endocrine Pathology Problems, according to preliminary data, there were no casualties, Oleg Sinegubov, head of the OVA, said.

11:56 The SBU liquidated a large-scale scheme for the theft of humanitarian aid intended for Ukrainian defenders. The attackers tried to illegally sell more than a thousand body armor for a total amount of more than 12 million hryvnia. They were made in Ukraine by one of the public organizations, and through the Cherkasy military administration were supposed to be transferred to the needs of defense, but instead they appeared in a supermarket chain.

11:48 Today, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the creation of a pioneer organization in the USSR, a bill was submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the creation of a similar children's movement called Big Change. Its goal is "preparing children for a full life in society, shaping their worldview based on traditional values, traditions of the peoples of Russia, the achievements of Russian and world culture, developing socially significant and creative activity, high moral qualities, love and respect for the Fatherland, hard work , legal culture".

11:45 Kuleba again criticized Europe for trying to offer Kiev "surrogates for the status of an EU candidate": "The strategic uncertainty regarding the European perspective of Ukraine, practiced by some EU capitals in recent years, has failed and must stop. This only encouraged Putin. We do not need surrogates for EU candidate status who demonstrate second-rate attitude towards Ukraine and hurt the feelings of Ukrainians."

11:18 The European Commission will assess Ukraine's request to join the European Union "presumably at the end of June," Scholz said.

"Ukraine has requested membership in the European Union. The Commission before the European Council will give its assessment to the request,"

11:14 Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko warned foreign journalists against participating in press tours organized by Russia in the occupied Ukrainian territories: "Fakes and disinformation of Russia have taken on some incredible forms. Now the occupiers are trying to hold a press tour for foreign journalists on the territory of the occupied Mariupol. The primary goal of the enemy is to discredit the role of Ukraine in the war. Now special "decorations" for foreign media have already been brought in: fragments of Ukrainian ammunition collected from the occupied regions, extras have been assembled, which will be passed off as local eyewitnesses."

10:48 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that 771 servicemen of Azov surrendered from Azovstal during the day, since May 16, a total of 1,730 soldiers, including 80 wounded, have surrendered.

10:34 The presidential representative in the Constitutional Court, Fyodor Venislavsky, explained that martial law would be extended immediately for three months, since the counteroffensive takes more time than defense.

10:32 In Kharkov, on Saltovka, a monument to the Russian prince Alexander Nevsky was thrown from the pedestal. The bronze figure was hooked with a rope and knocked down with the help of a truck.

10:29 For Vyshyvanka Day, the world's first military vyshyvanka was created in Cherkasy. The initiator was a fighter of the 118th separate brigade of the territorial defense from Cherkasy - a specialist in art criticism.

10:27 Lavrov urged the WHO to "pacify Kiev's attempts to hinder the special operation." The head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, in particular, turned to WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and asked to influence the Ukrainian authorities so that it "does not interfere with the implementation of Russia's measures to protect Donbass."

10:23 A ceasefire is impossible until the complete withdrawal of Russian troops and the liberation of the occupied Ukrainian territories, Podoliak said: "Do not offer us a ceasefire - this is impossible without the total withdrawal of the Russian troops. Ukrainian society is not interested in the new "Minsk" and the return of the war in a few years. Until Russia is ready to fully liberate our lands, our negotiating platform is weapons, sanctions and money."

10:07 The leader of the "DPR" Pushilin said that more than half of the Ukrainian military left Azovstal. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation put the commanders of the national battalion Azov Velichko and Nemichev on the wanted list. They are accused of "involvement in the encroachment on life" of at least eight military men in the Kharkiv region.

09:36 British intelligence reports that top commanders are being fired from the Russian army who did not complete their tasks at the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. So, due to failures in Kharkov, Lieutenant General Sergei Kisel was removed - he commanded the elite 1st Guards Tank Army.

Vice Admiral Igor Osipov, who commanded the Black Sea Fleet, was also likely removed after the sinking of the cruiser Moskva. Russian Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov is likely to remain in office, but it is unclear if he has Putin's confidence.

British intelligence notes that the system of concealment of information and "scapegoats" is still being cultivated in the Russian army. Many officials involved in the invasion of Ukraine are likely to become increasingly distracted by attempts to avoid personal responsibility for the failures of the Russian army in Ukraine. This will put additional strain on Russia's centralized command and control model as officers increasingly seek to shift key decisions to their superiors.

09:33 Ukraine's presence in NATO would reduce the threat of nuclear war, Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk believes: "Then Putin would know that if he attacks Ukraine with nuclear weapons, he should expect a retaliatory nuclear strike. And this would deter him from attack ".

At the same time, the ambassador admits that the process of Ukraine's accession to NATO is unlikely to be as fast as in the case of Finland and Sweden. Melnyk added that only a political decision is needed to integrate Ukraine into the alliance.

09:30 Russian media report that representatives of Kiev and the Red Cross visited the Ukrainian military, who left Azovstal, and made sure that they were kept "in normal conditions."

09:28 The Pentagon notes that Russia has recently reduced the scale of its actions, which demonstrates a decrease in ambitions. According to the Washington Post, citing a US Department of Defense spokesman, Russian troops are working in smaller groups with significantly "smaller" tasks - instead of formations of several hundred people, actions are carried out in groups of several dozen to hundreds of military personnel.

Also, if earlier it was about big cities and entire regions, now efforts are focused on villages or crossroads.

09:24 The Economic Security Bureau secured the seizure in Ukraine of Russian and Belarusian assets totaling over 30 billion hryvnias. Half of the seized assets are almost 18,000 railcars, including those with inventory worth UAH 3 billion.

09:23 Energoatom reported that the Zaporozhye NPP continues to operate in the energy system of Ukraine and provides industrial facilities with energy.

08:57 The General Staff announced the approximate losses of the enemy on the morning of May 19. The enemy suffered the greatest losses over the past day in the Slavyansk, Krivoy Rog and Zaporozhye directions.

  • personnel - about 28,500 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1254 (+3),

  • armored combat vehicles - 3063 (+20),

  • artillery systems - 595 (+9),

  • MLRS - 199 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 93 (+2),

  • aircraft - 203 (+1),

  • helicopters - 167 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 455 (+14),

  • cruise missiles - 103 (+1),

  • ships/boats - 13 (+0),

  • automotive equipment and tankers - 2157 (+20),

  • special equipment - 43 (+0).

08:51 Finance ministers and heads of central banks of the G7 countries will hold talks on Ukraine today, Reuters reports. Financial assistance to Kyiv and food security issues will be discussed, as well as non-Ukraine topics of inflation, public debt and healthcare costs.

08:42 The Government of Japan will provide Ukraine with an additional loan in the amount of $300 million.

08:41 The US Senate will vote today on the next package of military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine in the amount of $40 billion.

08:34 Even those who are usually called Moscow's allies are in no hurry to support Russia in the war against Ukraine. Read more in the material Complete isolation .

08:30 Russian military continue to fire at Luhansk region, including from aircraft, the area is de-energized. Severodonetsk received the greatest damage - there are four dead, as well as settlements of the Popasnyanskaya community, said the head of the OVA, Sergei Gaidai.

08:19 Troops of the Russian Federation five times fired at the Zelenodolsk community in Dnepropetrovsk region. They beat from Gradov and Hurricanes along Velikaya Kostroma, said the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko. People were not hurt, houses were damaged and destroyed, the village was partially without electricity and gas.

07:55 Poland will transfer 25,000 tons of gasoline from its reserves to Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Sviridenko said following a meeting with Polish Climate Minister Anna Moscow. Deliveries will begin next week and will help "balance the fuel market."

07:48 Ukraine is disappointed that the United States does not send American multiple launch rocket systems to it, writes Politico. According to the publication, the Ukrainian leadership has been asking the United States for several months to send long-range MLRS, but the White House fears that such weapons could be used to strike at Russian territory, thereby expanding the conflict.

07:37 Over the past day in the Donetsk and Luhansk directions, Ukrainian defenders repelled 16 enemy attacks, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning summary .

05:01 The US Senate unanimously approved the candidacy of Bridget Brink for the post of US Ambassador to Ukraine.

02:15 The US does not see that Russia needs negotiations, US State Department spokesman Andrea Kalan said: "In order to negotiate with Russia, the US must see that it wants to de-escalate the situation and withdraw its troops from Ukraine, but now Russia is only showing aggression ".

01:27 The Russian military leadership decided to mobilize the servicemen in Crimea, who betrayed Ukraine in 2014. In total there were about 14 thousand of them, in eight years many of them were demobilized and left the service. Now they are forcibly mobilized and replenish broken brigades that are on regrouping in the Crimea, said Viktor Andrusiv, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs.

"The peculiarity of this news is that traitors are not subject to exchange. They are subject to article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (treason)," he clarifies.

01:12 The Parliament of Canada recognized the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1944 as genocide, Ukrainian Ambassador Yulia Kovaliv said. From now on, in Canada, May 18 every year will be celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Deportation of the Crimean Tatars (Crimean Tatar Deportation (Sürgünlik) Memorial Day).

00:43 US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that Washington will provide Ukraine with an additional $215 million in new emergency food aid.

00:27 Volunteer of the morgue in Bucha, editor-in-chief of the publication Babel Evgeny Spirin told Present Time that the headquarters of the Russian army was located on the territory of the pioneer camp Radiant, in which the occupiers equipped a torture room, where they brought veterans of the 2014 war. The bodies of the tortured and executed inhabitants of Bucha were found in it. One of them had no skin on his back, he was tortured for several days, after which he died.

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: April 30th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 23:23 The Armed Forces of Ukraine eliminated nine enemy air targets in a day: two Su-25 attack aircraft and seven drones were destroyed.

23:21 Zelensky: "There is still a lot of work ahead. The occupiers are still on our land, still do not recognize the obvious failure of their so-called "operation". We still need to fight and send all our forces to expel the occupiers. And we will do it .Ukraine will be free."

23:08 Ukraine is switching to NATO weapons , Zaluzhny said following a conversation with the head of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley: "We discussed with my American colleague a promising model of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Obviously, we are forced to abandon Soviet weapons and equipment and switch to NATO samples. And the sooner we start this process, the sooner we will complete it."

23:03 Russian saboteurs can get into the rear of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on stolen cars, masquerading as volunteers, warns the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, for such provocations, in particular, a bus with the inscription School , which disappeared the day before on the way to Popasnaya, can be used.

22:42 Russian military aircraft An-30 violated the airspace of Sweden and after a short period of time left it, Defense Minister Peter Gultkvist said. He called such actions "unacceptable" and said that Sweden "will respond through diplomacy."

22:40 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that 18,849 people, including 2,359 children, were "evacuated" to Russia from "dangerous regions of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Ukraine" in a day. In total, since the beginning of the "special operation", according to the Kremlin, 1,062,692 people have been "evacuated", including 192,688 children.

22:36 The leader of the Belarusian opposition Svetlana Tikhanovskaya said in an interview with the Voice of America that she had handed over to the United States evidence of the participation of the Lukashenka regime in the war against Ukraine. According to her, this is "massive evidence of missile launches from our territory, the movement of Russian equipment on the territory of Belarus." In addition, Tikhanovskaya handed over "a list of companies and countries that helped to circumvent sanctions."

22:24 Arestovich said that for the past four days "there is no movement of Russian troops on the territory of Ukraine." According to him, troops are not being transferred to Izyum at all, but the wounded, broken equipment and the dead go back.

"A lot of people were killed. Attacks on the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, strikes on the headquarters of the 2nd Army Army - these are about 600 corpses according to the most optimistic forecasts for them. These are senior officers. They began to lose combat readiness, there are no supplies," the adviser to the head of the OP said.

22:12 In the Kherson region, the cellular communication of all Ukrainian operators has disappeared. The same applies to mobile Internet, reports Suspіlne. The company Vodafone told the publication that "it's definitely not a breakdown."

21:37 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation declares that in Nikolaev "militants" conduct "punitive raids", checking residents "for signs of pro-Russian views they have." All suspects are allegedly "detained and subjected to torture, threatened with transfer to the SBU, as well as physical violence against relatives."

Moscow also claims that the Armed Forces of Ukraine mined the dam of the Nikolaevsky reservoir in the city of Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region, "which they themselves plan to blow up," blaming Russian troops for this.

20:53 Kuleba, in an interview with Xinhua, said that Kiev offered Beijing to become one of the guarantors of Ukraine's security. According to him, this decision demonstrates our country's respect and trust in China. He also expressed hope that China would call Russia for a ceasefire.

20:50 The evacuation from the Popasnaya Luhansk region was suspended, the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai said: "Until there is complete information about yesterday's incident with the shelling of our evacuation transport by an enemy DRG, the evacuation from Popasnaya will be suspended."

20:37 From under the rubble at Azovstal, they managed to extract 20 civilians - mostly women and children - who were handed over for evacuation. As the deputy commander of the Azov regiment, captain Svyatoslav Palamar (Kalina), said, the rescue operation is currently ongoing, civilians are being pulled out from under the rubble with cables. According to the agreements, they should be taken to Zaporozhye.

According to Kalina, the silence regime, which was supposed to start at 06:00, began only at 11:00, but as of now, both sides adhere to it. The evacuation convoy, which was supposed to arrive at six in the morning, arrived only at 18:25. "As of 19:40, we transferred 20 civilians to the agreed place, who were released from the rubble," Palamar said.

He also stressed that for unknown reasons, the wounded who urgently need help are not being evacuated. Palamar urged to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Earlier, information appeared in local public pages that buses with UN symbols were seen in Mariupol.

20:29 In Zaporozhye, where refugees from Donbass gather, the police began "filtration measures," said Anatoly Kurtev, secretary of the City Council. According to him, law enforcement officers will go from apartment to apartment to check the IDPs. The police can "check documents, ask various questions, conduct a superficial check or inspection", as well as check the presence of temporarily displaced persons in the apartments.

20:25 Zelensky said that he talked with Johnson, discussed the situation at the front and in Mariupol, defense support for Ukraine and the necessary diplomatic steps to achieve peace.

20:01 Residents of the occupied village of Rozovka, Zaporozhye region, told Babel that the Russian invaders are recruiting people to clean up Mariupol. They promise to "pay" for this: 10,000 rubles for removing rubble, 30,000 for collecting corpses. When people clarified how they would pay, they were told that a dry ration equivalent to these thousands.

The locals are also given Phoenix (DPR) mobile communication cards. Houses closer to the highway are occupied by unknown people.

Earlier today it was reported that in Mariupol houses that local residents were forced to leave are occupied by unknown people.

19:58 Russian troops hit the strip of the Odessa airport from the Crimea, said the head of the OVA Maxim Marchenko. They fired from the Bastion missile system. No one was hurt by the missile strikes.

19:39 The British newspaper The Times published an article about the Ukrainian pilot Stepan Tarabalka, whom they called the "ghost of Kiev." However, the Air Force command stated that Tarabalka was not a "ghost" and did not shoot down 40 aircraft. Major Stepan Taralka died on March 13, 2022 in an air battle.

The Air Force emphasizes: "The ghost of Kyiv is a legendary superhero whose figure was created by the Ukrainians. It is rather a collective image of the pilots of the 40th tactical aviation brigade of the Air Force protecting the sky of the capital."

19:14 Employees of the port of Amsterdam refuse to unload a tanker with Russian diesel fuel, which port workers in Sweden had previously refused, reports the Dutch TV channel NOS.

19:11 Podolyak responded to Lavrov’s statement that, as part of the negotiations, Kiev and Moscow are discussing, among other things, the lifting of sanctions against the Russian Federation: “Russian Minister Lavrov has a strange habit of commenting on things in which he is not personally involved. So, at the negotiations sanctions are not discussed. Because the world imposed them for the occupation and violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The reasons have not been eliminated. Consequently, the sanctions will only increase. But the Russians forever inscribed "denazification and the Russian language" in world history with the blood of peaceful Ukrainians from Bucha, Gostomel, Kharkov, Mariupol and other cities. Now they are synonymous with Russian war crimes. It's time for them to face the truth."

19:05 In the Donetsk direction, the enemy is actively fighting along almost the entire line of collision. The main efforts of the enemy are concentrated on the Limansky, Severodonetsky, Popasnyansky and Kurakhovsky directions in order to take complete control of the settlements of Rubizhnoye, Popasnaya and, probably, a further offensive on Liman, Slavyansk and Barvenkovo, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

19:01 In the Kharkiv region, as a result of the offensive by units of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, control over the settlements of Verkhnyaya Rohanka, Russian Lozovaya, Slobodskoye and Prilesnoye was resumed , the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported.

18:55 The occupiers are attempting an offensive in the directions of Izyum - Barvenkovo ​​and Izyum - Slavyansk, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports. The enemy continues to concentrate forces and means both in the occupied territories of the Kharkov region and in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation. Thus, the invaders moved several units to the area of ​​the settlement Volokhov Yar and the city of Izyum. The enemy is also building up the air defense system, conducting aerial reconnaissance of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine using drones.

In the Kharkov region, the occupiers forcibly take the population to the territory of Russia and spread disinformation about the seizures of Kharkov, Kyiv and Zaporozhye.

18:38 As a result of a rocket attack on the Odessa region, the runway of the Odessa airport was damaged, its further use is impossible , said the head of the press center of the Security and Defense Forces of the South, Natalya Gumenyuk.

18:00 Russia has concentrated about 20 Caliber missiles in the Black Sea, Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said.

17:57 Vereshchuk announced another exchange of prisoners: seven soldiers and seven civilians returned home. One of the soldiers is a woman in her fifth month of pregnancy.

17:55 The EU intends to propose a ban on Russian oil, which will come into force by the end of the year, and until then, restrictions will be introduced gradually, Bloomberg writes, citing officials.

17:51 The Russians killed the captured Azov fighter and sent a photo of his mother's body. The fighter recently appeared in a propaganda video in Russian publics - it showed five captured Ukrainian soldiers who allegedly voluntarily laid down their arms. The video emphasized that the preservation of the life of prisoners of war is guaranteed, as well as compliance with international laws for the treatment of prisoners of war.

17:48 Russian media write that 25 people left the territory of Azovstal.

17:43 The Financial Times writes about a new scheme by Russian oligarchs to circumvent sanctions - they offer to exchange their old British mansions or luxury London apartments for real estate in Dubai without bank transfers or financial verification of the transaction. Moreover, British objects are offered with tangible discounts.

Lawyers from the UAE do not believe too much in the success of such a scheme, since Britain is already quite meticulous about the execution of all documents, and with the start of the hunt for the assets of sanctioned Russians, its vigilance has only increased.

17:39 Podolyak on possible mobilization in the Russian Federation: "Many today are trying to comprehend the likelihood of mobilization in Russia from the point of view of military, economic and political logic. But you need to understand that the Russian state machine thinks in slightly different categories, namely, corruption logic. Mobilization in Russia is a national start-up, an opportunity to milk the last savings from the impoverished population. "Pay or die." The security forces are going to fund the conscripts, and the police leadership is already counting their percentage. The spiders in the bank are preparing to start eating each other."

17:17 In Mariupol, the invaders allowed movement between the Left Bank and other areas of the city on the right bank. Movement is open across the bridge to Mukhino. At the same time, checkpoints were set up to strengthen control, Andryushchenko said.

17:15 The governor of the Kursk region said that several mortar shells were fired at the Krupets checkpoint from the Ukrainian side. There are no casualties, injuries or damage.

17:13 The Azov Regiment showed a video of a Russian tank firing point-blank at a residential building in Mariupol. There were no Ukrainian soldiers in it; in the basement of this high-rise building, 16 civilians were hiding from Russian shells.

17:05 "There is hope" for the evacuation of civilians in Mariupol today , the city council said. And the mayor's adviser Pyotr Andryushchenko "not very officially" added that "there is a real restrained, but optimism that today it will finally be possible to start a large evacuation."

“Buses should be delivered to Port City by the Russian side, so you are aware that anything can happen. But. Ring all the bells and rails in order to be on time and not miss it. silence along the route? he wrote.

17:03 The representative of the Ministry of Defense Oleksandr Motuzyanyk said that Russian troops are gradually increasing the intensity of the offensive in eastern Ukraine simultaneously in all directions. The greatest activity is observed on Slobozhansky and Donetsk. There are signs that the aggressor is preparing for an even greater intensification of hostilities.

17:00 On the eve of the anniversary of the May 2 events in Odessa, law enforcement officers are cleaning up the city from enemy DRGs, the National Police reported. The Russian special services were going to arrange mass riots, protests and riots in the region, using controlled representatives of the underworld. During the searches, weapons, communist paraphernalia, advertising brochures with communist and other prohibited symbols, as well as grenades, cartridges, mobile phones and equipment were found on the suspects.

16:41 Putin signed a decree on the payment of 10 thousand rubles to veterans of the Great Patriotic War who live in the "DPR", "LPR" and "in the liberated territories of Ukraine."

16:39 Zelensky reported on his telephone conversation with Macron and thanked him for his help: "We talked about defense cooperation, interaction on Ukraine's path to EU membership. We are grateful for the humanitarian assistance, the readiness to treat our soldiers. We appreciate the decision to continue the work of the French mission of investigation crimes of the Russian Federation.

16:36 Georgian Foreign Minister Ilya Darchiashvili said that Arestovich's comments to the Georgian government harm relations between the two countries. Earlier, Arestovich said that the Georgian leadership is behaving "somehow strange," but the Georgian people will appreciate the position and statements of the authorities on Ukraine in the upcoming elections.

16:30 The Pechersky District Court of Kiev, on the proposal of the State Bureau of Investigation, seized 51 Belarusian tank cars that crossed the border in Chernihiv region on the eve of the Russian invasion.

After the invasion of the Russians, tank cars actually provided the logistics for the troops advancing in the direction of Chernihiv-Sumy. The tanks were filled with 3,000 tons of Belarusian and Russian diesel fuel. The products were allegedly intended for oil companies within Medvedchuk's sphere of influence.

16:26 Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region, is preparing to switch to paying pensions and salaries in Russian rubles, said "acting mayor" Alexander Saulenko. In addition, the "police" began to work in the city, law enforcement officers, together with the National Guard, patrol the streets.

16:25 Angelina Jolie was spotted in one of the cafes in Lviv. She did not announce her visit to Ukraine.
Could it have been someone else who looked somewhat like her?
16:23 Invaders in Melitopol confiscated ATB stores because the company is helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine and flatly refused to cooperate with the invaders, Anton Gerashchenko reports.

16:18 The press center of the JFO denied the information about the undermining of the bridge between Liman and Raygorodok in the Donbass by the Special Operations Forces. In fact, the bridge was destroyed as a result of a Russian air raid. It did indeed have empty boxcars on it to block the passage.

16:11 Macron, in a telephone conversation with Zelensky, promised to increase assistance to Ukraine, French television reported.

15:57 German Economics Minister Christian Lindner said that his country will not pay for gas in rubles: "Turning to Putin, I say very clearly: we will not allow ourselves to be blackmailed. We will continue to pay for Russian gas in rubles. Clearly one thing: we are doing everything possible to become independent from Russia as soon as possible."

15:32 The delegation of the Riga City Hall today handed over 11 modern passenger buses to Kiev as assistance, as well as humanitarian aid, the Kyiv City State Administration reported.

15:30 The defense of Ukraine will go down in military history, said US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin: "Ukrainian hospitals were bombed. Their citizens were executed. Their children were injured. And yet, despite all this, they did an excellent job of protecting their sovereignty. The valor and skill of Ukraine will go down in military history."

15:27 The Russians got a Ukrainian military uniform somewhere and can use it for provocations, warned the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai: "We have 100% confirmed information that they found several containers with the clothes of our military. How will they use it , we cannot say what provocations they are ready to go to. What we just have not seen in the Luhansk region during the Russian aggression."

15:24 The Australian Olympic Committee will support Ukrainian athletes who want to get a visa to live and train in Australia, said AOC President John Coates.

15:22 The Ukrainian military for the first time told the details of the battle for the airport in Gostomel , which took place on the first day of the Russian invasion. The defenders arrived at the airport early and took up positions. According to their information, an Il-76 transport aircraft with troops was supposed to arrive. The task of the Ukrainian military was to prevent it from landing, or, in the event of its landing, to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. However, instead of the plane, many helicopters flew in, which came as a surprise.

15:20 The White House administration intends to lure leading Russian scientists to the United States , for which they plan to simplify visa requirements for the migration of valuable specialists, writes Bloomberg.

15:13 Russia is running out of stocks of high-precision weapons, writes the Financial Times, citing a source in Western government agencies: "We see that they have to move Caliber missiles from other strategic directions where they can be stored. This indicates that their stocks of precision-guided weapons are being reduced.

Russia's difficulty in resupplying guided weapons was due both to the quality of their industrial base and to Western sanctions that "limit their ability to build up capabilities at a time when they need to have an effect on the battlefield," the source said.

3:08 pm Guterres said lobbyists in the oil, gas and coal industries are "cynically using the war in Ukraine to try to lock in a high-carbon future."

"The transition to renewable energy is critical to restoring the disrupted global energy balance and brings hope to the millions of people who are affected by climate change today." - wrote the UN Secretary General.

15:03 In Chernihiv, a monument to Pushkin was dismantled, meanwhile, in Nova Kakhovka, the occupiers are erecting a monument to Lenin.

15:01 NATO expects further provocations in Transnistria and believes that their goal is to create problems for Ukraine, while there is no military threat to Moldova itself yet, Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoane said in an interview with the Romanian Digi24.

14:55 The FSB in Crimea is driving the Crimean Tatars to the congress in order to create the appearance of their support for the war against Ukraine, said the people's deputy and the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov.

Meanwhile, the Russian media are already writing that the Crimean Tatars are allegedly "ready to participate in the Russian special operation in Ukraine as volunteers."

14:47 A subsidiary of the Russian NOVATEK said that 500 of their railway cars in Poland, filled with liquefied petroleum gas, could explode. The cars were stopped as part of the sanctions.

14:40 On the night of April 30, the Russians fired on residential areas, a hospital and an industrial zone of the Nemyshlyansky district of Kharkov, the State Emergency Service reported. As a result of an enemy attack, the apartments of two residential nine-story buildings were on fire. A man was injured in one of the rooms. The building of one of the medical facilities in Kharkov was damaged.

14:26 On the territory of the Buchansky district, the police found a pit with the bodies of three men who were tortured by Russian soldiers and then brutally killed.

14:18 The head of the Lugansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai said that the Ukrainian military were able to get to the place where two evacuation buses disappeared near Popasna. One bus was shot, there are traces of blood in it, but there are no people there. The other bus disappeared, there is no communication with the driver either.

14:06 Podolyak says that the Russian side rejects all proposals to rescue people from Mariupol, because it is "symbolic" for the enemy to destroy the city and the Azov regiment protecting it.

13:59 Mayor of Vilnius Remigius Shimashius called on residents of the city and businesses to collect window glass and double-glazed windows for the needs of Ukraine, since many houses were left with broken windows after the shelling. The Lithuanian capital will provide delivery on its own.

13:48 The chief operator of the Mariupol television, Alexander Ratushny, filmed a ten-minute documentary film MARIUPOL 2022. During the blockade of the city, he lived with his family in the shelter of the Mariupol Lyceum, where he made a film about the people who also took refuge there.

13:10 Mayor of Mariupol Vadim Boychenko: "In two years, the Nazis killed 10 thousand civilians in Mariupol. And the Russian invaders killed more than 20 thousand Mariupol residents in two months. More than 40 thousand people were forcibly taken out. This is one of the worst genocides of the civilian population in modern history. The Russian army purposefully and ruthlessly destroys our city and its inhabitants. "

12:07 Ukraine received Mistral anti-aircraft missile systems from Norway, Minister of Defense Bjorn Aril Gramm said.

11:45 Russia tried to exchange Ukrainian civilians for Russian prisoners of war, which is prohibited by the Geneva Convention, Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshchuk told the BBC. According to her, the Russian side initially planned to use the Ukrainians forcibly taken out for further exchange. However, Ukraine refused and demanded that Russia return the abducted civilians.

"We know that there are more than a thousand hostages, including almost 500 women. We know that they are in prisons and detention centers in Kursk, Bryansk, Ryazan, Rostov," she said.

In addition, according to Vereshchuk, Russia does not want to give up captured Ukrainian women. Now Kyiv refuses to conduct an exchange without women on the list. She also said that nine civilians were returned to Ukraine with severe injuries, including those with amputated limbs in Russia, and obvious signs of torture are visible.

11:36 Deputy Defense Minister Anna Malyar asks not to write about the liberated villages or cities until this information is published by the Ministry of Defense or the Armed Forces of Ukraine. She emphasizes that there have already been several cases when, after such disclosure, the enemy attacked these settlements ahead of time, which led to losses on the Ukrainian side.

11:28 During the two months of a full-scale war, law enforcement agencies received more than seven thousand statements about the disappearance of people, said Deputy Interior Minister Mary Hakobyan. About half of them were subsequently found. The status of unidentified received about two thousand bodies of the dead, of which 1282 were subsequently identified. Also, as part of criminal proceedings, 927 DNA examinations have been scheduled for today.

11:20 Medical examinations for "conscripts" have been canceled in ORDLO. According to Ukrainian intelligence, the Russians have practically exhausted the resource for forced mobilization in the "LDNR", therefore, since April 20, medical examinations of mobilized personnel have been suspended there. The official explanation: "due to the lack of specialists." Potential "conscripts" can no longer obtain documents confirming any health problems.

At the same time, those who have obvious health problems (injury, disability, severe acute illnesses) or managed to obtain the necessary documents earlier are still mobilized, but assigned to logistics units.

The only alternative to forced mobilization is a bribe at established rates (depending on age, specialty and state of health). In particular, in Gorlovka, the amount of a bribe for the purpose of evading service is from 5,000 rubles if paid directly at the place of detention, and upon delivery to the district departments of the "MVD" - from 75 thousand rubles.

10:36 China is in no hurry to buy Russian oil because of Western sanctions against the Russian Federation, even despite the big discounts, writes Oilprice. China's lack of interest in Russian oil is also affected by the costly transportation of Russian cargo due to sanctions, problems with payments and insurance of tankers, as well as long-term contracts between Chinese refiners and oil exporters from the Middle East. In addition, the risks are increasing due to the increasing readiness of the EU for an oil embargo and the likelihood of secondary sanctions.

10:15 Discussions have begun in the EU on banning the import of nuclear fuel from Russia for nuclear power plants in the bloc countries and projects involving a subsidiary of Rosatom, Politico writes, citing information from five European diplomats.

10:12 In the Donbas, military operations are in a stalemate, Janno Märk, head of the planning department of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Union, said in an interview with the Estonian edition of ERR. According to him, the most critical situation is now in the Kharkov and Izyum directions - there the Russian army is conducting active operations in order to break through the defense. If they succeed, they will be able to surround the Ukrainian grouping of troops in the Donbass. Those troops that are located on the front line in 2014 can be taken into the boiler, and this will significantly help Russia take control of the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

"To a certain extent, a positional war is already going on there today. It can also be said that a stalemate has formed there today, where neither side in this conflict can achieve a significant advantage. It is difficult to say what will happen next, both sides are now developing new tactics," - said the expert.

10:07 The White House is working on a balanced approach to the G20 summit, to which Putin was invited. According to press secretary of the US presidential administration Jen Psaki, advisers are now actively discussing what the format of the country's participation in the November meeting in Indonesia will be. Washington insists that Russia should be excluded from the G20, but China objects to this. Thus, the US does not see an option to completely ignore the Indonesian summit, since then it will be dominated by China and Russia.

10:04 Odessa received new air defense systems, said the representative of the regional military administration, Sergei Bratchuk.

10:03 The General Staff named the estimated losses of the enemy on the morning of April 30:

  • personnel - about 23,200 (+200) people liquidated,

  • tanks - 1008 (+22),

  • armored fighting vehicles - 2445 (+27),

  • artillery systems - 436 (+1),

  • MLRS - 151 (+0),

  • air defense systems - 77 (+4),

  • aircraft - 190 (+1),

  • helicopters - 155 (+0),

  • automotive equipment - 1701 (+6),

  • ships/boats - 8 (+0),

  • tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76 (+0),

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 232 (+4),

  • special equipment - 32 (+1),

  • launchers OTRK / TRK - 4 (+0).

09:55 In the Kharkiv region in the Izyum direction, the National Guardsmen, together with the artillerymen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, attacked the location of the Russian troops, destroying more than 30 pieces of equipment of the Russian army, of which more than half were tanks, as well as armored personnel carriers, BMDs and MTLBs.

According to the National Guard, a group of NSU special forces, conducting reconnaissance in one of the Izyum directions, discovered a lot of equipment, a command post and a place of residence for enemy personnel. The intelligence data was promptly received by the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who worked on Russian positions with artillery, and the guardsmen made adjustments to the fire.

09:33 German Finance Minister Christian Lindner proposes to stop funding the bureau of former German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder because of his position in support of Russia, reports Funke. The minister called for a general review of the rules for granting offices and employees to former chancellors and federal presidents.

09:08 The Russians shot down two evacuation buses in Popasna, Lugansk region, communication with the drivers was lost, Nikolai Khanatov, head of the Popasnyansk city VGA, said: “Yesterday we evacuated 31 people from Popasna. There were much more people who wanted to, so we sent two more buses to the city. that they reached the settlement and came under fire from the enemy DRG. The buses were shot. There is no contact with the people who were in the vehicle and organized the evacuation."

09:07 The positions of Moldova and Transnistria have drawn closer against the backdrop of tensions related to the situation in Ukraine, said Nikolay Tsvyatkov, deputy director of the Moldovan Reintegration Bureau.

09:00 British intelligence notes that despite the fact that Russia is trying to overcome the shortcomings of its army, it turns out that it is not very successful. The Russian Federation hopes to correct the problems that previously held back its invasion by geographically focusing combat power, shrinking supply lines and simplifying command and control.

But the Russian army still faces significant challenges. She was forced to unite and redeploy exhausted and scattered units in unsuccessful offensives in northeastern Ukraine. Many of these units are likely to suffer from weakened morale.

Shortcomings in Russian tactical coordination also remain. Lack of unit-level skills and intermittent air support prevented Russia from fully exploiting its combat mass despite localized improvements.

08:57 Military assistance to Ukraine, which is included in Biden's request to the US Congress for $33 billion, is designed to pay for military supplies five months in advance, the Pentagon said. First of all, the United States plans to provide those systems that do not require long and complex preparation and to which Ukrainians can switch in a week.

08:51 Lavrov, in an interview with Xinhua, said that negotiations with Ukraine are going on daily via video link. The agenda includes issues of "denazification", "recognition of new geopolitical realities", the status of the Russian language, and the lifting of sanctions.

As for security guarantees for Ukraine, according to the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry, one of the possible options is "the creation of an institution of guarantor states, among which, first of all, permanent members of the UN Security Council, including Russia and China."

Lavrov stressed that the negotiations are "not easy" because "NATO is doing everything to prevent the completion of the "special operation" by reaching political agreements."

08:42 This morning, the occupiers fired on the neighborhood of Velyka Kostroma in the Krivoy Rog region - they hit the fields, none of the people were injured, head of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council Nikolai Lukashuk said. Also, one of the villages of the Sinelnikovsky district, bordering on the Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions, was fired upon. Information about the destruction and casualties is being specified.

08:23 In the Lugansk region, the enemy launched 16 massive artillery attacks over the past day, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the Russians are storming Rubizhne and Popasnaya until they are defeated. Near Popasna, the Russians fired on a car with volunteers, there were no casualties.

07:41 During the day on the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled 14 enemy attacks. 11 tanks, seven artillery systems, 28 armored vehicles and 14 vehicles were destroyed, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports in the morning report .

05:56 Rosenergoatom - a division of the Russian state nuclear company Rosatom - sent a group of its nuclear specialists to the Zaporozhye NPP. They require daily reports from the plant management on confidential matters relating to the operation of the nuclear power plant, the IAEA said in a statement. The staff of the Zaporozhye NPP "works under incredible pressure," the Ukrainian side said.

05:10 Pope Francis appealed to Putin three times with a request to allow a vessel flying the flag of the Vatican to evacuate civilians from Azovstal, but all three times his request was rejected, according to the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero.

04:25 War criminals of the Russian Federation will receive the first sentences in at least a year and a half or two , said the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska.

03:58 Russia is several days behind the schedule for a military offensive in eastern Ukraine, a senior Pentagon official said, The New York Times writes. According to the source, the Russian Federation is behind schedule for its offensive in Donbas due to stiff resistance and ongoing supply problems.

01:32 The United States began additional training of Ukrainian Armed Forces specialists at one of the military bases in Germany, Pentagon Speaker John Kirby said. He clarified that the bulk of the exercises in Germany are being conducted by the Florida National Guard, which already has extensive experience in interacting with the Ukrainian military. Moreover, according to a Pentagon representative, in addition to Germany, at least two more locations have been deployed in Europe outside of Ukraine, where the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being trained to use foreign weapons.

01:01 The Upper House of the Parliament of Canada has supported the recognition of Russia's aggression against Ukraine as genocide, Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk said. According to him, the Senate adopted a resolution identical to the one that was recently supported by the House of Commons.

00:43 Zelensky in an interview with the Polish media called the formula for security guarantees for Ukraine, it sounds like this: "people are hours." The bottom line is that the countries - guarantors of security send their military as soon as possible: "No matter how cynical it may sound. The ability to save the number of people depends on the number of terms, weapons. In terms of blood and losses, these are people - hours ... We just we speak from our own experience, and many countries already agree with it. We say: “people are clocks.” We need security guarantees precisely “people are clocks”.


Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Ukrainian Perspective: Invasion of Ukraine: April 24th, 2022
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Korrespondent] 22:46 Arestovich said that "a new Bucha is happening right now in the Zaporozhye direction - they are killing, raping ... everything is in their style."

22:31 The US Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense arrived in Ukraine, a meeting with Zelensky is underway, Arestovich said.

22:29 Servicemen of the Joint Forces group successfully repelled seven enemy attacks in a day, the Defense Ministry reports. Ukrainian defenders destroyed 13 tanks, three artillery systems, 17 armored vehicles, four armored combat vehicles, 18 vehicles and four enemy tankers. Air defense units in the sky of the Ukrainian Donbas shot down three UAVs of the Orlan-10 type.

22:27 The Azov Regiment released a video from Azovstal, where women and children are hiding in basements. They had only a few days of water and food left.

22:26 Arestovich said that mined cars and streamers are still being found in the government quarter in Kiev. "Many people think that Kyiv is safe, but it's not," he stressed.

22:22 The occupiers are preparing to attack Krivoy Rog, the city is ready to defend itself, said the head of the city administration Aleksandr Vilkul: "The enemy is forming an offensive strike formation in our direction in the Kherson region. In the coming days, we are waiting for their possible transition to the offensive. But we know there is more about them than they think, we understand all their plans, and we are fully prepared for any development of the situation."

22:20 In the Donetsk region, five civilians were killed today from enemy shelling: two in Novoselovka, two in Krasnogorovka and one in Novomikhailovka. Five more people were wounded, Pavel Kirilenko, head of the OVA, said.

22:18 Shmygal called "not so simple" the process of discussing security guarantees for Ukraine with Western countries. He also said that Kyiv and Washington are discussing the use of frozen Russian assets for financial assistance to Ukraine. According to him, Ukraine needs up to $5 billion in financial assistance every month, and Western partners agree with this amount.

21:51 In the area of ​​​​responsibility of the operational-tactical group Skhid, on April 24, Russian troops launched one attack. Ukrainian defenders destroyed up to a hundred personnel, three tanks, 17 infantry fighting vehicles, ten vehicles, two artillery systems, one UAV, the Defense Ministry said.

21:46 Dozens of civilians in Ukraine were killed by flechettes - aircraft weapons that were distributed during the First World War, The Guardian writes, citing Ukrainian forensic experts.

“We found several very small, nail-like objects in the bodies of men and women,” said forensic scientist Vladislav Pirovsky. According to him, such objects are found mainly in bodies from the vicinity of Bucha and Irpin.

Dozens of civilians in Ukraine were killed by flechettes

21:44 The head of the Poltava OVA, Dmitry Lunin, said that nine Russian missiles had already hit the infrastructure of Kremenchug tonight.

21:38 Biden: "Two months after Putin launched an unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine, Kiev is still standing. President Zelensky and his democratically elected government remain in power. We will continue to support Ukrainians in their struggle to defend their homeland" .

21:35 The city authorities continue to ask the people of Kiev not to return home if they are in safe places. Deputy Head of the Kyiv City State Administration Mykola Povoroznik said that now more and more people are returning to the city, and this will push the business to open. At the same time, the war has not ended, missile attacks continue, and it is difficult to predict the course of events.

21:33 According to French exit polls, in the second round of the presidential elections, Macron is gaining about 58 percent of the vote, Le Pen - about 42 perrcent. Le Pen announced that she admits her defeat in the French presidential elections.

20:51 In the Kharkiv region today, two people died and 11 were injured, the head of the OVA Oleg Sinegubov said. According to him, Saltovka and Alekseevka came under attack in Kharkov, and Chuguev and Zolochiv were shelled in the region.

20:44 Arestovich said that the main direction of the enemy now is Izyum, from where he is trying to attack Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. Also, the enemy is increasing pressure in the direction of Hulyaipol (from south to north of the Zaporozhye region). During the week, the Russian troops advanced there by about 10 km, but now the pace of advance has slowed down due to opposition from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

20:41 Arestovich said at an evening briefing that Russia is concentrating ground forces around Azovstal for a likely assault - despite the fact that the Kremlin promised not to do this. The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office also urged Moscow to start negotiations on Azovstal and threatened that otherwise "you won't like the consequences."

20:28 The Armed Forces of Ukraine have successes in the Kherson direction - the enemy suffers significant losses in personnel and equipment, said the head of the Odessa OVA Maxim Marchenko. He also said that warning notices were posted on the streets of Kherson stating that occupiers and collaborators who decide to come to the so-called "referendum" will be punished.

20:23 Five Russian missiles hit infrastructure facilities in the Poltava region in the evening, said the head of the OVA Dmitry Lunin. Information about the victims and destruction is being specified.

20:04 White House Deputy National Security Adviser John Finer said he expects new statements about Washington's assistance to Ukraine next week.

20:01 More than 20,000 residents of Mariupol died at the hands of the invaders, said the mayor of the city Vadim Boychenko.

19:33 Arestovich said in an interview with Meduza that in Mariupol "there is no question" of complete control over the city: "The Putin-Shoigu scene is ridiculous... It takes three times as many troops to surround Azovstal as for an assault."

19:31 Russia has only 30% of high-precision missiles left compared to the period before February 24, investigative journalist Khristo Grozev said. However, according to him, the Russian Federation is capable of independently producing such missiles. The production cycle is about a month.

19:20 Putin has "lost interest" in diplomatic ways to end the war and is now determined to seize "as much Ukrainian territory as possible," writes the Financial Times, citing three sources familiar with the conversations with the Russian president. According to them, Putin "came into a rage after Ukraine sank Moscow ."

“There was hope for a deal. Putin hesitated. But he had to find a way to emerge victorious from this,” one of the sources said, adding that everything changed after the flooding of Moscow . “Now Putin is against signing anything. After Moscow, he wouldn't look like a winner. It would be humiliating."

19:16 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announces the intensification of offensive and assault operations of the enemy in the areas of the settlements of Pashkovo, Dovgenkoye and Bolshaya Kamyshevakha. The enemy had no success, suffered losses and was forced to retreat to the previously occupied lines.

In the Donetsk and Tauride directions, the Russian Federation is building up control and air defense systems, continues to fire at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from mortars, artillery and multiple launch rocket systems along the entire line of collision. Inflicts air strikes by aircraft of operational-tactical aviation.

In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy tried to carry out assault actions in the direction of the settlements of Liman and Yatskivka, but had no success. But the occupiers established control over part of the Zarechnoye settlement. They tried to gain a foothold in the western, northwestern and eastern parts of Rubizhne, but were not successful. We began to advance in the directions of Orekhovo and Nizhny.

19:13 The Russian Federation is regrouping units of the Central Military District from the areas of restoration of combat capability to the eastern regions of Ukraine. The enemy plans to move an anti-aircraft cannon division from the 14th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense from the Kursk to the Belgorod Region, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.

In the Slobozhansky direction, the transfer of weapons and military equipment of the enemy to the area of ​​​​the city of Kupyansk is underway. The occupiers continue partial blockade of Kharkiv, trying to carry out fire destruction of Ukrainian troops and critical infrastructure facilities.

19:06 Russia lost 90 percent of its best paratroopers in the war in Ukraine, Bellingcat investigative journalist Christo Grozev said: “I personally checked that Russia lost 90 percent of its best paratroopers in the first part of the war. This is the most important and essential part of the army, without which it is simply impossible to conquer key infrastructure facilities and capitals."

Grozev also believes that now Russia has lost the majority of the second echelon - a quality army from their point of view.

19:00 Shell has begun the process of withdrawing from its largest project in Russia - Sakhalin-2. The British-Dutch company is likely to sell its stake to the Chinese, writes the Financial Times.

18:40 Journalists of the Slidstvo.Info project found out that the Russian Orthodox Church, together with the security forces, is forcibly resettling Ukrainians in the Russian Federation. In the hacked correspondence, journalists discovered that since the first day of the war, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations has been sending daily to the clergy detailed information about the course of the war, the number and routes of Ukrainians taken to Russia. Priests settle Ukrainians in churches and monasteries, conduct "spiritual conversations" with them and monitor them with the help of surveillance cameras.

18:38 In the Kherson region, Russian tanks under Ukrainian flags are shelling settlements, the Pivden operational command reports. The occupiers are trying to simulate the presence of units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the territories they occupied and to discredit the Ukrainian military.

In the occupied territories of the Kherson and Nikolaev regions, the Russian military continues to agitate the locals for the creation of pseudo-republics.

18:36 The European Union intends to completely abandon Russian gas by 2027, Austrian Minister for Climate Protection, Ecology, Energy Leonora Gewessler said in a comment to Kurier. According to her, for this it is necessary to gradually reduce gas consumption, switch to heat pumps and geothermal energy, where possible, start the production of biogas and renewable hydrogen, and find other suppliers.

18:23 Arestovich said that Kiev is no longer negotiating with NATO to close the sky over Ukraine - now only air defense systems are needed: "This is a closed issue. What we need is the air defense system that we are already provided with. And the sky We will close ourselves."

18:01 Latvian Defense Minister Artis Pabriks said that everyone who does not support granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate this summer is working against the interests of Europe.

17:55 Russia is trying to exterminate the population of eastern Ukraine, Timofei Mylovanov, adviser to the head of the President's Office, said in a comment to CNN: "I think their message is quite clear - if you surrender, like Crimea did in 2014, nothing will happen to you. If you resist like the Donbass, like the east of Ukraine, you will be destroyed. It doesn't matter if you are military or civilians. So the message that Russia is sending is: Surrender or you will be exterminated."

17:28 The traditional fires in Siberia are already twice as large as last year, and they have become uncontrollable, as the Russian military, who used to fight them, is now at war in Ukraine, writes The Independent.

17:04 Bulgarian Prime Minister Kirill Petkov announced that he would visit Kiev next week. He intends to leave on Wednesday, April 27, and go to Ukraine via Poland. Among the purposes of the visit are to bring a cargo of helmets and body armor, to negotiate with the Ukrainian leadership and to discuss the assistance that Bulgaria can provide to Ukraine.

16:32 Russia forcibly removed 915,000 Ukrainians from the territory of Ukraine, of which 160,000 are children, more than 2,000 are orphans. But there are those among them who were stolen from living parents, Denisova said.

According to her, there are still volunteers in Russia who quietly help Ukrainians escape from the Russian Federation and enter Europe. Seven people are known to have emigrated to Estonia and then to Sweden.

16:07 Russia, in violation of the Geneva Convention, is holding captive Ukrainian soldiers in penal colonies without converting prisons into prisoner of war camps, Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova said.

According to her, in the Rostov region, the invaders settled two penitentiary institutions in the south of the Russian Federation at once: a general regime colony No. 1 in the city of Zverevo, and also No. 12 in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky near the Russian-Ukrainian border.

A month and a half ago, the detainees were evicted from there to colony No. 10 of Rostov-on-Don, where prisoners now sleep in three shifts. And the institutions in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky and Zverev are filled with captured Ukrainian soldiers. They are guarded by employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation and prisoners left in auxiliary work.

15:53 ​​Russia has definitely lost seven generals in 60 days, and according to data not yet confirmed - nine, Podolyak said.

15:50 Arestovich said in an interview with Meduza that "in two or three weeks the offensive will end, and with it, the active phase of the war will quite possibly end, because the Russian troops have nothing more to attack with." According to him, now the Russian Federation has collected "the penultimate operational reserves." In particular, in the Belgorod-Valuyek region there are about 15,000: "But these are the unfortunate ones who came out from under Kyiv, Sumy and Chernigov - they have the psychology of the executed. They really do not want to fight."

15:48 According to the border guards, over the past day, more than 24,000 people left Ukraine, and 30,000 returned.

15:44 Russian troops fired on Chuguev, Kharkiv region, the National Police reported. Three people were injured, including a mother with a 12-year-old child.

15:43 In the Donetsk region, a curfew from April 25 will be in effect from 20:00 to 05:00 (it was from 19:00 to 06:00), the OVA reported.

15:42 Thanks to the efforts of military doctors, more than 80 percent of the wounded Ukrainian soldiers are returning to duty, said Anna Malyar, Deputy Defense Minister.

15:40 Lithuania calls on the EU to impose sanctions on the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Kirill, who supports the war in Ukraine.

15:38 Bank of America blocked the accounts of the Russian Consulates General in Houston and New York, Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said.

15:37 Kyrgyzstan has revoked distribution certificates and banned the screening of Russian propaganda films about the war in Donbas and the annexation of Crimea, Minister of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy Azamat Zhamankulov said.

15:35 Indonesia, the world's largest producer of palm oil, will ban its export from April 28. President Joko Widodo said he wants to ensure food availability in his country after the war in Ukraine caused a record increase in global food inflation.

15:33 WHO warns that the healthcare system in eastern Ukraine is practically destroyed, the lives of thousands of people in Mariupol and other cities of Ukraine are at risk. UN health officials are asking for immediate access to Mariupol and other areas hardest hit by the fighting in eastern Ukraine.

15:31 The IAEA will provide Ukraine with all the necessary equipment for the safe operation of nuclear power plants. According to the organization, the first part has already entered the country, the rest will be brought during his visit next week by CEO Rafael Grossi.

The list sent by Ukraine recently covers a range of equipment for the country's various nuclear facilities, as well as radiation measuring instruments, shielding materials, computer assistance, power supply systems and diesel generators.

15:25 Avdievka Coke and Chemical Plant today came under heavy shelling, said the ex-director of the enterprise, People's Deputy Musa Magomedov. According to him, the fire was fired from Gradov, the shops were damaged, but there were no casualties.

He also clarified that the two girls, whom the head of the Donetsk OVA Pavel Kirilenko spoke about earlier, died not in Ocheretino, but in Krasnogorovka.

15:19 Arestovich said in an interview with Meduza that Lukashenko is already holding separate negotiations with the West - this is evidenced by the data of both the Belarusian opposition and Western intelligence.

"But the Belarusian territory and the Belarusian military infrastructure - airfields, supply bases, the railway network - were completely used against us. Missiles were launched from there, aircraft flew, troops attacked. This, by definition, is military aggression. But we did not specifically raise this issue, because we "We understand Belarus itself and very clearly separate the Belarusian people and the Belarusian authorities. And we saw that the Belarusian people were against it. Now the Belarusian territory is used very little, practically not used," the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office said.

15:11 Zelensky said that he had a telephone conversation with Erdogan on the eve of his talks with Putin. The Ukrainian president announced the need for the immediate evacuation of civilians from Mariupol, in particular from Azovstal, as well as the immediate exchange of blocked military.

The parties discussed the negotiation process, the coordination with Turkey and other countries of security guarantees for Ukraine, the defense capability of Ukraine, as well as the threat to global food security due to the blocking of shipping in the Black Sea.

15:08 Today it was possible to evacuate 16 residents of Popasna, said the head of the Luhansk OVA Serhiy Gaidai. They left on a bus that brought humanitarian aid in the morning. Gaidai said that there were more people who wanted to leave: "We sent cars for them, but shelling began."

14:31 In Ocheretino, Donetsk region, this morning, two girls of five and 14 years old were killed during shelling, said the head of the OVA, Pavel Kirilenko. The shell hit the house on Mira Street, where this family lived.

14:07 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine called "short-sighted" the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria that Ukraine should not be offered EU membership.

“Such statements also ignore the fact that the overwhelming majority of the population of the founding countries of the EU support Ukraine’s membership… To continue, under various pretexts, to postpone Ukraine’s membership in the EU or to look for an alternative to it, means to indulge Putin’s aggressive plans and slow down the strengthening of the European Union by including Ukraine’s capabilities,” - said the speaker of the Ukrainian department Oleg Nikolenko.

13:25 Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in an interview with The New York Times told how he tried to mediate in negotiations between Ukraine and Russia. In early March, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities approached him with a corresponding proposal. On March 7, Schroeder met in Istanbul with a member of the Ukrainian delegation, Rustem Umerov, and then contacted the Russian Embassy and arranged a meeting with Putin on March 9. The next day, Schroeder also spoke with Medinsky and Abramovich.

"I can say that Putin is interested in ending the war. But it's not so easy. There are several points that need to be clarified," Schroeder said after the meeting with Putin.

The ex-chancellor is also convinced that a country like Russia cannot be isolated. According to him, the German industry needs Russian raw materials. Schroeder believes that "when this war is over, we will have to return to relations with Russia."

12:59 Residents of the occupied territories massively refuse hostile assistance and surprise Russians with self-organization. According to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a broad volunteer movement is being deployed in the occupied territories of the Kharkiv region.

Volunteers deliver food and medicine to the poor in the Veliko Burluksky District. To do this, they collect money on their own, refusing on principle the Russian "help".

In the Kupyansky district, where there is no water supply, volunteers organized the delivery of technical water for the elderly. The occupiers are surprised by the activity and self-organization of Ukrainians, according to them, "in Russia everything would be different, no one would volunteer."

12:04 The invaders threaten journalists of RIA-Melitopol with sending them to "correctional institutions of the FSB". According to the publication's employees, they receive such letters every day. The Russians are annoyed that the publication's policy could not be influenced even after the kidnapping of the journalist's father, Svetlana Zalizetskaya.

11:59 Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnik appealed to the coalition in the German parliament, posting a photo of a girl killed in Odessa: "While you hesitated for eight weeks with modern German weapons for Ukraine, Russia is allowed to kill new Ukrainian women and children every day. Like this young mother and child yesterday in Odessa under rocket fire. Oh, you don't want a nuclear war. Okay."

11:56 British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss: "We are entering the third month of Putin's illegal war with Ukraine. Russia has committed horrific atrocities, including attacks on innocent civilians and children in Odessa and the siege of Mariupol. We will not rest until Putin loses, but Ukraine will not win."

11:52 Scholz decided to strengthen the armed forces of Germany. So, the Bundeswehr will receive CH-47F Chinook helicopters from Boeing as its new heavy vehicle, writes Bild. The Ministry of Defense intends to purchase 60 vehicles for about 5 billion euros. They will be delivered no earlier than 2025/26. These aircraft will replace the CH-53G Sikorsky helicopters, which are about 50 years old and in need of repair.

11:48 Podolyak said that right now Russia is attacking the Mariupol Azovstal without stopping, despite Putin's alleged order "not to storm." In this regard, he suggests that Moscow "think about the remnants of its reputation", for which "three Mariupol steps" are needed:
  • proclaim a real Easter truce over Mariupol,

  • immediately give a gum corridor for civilians,

  • agree to a "special round of negotiations" so that you can pick up / exchange the military.

11:43 The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry denied the information about the kidnapping of its consul in Melitopol, BGNEWS news agency reports. According to the Foreign Ministry, Consul Sergei Zhelev is now in his house in complete safety.

11:36 The Red Cross called the situation in Mariupol critical and demands that she be given access to the city.

11:20 Switzerland blocked Germany from re-exporting its ammunition to Ukraine for the Marder infantry fighting vehicle, writes Sonntags Zeitung. According to the publication, Switzerland received two requests from Germany on this issue and both of them answered in the negative. In addition, Switzerland in March rejected Poland's request for arms supplies to Ukraine.

10:53 Suspicion was declared against the downed Russian pilot Krasnoyartsev, the Prosecutor General's Office said. He carried out bombardments on the territory of Ukraine, including civilian objects in Chernihiv, with UFZAB-500, UFAB 250-270, FAB-50 bombs, and also shot dead a Ukrainian civilian. He is accused of violating the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder. The pilot faces life imprisonment.

10:46 The National Guard of the US state of West Virginia will send M-113 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. According to the state Ministry of Justice, the equipment will be sent at the request of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. The exact number was not disclosed.

10:13 Bulgaria refused to supply weapons to Ukraine. According to The Sofia Globe, the reason is that the ruling four-party coalition in Bulgaria has not yet reached an agreement on this issue.

10:10 Arestovich said that nothing threatens the Crimean bridge now: Ukrainian aviation and artillery will not reach it, besides, the bridge is covered by at least two anti-aircraft missile brigades, several ships of the fleet and a permanent detachment of forces in the air.

10:09 UN Secretary General António Guterres will visit Ankara before his trips to Moscow and Kiev (April 26 and 28, respectively). On Monday, April 25, he will meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

10:06 British intelligence in its new report notes that despite the fact that Russia has made some territorial gains, Ukrainian resistance has been strong across the board and has inflicted significant damage on Russian forces. And low Russian morale and limited time to rebuild, re-equip and reorganize forces after previous offensives are likely to reduce Russia's combat effectiveness.

09:40 Not only the fate of the French, but of the whole of Europe depends on who wins the second round of the presidential elections in France. What are Macron's chances and why is Le Pen a threat to the EU? Read more about this in the material Second round of elections in France .

09:22 In Mariupol, Valery Kirsanov died from shelling by the Russian army - it was he who in 2015 directed Russian Grads to the Vostochny microdistrict. Then he managed to avoid punishment thanks to the "Savchenko law", according to the adviser to the mayor of Mariupol, Petr Andryushchenko.

09:17 The General Staff named the estimated losses of the enemy on the morning of April 24:
  • personnel - about 21,800 people liquidated,

  • tanks - 873,

  • armored combat vehicles - 2238,

  • artillery systems - 408,

  • MLRS - 147,

  • air defense systems - 69,

  • aircraft - 179,

  • helicopters - 154,

  • automotive technology - 1557,

  • ships/boats - 8,

  • tanks with fuel and lubricants - 76,

  • UAV operational-tactical level - 191,

  • special equipment - 28,

  • launchers OTRK / TRK - 4.

09:13 British intelligence reports that the Russian Federation plans to call up Ukrainian civilians from the occupied territories for military service, which is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Russia resorted to similar practices in the occupied territories of Donbass and in Crimea.

According to Art. 51 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, "the occupying State may not compel protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces", and "any pressure or propaganda aimed at securing voluntary entry into service is not permitted."

09:11 An investigation into Russian war crimes in Ukraine has begun in Germany, and Ukrainian migrants are invited to participate and become witnesses. The prosecutor general at the German Supreme Court, Peter Frank, will collect evidence, said Justice Minister Marco Buschman. According to him, experts are collecting testimonies, photo and video materials.

09:09 Provocations near the churches were avoided this night, Vadim Denisenko, adviser to the Minister of Internal Affairs, said. More than 13,000 police officers worked across the country on Easter night, he said.

09:07 Russian diplomats expelled from Poland not only engaged in espionage, but also purposefully intimidated and blackmailed Ukrainian migrants after the start of the war, Lukasz Jasina, spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, told Newsy.

09:05 As a result of Russian shelling of the Luhansk region, at least eight people were killed, two were injured, said the head of the OVA Serhiy Gaidai. According to him, the Russians fired 12 times at peaceful houses of the residents of the Luhansk region on April 23. In particular, Mining, Zolote, Lisichansk, Severodonetsk suffered.

08:51 According to OK Pivden, the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit the manpower and equipment of the occupiers in the Kiselevka area of ​​​​the Kherson region, after which they retreated towards Chernobaevka. The total losses of the invaders amounted to 74 people and two tanks, MLRS, six units of armored and engineering equipment, four reconnaissance UAVs.

08:34 At night, the Russian invaders fired at the Pavlogradsky district of the Dnepropetrovsk region. According to the head of the OVA, Valentin Reznichenko, one rocket hit the railway infrastructure, killing a 48-year-old man. Two more rockets hit an industrial enterprise, there were no casualties.

08:28 There are about 20 enemy ships and submarines equipped with cruise missiles in the Black Sea Operational Zone. As Vladislav Nazarov, spokesman for the Pivden operational command, said, among them there are submarines equipped with Caliber-type cruise missiles.

08:04 Ukraine should not be offered EU membership, said Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg. He argued this position by the fact that the countries of the Western Balkans went a much longer way to candidacy for EU membership.

Schallenberg believes that Ukraine, in principle, should not become a member of the EU, even in the future. According to the minister, there should be other models instead of Ukraine's accession to the EU. He called for "greater flexibility" in the search for mechanisms for rapprochement between Ukraine and the EU.

07:41 Russia is accumulating a group of troops, transferring and concentrating additional units in the Belgorod region in the direction of the Kharkov region, according to the morning summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine . Thus, according to available data, OTRK Iskander-M launchers are deployed 60 kilometers from the state border of Ukraine.

Russian troops stepped up offensive and assault operations in the Severodonetsk, Kurakhovsky and Popasnyansky directions. There are fights in the areas of the settlements of Zarechnoye, Rubizhnoye and Popasnaya. In the Severodonetsk direction, the enemy built pontoon crossings across the Red River. In the Avdeevka direction, it is building up an air defense system.

In Mariupol, the invaders continue to fire on Ukrainian units in the Azovstal area. Air strikes are carried out, including from long-range aircraft.

07:05 In the Kherson region, the Ukrainian military liberated eight settlements, OK Pivden reported.

03:17 The Russians captured several members of the OSCE SMM in Donetsk and Luhansk, the Organization is seeking their release, writes Reuters.

02:12 The EU plans to resume trade negotiations with India in order to limit trade ties with Russia, writes Bloomberg.

01:17 Ukrainian defenders at 22:00 shot down two more Russian cruise missiles, which were launched towards the port of Yuzhny in the Odessa region. Prior to this, the Russians "announced" supposedly Ukrainian "provocations" in Yuzhny, Pivden air command reports. The missiles were fired from the Black Sea.

01:11 In Kiev, on Victory Square, two bronze images of orders with Lenin's profile have been dismantled, eyewitnesses report.

00:50 In Melitopol, the invaders kidnapped the honorary consul of Bulgaria, Mayor Ivan Fedorov said. Nothing is known about the fate of the consul and the requirements.

00:14 On April 23, anti-aircraft missile units of the Air Force and the Ground Forces hit three enemy aircraft (preliminarily Su-34, Su-35, Su-25), five cruise missiles, nine UAVs (presumably Orlan-10).


So the former German SPD chancellor gets a job in Russia, and now the former Austrian SPÖ chancellor gets a job in Russia
Funny how everyone wants to talk about about far-right connections with Russia, but yet there are few headlines mentioning who is chair of Nord Stream 2, Kern or generally soc-dem parties and their connections with Russia via business interests.

It's like Europeans aren't taking the Russian threat seriously at all. Someone remind me why we spend the most and carry NATO on our backs again?

[TheMoscowTimes] Russia’s state railway company appointed the former chancellor of Austria to its management board this week, continuing a trend of retired European politicians landing lucrative posts in Russia.

Christian Kern, 53, headed Austria’s national railway system before serving as chancellor of the central European nation from 2016-2017. Austria has been among a minority of EU member states that have called for the lifting of Western sanctions against Russia.

Kern’s name appears as an independent board member in a Russian Railways (RZhD) statement published Tuesday.

Kern is following in the footsteps of Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor, who was appointed chairman of Russia’s oil giant Rosneft in 2017 while remaining chairman of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project.

-Election 2012
Merkel's party routed in German state election
DUESSELDORF - Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives suffered a crushing defeat on Sunday in an election in Germany's most populous state, a result which could embolden the left opposition to step up its criticism of her European austerity policies. The election in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), a western German state with a bigger population than the Netherlands and an economy the size of Turkey, was held 18 months before a national election in which Merkel is expected to fight for a third term.

She remains popular in Germany for her steady handling of the euro zone debt crisis, but the sheer scale of her party's defeat leaves her vulnerable at a time when a backlash against her insistence on fiscal discipline is building across Europe.

According to first projections, the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) won 38.8 percent of the vote and will have enough to form a stable majority with the Greens, who scored 12.2 percent.

The two left-leaning parties had run a fragile minority government for the past two years under popular SPD leader Hannelore Kraft, whose decisive victory on Sunday could propel her to national prominence.

Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) saw their support plunge to just 25.8 percent, down from nearly 35 percent in 2010, and the worst result in the state since World War Two.

"This is not a good evening for Merkel," said Gero Neugebauer, a political scientist at Berlin's Free University. "The SPD is strengthened by this election, which will stir things up in Berlin."

The chancellor needs the support of her rivals to pass a new "fiscal compact" that is meant to anchor budget discipline across the EU. The SPD is already pressing her to delay a parliamentary vote on the pact, keen for her to commit to new growth measures beforehand. Many in her party will blame the result on regional leader Norbert Roettgen, Merkel's environment minister in Berlin, who bungled his campaign early on by refusing to commit to staying in the state in the event of a loss.

Roettgen ran on a platform of budget consolidation in a state that, with 180 billion euros in debt, is Germany's most indebted. Kraft, on the other hand, advocated a go-slowly approach to debt reduction, emphasizing the need to invest in cities, education and childcare.

In that sense, the result will be seen by some as a double defeat for Merkel. Voters in NRW not only rejected her party but also the austerity measures that she has forced on struggling southern states like Greece, Spain and Portugal.

The Free Democrats (FDP), a pro-business party that rules in coalition with Merkel's conservatives at the federal level, scored 8.6 percent to make it back into the state assembly. The party hailed the result as proof of a comeback after a collapse in support over the last three years.

The upstart Pirates, a new party that campaigns for internet freedom, continued their strong run at regional level, making it into their fourth straight state parliament, winning 7.6 percent of the vote.

NRW, a diverse state with struggling cities in the rust-belt Ruhr region and home to one third of Germany's blue-chip companies, has a history of influencing national politics. Seven years ago, a humiliating loss for then-Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's SPD in the state prompted him to call early elections, which he subsequently lost to Merkel.

Peres blames Iran for no Palestinian state
Israeli President Shimon Peres declares Tehran as the main obstacle to the creation of a viable Palestinian State.

"The big problem today is Iran," He said in an interview with German television channel, ARD.

The 68 year-old politician who arrived in the German capital of Berlin on an official visit to mark the so-called 'International Holocaust Remembrance Day,' was especially critical of Iran's support for the Islamic resistance movements in the region, namely Hamas and Hezbollah.

Iran's connections with the Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas, he claimed, has until now prevented the creation of a Palestinian state.

Observers in the region, however, insists that Israel's preconditions on the creation of a Palestinian state render a viable, independent and sovereign Palestinian state impossible.

Tel Aviv says a future Palestinian state would have to be demilitarized, cede control of its airspace to Israel and recognize the territory occupied and run by the regime in Tel Aviv as the 'Jewish homeland.'

Israel also geographically separates Gaza and the West Bank, strangling trade and other exchanges between the two territories at will.

"Iran supports Hezbollah, which has divided Lebanon," Peres claimed. "They bought 80,000 missiles. We must refer to the source, to the heart of the problem."

According to observers, the Israeli president is infamous for making baseless claims during his foreign tours in efforts to demonize Hezbollah and Hamas. Such claims have been refuted and condemned by Lebanese officials and other world leaders, namely the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erodogan.

Referring to efforts to contain Iran's peaceful nuclear program, the Israeli leader also expressed concern for a world where "nuclear proliferation is no longer controllable."

Israel, the sole possessor of nuclear warheads in the Middle East, accuses Tehran of making efforts to build a nuclear bomb and has openly threatened Iran with military strikes should the country continue enriching uranium.

As one of the four countries that have refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Tel Aviv has maintained the policy of neither admitting nor denying its possession of nuclear warheads. However, it is widely believed that Israel has some 200 nuclear warheads in its arsenal.

The doctrine of nuclear ambiguity has enabled Israel to deter foes for decades in a region with only one alleged nuclear power.

In order to maintain its military advantage, Tel Aviv insists on preventing other Muslim countries, especially in the Middle East, from acquiring nuclear capabilities while remaining outside of the international nuclear non-proliferation system.

Peres' visit to Germany comes after the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met Chancellor Angela Merkel last week in a bid to press Berlin to sell six Dolphin-class diesel submarine to Tel Aviv.

Israel had previously received three submarines as a donation from the government of the then German chancellor Gerhard Schroeder.

The Dolphin submarines are among the most sophisticated and capable submarines in the world that could be equipped with nuclear missiles.

Built in German shipyards for the Israel Navy, the submarine is capable of carrying American-supplied Harpoon cruise missiles equipped with nuclear warheads.

While the restrictive German export regulations bar the sale of weapons to crisis areas, the German government has justified the submarine sale by invoking its "special responsibility" towards Tel Aviv.

'German arms fueling regional conflicts'
The German Catholic and Protestant churches have expressed concern over the country's growing military exports to the hotbeds of regional conflicts around the world.

The inter-confessional watchdog Joint Conference Church and Development (GKKE), in its annual report compiled in collaboration with several German peace and conflict research institutes, announced that the arms export licenses granted by the government amounted to €5.78 billion ($8.5 billion) in 2008.

The amount represents a 36 percent increase in the German arms exports compared with 2007, the report said, according to Deutsche Welle.

Karl Juesten, the GKKE co-chairman and head of the Catholic Office in Berlin, slammed the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel for what he described as the violation of the "restrictive guidelines on weapons exports" established by former chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in 1998.

Juesten reiterated that the hike in military exports was a result of the Merkel government's policies, which were "clearly aimed at boosting the German foreign trade, rather than promoting international arms control."

"German arms exports intensify the arms race in regions such as the Middle East, South- and East Asia and South America," he said.

Bernhard Felmberg, who is also a GKKE co-chairman and leads the Protestant churches in Germany, said he was worried about the sale of German weaponry in restive areas like Pakistan, India, Rwanda, Yemen and Sudan.

Felmberg claimed that in these areas German arms fall into the wrong hands as there is no effective government supervision.

"The fact that German arms are illegally traded in market places in rural Afghanistan and Pakistan is proving that effective government controls in those countries are nonexistent," he said.

Around 8.8 percent of the weapons were exported to countries described as "problematic" as far as Germany's 1998 strict arms export guidelines are concerned, the report said.

The head of the Hesse Foundation for Peace and Conflict Research, Bernhard Moltmann, said that a total of 51 countries should not have received German weapons under a strict interpretation of the guidelines because they had poor human rights records, or were hotbeds of regional conflicts.

The representatives of the German churches further expressed deep concern over the sale of light and small German arms that could easily find their ways to the black markets in restive countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The two main churches demanded more commitment by the German parliament to make sure that the existing arms export guidelines are not violated. They have also urged more transparency in the way arms export licenses are awarded.

In Germany, the National Security Council, a special body comprised of government ministers and officials, grants licenses for arms exports and imposes export policies.

Schroeder urges direct Iran-US talks
The former German chancellor has urged direct talks between Iran and the US but said he had no message from Washington for Tehran.

Speaking upon his arrival in Tehran on Thursday, Gerhard Schroeder said he would be 'very happy' if Iran and the US held direct talks and expressed hope that the two countries 'choose a new approach'.

Tehran and Washington have had no diplomatic ties since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. US President, Barack Obama, has vowed to begin talks with Iran to thaw relations between the two countries.

The former German chancellor denied he was carrying any message from Washington for Iran, but said he would discuss 'political issues' with Iranian leaders.

Schroeder, who is in Tehran to inaugurate a neuroscience center, is to meet Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, during his four-day visit.

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