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Terror Networks
Black flags over the Dark Continent. Who is the Russian Afrika Korps fighting with?
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semenov

[REGNUM] On May 15, ISIS reported attacks on local soldiers and the Wagner Group (as they still call all Russian forces) in Mali and Niger, including the bombing of 20 people on mines in eastern Niger and the hijacking of a Red Cross ambulance in the western part of this country.

Thus, the local branch of the terrorist organization is trying to demonstrate its activity in the region and at the moment is probably the main opponent of the Afrika Korps of the Russian Defense Ministry, which was deployed in a number of countries in the Sahel - a region also called the “Greater Sahara”.

There is a whole mosaic of terrorist groups and organizations operating here that oppose local governments. But the main role is played by two terrorist organizations: in addition to the one indicated, Al-Qaeda. They have integrated smaller factions and are still present in many countries in the region, despite attempts to combat them (or imitate it) by anti-terrorist forces led by the United States and France.

Therefore, Western forces are leaving this part of Africa today, in many countries of which new governments have come to power.

The Russians are acting in Africa not to impose enslaving agreements on local governments, as the Americans and French did, but only to ensure security from international terrorism, preventing its spread throughout the region and the world.
Just the sheer noble goodness of their pure Russian hearts, is it? Kewl.
The countries of the European Union and the United States are unable to provide such assistance. They make assistance programs for Africans conditional on compliance with a number of conditions. Firstly, from the promotion of “democratic reforms” and “human rights”, secondly, from the participation of local authorities in the fight against illegal migration in the interests of the EU, and thirdly, from obligations to counteract Russian influence in the region.

Russia does not make such demands and is ready to provide assistance to either a military or civilian government, democratic or Islamic, only in order to prevent terrorist leaders from taking the place of this government.

However, Western countries and Russia are not the only external players in the region.

For example, in Niger, the piquancy of the situation is added by the fact that, according to Syrian opposition sources, a group of 300 fighters of anti-government Syrian formations from the Sultan Murad, Al-Hamza and Suleiman Shah groups, operating under under the auspices of Turkey.

According to sources, they are in Niger to help the new government of this country in the fight against terrorism after it asked the Americans to “exit”.

In addition, Ankara supplies Bayraktar drones to Mali and Burkina Faso, where Russian units also operate. Therefore, it is possible that Africa will become a field of cooperation between Russia and Turkey in the counter-terrorism field.
Cooperation or opposition, given that those groups are wholly owned subsidiaries of the Turkish government. Interesting times, guys — do try to see the amusing side of this little project you’ve taken on after encouraging the locals to push out France and America.
Since the deployment of the Afrika Korps in the Greater Sahara, local armed forces have been able to achieve important successes in countering terrorists. Most notably, in April, Malian government forces killed Abu Huzeifa, a local ISIS affiliate commander, in a large-scale operation in the northern Menaka region.

And earlier this year, the Burkina Faso Air Force, where Russian forces and advisers are also deployed, killed the second-most senior leader of ISIS in the Greater Sahara, Abdulmalik Haroun Oulel, as a result of an air strike on a convoy. It is a major victory for Burkina Faso's army and a sign that the country's recent military-led modernization campaign, led by Russia, is allowing them to more effectively target jihadists.

It is significant that Abdulmalik came from the new generation of ISIS-BS leaders, since he was a native of the region and a representative of the local Fulani people, semi-sedentary inhabitants of the Sahel, who were discriminated against by local governments. Therefore, the Fulani often joined the ranks of terrorists and constituted the majority in their ranks. This applies to both ISIS and al-Qaeda.

The two previous ISIS leaders in the region with the corresponding surname al-Sahrawi (i.e. "Sahrawis") were from Western Sahara and Morocco and had previously operated in Algeria before retreating to the Sahel, where they led local Fulani militias.

In October 2015, Adnan Abu al-Walid al-Sahrawi, a jihadist fighter originally from Morocco, along with several supporters from the Mourabitoun group operating in Algeria and Mali and associated with al-Qaeda, pledged allegiance to " Islamic State".

However, at that time the activities of Abu al-Walid’s group in Africa went almost unnoticed. This was also related to the delay in recognition of this branch by the “headquarters” of the terrorists, which took place only in 2017. And when this group was nevertheless included in the “caliphate”, it was first reassigned to the branch of “ISIS - West Africa velayat”, from which “ISIS in the Greater Sahara” remains dependent to this day, despite recognition as an independent factions.

During those years, the dominant jihadist organization in the Sahel was Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). It has carried out terrorist attacks as far away as Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, and Grand Bassam in Côte d'Ivoire.

Back in 1998, Hassan Khattab, the commander of one of the scattered extremist units during the “black decade” (civil war) in Algeria, formed his own organization called the “Salafi Group of Preaching and Combat.”

In 2006, its leadership joined the global al-Qaeda network and swore allegiance to Bin Laden. A few months later, they renamed themselves Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The group then moved its activities from Algeria to the Sahel, primarily to Mali.

AQIM was able to unite several disparate groups in the north and central part of Mali, including the remnants of the Mourabitun movement. Then, in early March 2017, an organization associated with AQIM, Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM), appeared. In it, in addition to the Fulani, who make up the majority in ISIS, there are also Tuaregs, along with their Salafi-jihadist group “Ansar al-Sunna”.

Unlike the Syrian-Iraqi conflict arc, where ISIS waged an irreconcilable fight not only with Iraqi and Syrian government forces, but also with its competitors from Al-Qaeda, in the Greater Sahara, the dominant JNIM tried to maintain friendly relations with ISIS -BS.

In the expert community, such relations between the two groups were defined as the “Sahel phenomenon” or “Sahel exception”: local factions of the two largest terrorist groups were able to move in parallel courses for some time without coming into conflict with each other.

The ideas of reconciliation with ISIS (contrary to the general course of Al-Qaeda) were promoted by three AQIM field commanders.

The first of them, al-Humam, was known for openly supporting the Paris terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015.

The second, Abu Iyad al-Tunisi, leader of the Ansar al-Sharia group and member of the AQIM Shura, believed that ISIS could be “returned to the right path.” A noticeable number of his yesterday's recruits from Ansar al-Sharia were already in the ranks of the organization in Syria, and some occupied important positions.

Both were killed by French troops on February 21, 2019 in Elak, north of Timbuktu.

The third AQIM commander who tried to get closer to ISIS, Abu Yahya al-Jazairi, was killed during an attack on Malian armed forces in Bamba on April 6, 2020.

After this, the two groups moved on to open confrontation.

In 2020, ISIS invaded JNIM-controlled territories, committed atrocities against civilians (potentially alienating locals from the jihadist movement itself), and demonstrated the ability to overshadow JNIM activities with terrorist attacks.

The weakening of JNIM and the strengthening of ISIS in the Sahel was also facilitated by the fact that the then government of Mali began negotiations with prominent Tuareg JNIM leaders and openly announced this. These negotiations split the ranks of AQIM/JNIM and pushed its most radical elements to join ISIS.

A significant part of the Tuaregs also left the JNIM, moving to the more moderate group “High Council for the Unity of Azawad”, which does not share the jihadist views of Al-Qaeda.

As a result, the Mali government refused to negotiate not only with radical jihadists, but also with Tuareg rebel groups and moderate Islamists. This caused great displeasure in Algeria, which actively lobbied for the peace process and blamed “the machinations of the UAE” for its failure.

As a result, the failure of the negotiation process led to certain groups of the local population calling on the “jihadists” to unite with each other again.

The combination of ISIS and AQIM/DNIM could create new risks not only for local governments, but also for the Russian military present in the Sahel countries. Let us recall that it was Russian PMCs (Wagner) that played the main role in the capture of Kidal in Mali in November 2023.

After this, they started talking about the possibilities of restoring ties between ISIS and AQIM/DNIM. Then a new group appeared on the scene: Wahdat al-Muslimin (Unity of Muslims), which called on warring terrorist organizations to unite against common enemies “to preserve the blood of Muslims.”

Wahdat al-Muslimeen is not a jihadist group per se, but rather a pro-jihadist (or simply anti-government) propaganda group that seeks to unite ISIS and AQIM/JNIM to fight local armies and their allies, including those from Russia.

This group is associated with local Fulani communities in the triangle between Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso. As already noted, representatives of this nationality feel alienated and stigmatized by the armies of the three countries in which they live. The local military often baselessly accuses all Fulanis of having links with terrorists, bringing down repression on them and thereby facilitating the transition of many Fulanis to these organizations.

Therefore, as both JNIM and ISIS-BS become more and more “Fulani” in their ethnic composition (Tuaregs, on the contrary, tend to move into more moderate groups), the threat of unification of the two groups on an ethnic basis remains.

This is an important example of the fact that any actions of the Russian military in Africa must be provided with appropriate expert and diplomatic support, taking into account all regional specifics and ethnic diversity.

The argument that since a certain group has raised this or that terrorist flag, it must be destroyed is not always adequate to local conditions. In reality, such a group can go through a whole chain of “ideological rebirths,” pursuing not religious, but purely tribal goals and objectives, and simply looking for allies among those who are able to protect this tribe or ethnic group from repression and discrimination.

This applies not only to the Fulani, but also to the Tuareg.

Terrorism in the Sahel is still identified with the Tuareg movement. Indeed, jihadist groups and Tuaregs fighting against states in the region are sometimes forced to cooperate with each other. However, jihadists and Tuaregs still should not be identified. They are temporary fellow travelers, sharply diverging in their ultimate goals.

Previously, jihadists had repeatedly knocked out the Tuaregs from their bases, and the Tuaregs, as noted, moved into more moderate movements.

In this regard, information about the nature of certain groups and factions coming from local authorities and the military must be carefully checked. Often, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, groups that are not related to terrorist activities can also be “purged.”

Instead of gaining new supporters in the fight against terrorism, this may lead to increased support for the terrorists themselves from ethnic groups subject to various forms of discrimination.
Wagner Group: 2024-05-11 All US military personnel have been ordered to leave Niger, media reports
Wagner Group: 2024-05-09 Pentagon chief Austin says US will withdraw troops from Niger
Wagner Group: 2024-05-07 Tele Sahel: Russia delivered military equipment and humanitarian aid to Niger
Mali : 2024-05-19 Senegal's Sonko wants to reassess ties with France
Mali : 2024-05-17 Larry Hogan wins GOP Senate primary in Maryland
Mali : 2024-05-13 Mali national dialogue recommends junta rule extension
Niger : 2024-05-20 Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger Finalise Plans To Form Confederation After Quitting ECOWAS
Niger : 2024-05-20 Niger and the United States agree on the timing of the withdrawal of American troops
Niger : 2024-05-17 Benin grants temporary authorization for export of Nigerien oil
Sahel: 2024-05-13 Sudan's descent into chaos sets stage for al-Qaida to make a return to historic stronghold
Sahel: 2024-05-11 All US military personnel have been ordered to leave Niger, media reports
Sahel: 2024-05-09 Pentagon chief Austin says US will withdraw troops from Niger
Sultan Murad: 2023-08-15 IED blast causes casualties among SNA faction in Syria’s al-Bab
Sultan Murad: 2023-08-08 Military tension erupted between 2 SNA factions in Syria’s Afrin
Sultan Murad: 2023-08-06 SNA factions storm wedding in Sere Kaniye over marriage refusal, re-arrest 15 north of Raqqa
Al-Hamza: 2022-03-23 Deaths, injures caused among opposition factions over smuggling in Ras al-Ain
Al-Hamza: 2022-02-09 SOHR: 150 Syrian Mercenaries Arrive in Libya
Al-Hamza: 2022-02-06 Turkey Dispatches More Syrian Mercenaries to Libya
Suleiman Shah: 2023-08-30 SNA hands over 5 fugitives to HTS in NW Syria
Suleiman Shah: 2023-08-25 Turkey deports 80 refugees to HTS in Idlib Thursday, 300 to SNA and 32 to HTS Wednesday, SNA faction arrests Kurdish returnee
Suleiman Shah: 2023-08-23 Turkey deports Syrians, arrests Kurds, sends reinforcements to Syria de-escalation zone
Abu Huzeifa 05/01/2024 Senior Islamic State group commander killed in an operation by Malian state forces, the country's military said.

Menaka region: 2023-01-18 UN: Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups driving insecurity in Mali
Menaka region: 2021-01-03 Mali: Targeted attack kills two French soldiers
Menaka region: 2019-11-03 French Soldier Dies in Mali as Explosive Device Detonates - Paris

ISIS in the Greater Sahara: 2023-01-18 UN: Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups driving insecurity in Mali
ISIS in the Greater Sahara: 2018-05-17 U.S., Gulf States Slap Sanctions on Nasrallah, Qassem, Hizbullah Officials
ISIS in the Greater Sahara: 2017-10-21 Some blame an ISIS-linked group for Niger ambush
Mourabitoun: 2022-12-11 US indicts Mauritania national over terror attacks in Mali
Mourabitoun: 2022-09-27 Palestinian rioters face off with police in East Jerusalem for 2nd night in a row
Mourabitoun: 2022-07-28 Al-Qaeda terrorists heap pressure on Mali's military, 18 toes up in coordinated attacks Wednesday
JNIM 03/04/2024 Brutal Attacks in Northern Burkina Faso Claim 170 Lives, Including Women and Children
JNIM 12/19/2023 South African paramedic Gerco van Deventer, hostage in the Sahel since 2017, freed
JNIM 09/08/2023 Al Qaeda Affiliate Claims Responsibility For Killing 53 Members Of Burkina Faso Security Forces

Ansar al-Sharia: 2023-07-17 Key Terrorist in 2012 Benghazi Attack Detained by Turkey and Deported to Libya, Where He May be Released
Ansar al-Sharia: 2023-02-07 Tunisia launches probe into decade-old political killings
Ansar al-Sharia: 2022-10-31 US woman who led female IS battalion faces up to 20 years in prison

Azawad: 2023-11-15 Mali's military seize control of Kidal rebel stronghold
Azawad: 2023-10-07 Mali: Army claims to be close to Kidal, rebel stronghold
Azawad: 2023-10-06 Mali: rebels claim capture of new army camp

Africa Subsaharan
EU adds Mozambique’s terror group Cabo Delgado to its sanction list
[Garowe] The European Union
...the successor to the Holy Roman Empire, only without the Hapsburgs and the nifty uniforms and the dancing...
Council today decided to add two individuals and one group affiliated with ISIS and operating mainly in the Cabo Delgado region in Mozambique to the list of those subject to restrictive measures against ISIS (Da'esh) and al-Qaeda and persons, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with them.

These measures target ISIS-Mozambique
...more formally Islamic State Mozambique Province and even more fully since 2018 as Islamic State Central Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), whence they moved in 2015 from the Congo, where they had called themselves Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), more formally as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamah (ASWJ, adepts of the prophetic tradition). Originally led by Abu Yasir Hassan of Tanzania (also known as Yaseer Hassan and Abu Qasim), who moved between Mocimboa da Praia and the Congo until his death possibly in 2015. Al Shabaab-Mozambique funds itself through heroin, contraband, ivory, raiding, and selling the local girls into slavery...
as well as Abu Yasir Hassan
...does that mean he’s not actually seven years a-mouldering in the grave?
and Bonomade Machude Omar,
ISIS-Mozambique/Al Shabaab-ISIS’s senior military commander, which is indeed a kind of key leader, especially if one is sure he’s not already dead...
who hold key leadership roles in the group. The sanctioned group and individuals are responsible for terrorist attacks and serious human rights
...which are usually entirely different from personal liberty...

Their activities contribute to the expansion of the terrorist threat in Mozambique and pose a serious threat to the EU and to regional and international stability.

With these new listings, a total of 15 persons are now subject to a travel ban and an asset freeze, and five groups to an asset freeze. In addition, EU persons and operators are forbidden from making funds or economic resources available to the listed persons and groups.

Today's decision reconfirms the EU's resolve in countering the continued terrorist threat posed by al-Qaeda, ISIS/Da'esh, and their regional affiliates.

The EU remains committed to taking decisive action against those who continue to threaten international peace and security by planning, financing, and committing terrorist attacks, and by spreading their deadly terrorist propaganda around the world.

Alongside the targeted sanctions, the EU deploys a wide variety of initiatives as part of an integrated approach — encompassing humanitarian, development, peacebuilding, and security actions — to address the armed violence in Cabo Delgado. Under this approach, the EU has been supporting displaced people fleeing violence and providing food and basic goods to local populations suffering as a result of the grave humanitarian situation.

The EU has also put in place multidimensional security support consisting of the deployment of an EU military training mission (EUTM Mozambique) and the delivery of non-lethal equipment through the European Peace Facility, and an EU counter-terrorism expert assisting in the police and law-enforcement sector in Mozambique. In addition, the EU supports regional and bilateral security efforts in Cabo Delgado.
Cabo Delgado: 2023-01-16 Islamic State Mozambique Recruiting Youths By Promising Fake Jobs In Cabo Delgado Warns Defense Minister Urges Youth
Cabo Delgado: 2022-10-21 GemfieldsGroup stops operations at its Montepuez ruby mine in Mozambique’s Cabo Delgado province after an attack is reported at a nearby facility
Cabo Delgado: 2022-10-16 Mozambique jihadi violence spreads despite military effort
Abu Yasir Hassan: 2022-10-16 Mozambique jihadi violence spreads despite military effort
Abu Yasir Hassan: 2022-10-01 ISIS fanatics are mauled to death and eaten by LIONS while hiding out during battle over gas reserves in Mozambique
Abu Yasir Hassan: 2022-02-27 Terror threat morphs in Mozambique
Bonomade Machude Omar: 2021-08-09 Al-Shabaab spokesman among five extremists added to US global terror list

Africa Subsaharan
Mozambique jihadi violence spreads despite military effort
NANJUA, Mozambique (AP) — Fleeing beheadings, shootings, rapes and kidnappings, nearly 1 million people are displaced by the Islamic extremist insurgency in northern Mozambique.

The 5-year wave of jihadi violence in Cabo Delgado province has killed more than 4,000 people and scuppered international investments worth billions of dollars.

In a sprawl of dilapidated tents and thatched huts around Nanjua, a small town in the southern part of Cabo Delgado province, several hundred families are seeking safety from the violence. They say their conditions are bleak and food assistance is meager but they’re afraid to return home because of continuing violence by the rebels who are now going by the name Islamic State Mozambique Province.
...since 2018 known formally as Islamic State Central Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), whence they moved in 2015 from the Congo, where they had called themselves Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), more formally as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamah (ASWJ, adepts of the prophetic tradition). Originally led by Abu Yasir Hassan of Tanzania (also known as Yaseer Hassan and Abu Qasim), who moved between Mocimboa da Praia and the Congo until his death possibly in 2015. Al Shabaab-Mozambique funds itself through heroin, contraband, ivory, raiding, and selling the local girls into slavery...
More than 1.000 miles south, however, government officials in the capital Maputo are saying the insurgency is under control and are encouraging the displaced to return to their homes and energy companies to resume their projects.

"The terrorists are on the run permanently," Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi assured investors at the Mozambique Energy and Gas Summit in Maputo in September. He urged the gathering of international energy executives to resume work on their stalled liquefied natural gas projects.
Cabo Delgado: 2022-10-01 ISIS fanatics are mauled to death and eaten by LIONS while hiding out during battle over gas reserves in Mozambique
Cabo Delgado: 2022-07-08 Al-Shabaab financing A-Qaeda groups in Mozambique and Nigeria - president
Cabo Delgado: 2022-06-20 Victoria Nuland gives Mozambique $140,000,000 to rebuild after jihad devastation

Africa Subsaharan
ISIS fanatics are mauled to death and eaten by LIONS while hiding out during battle over gas reserves in Mozambique
Are the lions OK?
  • ISIS insurgents in Mozambique
    ...since 2018 known formally as Islamic State Central Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), whence they moved in 2015 from the Congo, where they had called themselves Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), more formally as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamah (ASWJ, adepts of the prophetic tradition). Originally led by Abu Yasir Hassan of Tanzania (also known as Yaseer Hassan and Abu Qasim), who moved between Mocimboa da Praia and the Congo until his death possibly in 2015. Al Shabaab-Mozambique funds itself through heroin, contraband, ivory, raiding, and selling the local girls into slavery...
    were mauled and eaten by lions after a battle
    Inshallah. Clearly their actions displeased their god.
  • They died in military operation in Cabo Delgado after killing villagers in the area

  • Local police said they died from guns, lions, crocodiles, snakes and buffaloes
    ...suggesting Allah is not merely displeased, but seriously annoyed...
  • Mozambican forces said that they captured four jihadists who were involved in recruiting and radicalising people and said 16 more died

  • Violence in Cabo Delgado is over multi-billion dollar natural gas reserves, third largest on the continent
    ... Cabo Delgado is known for coal and ruby mines, natural gas, and jihad...
Deaths in Cabo Delgado have already topped 4,000 and around 950,000 people have been displaced from their homes. The province which borders Tanzania is the only area of Mozambique with a Muslim majority and is a heavily neglected area.
Cabo Delgado: 2022-07-08 Al-Shabaab financing A-Qaeda groups in Mozambique and Nigeria - president
Cabo Delgado: 2022-06-20 Victoria Nuland gives Mozambique $140,000,000 to rebuild after jihad devastation
Cabo Delgado: 2022-05-24 Mozambique insurgency: Why 24 countries have sent troops

Africa Subsaharan
Terror threat morphs in Mozambique
[DW] The insurgency in Mozambique's Cabo Delgado province is spreading to neighboring regions, according to a new study. This comes despite the intervention of SADC and Rwandan troops.

Mozambique's al-Shabaab militia, whose name comes from the Arabic for youth and which has no relation to Somalia's al-Shabaab terrorist group,
... actually, they hired members of Somalia’s Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabaab to train them in jihadi skills, explaining the local nickname. Since 2018 they’ve been known formally as Islamic State Central Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), whence they moved in 2015 from the Congo, where they had called themselves Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), more formally as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamah (ASWJ, adepts of the prophetic tradition). Originally led by Abu Yasir Hassan of Tanzania (also known as Yaseer Hassan and Abu Qasim), who moved between Mocimboa da Praia and jihadis in the Congo until 2015, when he may or may not have died. Al Shabaab-Mozambique funds itself through heroin, contraband, ivory, raiding, and selling the local girls into slavery...
has been carrying out brutal attacks in the nation's most northern province, Cabo Delgado,
.. known for coal and ruby mines, natural gas, and jihad...
since 2017.

Africa Subsaharan
ISIS-linked extremists decapitate Christian pastor before handing his severed head to his wife to show authorities in Mozambique
[Daily Mail, where America gets its news]
  • Killing reportedly took place in the country's gas-rich province Cabo Delgado
    ... known for coal and ruby mines, natural gas, and jihad...
  • Police said the widow arrived to the local police headquarters last Wednesday

  • Cabo Delgado province has been rocked by attacks by ISIS-linked militants since 2017,
    ...since 2018 known formally as Islamic State West Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), informally as Al Shabaab (the youths). They appeared in Mozambique in 2015, calling themselves Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), more formally as Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamah (ASWJ, adepts of the prophetic tradition). Led by Abu Yasir Hassan (also known as Yaseer Hassan and Abu Qasim), the 40-ish Tanzanian religious leader moved between Mocimboa da Praia and jihadis in the Congo until 2015, when Tanzania authorities think he he died, though the Americans strongly disagree. They hired members of Somali Al Shabaab (linked to Al Qaeda) to train them in jihadi skills, explaining the local nickname. Al Shabaab-Mozambique funds itself through heroin, contraband, ivory, raiding, and selling the local girls into slavery...
    killing at least 3,340 people and displacing more than 800,000
Cabo Delgado: 2021-12-08 Mozambique jihadists kidnap 600 women, girls since 2018: HRW
Cabo Delgado: 2021-10-26 Two dead in bus explosion near Kampala, Uganda
Cabo Delgado: 2021-10-25 Deadly blast in Ugandan capital 'seems to be a terrorist act', ISIS claims it

Security forces arrest an ISIS '’General Prince'' after a multi-governorate manhunt
[SHAFAQ] A force from the Iraqi National Security Services apprehended a senior ISIS terrorist after a long manhunt throughout three governorates.

A statement issued earlier today, Monday, by the Security Media Cell (SMC) said that the terrorist served in a variety of different positions in the terrorist organization, most prominently the "General Prince" to the Shamiya, Raqqa, Badiya, Saladin, and Baghdad provinces.

The arrestee confessed to orchestrating many terrorist operations against civilians and security forces, in addition to his intentions to devise terrorist plots against targets in Baghdad.
Rudaw gives his title as emir, adding:
Iraq’s National Security Service (INSS) announced on Monday the arrest of the "Emir of Baghdad", considered one of the most prominent leaders of the Islamic State (ISIS) in the capital.

The INNS published a video of the arrest and alleged confession of the accused, who joined a terrorist group known as "Ansar al-Sunna"
...a common jihadi group name meaning The Helpers of the Sunnah. The one in Iraq is more fully known as Jamaat Ansar al-Sunnah or Jaish Ansar al-Sunna. It was a coalition of smaller jihadi groups based in northern and central Iraq (controlling the cities of Fallujah, Ramadi, Samarra, and Baquba), drawing turbans from both Arab and Kurd Sunni populations to fight against the American Coalition after 2003...
in 2008, before joining ISIS in 2011.

The suspect had held several positions within the terror group, he claimed, the most important of which was the so-called Emir of Baghdad. He also served as the Emir of several other areas, including Raqqa – the terror group’s Syrian capital – and confessed that he was planning to carry out several attacks in Baghdad.

One of his main tasks was to recruit new members for the extremist group, he added.
ISIS: 2021-07-18 Good Morning
ISIS: 2021-07-18 Finland has repatriated nearly 30 ISIS-linked nationals so far: envoy
ISIS: 2021-07-18 SDF arrests gunrunners in Syria's Deir ez-Zor

Africa Subsaharan
Mozambique army says town attacked by Islamic State-linked insurgents is now secure
[AlAhram] The town of Palma in northern Mozambique that was attacked by Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
-linked Death Eaters in late March is now secure after the military killed a "significant number" of murderous Moslems and cleared one final area, an army front man said.

"We have completed the clearing (of the town). It was the only sensitive area that we needed to clear. ... It is completely safe," front man Chongo Vigidal said, in comments broadcast by state TV channel TVM late on Sunday.

Insurgents on March 24 attacked the coastal town of Palma, near natural gas projects worth $60 billion that are meant to transform Mozambique's economy. Clashes continued nearby as recently as Friday, security sources say.

Rooters has not been able to verify the accounts from Palma independently. Most means of communication with the town were cut off after the attack began.

Footage taken by TVM in Palma showed a soldier covering a body lying in the street and burned buildings.

Mozambique's defence ministry did not respond to a Rooters request for comment on Monday.

Islamic State-linked Death Eaters have been increasingly active in the surrounding province of Cabo Delgado since 2017, although it is unclear whether they have a unified aim or what specifically they are fighting for.
They appear to be one of those homegrown groups pursuing longstanding local grievances against the Powers That Be, borrowing the ideological trappings of a war against "infidels" to make themselves look more meaningful... and more terrifying. They have many names: Islamic State Central Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama (ASWJ - Adepts of the Prophetic Tradition), shorter Ansar al-Sunna (Supporters of the Tradition), and informally as Al Shabaab-Mozambique. Appearing in Mozambique in 2015 with Tanzanian leadership, they hired members of Somali Al Shabaab to teach them jihading skillz, then split into various cells. They fund themselves through heroin, contraband, the ivory trade, and the usual raiding...
Aid groups believe the latest attack displaced tens of thousands of people, many of whom fled to safety in dense forest areas nearby or by boat.
Palma: 2021-04-04 Mozambique: South Africa deploys forces after jihadist attack
Palma: 2021-04-01 African Insurgents Pry Open New Fronts for Jihadist Campaigns
Palma: 2021-04-01 Mozambique's extremist violence poses threat for neighbors
Cabo Delgado: 2021-04-04 Mozambique: South Africa deploys forces after jihadist attack
Cabo Delgado: 2021-04-01 Mozambique's extremist violence poses threat for neighbors
Cabo Delgado: 2021-03-30 Islamic State claims deadly attack on northern Mozambique gas town

Africa North
Cairo appeal court drops charges against 20 NGOs in 2011 'foreign funding case'
[AlAhram] Today’s ruling consequently lifts asset freezes and travel bans on 20 NGOs, which are included in case No.173

The Cairo Appeal Court issued a ruling on Tuesday, dropping charges against 20 NGOs in the 2011 foreign funding case, a judicial statement read, a few months after 20 others were also acquitted of charges.

The new ruling consequently lifts asset freezes and travel bans on the new 20 NGOs, which are included in case No.173.

The NGOs in the case, which dates back to the January Revolution in 2011 that toppled late President Hosni Mubarak
...The former President-for-Life of Egypt, dumped by popular demand in early 2011...
, faced allegations of receiving foreign funds.

Defendants in the case faced prison sentences in 2013 that ranged between one to five years but were acquitted in 2018.

Today’s ruling denies any motion to move forward with a criminal case against five of these NGOs due to the absence of any crime and the acquittal of the remaining 15 NGOs due to insufficient evidence.

The first five NGOs are the Association for the Advancement of Education, Catholic Relief Services Egypt, Ansar al-Sunnah al-Mohamadeya,
... Supporters of the Tradition — queerly enough, there are jihadi groups called Ansar al Sunnah scattered all over the world...
Transparency International, and Caritas Egypt.

The remaining 15 NGOs include the Salam Institute for Peace and Justice; Ro’yah for Social Studies; Bokra for Media Productions, Media Studies and Human Rights; and the Right to Democracy and Human Rights Centre.

They also include the Human Development Association; the New Future Family Centre for Legal Studies and Human Rights; the Foundation of Full Promotion of Women and Development; New Perspectives for Social Development; the Female Lawyers Union; the People’s Rights Centre; the Transparency Centre for Development Training and Studies; the Association for the Development of Society, Women, Children, and the Environment; the Politics Association for an Open Society, the Technology Centre for Human Rights; and the Union of Rural Development.

The names of these groups were literally translated from Arabic as their exact names in English could not be verified.

"Civil society performs a pivotal role in sustainable development. This is its role that we believe in and in its importance and that all state institutions believe in," a judicial statement read.

The statement urged all Egyptian and foreign organizations, associations, institutions, unions, and entities in Egypt to settle their legal situation with the authorities in accordance with the law.

In December last year, the court issued a ruling lifting asset freezes and travel bans on 20 other NGOs in the case. Charges were also dropped against 14 organizations for insufficient evidence and six for absence of crime.

The six NGOs included the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES); Yalla Nesharek for Social Development; Internews Network; the Naqib Corporation for Training and Democracy Support (NCTDS); the al-Amal Charitable Society in Minya; and the Moslem Family Association in Damanhour.

The other 14 included the National Center for Human Rights; Sahm al-Theqa Association; Hand in Hand for Egypt Association; the Middle East for Development and Human Rights Foundation; Development Resources Center; the Human Rights Centre for the Assistance of Prisoners (HRCAP); and the Egyptian Centre for Development and Democratic Studies.

The list also includes the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs; Coptic Orphans Organisation; El-Sadat Association for Social Development and Welfare; the Egyptian Democratic Institute; the Egyptian Centre for Human Rights; the Maet Center for Constitutional and Legal Studies; and the Future Generation Association.

Some of the exact names of these NGOs could not be verified.

Egypt last year ratified the bylaws of a new NGO law to regulate the work of tens of thousands of NGOs in Egypt.

This comes after an existing version of the law was criticized for imposing steep restrictions on the work of these organizations in the country.

Africa Subsaharan
Islamic State claims deadly attack on northern Mozambique gas town
[AlAhram] IS said its fighters had taken control of the town after days of festivities with security forces, and said it had killed at least 55 people including soldiers, destroyed buildings and seized vehicles

Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
on Monday formally claimed an attack on the northern Mozambique gas town of Palma, in which dozens of people, including foreign workers, were killed.
This particular branch has many names: Islamic State West Africa Province-Mozambique (ISCAP), Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama (ASWJ - Adepts of the Prophetic Tradition), shorter Ansar al-Sunna (Supporters of the Tradition), and informally as Al Shabaab-Mozambique. Appearing in Mozambique in 2015 with Tanzanian leadership, they hired members of Somali Al Shabaab to teach them jihading skillz, then split into various cells. They fund themselves through heroin, contraband, the ivory trade, and the usual raiding...
The group made the claim on its Amaq news agency, saying its fighters had taken control of the town after days of festivities with security forces, and said it had killed at least 55 people including soldiers, destroyed buildings and seized vehicles.

The government confirmed on Sunday that dozens of people had been killed in the attack on Palma, adjacent to gas developments worth $60 billion, which began on Wednesday.

They included at least one South African citizen. Britannia's Times newspaper reported that a Brit had died.

The SITE Intelligence Group said Islamic State had described the foreign nationals as contractors and also provided a photograph taken in Palma.

Palma is located in the province of Cabo Delgado, home since 2017 to a simmering Islamist insurgency linked to Islamic State.
All Africa adds:
The Mozambican defence and security forces launched an offensive on Sunday against Islamic State terrorists in the northern town of Palma, reports Sunday's issue of the independent newssheet "Carta de Mocambique".

The terrorists, known locally as "Al Shabaab", launched a three pronged attack on Wednesday afternoon against Palma, and sporadic clashes continued for the next three days.

According to "Carta de Mocambique", the Mozambican offensive on Sunday involved ground and naval units, with air support. It was successful in driving the terrorists out of the town.

One of the paper's sources said "The insurgents are running away. They've run out of ammunition and food, and they're fleeing towards the Rovuma river (the border with Tanzania)".

But the paper claimed that terrorist reinforcements are arriving, and clashes have resumed in the vicinity of Palma.

One particularly alarming report came from the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) , which said "at least 12 South African citizens" are believed to be part of the group that attacked Palma.

The radio claimed that many South African security experts are calling for SADC (Southern African Development Community) to intervene and counter the possibility of any terror attacks on South Africa.

The Senior Training Coordinator at the South African Institute of Security Studies (ISS), Willem Els, said the islamist raids in Mozambique pose a huge threat to South Africa, both politically and economically.

A South African police spokesperson, he said, had admitted there were at least 12 South Africans fighting with the Islamic State terrorists in Mozambique. "That gives you an indication that they are very active in their recruitment here in South Africa", he told SABC. "Unfortunately, it will have a spin-off in South Africa; not only on the political front, but also on the economic front as you can see lots of South Africans are working there (in Cabo Delgado)."


Palma: 2021-03-28 Mozambique: Multiple People Trapped in Mozambique Hotel After Militant Attack
Palma: 2021-03-26 Mozambique: Defence Ministry Confirms Attack Against Palma
Palma: 2021-02-10 12 die in Chihuahua state
South Africa: 2021-03-27 Ilana Mercer: Americans Should Recall How Foreign-Policy Alinskyites Destroyed South Africa
South Africa: 2021-03-25 The president of Malawi's bodyguard amassed dozens of cars and houses
South Africa: 2021-03-20 U.S. 'Green Berets' Training Mozambican Marines

Africa Subsaharan
Insurgents change tactics as Mozambique seeks help
[DefenceWeb] Cabo Delgado province in Northern Mozambique has seen a dramatic spike in attacks in recent days, including a spectacular ‘hearts and minds’ operation by insurgents in the strategic coastal town of Mocímboa da Praia.

The town is close to Mozambique’s natural gas production installations. Several companies are reportedly now for the first time planning to evacuate some employees who hadn’t already left due to fears of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ISIS-inspired Ahlu-Sunnah Wal Jama’at (Al-Sunnah)
...Ansar al-Sunna (supporters of the tradition), known formally as “Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo” with various spellings of the final word (adepts of the prophetic tradition) and informally by the locals as Al Shabaab. Appearing in Mozambique in 2015, this particular Ansar al Sunna were originally followers of the radical Kenyan cleric Aboud Rogo, who was killed in 2012. They seem to be your standard takfiris, happily enforcing their Salafist rules on the surrounding populace. Apparently they hired members of Somali Al Shabaab to train them in jihading, then split into various cells. Ansar al-Sunna funds itself through heroin, contraband and the ivory trade...
attackers were met with little resistance, as there was only a handful of soldiers, some of them apparently asleep, at the time of the invasion.

The armed men burnt government property including buildings and military assets, banks and cars, but didn’t seem to go on a large-scale killing spree, as they’ve done since the insurgency began over two years ago. (The insurgents claimed to have killed several members of the security forces, but local authorities haven’t released any official figures of casualties.) Instead the attackers distributed food and then left the village, with some local inhabitants cheering them on.
More at the link
Cabo Delgado: 2020-03-26 Mozambique Islamist insurgency intensifies
Cabo Delgado: 2020-02-09 Islamist insurgency in Mozambique escalates attacks, beheadings reported
Cabo Delgado: 2019-11-11 ISIS claims capture of a town in Mozambique!

Africa Subsaharan
Islamist insurgency in Mozambique escalates attacks, beheadings reported
[Jpost] People are fleeing a surge of attacks in northern Mozambique where witnesses have described beheadings, mass kidnappings and villages burned to the ground, the United Nations
...an organization conceived in the belief that we're just one big happy world, with the sort of results you'd expect from such nonsense...
said on Friday.

Officials said gangs had stepped up assaults in Cabo Delgado province, the center of an Islamist insurgency that has killed hundreds since it started in 2017.

The northern region is also home to one of the world's biggest recent gas finds, where Exxon Mobil Corp, Total and others are working.

Displaced villagers have described killings, maiming, torture and destroyed crops, Andrej Mahecic, the front man for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said.

"They speak of men in particular being targeted and beheaded, and many, many reports of women and kiddies ... being kidnapped or simply disappearing," he told a briefing in Geneva.

Some of the attackers appeared to be bandidos. "But there is also the element of some of the groups being driven by ideological or other ideas. And they have been quite vicious ... in spreading the terror in this part of Mozambique," Mahecic added.

The UNHCR said there had been a sharp increase in violence in recent months, and the past weeks had been the most turbulent period since attacks began in October 2017. In all, 100,000 people have been uprooted by the violence in the last two years.

"In total, at least 28 attacks were carried out in the province since the beginning of the year," Mahecic said.

The forces of Evil - who tout their brand of Islam as an antidote to what they describe as a corrupt ruling elite - called themselves Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama when they started launching attacks in 2017.
...Ansar al-Sunna (Supporters of the tradition), known formally as “Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jamo" (adepts of the prophetic tradition) and informally by the locals as Al Shabaab. Appearing in Mozambique in 2015, this particular Ansar al Sunna were originally followers of the radical Kenyan cleric Aboud Rogo, who was killed in 2012. They seem to be your standard takfiris, happily enforcing their Salafist rules on the surrounding populace. Apparently they hired members of Somali Al Shabaab to train them in jihading, then split into various cells. Ansar al-Sunna funds itself through heroin, contraband and the ivory trade.
More recently, Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
has grabbed credit via its media outlets, though there has been no independent confirmation of a link.
Mozambique: 2019-11-29 Mozambique Urges End to ‘Black Magic' Murder, Rape, Dismemberment of Albinos
Mozambique: 2019-11-26 Next in Line to Lead al-Qa`ida: A Profile of Abu Muhammad al-Masri
Mozambique: 2019-11-11 ISIS claims capture of a town in Mozambique!
Cabo Delgado: 2019-11-11 ISIS claims capture of a town in Mozambique!
Cabo Delgado: 2019-07-07 Seven Killed in Mozambique Jihadist Attack Claimed by IS
Cabo Delgado: 2019-05-07 Militant attacks in Mozambique kill seven, threaten voter registration
Ahlu Sunnah Wa-Jama: 2019-01-30 3 Ugandans held over attacks in Mozambique's gas-rich north

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