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Government Corruption
Known pedophiles who visited “Epstein Island” will not face punishment
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Malek Dudakov

[REGNUM] Three years have passed since the death in an American prison of the scandalous billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. However, the United States continues to be haunted by scandals surrounding his parties with minors.

The release of court documents related to Epstein has once again brought to the fore the Western elite who attended his parties. But they will again try to avoid any serious consequences, escaping with only reputational losses.

The figure of Epstein remains one of the most mysterious among American elites. He is often called the Jay Gatsby of the 21st century - referring to the character in Fitzgerald's famous novel.

Like Gatsby, Epstein was very rich and flaunted it, owning gigantic estates and a private island in the Caribbean. It was there that his debauched parties took place, to which the billionaire invited celebrities, businessmen and influential politicians. And then he collected dirt on them.

Epstein's career began as a math teacher at an elite private school in Manhattan. When he got bored with that, he went to trade options at the investment bank Bear Stearns on Wall Street. And he even managed to take part in the work of the largest financial pyramid in America in the 80s - Tower Financial Capital.

After the collapse of the pyramid, Epstein, like many times in the future, managed to get away with it. He founded his own investment firm, where he offered Wall Street tycoons to manage their assets.

Epstein established profitable contacts with influential people. He managed to make friends with the Clintons. And after Bill Clinton left the presidency of the United States, it was Jeffrey Epstein who became one of the first donors to the Clinton Foundation.

Then, in the early 2000s, the now famous parties began. Epstein invited famous figures to his mansions, who spent time in the company of 14-16 year old girls. The scheme was simple - each of them received $300–500 per night and a bonus for inviting friends. So Epstein formed an entire industry of child prostitution around himself.

In addition, he also traveled extensively. On his private plane, nicknamed the “Lolita Express,” the billionaire organized a “tour” to poor countries in Africa and Southeast Asia, where he conducted the same pedophile orgies. And since 1998, he chose an island in the American Virgin Islands as a permanent place for his debauchery.

Epstein was helped in organizing a den for pedophiles by Leslie Wexner, the founder of the Victoria's Secret lingerie brand, who “supplied” models from his fashion shows. He had a similar accomplice in France - Jean-Luc Brunnel. True, he eventually went to prison and committed suicide in 2020, immediately after Epstein’s death.

In 2005, more than 50 girls filed charges against Epstein. During searches, child pornography was found in his home. But, despite all this, the lover of girls got off with a very light sentence. He was given 13 months in an "elite" cell at Palm Beach Prison. And they even allowed me to return to my home on weekends. Well, after his release, Epstein continued to organize pedophile orgies.

The next arrest took place only in 2019. Then the circumstances were much more serious, and Epstein faced up to 45 years in prison. But he eventually committed suicide, although he was in a special cell where he was supposed to be monitored around the clock. But the video cameras suddenly broke down at the moment of Epstein’s death, and the guard went out for a smoke break.

A year later, FBI agents managed to arrest Epstein's accomplice Jislaine Maxwell. She handled his finances and looked after underage girls at parties.

Maxwell was widely linked to Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service. Allegedly, she could transfer dirt on pedophiles there. Similar rumors about cooperation with intelligence agencies were spread regarding Epstein - there was talk about his work for the FBI. However, rumors about connections with the Israelis did not help Maswell much: she received a twenty-year prison sentence.

The materials on her case were then classified because the court considered them too “sensational.” Only a few years later they began to gradually become public. But it cannot be said that what has now been published has become some kind of great sensation. Much could have been guessed before, but now these guesses are confirmed by new details.

Let's say Bill Clinton liked "younger girls." He once burst into the editorial office of the gossip magazine Vanity Fair and demanded not to publish material about his connections with Epstein. Clinton rode the Lolita Express for more than 30 years and was more deeply involved in this pedophile scandal than anyone else.

Prince Andrew, the younger brother of the British monarch, also got it. Underage girls were paid $17,000 to spend the night with him. The prince himself denied participation in pedophile parties for a long time, although there was even a photo where he posed with one of Epstein’s girls. As a result, he had to pay $16 million to the victim to cover up the case.

Epstein's parties were attended by many others, from former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to physicist Stephen Hawking. They are now trying not to appear in public, hoping that the scandal will fade away on its own. Bill Clinton even fled the United States and temporarily relocated to Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

The British prince was forced to give up some of his duties as a member of the royal family. They even wanted to deprive him of his Windsor residence and move him to a smaller house. But in the end they didn’t, considering it too “severe a punishment.”

None of those who appeared on Epstein’s island were touched in 2019, when these criminal cases were just opened. They will not be touched even now. One of the reasons is due to the fact that many materials on the case of the pedophile pimp mysteriously disappeared.

After his arrest, for some reason the FBI did not immediately conduct searches of the estates, although the feds in the United States are usually not inclined to be so careful with private property.

During the weeks that Epstein's residence remained empty, a safe containing discs was removed. They featured videos of his partygoers, which Epstein then used for blackmail. The publication of such materials could definitely become the basis for lawsuits against Clinton or Prince Andrew. But the safe evaporated in a timely manner.

So now these scandals only damage the reputation of the participants in Epstein’s orgies, but nothing more. And many of them are probably waiting until the dust settles to continue their debauchery, just in new company.

However, such obvious injustice will only mean for America a further decline in the level of trust in the political elite and the law enforcement system, which clearly protects its own.

All American institutions - from the military and police to Congress and the presidency - are now experiencing a crisis of confidence. And it will only worsen against the backdrop of increasing division and political wars tearing apart American society.


At pro-government protest, Smotrich warns High Court not to strike down overhaul law
[IsraelTimes] 10,000 rally outside court in Jerusalem ahead of crucial hearings; organizer says there’ll be ’chaos’ if judges nullify legislation; Smotrich: Don’t you dare invalidate Basic Laws

Thousands of government supporters rallied Thursday evening outside the Supreme Court in Jerusalem, encouraging the coalition to continue its push to weaken the judiciary ahead of crucial High Court of Justice hearings on the divisive
...politicians call things divisive when when the other side sez something they don't like. Their own statements are never divisive, they're principled...
judicial overhaul.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and other ministers at the protest warned the High Court against striking down part of the coalition’s legislative package after the hearings, with Smotrich telling Chief Justice Esther Hayut that she had better not "dare" to overturn the law.

There were no official turnout figures, but some 10,000 people were estimated to attend the protest, lower than at previous pro-government demonstrations and far lower than the mass anti-overhaul rallies held in Tel Aviv every week.

Exposing the extreme nature of some the demonstrators, groups of them were seen donning stickers that expressed support for Jewish bully boyz such as Baruch Goldstein, who murdered 29 Paleostinians in Hebron in 1994; Amiram Ben Uliel, who is in prison for the 2015 deadly Molotov cocktailing of a Paleostinian family in the West Bank village of Duma; bad boy rabbi Meir Kahane; and former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin Yigal Amir.
Some being an undefined small number, some of whom will turn out to be far left agitators in mufti, there to make the real protesters look bad. The Times of Israel does like to dwell on the degeneracy of Israel’s deplorables, completely missing that Antifa is the core of the anti-judicial overhaul. And of course not to mention that the Biden administration and international Progressive billionaires are funding the anti-overhaul protests — the latest iteration of the rabid effort to drive Bibi Netanyahu and the right out of public life.
Many of the demonstrators carried signs with pictures of Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, Hayut and former prime minister Ehud Barak, with a caption saying “the ruling elite.”
More at the link, but this is the useful information, dear Reader.
Update from The Times of Israel at 12:50 p.m. ET: Organizers claim stickers praising extremists at rally handed out by ‘provocateurs’
Judicial overhaul: 2023-08-27 Top Dutch court confirms Gantz can’t be sued for civilian deaths in 2014 Gaza strike
Judicial overhaul: 2023-08-20 ‘We will not be trampled on’: Protesters rally nationwide for 33rd straight week
Judicial overhaul: 2023-08-17 US sanctions Lebanese group aiding Hezbollah ‘under guise of environmental activism’

Government Corruption
Continuation of Epstein's list
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.

Text taken from a news article which appeared in secreta.com. Commentary by Russian military journalist Boris Rozhin is in italics.

The American press published a continuation of the list of people associated with the owner of the "island of pedophiles" billionaire Epstein, who was strangled in an American prison and called it "suicide" to ensure the silence of this character.

Continuation of Epstein's list

Some of the most important people in the world are panicking after the news that Epstein's real list of elite pedophiles has been leaked to the Internet, reports Peoples voice.

The document penetrated the network, bypassing the obstacles of the US Department of Justice. It is alleged that employees of the ministry themselves were involved in its publication.

New York magazine presented readers with a list of VIP pedophiles who are known to have dated Epstein but who do not appear in his infamous little black book.

According to the magazine, these are:

- Apollo Global Management co-founder Leon Black;

- President of the College of Bards Leon Botshtein;

- Google co-founder Sergey Brin;

- CIA Director William Burns;

- Professor Noam Chomsky, whose meetings with Epstein included a dinner with filmmaker Woody Allen and his wife Soon-Yi Previn;

- Former First Lady of the U.S. Virgin Islands Cecile de Jong, who is accused of helping Epstein obtain visas for his alleged victims;

- Bill Gates, whose ties to Epstein have been well known for years;

- FedEx board member Joshua Cooper Ramo;

- former diplomat Terje Red-Larsen;

- Chairman of the Edmond de Rothschild group Ariane de Rothschild;

- Goldman Sachs General Counsel Katherine Rümmler;

- JPMorgan CEO Jess Staley;

- Former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers;

- PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel.;

The list also includes Prince Andrew and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

However, the names of Andrew and Barack also appear in Epstein's black book.

In April, the Wall Street Journal reported on Epstein's very busy meeting schedule.

For just one day, 9/8/2014, he had meetings scheduled with Gates, Black, Rümmler and Botstein, as well as with Hyatt Hotels chairman Thomas Pritzker, media owner Mortimer Zuckerman and adviser Barnaby Marsh.

Previously unpublished documents reviewed by the journal include thousands of pages of emails and timetables dated from 2013 to 2017.

The Times said it obtained Epstein's lists "through a request for public records to the U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General, who sued Mr. Epstein's estate."

The persons appearing in the "mournful" list, one way or another, deny their connection with the pedophile Epstein.

For example, Barack Obama admitted that he often met with Epstein, but never "with girls or minors, or even adult women in an inappropriate context."

But Professor Noam Chomsky said that his connection with Epstein "is none of your business or anyone else's."

The remote Caribbean island, dubbed "Pedophile Island" by Epstein's efforts, hosted many high-ranking officials, bankers, politicians and other persons of power and influence with vicious inclinations.

No wonder Epstein was a regular visitor to the Clinton-era White House.

Link and the list itself includes representatives of the neoliberal globalist elite associated with the Biden administration, this leak is very likely associated with the upcoming US presidential elections, which is already leading to an aggravation of the internal struggle in the American establishment.


Palestinian man dies of injuries from May 2021 Temple Mount clash
[IsraelTimes] Hamza Abu Sneineh, 30, was hit by rubber bullet fired by police, causing him to lose eye and suffer multiple skull fractures; Hamas, the braying voice of Islamic Resistance®,, Islamic Jihad
...created after many members of the Egyptian Moslem Brotherhood decided the organization was becoming too moderate. Operations were conducted out of Egypt until 1981 when the group was exiled after the assassination of President Anwar Sadat. They worked out of Gaza until they were exiled to Lebanon in 1987, where they clove tightly to Hezbollah. In 1989 they moved to Damascus, where they remain a subsidiary of Hezbollah...
terror groups hail ’martyr’

Attacks on Jews visiting the Wailing Wall and the Temple Mount are the pet project of the militant arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Israel, the so-called Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement...
A Paleostinian resident of East Jerusalem died Thursday from wounds sustained during a major clash with police at the flashpoint Temple Mount site in May 2021, days before an 11-day conflict broke out between Israel and Gazook terror groups, Paleostinian media reported.

Hamza Abu Sneineh, 30, a father of two girls, was hit by a rubber-tipped bullet causing him to lose his left eye and leading to multiple skull fractures.

He was treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem and then later released, but was in poor health ever since, reports said.

His condition deteriorated a few weeks ago, and he died Thursday evening. He was buried Friday morning near the Old City’s Lions’ Gate.

The Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups both issued statements calling Abu Sneineh a "martyr."

It backed "the steadfastness of our Jerusalemites in the face of Judaization and sacrilege attempts, which will remain the center of confrontation until freedom and salvation."

Abu Sneineh was injured on the night of May 7, 2021, when police burst into the al-Aqsa Mosque after Paleostinians threw rocks and bottles at officers, amid widespread festivities and spiraling tensions in Jerusalem during the Moslem holy month of Ramadan.

Tensions continued to skyrocket until Hamas fired a barrage of rockets at Israel on the evening of May 10, 2021, prompting the Israel Defense Forces to launch Operation Guardian of the Walls in the enclave.

During the conflict, severe, unprecedented intercommunal violence spread to mixed Jewish-Arab cities across Israel.
Temple Mount: 2023-07-28 Dozens of Palestinians protest at Gaza border against Ben Gvir Temple Mount visit
Temple Mount: 2023-07-24 How Arafat saved Israel from Ehud Barak
Temple Mount: 2023-07-11 Three Arab Israeli yoots to be charged for alleged affiliation with Hamas
Northern Branch: 2023-05-25 Shin Bet says it foiled Hadera bus bombing by Umm al-Fahm man recruited by Hamas
Northern Branch: 2023-04-27 Egypt proposes three concrete measures to achieve calm in occupied Palestinian territories
Northern Branch: 2023-04-05 Rockets fired at Gaza border towns following clashes inside Al-Aqsa Mosque

13 Palestinians wounded in clashes during IDF raid in West Bank refugee camp
[IsraelTimes] Footage shows bombs planted by Paleostinians detonating close to army bulldozers in Nur Shams, near Tulkarem; army detains 17 suspects across West Bank

Clashes between Paleostinians and Israeli security forces broke out in the West Bank refugee camp of Nur Shams, close to Tulkarem, early Monday morning, with Paleostinian health officials reporting at least 13 maimed.

According to the Paleostinian Authority health ministry, four Paleostinians were hurt by Israeli gunfire, and another nine were hurt by shrapnel. Their conditions were not immediately known.

It was unclear if those maimed by shrapnel were hit by Israeli fire or bombs detonated by Paleostinians.

Footage published by Paleostinian media outlets showed several large IEDs exploding as Israeli military bulldozers made their way through the streets of Nur Shams.

The Israel Defense Forces has used heavily armored D9 bulldozers in West Bank operations to clear streets of hidden explosives, to enable troops to safely enter and carry out arrests.

The IDF said Monday morning that troops had detained 17 wanted Paleostinians, seized weapons, and neutralized bombs during raids across the West Bank overnight.

In a "brigade-level" operation in Nur Shams, the IDF said troops located and destroyed around ten bombs and detained one suspect.

"Exchanges of fire took place in the area and suspects hurled bombs at the forces, who responded with live fire," the IDF said, adding that several suspects were hit.

Fifteen wanted Paleostinians were detained and several firearms were seized in a number of Paleostinian villages in the central and southern West Bank, the IDF said. Another suspect was detained in the Bethlehem area.

Armed festivities also broke out in the Askar refugee camp near the northern West Bank city of Nablus. The IDF said troops returned fire at button men and used riot dispersal means.

The Paleostinian Red Islamic Thingy was cited by Paleostinian media as saying two people were maimed by IDF fire in Askar.

Paleostinian media also reported armed festivities with IDF troops in the Jalazone refugee camp, near Ramallah.

There were no immediate reports of injuries among Israeli forces.

Tensions between Israelis and Paleostinians have been high across the West Bank for the past year and a half, with the military carrying out near-nightly raids, amid a series of deadly Paleostinian terror attacks.
And that is the difference between Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud Barak’s protesting Left — besides the Left rejecting the results of the election that put Bibi in office instead of their boy. When Ehud Barack was PM, he sat with folded hands while the Second Intifada killed Israelis all over the country. Bibi’s policy of arrest raids has been so successful at keeping Israelis safe that even when he was temporarily out of office the leftwing politician who temporarily replaced him continued them at the same pace.
Nur Shams: 2023-05-07 Israeli troops kill two Palestinian gunmen suspected of recent West Bank attack
Nur Shams: 2023-03-27 Israeli troops detain 4 Palestinians, seize arms in West Bank raids
Nur Shams: 2023-01-24 Troops come under gunfire in Jenin, Nablus; 14 suspects arrested — IDF

Netanyahu’s Reasonableness bill passes, anti-judicial overhaul temper tantrums erupt across Israel
Hattip Slavising Unineting5672. In brief: Bibi Netanyahu won, Ehud Barak and the Biden administration lost. Again. The Times of Israel and the Jerusalem Post are both liveblogging events.
Times of Israel liveblog

Jerusalem Post liveblog
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-23 What Matters Now to Dr. Yonatan Freeman: The dictatorship tipping point?
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-23 Anti-overhaul march reaches Knesset as multitudes protest looming vote to limit courts
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-22 Protesters set to make last ditch stand against passing of 1st judicial overhaul law

‘Time of emergency’: Dueling judicial overhaul rallies as Herzog makes final bid for compromise
[IsraelTimes] Tens of thousands at Tel Aviv pro-coalition event where ministers slam reservist protests, vow more laws; ex-president Rivlin in Jerusalem: 24 hours to save our wonderful country

As the Knesset moved forward with its debate on the coalition’s contentious judicial overhaul legislation Sunday, with an eye toward approving limitations on court oversight within a day or two, two major rallies in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv underlined the split in Israeli society over the plan. In Tel Aviv, at the site that has become synonymous with the anti-overhaul protests where Kaplan Street meets the Azrieli Towers, masses of supporters of the government held a demonstration urging the coalition to push ahead. It was the third major rally by supporters of the shakeup since the plan was announced in January. At the same time, another large protest against the bill was staged near the Knesset in Jerusalem, demanding the government halt the legislation to prevent the High Court from striking down government decisions on the grounds of their being "unreasonable."

Near midnight, a leading business forum representing 150 leading companies announced a strike for Monday, which would see some shopping centers and gas stations closed, and some businesses working in a reduced framework.

As the national crisis appeared to approach a crescendo, President Isaac Herzog, freshly returned from his US visit, rushed to Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is recuperating after having a pacemaker installed overnight. Herzog earlier said he was making a last-ditch push to promote negotiations between the coalition and opposition, with the aim of forging a consensus judicial reform package.

"This is a time of emergency. An agreement must be reached," Herzog was quoted saying in a statement from the President’s Residence. He later went to meet with Opposition Leader Yair Lapid and the opposition’s Benny Gantz, head of the National Unity party.

There was no official word on the proposals discussed at the meetings. Channel 12 news reported in the evening that the gaps between the sides on a potential softening of the "reasonableness" bill were not insurmountable, and that the main sticking point was the opposition’s demand for an 18-month freeze on any further legislation, as the sides try to find consensus — a period the coalition views as too long.

The event in Tel Aviv was held under the slogan: "The people are with you, complete the legislation — 64 seats are not second class," a reference to the number of seats Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government holds in the 120-member Knesset. The overhaul supporters were seeking a show of force to counteract the massive anti-overhaul protests that have rocked the country for 29 straight weeks.

Channel 13, citing the CrowdSolutions firm, reported some 60,000 at the Tel Aviv rally, while Channel 12, citing police estimates, put the number at a little over 100,000. Organizers claimed 200,000 people were in attendance, though this could not be independently confirmed.

CrowdSolutions also reported some 60,000 at the opposition rally in Jerusalem.

Later Sunday, police used a water cannon to disperse some of the anti-overhaul demonstrators near the entrance to Jerusalem. A water cannon also fired on some of the demonstrators as they headed back to Sacher Park.

The demonstrations were held as the Knesset was holding final debates on a key part of the overhaul plan. The coalition is expected to push through legislation on Monday or Tuesday to cancel the judicial yardstick of "reasonableness" for government and ministerial decisions, enacting the law over strong political and societal objections, and despite growing announcements by key army reservists that they will stop showing up for duty, as well as diplomatic, professional, social, economic, and security concerns raised by key Israeli officials and international allies.

Speculation grew Sunday evening that the Histadrut, Israel’s largest labor federation, could announce a general strike after a compromise it had floated in an attempt to end the bitter, divisive
...politicians call things divisive when when the other side sez something they don't like. Their own statements are never divisive, they're principled...
national standoff was quickly dismissed by the ruling Likud party, anti-government protesters and parts of the opposition.

According to the draft proposal, courts would not be able to strike down government decisions on grounds of "reasonableness" if they relate to "matters of policy" and were approved by the entire cabinet. It was not clear whether a majority of ministers would be sufficient under the proposal to shield a decision from the reasonableness test, or if a unanimous decision by all cabinet members would be required. Judges would also be barred from exercising the judicial standard to review the appointments of ministers and deputy ministers.

"All other decisions by ministers... will continue to be subject to judicial review, including per the reasonableness standard," the statement said, while adding the changes wouldn’t take effect until a government is formed after the next elections.

The proposal also called for resuming talks between coalition and opposition representatives to reach agreement "on the rest of the issues," with the government agreeing not to move forward with any further overhaul legislation in the next 18 months unless backed by at least 75 Knesset members. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government holds 64 seats in the 120-seat parliament.

As of midnight Sunday, the Histadrut had not made a decision on its next steps after its proposal was rejected. Monday’s planned strike by leading businesses was not coordinated with the Histadrut.

Overhaul supporters in Tel Aviv call for ‘protection’ from High Court, bash IDF ‘refusers’

[IsraelTimes] Among the pro-reform protesters gathered on Tel Aviv’s Kaplan Street is Galit, 56, from Jaffa, who carries a sign that reads, "Protect me from the High Court of Justice." She explains that "the dictatorship today is 15 unelected people," referring to the Supreme Court justices, "who decide for me."

Galit blames the High Court for the 2004 terror attack that claimed the lives of the Hatuel family in the former Gush Katif settlement bloc in Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamaswith about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
. Referring to court orders preventing the destruction of homes used by bully boyz that a former Likud justice minister tied to the attack, she says: "There are things that the High Court doesn’t need to get involved with."

Galit declines to share her last name, saying she is afraid of retribution from people who do not agree with her political view.

"I have a business in Tel Aviv to think of," she says.

Other demonstrators’ signs read: "Bibi, without the reform, there’s no right wing," and "Protect the IDF — enough with military refusers!"

"I bet media studios say there are only tens of thousands. We’re used to that fake," Transportation Minister Miri Regev of the ruling Likud party tells the crowd. She also claims the judicial overhaul is part of a process to combat discrimination against Mizrahi Jews.

"Cut the bullshit," she shouts in English.

"Let’s tell the truth: They’re dealing with maintaining their place, their elitism. And we are dealing with diversity," she says, attacking anti-overhaul critics.

A large number of protesters are visibly religious, with many saying they were bused into Tel Aviv from West Bank settlements. A group of yeshiva students sit on Kaplan Street, settling in with cups of coffee they are preparing on camping burners. Malkieli, 21, from the West Bank settlement of Yakir, says it was important for him to come to the rally to make his perspective heard.

"This whole story began because some people are more equal than others. Because I live in Samaria, my words don’t matter. They can cancel what I think," Malkieli says, using a biblical term for part of the West Bank.

"We’re here to express that," he adds, gesturing to the group of fellow yeshiva students who traveled with him on the bus from Kiryat Arba.

Malikieli also declines to share his last name or show his face, saying that he is "afraid."

"There are some not good voices right now. I’m worried they’ll twist my words."

Overhaul architect Levin tells pro-reform rally bill must pass, for democracy’s sake

[IsraelTimes] Speaking to the Tel Aviv pro-government rally via video link from the Knesset, Justice Minister and judicial overhaul architect Yariv Levin declares that it is he and the coalition who are fighting for democracy, decrying IDF reservists who have declared they will stop performing reserve duty if the coalition’s bill to limit the courts’ use of the reasonableness doctrine is passed into law.

The minister, who has been the driving force behind the efforts to remake Israel’s judiciary and legal system, claims it is those refusing to serve in the IDF reserves due to the coalition’s radical legal reforms who are the ones threatening Israeli democracy, not the proponents of the overhaul program itself.

"We are facing one of the most important decisions the country has ever known. Will we be a democracy or will we become a country controlled by a group of officers led by Ehud Barak?" Levin said, referring to the former prime minister, who is a fervid opponent of the current government and the judicial overhaul.
A fervid opponent of any non-Left government, though he has a particular animus for Bibi Netanyahu, along with the rest of what used to be called the Establishment.
“The merit that we have to take part in the defense of the State of Israel does not put any of us above the people or in place of the people. Refusal [to perform reserve duty] crosses a red line. Surrendering to refusal to serve, that is the real end of democracy," declares the justice minister.

"We will continue to stand firmly on guard for democracy, on guard for the position of the Knesset and the government. On guard for the choice of the electorate. Passing the law will be the strongest and clearest evidence of this."
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-22 Protesters set to make last ditch stand against passing of 1st judicial overhaul law
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-20 Anti-overhaul protesters gather outside US mission in Tel Aviv as Herzog speaks
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-19 Report: Netanyahu told Biden opposition parties aren’t serious about negotiations

How Arafat saved Israel from Ehud Barak
[JNS] The terror chief’s miscalculation prevented Israel from making extremely dangerous territorial concessions and bringing on a war that would have been far more costly than the one it got.

On June 19, the Israel State Archives released material showing that during Dec. 2000 negotiations, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak was prepared to give up Israeli illusory sovereignty over parts of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. At the Camp David talks five months earlier, Barak had already offered the Paleostinian Authority control over territories that went far beyond what most Israeli military strategists believed the nation could give up and still retain defensible borders. U.S. envoy Dennis Ross, who was involved in all the relevant discussions, later stated, "Barak’s government ... formally accepted ideas that would effectively divide East Jerusalem, end the IDF’s presence in the Jordan Valley, and produce a Paleostinian state in roughly 97 percent of the West Bank [as well as all of Gazoo
...Hellhole adjunct to Israel and Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, inhabited by Gazooks. The place was acquired in the wake of the 1967 War and then presented to Paleostinian control in 2006 by Ariel Sharon, who had entered his dotage. It is currently ruled with an iron fist by Hamaswith about the living conditions you'd expect. It periodically attacks the Hated Zionist Entity whenever Iran needs a ruckus created or the hard boyz get bored, getting thumped by the IDF in return. The ruling turbans then wave the bloody shirt and holler loudly about oppression and disproportionate response...
]." Ross added that Barak agreed to give up the Temple Mount as well.

Overhaul protests at MKs’ homes, key roads; plans for unprecedented demo next week
Let us give the credit due to the interventionist Biden administration, which is financing and aiding in planning via the US State Department.
[IsraelTimes] Levin, Rothman, Likud ministers targeted in another round of protests; ex-PM Ehud Barak says pilots, special ops should refuse to serve if coalition passes ’reasonableness’ bill
Ex-PM Ehud Barak sounds perfectly willing eager for Israel to be destroyed as punishment for not re-electing him. And he in a tie for the most decorated soldier in Israeli history! “Après moi, le déluge,” has clearly become his motto in his old age.
Leaders of the ongoing protest movement against the government’s judicial overhaul plans pledged to further intensify their opposition next week, as demonstrators blocked roads and rallied outside the homes of coalition members on Thursday evening.
Spray ‘em all with Israel’s specially developed skunk water, just like they do for Palestinian rioters. Wouldn’t want to be racist by giving them special treatment, right?
Speaking at a presser, organizers called for a demonstration "such as has never been seen before in Israel" next Tuesday, a day after the Knesset is due to hold the first of three plenum votes on a bill that would block courts from exercising judicial review over the reasonableness of government decisions.
Shoot ‘em with rubber bullets, ditto.
“We are going to intensify our struggle," they said.

Addressing National Unity party chief Benny Gantz’s call Thursday for the coalition to resume judicial reform talks, the protesters reiterated their demand for no negotiations until the judicial legislation is shelved altogether.

"The country is in great and immediate danger," said Shikma Bressler, a physicist and grassroots organizer.
That’s “grassroots”. According to Wikipedia, Shikma Schwartzman-Bressler is an Israeli physicist doing research at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland. She is also a social activist and leading figure in the "Black Flag" protests against Benjamin Netanyahu. In other words, a pro.
Moshe Radman, another protest leader, vowed the demonstrators would continue "exercising our democratic right to protest with all strength."
The democratic right is to peaceful protest and voting, not riotously blocking major roads and threatening civilians and members of government because your party lost the last election. The income tax bureau needs to see how much they’re being paid by the US State Department and the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), the Israeli front for a variety of anti-Israel international progressive groups.
He urged employers to give their workers the day off on Tuesday to demonstrate.
I would urge employers to fire anyone who thinks his politics more important than actually doing the job he is being paid for.
Former prime minister and IDF chief of staff Ehud Barak said Thursday that pilots and other elite military members should refuse to continue to serve in the Israel Defense Forces if the reasonableness bill becomes law.

The bill, which would prevent the judiciary from using the "reasonableness" doctrine to review decisions made by the cabinet, government ministers and unspecified other elected officials, was approved by the Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee on Tuesday and is set for its first reading next week. The coalition reportedly aims to have it enacted into law before the Knesset breaks for summer recess at the end of July.

Thursday evening saw demonstrators rally near the homes of numerous coalition politicians, most notably two of the leading figures in the judicial shakeup push — Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Religious Zionism MK Simcha Rothman, the latter of whom heads the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.

Other protests were held at the homes of ministers and MKs from the ruling Likud party, including Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana, Economy Minister Nir Barkat and Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel. Protesters also demonstrated earlier in the day at Gamliel’s house in north Tel Aviv.

Police said two protesters were arrested in Tel Aviv for attacking officers and disturbing public order, near the home of Negev and Galilee Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party.
How many others were not arrested, but should have been?
Two people were also arrested outside Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana’s home in the coastal city for disturbing public order.

Coalition members have recently upped their complaints about the rallies outside their homes and urged a tougher police response (though they often supported similar demonstrations when in opposition to the previous government).
Oh, a yes, but. One wonders how many coalition members actually did support such behaviour, back in the day, because I don’t remember reading about it.
Protesters marched on Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Highway and briefly blocked Route 2 along the coast. They also blocked roads near Levin’s home in Modiin and in Ramat Gan.

"The violence against protesters must stop.
It would be nice if the protesters stopped their violence, too, because they started it.
The government’s attempts to forcibly suppress democracy will be met with determined resistance," opposition leader Yair Lapid said in a statement. "The attempt by Levin and [National Security Minister Itamar] Ben Gvir to turn the police into a violent mostly peaceful militia won’t succeed."
It would be nice if they could get the police to uphold laws against blocking traffic and threatening politicians’ families instead of allowing the “grassroots” organized protesters to run roughshod over both custom and law.
The protests came after roads across the country were blocked for a number of hours Wednesday night by spontaneous demonstrations after the Tel Aviv police chief announced he would resign rather than be transferred to a more marginal role.

Amichai Eshed said he had been removed from his role due to what he said were "political considerations" and for refusing to use "disproportionate force," following what right-wing critics claimed was his soft handling of protesters against the overhaul.
I think they deserve to be treated like rioting Palestinians instead of getting kid glove handling merely because they are fashionably Progressive. Attempting to overthrow a legitimate election because it did not come out the way the Left wanted is anti-democratic totalitarianism, despite all the Israeli flags and loudly professed love of democracy.
Thousands erupted into the streets after his announcement, with the largest of the over 40 demonstrations reported nationwide taking place on Tel Aviv’s Ayalon Highway, where police clashed with protesters who blocked traffic and lit bonfires.
That, my dears, is exactly not peaceful protest.
The thoroughfare was blocked for several hours as police struggled to restore order, before deploying mounted officers and water cannons to forcibly disperse protesters after midnight.

One driver stuck in traffic plowed through the demonstration, apparently while filming the incident on his phone, injuring at least one protester before being pulled over and arrested by police. He was reportedly released on Thursday morning under certain limitations.

Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center said Thursday that 14 people had been brought in for medical treatment from the protest. Six of them had wounds to their eyes, one of whom required surgery.
See? You really can put an eye out with those things.
Police said they arrested 15 people in Tel Aviv. All of the detainees were released by Thursday morning, the Kan public broadcaster reported.

The Wednesday night protests echoed larger ones that took place across the country in late March, following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to fire Defense Minister Yoav Gallant after the latter raised the alarm regarding the judicial overhaul’s impact on security. Netanyahu went on to freeze the overhaul the following day and later walked back his decision to axe Gallant.

The demonstrations have been ongoing since Levin revealed the overhaul plans in January and recently ramped up again as Netanyahu’s hardline coalition has renewed its efforts to push through some of the relevant laws unilaterally. Opponents say they are a threat to Israel’s democratic character while supporters argue they are needed to curb the powers of a judiciary they say is unrestrained.

2 detained for assaulting anti-overhaul protesters near Likud MK’s home

[IsraelTimes] Video shows driver and his son getting out of truck and scuffling with demonstrators, who accuse the father of trying to run them over
Video looks to me like typical Antifa/Black Bloc blocking the road, then harassing and threatening cars that get caught in the morass they created, In this case the driver and his son got out to attack their attackers. But the Times of Israel staff is sympathetic to the “grass roots” protesters, despite knowing that the cadres are paid by the US State Department and international Progessive organizations to cause trouble for the Netanyahu government.
Police detained two suspects for assaulting anti-government protesters outside a Likud politician’s home in southern Israel.

The incident near MK Shalom Danino’s house in Omer came as demonstrators have increasingly been rallying outside coalition members’ homes as part of their push to ramp up protests against the government’s judicial overhaul legislation.

Photographer hit by car at Tel Aviv protest questioned for ‘breaching public order’

[IsraelTimes] Photographer Ari Sarur was shooting pictures of anti-government demonstrators as they spontaneously
...that should be in scare quotes, being as it’s the kind of spontaneity that has been planned, coordinated, and pre-supplied to a fare thee well...
blocked the Ayalon Highway on Wednesday night, when a driver suddenly barreled through the crowd and hit him, dropping him to the ground.

Sarur was largely unharmed. Other protesters were forced to scramble out of the way and some were hit by the vehicle, but no one was injured.

Sarur was called in for questioning by the Tel Aviv police Thursday to submit his testimony of the event. He was then informed that he was being investigated "under caution" for allegedly participating in the blocking of the highway, Sarur’s lawyer Shachar Mandelman told Haaretz. Police have not confirmed the allegation.

According to the lawyer, Sarur was not actively participating in the demonstration, but rather only taking photographs. "At first he only stood next to other press photographers and did not descend onto the highway with the first protesters who blocked it, and only later" went down, he said.

The driver who drove through the crowd and hit Sarur, a resident of Holon, was arrested by the police immediately after the incident. He was interrogated on Thursday morning and subsequently released with a restraining order. He alleged that he did not hit the protesters on purpose, but rather that he became stuck with his car in the rally and tried to make his way out of the crowd.
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-06 Thousands take to the streets, block roads after Tel Aviv police chief steps down
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-06 Anti-overhaul protesters target ultraconservative, influential Jerusalem yeshiva
Judicial overhaul: 2023-07-04 Israeli police tussle with anti-government protesters as chaos erupts at Ben Gurion Airport
Movement for Quality Government: 2023-07-02 Turnout rises, several arrested as anti-overhaul protests enter 26th week
Movement for Quality Government: 2023-06-13 Israel tells US it plans to announce thousands of settlement homes later this month
Movement for Quality Government: 2023-06-11 ‘Not the time for a time-out’: Mass anti-overhaul protests held for 23rd week

‘Not the time for a time-out’: Mass anti-overhaul protests held for 23rd week
[IsraelTimes] Smaller turnout as 74,000-80,000 attend main Tel Aviv rally ahead of key vote on judicial selection panel; Hungary protest leader: Don’t let democracy erode like in my home country.
The Biden administration’s covert war on Israel’s Netanyahu government continues. The Movement for Quality Government in Israel (MQG), one of the key organizations protesting against the coalition’s judicial overhaul program, is Antifa, and its cadres are paid agents of the U.S. State Department, happily demanding the complete overthrow of Israeli democracy to achieve their demands for the rearrangement of Israel’s homegrown system. MQG was previously known as V15 (for Victory 15, 2015 being the last election Bibi won against the will of a Democratic president), both names being fig leaves for its true identity as the Israeli branch of the Washington, DC-based OneVoice Movement founded by Progressive multi-billionaire Daniel Lubetzky in 2002 as an international “grassroots” front of his PeaceWorks Foundation to drive Israel to fulfill his vision for the region without him bothering to become a citizen. The US State Department gave V15 millions of dollars under President Obama, and more in recent years.
Weekly protests against the government’s intention to overhaul the justice system took place for the 23rd week in a row Saturday night, days ahead of a crucial Knesset vote on the makeup of the key Judicial Selection Committee.

Israeli television estimated that between 74,000 and 80,000 attended the main rally on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv, while organizers claimed around 100,000, alongside thousands of others in some 150 locations around the country, kicking off the 23rd week of regular protests against the currently suspended government plan. Last week’s Tel Aviv rally drew an estimated 95,000-140,000 people, and previous weeks saw some 200,000 people gather.

Many of the night’s demonstrations, including in Tel Aviv, began with a silent commemoration for the latest victims of a spiraling crime wave in the Arab community, which has claimed the lives of 102 people since the beginning of the year, ten in just the past three days.
Green on green — just a violent culture thingy having nothing to do with the War on Terror, nor the American Democratic Party-sponsored war on Bibi neither. Heaven only knows why Antifa feels a need to preen itself on helping the Arab-Israelis mourn, since they aren’t interested in the protests.
During the main rally at Kaplan Street, protesters held signs reading "dead-class citizen," which in Hebrew sounds similar to "second-class citizen," in reference to the Arab community.

After the scheduled speeches were over, a small group of demonstrators headed to the Ayalon Highway and briefly blocked southbound traffic on the city’s main thoroughfare. Police cleared the protesters after a short while.

In Haifa, former prime minister Ehud Barak
...who should be ashamed of himself for joining in this anti-democratic activity after having participated in Israeli democracy for so long...
called for a non-violent mostly peaceful civil uprising against the government.

"We haven’t won the battle yet. This is not the time for a time-out. We must not fall into illusions. We must intensify the protest and end the negotiations immediately," Barak said, referring to ongoing coalition-opposition compromise talks under the auspices of President Isaac Herzog.

"The protest must intensify and move into a civil uprising. Non-violent mostly peaceful civil disobedience," he added.
Anti-democracy in action.
Hungarian protest leader Katalin Törley
....featured on the Amnesty International website as an anti-government activist since 2016, she is by trade a high school teacher of French. So why have the organizers brought in a foreigner to what is being touted as a spontaneous patriotic Israeli grassroots upwelling of sentiment against the democratically elected Israeli government?
spoke at a protest in Modiin and likened the erosion of democracy in her home country to what Israeli protesters warn the government is trying to do in the Jewish state.

"Almost one million of the 10 million Hungarians left Hungary," she said.
...probably for economic opportunity elsewhere, as has been happening throughout Eastern Europe since the Berlin Wall fell, but do go on...
"Many grandparents only see their grandchildren on a screen. Orban’s relatives and friends win government tenders, and food prices have increased by more than 40 percent in the past year. Do not let that happen to you."

On Wednesday, the Knesset will vote to appoint two politicians to the nine-member Judicial Selection Committee, which is chaired by Justice Minister Yariv Levin of Likud. The coalition has threatened to take both spots on the panel, breaking with tradition.

Opposition leaders have said that if the coalition does so, it will signal the end of the compromise talks.

The makeup of the judicial selection panel is central to the coalition’s ongoing efforts to greatly increase political control over the judiciary. A key bill in the overhaul plan would reshape the committee and hand the government an automatic majority, giving it the power to determine most judicial appointments.

That bill is on the cusp of being passed into law, and can be brought for its final, back-to-back votes in the Knesset plenum at a moment’s notice. However,
a clean conscience makes a soft pillow...
such action is almost sure to lead to a resumption of intense public opposition, the likes of which was last seen before the legislation was frozen.
Or not, as the case may be. Quite possibly public interest is fading as the citizenry tires of the usual Antifa antics disrupting their lives. I vote that Bibi’s government pushes forward with the thing by way of a live experiment to see who is right.
The judicial overhaul legislation has been frozen since late March, when Netanyahu said he would halt the plans to allow for talks with the opposition, aimed at finding a broadly accepted compromise for judicial reform. But months of talks have not produced a breakthrough, and pressure has increased within the coalition to resume the legislative push.

Netanyahu said last month, following the passage of the state budget, that "of course" the overhaul was now back on the government’s agenda. Later that day, however, he added: "We will of course continue with our efforts to arrive at a broad consensus agreement, to the extent possible, on the issue of judicial reform."

Critics say the overhaul will sap the High Court of Justice of its power to act as a check and balance against parliament, eroding Israel’s democratic character and leaving minorities unprotected. Supporters say the legislation is needed to rein in what they see as an over-intrusive court system.
Judicial overhaul: 2023-06-01 UAE says it withdrew from US-led maritime coalition tasked with securing Gulf waters
Judicial overhaul: 2023-05-25 Knesset approves 2023-2024 budget in all-night vote, patching coalition rift; with 64-55 vote in pocket, Bibi turns attention to judicial overhaul
Judicial overhaul: 2023-05-24 US wants Israel to shelve judicial overhaul in return for Saudi normalization — TV
Movement for Quality Government in Israel: 2023-03-11 Protest group says ‘democratic values’ non-negotiable in any talks on overhaul; 30 cadres tied up as protesters block highway and airport for 2 hours while fighting police; 400 profs sign letter supporting gov’t
Daniel Lubetzky: 2023-05-07 18th weekend of rallies as protesters demand overhaul negotiations not drag on
Daniel Lubetzky: 2023-04-28 In show of force, 200,000 urge Netanyahu gov’t not to abandon judicial reform amid
Daniel Lubetzky: 2023-04-11 Republicans Want To End Taxpayer Funding for Activist Group Behind Netanyahu Protests

-Lurid Crime Tales-
WSJ: Epstein Story's "Curious" Israeli Connection - Who was Keeping Track-WhoYold The WSJ-And Why?
Some key bits:
[SummitNews] Former Israeli Prime Minister and head of Israeli Military Intelligence Ehud Barak visited Jeffrey Epstein’s New York City apartment dozens of times between 2013 and 2017, documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal reveal.

“After Epstein was arrested in 2019, photos were published in newspapers showing Mr. Barak, the Israeli politician, entering Epstein’s townhouse in 2016,” WSJ reported.

“The documents provide new details about his scheduled meetings,” WSJ continued. “They show that between 2013 and 2017, Epstein planned at least three dozen meetings with Mr. Barak. They had appointments every month for 11 consecutive months starting in December 2015, the documents show.”

Epstein “entered a partnership worth millions” with Barak in 2015.

Pro-Israel billionaire Leon Black, who funded Epstein together with pro-Israel billionaire Les Wexner to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, “scheduled more than 100 meetings with Epstein from 2013 to 2017,” the WSJ reported.

Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, who was caught staging a false flag operation with fake Russian bots to influence the Alabama Senate election in 2017, visited Jeffrey Epstein’s “Pedophile Island,” Epstein’s records show.

Hoffman has been using his wealth to pour money into electing pro-Israel Democrats, fund the E. Jean Carroll’s rape lawsuit against Donald Trump and work with George Soros to censor the internet.

Ehud Barak: 2023-04-05 Good Morning
Ehud Barak: 2023-04-05 Ex-PM Ehud Barak admits on Twitter: Israel has nuclear weapons
Ehud Barak: 2023-02-11 Berlin protests Likud minister’s claim that German, Iranian money funding protests

Good Morning

Kasich: Trump Will Never Be President %u2010
%u2018Normal,' Traditional Republicans Won't Vote for Him
Wednesday April 5th, 2023

Sweden foils 'terror plot tied to Koran-burning stunt' as five people with 'links to international Islamic extremism' are arrested
CTO in Ingushetia demonstrates the
unpreparedness of the security forces for clashes
Top court rules against booting E.
Jerusalem Palestinian family after 32-year battle
2 soldiers injured, one seriously,
in suspected terror stabbing near Tzrifin base
Senior IS commander planning attacks
in Europe is killed in Syria, says US military
Ex-PM Ehud Barak admits on
Twitter: Israel has nuclear weapons
Terrifying rap sheets of the ten worst NYC criminals who were REPEATEDLY released by Manhattan DA Bragg as he focused on Trump indictment


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