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Ahmed Qorei Ahmed Qorei Palestinian Authority Israel-Palestine Palestinian 20020609  

PLO Picks New Leaders at Landmark Meeting
[Asharq al-Aswat] The parliament of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) elected on Thursday six new members to its executive body.

Among the six elected are Ahmed Qorei, a veteran who recently lost his position in the leadership of the secular Fatah movement, along with top negotiator Saeb Erakat, and lawmaker Hanan Ashrawi, a PLO spokesman said.

The Palestinian National Council (PNC), the organisation's parliament, last held a plenary meeting in 1996, and was replacing members of the PLO's 18-member Executive Committee who have since died.

Among Executive Committee members who died in recent years was iconic Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who passed away in 2004 in a Paris hospital.

The Executive Committee is headed by Palestinian Authority president Mahmud Abbas.

The PLO groups the main Palestinian nationalist factions, including Abbas's Fatah, but not the Islamist Hamas which has ruled the Gaza enclave since 2007.

It created the Palestinian Authority in July 1994 when Arafat returned to Palestinian land after 27 years in exile.

The international community recognises the PLO as the "sole and legitimate" representative of the Palestinian people, but Hamas disputes that claim and has in the past sought to create a rival body.

Give us a State and the Juice can stay
RAMALLAH: Ahmed Qorei, the head of Palestinian negotiating team with Israel, said that Jewish occupiers could live under Palestinian law and can become Palestinian citizens.

“(Former US Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice told me she understood our position about Ariel but that Ma’aleh Adumim (an Israeli settlement in part of the West Bank that would become part of a Palestinian state) was a different matter,” Qorei said in an interview yesterday with the Israeli daily Haaretz.

“I told her, and (former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi) Livni, that those residents of Ma’aleh Adumim or Ariel who would rather stay in their homes could live under Palestinian rule and law, just like the Israeli Arabs who live among you. They could hold Palestinian and Israeli nationalities. If they want it — welcome,” Qorei said when asked if Israel would agree to evacuate Ma’aleh Adumim’s 35,000 occupiers.

“Israeli settlements in the heart of the territories would be a recipe for problems. Israel evacuated all the settlements in Yamit and in the Gaza Strip. All the prime ministers who negotiated with Syria, including Netanyahu, agreed to evacuate all the settlements from (the Golan) Heights. So why is it so difficult for you to evacuate the settlements in the West Bank?”

Qorei added that “negotiating the annexation of Ariel to Israel is a waste of time. Ma’aleh Adumim and Givat Ze’ev must also be part of Palestine. Any agreement must guarantee our territorial contiguity; leave historical sites in our hands, especially Jerusalem, as well as natural resources, especially water.”

Two Israelis, seven Palestinians killed
Two young Israeli settlers were killed by Palestinian gunmen on Friday while on a ramble in the south of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, emergency services said. The two men in their 20s were fired on as they were walking with a female friend to a spring west of the flashpoint city of Hebron and the settlement of Telem. The woman was in a state of shock but escaped unharmed after hiding from the gunmen, she told the emergency services. Israeli troops launched a manhunt for the killers.

Seven Palestinians killed: Seven Palestinian militants, one of them a senior commander, were killed and 16 other people wounded in the Gaza Strip on Thursday in four Israeli raids on the Hamas-run territory, medics and witnesses said.

In the first Gaza raid three men - two of them from the radical Islamic Jihad group and a third from the armed wing of Hamas - were killed around the southern town of Khan Yunis. Six people were also wounded. The Israeli army said that infantry units backed by air power carried out a “routine operation” targeting gunmen who were firing rockets and mortars into Israel. “Units that entered several kilometres (miles) into the Gaza Strip were fired at by an anti-tank shell. They responded and hit three armed men,” said a spokesman.

Shortly afterwards, two Islamic Jihad militants were killed and two wounded in an air raid in the central Gaza Strip, medics said.

“The military carried out an air raid in the central Gaza Strip against a vehicle loaded with weapons and carrying terrorists that was headed to carry out an attack,” an Israeli spokesman said. “The vehicle was hit.” A third Israeli raid, which witnesses said was carried out by either helicopters or drones, killed an Islamic Jihad militant and wounded two more south of Gaza City, medical sources said. Islamic Jihad named the dead man as Mohammed Abdullah, 40, a senior commander of its Al-Quds Brigades military wing who operated under the nom de guerre of Abu Morshild. An Israeli army spokesman confirmed an air raid had been carried out.

Last week, the Israeli military killed Islamic Jihad’s Gaza commander Majed al-Harazin and 12 other militants in a series of raids. In the fourth Gaza raid a Hamas member was killed near Khan Yunis. Five other people were wounded by air to surface missiles, medics said.

In a raid in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers killed a member of the security force of former Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qorei, currently the senior Palestinian peace negotiator with Israel, witnesses said. Motassem Ash-Sharif, 22, was killed while trying to flee Israeli soldiers who had arrived at his house, the witnesses said.

Palestinian PM quits, says Hamas must form governmemt
RAMALLAH, West Bank : Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qorei announced his resignation and said the radical Islamist group Hamas must form the next government after the general election.

The announcement came as Hamas looked set for a stunning victory over Fatah in the Palestinian election, plunging the stalled Middle East peace process into further turmoil.

Senior officials from Fatah, the movement which has dominated Palestinian politics for years, privately acknowledged that they had been beaten into second place by Hamas which was contesting its first parliamentary election.

The central elections commission said the official result would not be announced until 7 pm (1700 GMT), but Hamas was confident that it would now have an absolute majority in the 132-seat parliament.
'It's all happening' as they say in the cricket.

Qorei quits election race
RAMALLAH - Former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei has decided to abandon his bid for a seat in parliament less than two weeks after resigning to contest, senior Palestinian officials said on Friday.

They said Qorei had sent a letter to President Mahmoud Abbas to say that he wanted the elections postponed and that he opposed a plan to merge two rival lists of candidates from the ruling Fatah movement -- a bid to heal a party rift. Qorei’s letter said he wanted to withdraw as a candidate. He was not immediately available for comment.
"Please don't let them kill me!"

Abbas scrambles to heal split in Palestinian Fatah
RAMALLAH - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas scrambled on Thursday to heal a split in his ruling Fatah party after young dissidents dealt him a serious blow less than six weeks before parliamentary elections.
All the king's horses, and all the king's men ...
Defying Abbas, a younger generation of Fatah leaders led by jailed firebrand Marwan Barghouthi announced on Wednesday night they were running for parliament on a competing ticket, triggering one of the gravest crises in Fatah’s 40-year history.
Like re-heating a soufflé ...
The official Fatah list presented with Abbas’s approval included Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei, a former Yasser Arafat loyalist. Qorei resigned on Thursday, as required by law for cabinet members running for parliament. There was no immediate word on who would replace him.

The rebels launched what was seen as a bold bid to shake up the party’s old guard leadership and fend off Hamas, which is contesting its first legislative election on Jan. 25.
Trying to put the jinn back into the bottle ...
Fatah officials began contacts to unify their party, long the dominant force in Palestinian politics. Abbas spoke overnight by phone to Barghouthi, serving five life terms in Israel over militant attacks during the Palestinian uprising, and they agreed to further discussions. Barghouthi’s supporters believe he could be freed in a future peace deal.

“We will employ every damage-control mechanism to avoid Fatah’s division,” Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said.
About as likely as tickets to the Beatles reunion.
The dissidents, unhappy about not getting enough slots on the Fatah ticket, registered their own list before the Wednesday deadline but insisted they were not quitting Fatah. Fatah’s younger generation has voiced fears that continued domination by the old guard, widely viewed as tainted by corruption and cronyism, will benefit Hamas.

Paleo security making "100% effort," stopped 48 terrorist attacks
All the background stuff removed.
Palestinian security forces foiled 48 attempted attacks against Israeli targets last month, prime minister Ahmed Qorei said as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was due in the region on a new peace push. "Palestinian security forces last month foiled 48 attempted attacks against Israeli targets. This is because Palestinian security is making a 100 percent effort," Qorei told reporters on Sunday.

MPs Tell Abbas to Name New Cabinet
Deputies yesterday called on President Mahmoud Abbas to sack the Cabinet for failing to stamp out chaos in the streets as Palestinian policemen stormed into Gaza’s Parliament building to demand a crackdown on militants. The Palestinian Parliament ordered Abbas to appoint a new government because of the current regime’s failure to impose order on spiraling chaos in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The surprise vote came shortly after dozens of armed policemen burst into Parliament to protest against massive insecurity one day after the first deadly internecine clashes since Israel left the Gaza Strip last month.

Deputies voted overwhelmingly by 43 to five in favor of forcing Abbas to reshuffle his Cabinet within two weeks, although the Palestinian Authority president is not obliged to fire his Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei. MPs considered but discarded a formal censure motion against the government which would have seen Qorei, who is currently abroad, step down immediately. “We are on the verge of civil war if the situation remains out of control,” said Qaddoura Fares, a reformist legislator with Abbas’ mainstream Fatah movement.

Qorei shoulders blame for Gaza, West Bank anarchy
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qorei said on Tuesday he accepted full responsibility for rampant insecurity in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Fall guy enters, stage left.
His comments come less than a week before MPs are to debate and vote on a no-confidence motion blaming him and his administration for failing to adequately counter the chaos gripping parts of the Palestinian territories.

“The security situation is very serious. Chaos, murders, crime and gun-carrying continue,” Qorei told reporters after a weekly cabinet meeting in the West Bank town of Ramallah. “As long as I am prime minister I assume full responsibility although my job does not give me direct security control,” he said.
"In fact, I can't do nuttin!"
“The presidency (of the Palestinian Authority), the government and security services, as well as the nationalist and Islamist factions must shoulder collective responsibility,” he said.

Abbas Faces Crisis Over Gaza Chaos
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas faced a brewing political crisis yesterday as he scrambled to quell chaos in Gaza following Israel’s withdrawal from the territory. Lawmakers submitted a request for a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei and his cabinet, all Abbas appointees, in protest at the failure of security forces to control lawlessness after 38 years of Israeli occupation. Abbas can ill afford further political instability as he struggles to impose order in the Gaza Strip, which is seen as a proving ground for Palestinian aspirations of statehood.

A government shakeup could create problems for Abbas and his ruling Fatah faction in the run-up to long-delayed parliamentary elections scheduled for January. Reflecting growing public anger over the wave of anarchy, 16 Palestinian lawmakers, including Fatah members and independents, requested a special session for a no-confidence vote that could take place as early as next week. At least 43 lawmakers in the 86-member Palestinian Legislative Council must cast a vote of no confidence in the government to bring it down.

Palestinian PM surveys Gaza wreckage
Yeah. Get used to it...
NEVE DEKALIM, Gaza Strip (AFP) - Palestinian prime minister Ahmed Qorei surveyed the wreckage of Israel's former Gaza Strip settlements after his government was handed control of the whole territory. As locals continued a looting spree the day after Israeli troops left the territory, Qorei urged the Palestinian people to protect the land and infrastructure bequeathed by their occupiers, and build for the future.
A little louder, Ahmed. They can't hear you over the riot noise...
The looting and chaos at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, where control has effectively broken down, illustrates the huge task facing the Palestinian leadership to reverse the fortunes of the impoverished strip of coastal land. The international community has placed major stock in the pullout, hoping it can help revive the ailing peace process and put an end to bloodshed that has claimed some 5,000 lives over the last five years, mainly Palestinian.
UN General Secretary Kofi Annan congratulated both Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas and the pullout's architect Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, as the world body prepared to host new talks on the peace process.
Thanks, Kofi. That'll help loads. As usual...
"Please protect this land. It is for you and yours to protect," Qorei said as he toured the main Gush Katif settlement bloc in southern Gaza which housed 15 of the 21 former Jewish enclaves.
In some of the settlements, security forces half-heartedly tried to expel looters but stopped short of using force or confiscating their booty.
Hey! Stop that! Save some for me when I get off shift!
"The (Israeli) tanks destroyed our farms. The Palestinian Authority is all talk and no action," said one looter as he ripped out a 10-foot (three-metre) irrigation hose in Netzer Hazani while others made off with the tarpaulin covering of greenhouses which had been handed over to the Palestinians.
Now we do it ourselves! Self government is a great thing!
People living in nearby towns such as Rafah and Khan Yunis, long barred from entering Gush Katif, ransacked the settlements on Monday. Synagogues which Israel refused to destroy were torched, tiling and piping carted off and the handful of municipal buildings left intact were vandalised. Qorei attributed the scenes of chaos to the pent-up fury felt by people towards their former Israeli neighbours who lived in relative luxury, denying that it exposed any weakness from the Palestinian Authority.
Yeah...pent up fury! That's it!
"This is not a matter of weakness. It is people expressing their feelings that the situation should be changed," he told AFP.
Yeah...expresing their feelings! That's it!
"They wanted access to see there is no more occupation and no more settlers in Gaza," he added. "The nightmare has left."
Oh, I think the nightmare has just started myself...
The mayor of Khan Yunis predicted that the looting would soon die out."Yesterday was horrible, today is less bad and tomorrow will be taper off even more," Osama al-Sarra told AFP.
...as there will be nothing left to loot.
Among their more immediate challenges is how to deal with the situation at Rafah where people were moving back and forth at will between Egypt and Gaza with holes punched through the metal and barbed-wire security fence. On Monday, a Palestinian was shot dead and another wounded as hundreds stormed the Gaza-Egypt buffer zone just hours after Israeli troops withdrew.
Well it looks like we know how Egypt will handle that "immediate challenge"...
Under an agreement with Israel, Egypt has been deploying a 750-strong force to take security responsibility for the border, in an operation to be completed by the end of this week. The torching of several synagogues has angered if not surprised the Israeli government, which ultimately decided it would be better for the Palestinians to demolish them rather than the forces of the Jewish state. The images filled the front-pages of Israeli newspapers on Tuesday, raising fears of possible revenge attacks on mosques.
Oh, no! It's "Muslim oppresssion" time again!
Israel's chief Sephardic rabbi, Shlomo Amar, said he may ostracise any Jew who damages a mosque to avenge the ransackings, as police strengthened surveillance around Muslim places of worship.
They torch synagoges, we protect their mosques.Think there's a moral in there someplace?
Amid the continuing fallout from his disengagement plan, Sharon left for New York where he is to address the UN General Assembly and milk plaudits for his pullout.
Nice dig, AFP. I knew you couldn't let him slide...

Qurei: Israeli Plans Wrecking Chances of a Palestinian State
Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qorei accused Israel yesterday of destroying the chances of a viable Palestinian state by expanding its settlements around Jerusalem as he held a symbolic Cabinet meeting on the outskirts of the city. Qorei said that Israel’s settlement drive and its construction of a separation barrier in the region were leaving Palestinians living in the east of the city in “ghettos”.

“All these things do not leave any room for the creation of a viable Palestinian state,” Qorei told reporters after the meeting. “The Palestinian state should be built on the borders of 1967 and the Palestinians will not accept any state less than that.”

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