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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Top 20 Most Cringeworthy Zelensky PR Moments
[CaitlinJohnstone] The US empire’s proxy war in Ukraine has had many jaw-dropping instances of imperialist sociopathy, propagandistic audacity and brazen journalistic malpractice that we’ve discussed in this space many times, but one of the most cringeworthy and degrading aspects of the globe-spanning narrative control campaign surrounding this war has been the way the nation’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has been turned into an ever-present corporate mascot for the most aggressive ad campaign ever devised. The way the most powerful institutions in the western world have been throwing their puppet in everyone’s face to sell the empire’s proxy warfare puts Ronald McDonald to shame.

Here are 20 of the cringiest moments of establishment PR using Zelensky to market the McProxy War to the western world, in no particular order.
Click through for links and evidence for every one of these insults to your intelligence. Remember kids, the deep state is a hostile entity that doesn't have your interests at heart - except regarding Ukraine. Then everyone cheers along like the crowds in George Orwell's "1984" during Hate Week.
1. A House Republican introducing a bill to place a bust of Zelensky in the US Capitol building

2. The fake Hollywood action hero-sounding "I need ammunition, not a ride" quote

3. The Vogue cover shoot

5. Time Magazine Person of the Year

6. Star Wars: Attack of the Drones

7. Zelensky giving a speech at the Golden Globes

8. Zelensky giving a speech for the Grammys

9. Zelensky getting an Academy Award from actor Sean Penn

10. Zelensky addressing the World Economic Forum
Gosh, if there's anyone who isn't totally evil and in bed with the deep state, it's the WEF.
11. Zelensky giving a speech and ringing the bell for the New York Stock Exchange
Likewise Wall Street.
12. Zelensky giving a speech at the secretive Bilderberg Group (probably)
That probably sounds like the lady is making stuff up to pad her list.
13. Zelensky giving a speech at the Cannes Film Festival

14. Zelensky giving a speech at the Glastonbury Festival

15. Weird Hologram Zelensky at the Founders Forum in the UK

16. Zelensky meeting with Ben Stiller

17. The Ukrainian flag performance in the US congress

18. The bizarre Biden-Zelensky slow motion action-heroes-walking-away-from-an-explosion video clip

19. Guest on David Letterman’s show

20. The obligatory Bono psyop

Honorable mention: Zelensky meeting with BlackRock CEO Larry Fink to help "rebuild" (read: buy up) Ukraine
If the corporation forcing Americans out of their homes and into rentals isn't someone you should cheer for, who is?
Honorable mention: DC party at the Ukrainian embassy openly hosted by the US military-industrial complex
Are people not tired of having their intelligence insulted yet?


Home Front: Politix
Former US President tells us again what news channel to avoid
[FOX] Former President Barack Obama resurfaced on Friday and took a shot at Fox News viewers, saying they're "living on a different planet" than people who consume mainstream media.

Obama made the remarks on the premiere of the new monthly Netflix series "My next guest needs no introduction with David Letterman," which hit the streaming service on Friday morning. Early in the episode, Obama asked Letterman about his retirement but the veteran talk show host quickly let the former president know who was boss.

"Now here's how this is gonna work. I'm gonna ask you stuff, and then you respond to stuff," Letterman joked.

Letterman then asked Obama what he considers the more dangerous threat to a democracy, the president demeaning the press or a foreign power sabotaging the voting process. Both options are clearly jabs at President Trump and Obama answered without mentioning the current president's name.

"One of the biggest challenges we have to our democracy is the degree to which we don't share a common baseline of facts," Obama said. "If you watch Fox News, you are living on a different planet than you are if you are listening to NPR."

Home Front: Politix
Obama Lectures Trump On His Behavior
Obama lectures... evergreen headline.
[Yahoo] Former President Obama has a message for President Donald Trump: Pay close attention to your behavior because it has the potential to impact the nation’s culture and values.

"One of the things that Michelle figured out, in some ways faster than I did‐was part of your ability to lead the country doesn’t have to do with legislation, doesn’t have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness," Obama told David Letterman on the first episode of his new Netflix show, which was released Friday.
So Michelle figured it out, and not Barack Hussein Obama, the Smartest President Evah? What a schmuck.
I will say this - I thought Obama was going to come out twice a week and criticize Trump. I think that, over the past year, he's been comparatively restrained. At some point, Obama's going to ratchet it up and Trump's gonna cut loose on him.

Home Front: Culture Wars
Babel--The Left and Right Cultural Wars
Moved to Opinion because Richard Fernandez is a columnist.
The Fisher Body Plant in Detroit

[PJMedia] David Gerlenter writing in the Wall Street Journal says something self-evidently true. The Left seems to have won every single culture battle fought.

Although the right reads the left, the left rarely reads the right. Why should it, when the left owns American culture? Nearly every university, newspaper, TV network, Hollywood studio, publisher, education school and museum in the nation. The left wrapped up the culture war two generations ago. Throughout my own adult lifetime, the right has never made one significant move against the liberal culture machine.

The late Andrew Breitbart noticed the same thing.  Observing that "politics is downstream from culture" he argued the Left has made us the villains of our own stories.

Our lives -- indeed, our very species -- has storytelling wound into our DNA. ... Popular culture is delivered to us in the form of story via books, TV, film, music, video games, and new media. ...

Thus we come to politics ... the vast majority of those with the power of content creation are Liberals. ... Liberals control story.  ...What is some of that messaging? Think about movies and TV. Corporations are evil -- using unwitting poor Africans for pharmaceutical testing (Constant Gardener) or dumping toxic chemicals into nature (Erin Brockovich, A Civil Action) or responsible for the end of mankind (Rise of the Planet of the Apes). American soldiers are bloodthirsty lawbreaking maniacs (Any military film). The CIA conducts illegal, secret operations that have nothing to do with protecting America. Radical Muslim terrorists are never villains. Trial lawyers are crusading do-gooders. David Letterman and Saturday Night Live ridicule the Right 95% of the time. Jon Stewart pretends to be centrist, but in fact jumps all over the Right far more often than the Left.

Liberal political candidates are the embodiments of those Liberal tenets. The goal is to associate them in voter minds via the vehicle of popular culture.

Even before Breitbart's warning there was Orwell who understood that the Left's ultimate ability was to uproot the past and plant their chosen seed for the future.  His famous dictum "he who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past" is an unsurpassed indictment of groupthink totalitarianism.  There seemed no doubt they would succeed.  Within its bubble the Left's control of culture is so absolute they can watch 1984 without realizing it's about them....more

Home Front: Politix
Stars at Obama's White House Farewell Bash Party Until 4 A.M.
Obama to sleep for next three days.
[Breitbart] A litany of A-list celebrities braved below-freezing temperatures to attend President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama’s final party at the White House on Friday.

The star-studded crowd at the Obama’s farewell bash included George and Amal Clooney, Meryl Streep, Steven Spielberg, Stevie Wonder, David Letterman, George Lucas, Paul McCartney, and many more.

Cell phones were reportedly confiscated, forcing stars to snap and post photos and videos to their social media accounts from outside the White House.

"Stumbling out of the White House at 4am after an incredible night celebrating 8 incredible years," wrote actress Olivia Wilde in a Twitter post in which she was posing next to her partner, actor Jason Sudeikis.

Home Front: Culture Wars
Brian Williams Sits on Board of Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation
[NewsBusters] Oh, the irony -- Brian Williams, the NBC '€œNightly News'€ anchor who fabricated a story about being shot at by an RPG while in a helicopter in Iraq, is '€œa member of the Board of Directors of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation,'€ according to his bio on the NBC News website. According to the 990 tax returns for the foundation, Williams has been on the board since at least 2005. He is also listed on the '€œBoard of Directors'€ page on the foundation'€™s website. Williams hosted a panel in October 2013 '€œwhich focused on veterans who received a Medal of Honor, and what they can teach our students,'€ according to Education Week. He has also promoted tributes to Medal of Honor recipients '€œNightly News.'€ On Feb. 4, Stars and Stripes reported that NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted to not being aboard a helicopter that was shot and had to be rescued following RPG fire during the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Williams stated that he '€œfeels terrible'€ and '€œwas wrong'€ for not telling viewers that he was instead '€œon the Chinook behind the bird that took the RPG.'€ Despite claiming that he just misspoke, Williams pushed this same story multiple times since 2003, including on CBS'€™s '€œThe Late Show with David Letterman'€ on March 26, 2013.

Brian Williams’ Tall Tales Extend To Katrina, Too

-Short Attention Span Theater-
How to Become a Cat Lady
Robert Stacy McCain does a preliminary sendup of an article on feminist dating by a leftist woman.

The inlines belong to McCain

As does the pic
Lisa Bonos (@lisabonos) has published a column headlined “How to find a feminist boyfriend” that reads like an Onion parody:
“I find it really attractive how successful you are,” my date said, leaning in for a kiss.
Sure, it sounds like a line. But it also sounds like feminism. . . .
(No, it’s a line. Trust me.)
[W]hat I want a partner to be: cute, smart, funny and … yes, feminist. So go ahead, alert Susan Patton, Lori Gottlieb and the rest of the get-married-already crowd: A 30-something single woman, eggs unfrozen, is telling other single women that they should dare to want it all if they ever hope to have it all. . . .
(Hint: If you’re a “30-something single woman,” you’ll be lucky if you get to have any of it, much less “have it all.”)
But how do you spot a male feminist if he’s not at an abortion rights rally wearing a “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” T-shirt?
It shouldn’t be hard. After all, as Aziz Ansari said on David Letterman’s show recently, everyone’s a feminist now. Unless you think Beyonce shouldn’t have the right to vote, should earn 23 percent less than Jay-Z and should be at home cooking rather than performing. And who would think that?
Few guys will proudly say no when asked if they’re feminists. . . .
(Few guys who want to sleep with Lisa Bonos would say that, perhaps, but exactly how many guys want to sleep with Lisa Bonos?)
Instead it’s a wholehearted yes, a lukewarm maybe or Can you define what you mean by “feminist,” please? . . .
(In some cases, it means “lonely bisexual English major.”)
Here’s how I’m defining it: Feminist daters — male or female, gay or straight — aren’t constrained by gender roles. Anyone can do the asking-out, the feelings-confessing or the initiating of any kind.
(Perhaps you see why bisexual English majors are so often lonely.)
A feminist dater or boyfriend (and yes, feminists have boyfriends) is aware of the ways women have traditionally been held back, by others and by our own accord, and actively pushes against that. He’s sensitive to the fact that women’s bodies are frequently judged, abused and legislated, and takes no part in that. He gets it. . . .
You can read the rest and “get it.” It’s really a Craigslist ad disguised as an op-ed column, a pseudo-defiant gesture typical of certain women who have wasted their 20s in a series of going-nowhere “relationships.” On Twitter, Kyle Smith offers an alternate headline:

How to remain single until you are Maureen Dowd’s age

Maybe I’ll come back with more snark later, but this column is just such a motherlode of nonsense, it needs a special touch.

Africa North
President Ethelred - VDH
Like old King Ethelred the Unready, who either had no counsel or had no sense, or both, and often paid the Danegeld rather than attempt to deter the Norsemen, so Barack Obama and his lieutenants still believe that they can both appease radical Islam and convince others that is not what they are doing.

Various top-ranking U.S. officials, for instance, following the lead of President Obama himself, for days insisted that the murder of the American ambassador to Libya was a spontaneous act of a crowd that got out of control, enraged by the release of an anti-Islamic video trailer posted by an illiberal private American resident. We were to believe that the fault was not millions of medieval Islamists abroad who hate the West, but one Coptic American at home who had crude taste and ill intent.

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney both insisted that the killings of our people in Libya had nothing to do with anti-Americanism, much less anger at or disdain for the White House or administration policy — leaving their audiences wondering at what point in the future they would simply retract or ignore all the untrue things they were now asserting.

Of course, no one believed that narrative — not when the video had been in the public domain for months without incident (is there even a film that follows the trailer?), not when some diplomatic personnel in the Middle East had been put on higher alert in response to Islamist promises of violence, not when it was the iconic eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 killings, not when “protesters” brought in heavy weaponry to assault our facilities, not when there was a long history of radical Islamists using trivial affronts — from Danish cartoons to papal communiqués — as catalysts for preplanned violence.
So why those unusual efforts to downplay the circumstances around the gruesome death of an American ambassador?

The murdering of Americans in Libya is, embarrassingly so, the logical fruition of a failed — and increasingly dangerous — foreign policy in the Middle East. We missed out on siding with the Iranians who went out in the streets in 2009 to protest their country’s theocracy. Instead President Obama warned us about our own past culpable interference in the internal affairs of Iran. But note that Iranian reformers were far more likely to oppose fundamentalist, anti-American theocrats than were the more favored protesters in Egypt two years later. There is now no real obstacle to Iran’s acquisition of the bomb, and administration surrogates in the media instead talk of containment, as if Iran were a Pakistan with an archenemy, 1 billion–strong nuclear India next door.

Our loud announcements of withdrawal from Afghanistan have left us unable even to accompany the allied Afghan army on patrol. We just suffered our worst loss in planes since Vietnam, without press attention or a comment from the commander-in-chief. Few believe that the Taliban will not be in power in 2014. Iraq was once secure and open to discussions over a vestigial American base; now snubbed, it is left intriguing with Iran, the assumed regional hegemon.

The Obama administration was confused about the Egyptian revolution — mum on the old allied authoritarian Hosni Mubarak until it was clear that he would lose power, then rushing in to embrace the dissidents, then declaring the Muslim Brotherhood to be “secular,” when it was clear that the Google crowd would not assume power, as if Cairo was supposed to have been a pre–Palo Alto. Now Morsi, the former Egyptian dissident, who found freedom, employment, and security only in America, lectures us on what we must do to win his friendship, and the conditions under which he is willing to accept nearly $2 billion in American aid.

No one knows what we were doing in Libya — either strategically or tactically — other than offering up the cute phrase “leading from behind,” which was supposed to denote a new hybrid soft/hard-power protocol. Apparently when the crowds appeared to go 51 percent against Qaddafi, the new monster — thought to be in rehabilitation — became once more the old monster worthy of being bombed.

Syria’s Bashar al-Assad went from being a “reformer,” to a thug who had to go, to someone better left out of sight, out of mind. The more the administration declares our relationship with Israel unchanged, the more we know it has deteriorated to the lowest point in the history of the Jewish state — largely because Benjamin Netanyahu has been demonized as a right-wing trouble-maker who on any given day might do something to embarrass the Obama administration in the Arab world during the election campaign. If only he were as smarmy as David Letterman or Whoopi Goldberg, he might have earned an audience with the president.

n short, there is no good or bad administration policy — but rather no policy at all other than braggadocio about the killing of Osama bin Laden and Moammar Qaddafi and Predator score cards.
The murder of Ambassador Stevens may well have been the most horrific killing in our nation’s diplomatic history. The administration’s original narrative — that the ambassador got separated from his security detail, suffocated amid the smoke, and was found unconscious by well-meaning Libyans who, in concern, rushed him to the hospital — cannot be true. Some disturbing rumors and evidence later emerged to the effect that Stevens may have had no real security detail to speak of, but was helped only by the brave ad hoc service of some private security contractors, who gave their lives to save an American diplomat without military support. More disturbing even than the absence of adequate military security was the likelihood that Stevens was attacked viciously by the mob, perhaps sexually brutalized by it, and then taunted by his killers, before being dumped in the street. In the long history of attacks on our embassies, I cannot think of a comparable instance where an ambassador was caught alone, mobbed, tortured, and photographed in extremis — or where an administration was so averse to disclosing any details of his demise.

Obama genuinely seems to believe that he, his administration, our present foreign policy, and America 2012 are somehow not the real objects of hate of the Arab Street mobs. That disconnect was also the theme of his mythmaking in Cairo, of his al-Arabiya interview, and of his apologetic commentary to the French and the Turks: A pre-Obama America was hubristic, insensitive, and culpable for damaged bilateral relations and would be acknowledged as such by an Obama America.
When Daniel Ortega enumerated the crimes of the United States in the presence of the president, Barack Obama did not defend his country, but simply shrugged, “I’m grateful that President Ortega did not blame me for things that happened when I was three months old.” In other words, Obama felt that while his country may not have been innocent, he, a mere toddler at the time, most certainly was — and that he is innocent now as well.

In the context of the Middle East, Obama is thus naturally confused by the violence. He had assumed the Islamic mobs realize that America changed after 2008. So while Muslim complaints against the United States certainly had some validity at one time, such writs can no longer be valid after Obama assumed the presidency. The Arab Street could not possibly be angry at Barack Obama, the Nobel laureate and sympathetic supporter of Arab Muslims. The murdering must be an artifact, a fluke brought on by some right-wing, provocative American zealot, whose constitutionally protected rights to obnoxious free expression are overshadowed by the damage he has done in giving millions the impression that a reset America of 2012 still bears some resemblance to the America of 1776 to 2008.

We can see this disconnect in both the serious and the trivial: from Obama’s use of the adjective “natural” to describe unhinged mobs attacking U.S. properties over a video trailer, to his new personalized campaign version of the American flag. In that sense, one cannot entirely damn Mr. Morsi as he lectures America on its shortcomings — given that much of his complaint merely follows up on Obama’s own. Thus he may feel that he is ingratiating himself with the administration by channeling the Cairo speech.

If Obama were a conservative Republican, a George W. Bush for example, the media narrative of Libyagate would be one of an asleep, incompetent president, lieutenants who were brazenly mendacious, an incompetent secretary of state, and an administration conspiracy of silence — juxtaposed with a wider story of a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, an abandonment of any influence in Iraq, a refusal to recognize the situation in Syria and Egypt — and impotence as a war looms between Iran and Israel.

Will we ever know the circumstances that led to the murder of Ambassador Stevens? Only when government auditors and inquirers feel free to find and disclose the truth, which probably means sometime after the Obama administration is well out of office.

Home Front: Politix
The Fantasy House of Barack Obama
Victor Davis Hanson
Hanson as per usual; Excellent

It All Failed?

By Fantasy House I do not mean -- or rather only mean -- Barack Obama's La-La land in which Austrians speak Austrian, Hawaii is in Asia, Afghans speak Arabic, the Maldives lie off Argentina, there are seven additional states, servicemen are zombie corpse-men, and Kansas twisters kill 10,000 at a time.

Rather I refer to the fantasies that Obama employs to deal with a very real world he inhabits. The president just told Univision that you "cannot change Washington from the inside." In other words, the president just shattered his own four-year fantasy that he, like Lincoln, would take the train from Illinois to D.C., not just to remake America, but also to change the very way things are done there.

Now Obama accepts that the second coming of an Illinois savior has failed, not because he tried to change the ethics of Washington (he never did), but because upon arrival he almost immediately did in Washington what he was used to doing in Chicago. And so lobbying, insider politics to help campaign bundlers, private deals to pass health care, the revolving door, and nonstop campaigning all replaced hope and change.

I suppose in place of change from the "inside," he now envisions more "outside" executive orders like the de facto Dream Act, having the EPA shut down more coal plants, stopping more federal energy leases, granting more recess appointments, and extending more executive privilege.

Shattering Glass

The president's illusions about the economy have, one by one, been exploded. Do we even remember the 2010 "summer of recovery"? Or "millions of new green jobs" that ended in Solyndra-like realties? "GM is alive, Osama bin Laden is dead" -- well, sort of, in the sense that the government can take any insolvent company, inject $25 billion into it, and keep it alive until the next election.

Somehow we are to console ourselves that 43 months of 8% plus unemployment is success. The president keeps bragging that he has created 4.6 million new jobs. But who cares about the actual number created, if the number lost is the far greater figure? Do businesses brag that they grossed $4.6 million when their bottom line is a net loss of $500,000? The jobs fantasy has also evaporated in the reality that we have lost more jobs than gained under Obama, millions no longer look for work, and the percentage of adults working is at near-record lows. Where did the fifteen million more on food stamps come from?

Check your tire pressure; tune your cars up; "bankrupt" coal companies; "skyrocketing" electricity prices, Steven Chu's dream of gas prices at "European levels" -- all that only ended up at $4 a gallon gas. Yet we still don't know whether that price spike is supposed to be welcomed, in the green sense of helping to sell subsidized Volts and "cutting our carbon footprint."

The deficit? What deficit and debt? The president insists to David Letterman that he doesn't know what the aggregate debt is -- only that whatever it actually is, George Bush caused it! He barnstorms on the idea that ending the war in Afghanistan (where was the supposed "peace dividend" from Iraq that was supposed to cut the deficit?) will help pay down the $1 trillion-plus he borrows each year. Yet taking 39.5% from top incomes and hiking capital gains taxes will not even give us a 20% reduction in the annual deficit. So after the next tax hike, then what? We go to 50%, 55%, 60% -- to pay our fair share for millions of more green jobs?
Read the rest.


-Election 2012
Romney's in Trouble, Part 46
Front page WaPo, again.
As Mitt Romney struggles to put a cascade of missteps behind him, the Republican presidential nominee faces a twofold challenge: first, to steer the conversation back to the economy, and second, to prevent his recent difficulties from curdling into a perception that the race is becoming unwinnable.

"The challenge to the Romney campaign is how do you make the number one issue the number one issue," said David Winston, a pollster who advises GOP congressional leaders. "Any day there are other things going on that do not allow them to make the number one issue the number one issue is not a good day for the campaign."
We that's it then. The MSM keep finding distractions and staying away from perspectives that make The One look less than optimal.
"My expectation is that if you want to be president, you have to work for everyone, not just for some," Obama said during a taping Tuesday of "The Late Show With David Letterman."
And that has been ALL OVER the radio for the past few days, along with the ensuing cheers. But I'm not sure how to tell you this, Mr. President - as far as I'm concerned, you have not been working for everyone for any given day of the last four years.
But Obama also noted that presidential candidates slip up on the campaign trail. He expressed regret over an episode in 2008, in which a recording device caught Obama telling wealthy donors in San Francisco that some small-town Americans become bitter and "cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."

"The danger date for Romney is October 4, the day after the first and most important debate," said one veteran GOP operative, speaking on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly about Romney's prospects. "And he needs to keep an eye on Capitol Hill, because members of Congress are always the first rats off the ship."
Too candid an opinion to name names, unless you're caught on a secret recording.

Great White North
Coulter calls Canada the least diverse country she's seen
Calgary gave American right-wing commentator Ann Coulter a mostly warm welcome, with a scattering of protesters outnumbered by the nearly 1,000 people who paid to see her speak Thursday night.

Security personnel at the Red and White Club, a University of Calgary-owned venue, say about 20 protesters broke a window while banging on the door during Coulter's speech.

They held signs -- one said "Calgary is Cold to Coulter" and a small child's said, "I don't have a camel or a flying carpet, can you lend me your broomstick?", a reference to a comment Coulter made earlier this week to a Muslim woman at a university in London, Ont.

The scene was vastly different than the one Coulter faced in Ottawa a few days earlier, and she remarked how she felt so much safer and that she knew it would be the best of the three stops she made in Canada.

The polite crowd of 900 listened as Coulter talked about diversity, gays, and bias in the media.

The audience gave a huge cheer when Coulter proposed making Calgary the 51st of the United States.

She said Canada was the least diverse country she's seen -- which brought objections from the audience, but she pointed out that everyone in the crowd looked like she did.

Coulter spoke a lot about how there's standards for Liberals but not for everyone else, especially Conservatives.

She cited late night talk show host David Letterman, who admitted on TV that he had an affair with one of his employees. Anyone else would have been fired for sleeping with an employee, and if that person happened to be a Republican, he would have been deported, Coulter added.

"In conclusion, if anything I've said tonight offended you, my work is done," she said to end her speech.

The event was supposed to be held at the University of Calgary campus, but was moved after her speech at the University of Ottawa was cancelled earlier this week when hundreds of protesters came out after learning about comments she made at another university.

Coulter told a Muslim student at the University of Western Ontario that she should "take a camel" for international travel after the student challenged a previous Coulter statement that Muslims shouldn't be allowed on airplanes and should take flying carpets instead.

She says she intends to file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission over the way she was treated by the University of Ottawa.

Provost Francois Houle sent Coulter a note before her speech on Tuesday, urging her to educate herself about Canada's hate laws, saying that promoting hatred against an identifiable group could lead to criminal charges.

The inflammatory commentator pulled out of that appearance after 1,500 people tried to get into the venue that was already filled to capacity with pre-registered guests. Another few hundred loudly protested her speech outside the building.

In a column posted on the American conservative website Townhall.com, Coulter said she hopes the "august" human rights commission will find out whether the university has warned any other speakers to watch their words or if it's a caution reserved for female conservatives.

"If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech -- which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech -- is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech," she wrote.

Canadian conservative Ezra Levant, who helped bring Coulter north of the border, confirmed he had been retained by the fiery pundit, but said he had been too busy with the tour to research what legal actions she could potentially take.

The school's president, former Liberal cabinet minister Allan Rock, issued a statement underlining that the institution would remain "a safe and democratic environment for the expression of views."

Home Front: Politix
Chuck Schumer: Defender of Women's Rights, Insulter of Actual Woman
You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats the people who bring him coffee and little bags of pretzels, and make sure his belongings are stowed securely in the overhead bin. So when an important man, a U.S. senator, actually -- busy, busy, busy -- flouts federal regs by refusing to turn off his cellphone so the plane can pull away from the gate (oh, and to heck with his fellow passengers, who in their humble way also had lives to get on with while they instead tapped their toes and he kept on yakking), well, that was bad enough. "It's Harry Reid calling,'' the rudenik, a.k.a. Chuck Schumer, announced to his hostages. "I guess health care will have to wait.''

But when the senior senator from New York then called a flight attendant who was only doing her job the b-word under his breath, that told us even more. Like how much women must be willing to put up with from a self-described "tireless advocate for women's rights" and how little -- this and only this -- the "advocate" has to do to keep the franchise.

Sure, Schumer has said through a spokesman that he regrets the incident -- and in the process made a liar out of fellow N.Y. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who was seated near him on the plane and who, before she knew he was copping a plea, put out the word that he'd been "polite'' when asked to turn off his phone. Maybe he can issue the requisite televised apology while seated beside David Letterman, who not all that long ago said Sarah Palin looked like "a slutty flight attendant.''

Only, this kind of casual disrespect goes well beyond those two boobs Dave and Chuck, and is to me an argument against the trashy way we talk about ourselves sometimes. It's why, even though I could not be happier for the success of our extravagantly talented colleague Helena Andrews, who is going to be writing the screenplay of the film version of her forthcoming memoir, "Bitch Is the New Black,'' I don't much agree with Donna Trussell's recent piece about how calling ourselves bitches is kind of empowering: "You can cower and whine, or you can be a bitch. In the next century maybe women will find a nice middle ground, but, unfortunately, we're not yet there.''

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