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Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
FSB detains 49 militant accomplices who were sending money to Syria
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[Regnum] Almost 50 accomplices of Islamists who transferred money to militants in Syria were detained in 22 regions of Russia. The Center for Public Relations of the FSB of the Russian Federation reported this on February 26.

The FSB, in cooperation with Rosfinmonitoring and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, eliminated the international channel of resource support for militants from “Katiba Tawhid wal-Jihad
Also spelt Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad. The Syrian branch of this Al Qaeda franchise is the Uzbeks/Tajiks/Uighurs section allied to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in Idlib Province, having pulled together fighters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Katibat Imam al Bukhari, and Turkestan Islamic Party. It was listed a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in March, 2022. Back home they mostly cause trouble in post-Soviet Central Asia, Russia and Xinjiang of the Uygur Autonomous Region of China.
(a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), which was coordinated by emissaries located in Syria.

“As a result of the activities carried out on the territory of 22 Russian regions, 49 members of an accomplice terrorist network involved in the collection and transfer of funds for the needs of militants operating in Syria were detained,” the report says.

It is noted that some of them spread radical Islamic ideology in the Muslim Ummah of the Russian Federation via the Internet and justified terrorism.

The department noted that criminal cases have been initiated, operational search activities and investigative actions are ongoing.

As Regnum reported, a student was taken into custody in the Altai Territory for trying to send a parcel of medicines abroad to the militants of the Islamic State (IS, a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation). He established contact with terrorists, and during the conversation expressed a desire to go to Syria and join the ranks of a terrorist organization.

In addition, at the end of 2023, the student purchased a batch of medical supplies needed in real combat conditions. Next, he sent the parcel abroad to the address specified by the “curators” in the interests of a terrorist organization. The mail was promptly seized by FSB operatives. A criminal case has been initiated on this fact.
Katiba Tawhid wal-Jihad: 2022-12-18 Resident of Adygeya convicted of recruiting into a terrorist organization
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2023-08-22 Far-Left Philly Lawyer Shocked to Discover His Son Is Accused Terrorist
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2023-08-15 Philadelphia teen charged with plotting potentially 'catastrophic terrorist attack'
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2022-12-18 Resident of Adygeya convicted of recruiting into a terrorist organization

Home Front: WoT
Far-Left Philly Lawyer Shocked to Discover His Son Is Accused Terrorist
The arrest of the son in question was reported here a week ago, when much was made of the fact that the lad had been in contact with the Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad faction of Al Nusra in Syria, which is made up of Uzbeks/Tajiks/Uighurs — nothing at all to do with the spoilt kid of an Moslem African-American politician.
[PJMedia] After an extensive terrorism investigation in Philadelphia, on Friday, Aug. 11, a jihadi was arrested who was, according to the FBI and Philly officials, planning major jihad massacres, not just in Philadelphia, but around the nation. He had access to guns and was building bombs. Adding to the shock of this was the fact that the young man who was arrested was only seventeen years old, and yet he now stands accused of plotting what the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office said was "the most serious alleged terrorist activity prosecuted in Philadelphia County court in recent history." Even more shocking, it later came to light that he is the son of one of the most prominent criminal defense attorneys in Philadelphia.

The accused terror plotter was arrested at the home of Qawi Abdul-Rahman,
... lawyer, wannabe judge so he could put his thumb on the scales for his people, father of three teenagers, loudly proud to be a child of the US Air Force and the Philadelphia projects — but he lives in the intersection of activist Islam and Black Lives Matter...
a prominent Philadelphia criminal defense attorney who just ran for a seat as a Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge. In a "vote for ten" election on May 16, Abdul-Rahman finished fourteenth, with 3.88% of the vote. In a campaign video, Abdul-Rahman wears a djellaba, a flowing robe that is common in North Africa but usually worn in America only by Moslems who are extremely devout. His forehead also sports a superbly prominent zebiba, a dark mark caused by performing the repeated prostrations that are called for in Islamic prayer, and that is generally understood to be a sign of extraordinary piety.

In a Wednesday report in the Daily Beast, however, Abdul-Rahman admitted that it was indeed his son who had been arrested and professed amazement, staking out the position that he had little or no knowledge of what his son had been up to. He said he was "shocked and devastated" by his son’s arrest; the Beast noted that the young man has been "charged with arson, criminal conspiracy, weapons of mass destruction, and risking catastrophe, among other accusations." Abdul-Rahman insisted, "I didn’t see it coming at all. At all. I go to court because I want people to know that Moslems are out here doing things in the community, for the community. I’m an American like everyone else."

That is exactly what the Philadelphia DA’s office wants people to know as well. In a Monday blurb, it was most concerned with doing all it could to ensure that no one got the idea that this young man’s jihad plot had anything to do with Islam: "The work of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force potentially thwarted a catastrophic terrorist attack in the name of a perverted ideology that in no way, shape, or form represents the beliefs of the overwhelming majority of peace-seeking people of faith, including Moslems."

This kind of thing has become drearily pro forma after every jihad attack and foiled plot, but in this particular case it’s especially unhelpful. Qawi Abdul-Rahman’s judge campaign page features another video that proclaims that "Black Judges Matter." In that video, he complains of judges who don’t give him and his clients the same attention and care they give to his "white counterparts." He complained about judges and court staff "looking at us as if we don’t belong."

...back at the cheese factory, there was only one thought in the mouse's mind: I can do this! I can do this! Then the trap sprung...
Abdul-Rahman has adopted a religion that calls for warfare against unbelievers (cf. Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 9:29, 47:4, etc.) and features many prominent global leaders (such as Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei) who view the United States as a hostile power against which Moslems are or should be in a state of war.

Imagine growing up in a household where such views are frequently aired (which is not to say they necessarily are in Abdul-Rahman’s house). We have seen the combination of the left’s hostility toward the U.S. and Islam’s jihad against America before, notably in Urooj Rahman, a Moslem lawyer in New York City who threw a Molotov cocktail into a police car during the Saint George Floyd
...The patron saint of Minneapolis...

Philadelphia officials are insisting that their young terror suspect was "radicalized on the Internet" and that his plans had nothing to do with Islam, but is anyone there looking into the possibility that his determination to strike against America arose from sources closer to home? Or is such a suggestion so far out of the bounds of our leftist-dominated public discourse today that Philly officials wouldn’t dare even allow themselves to think it? Has no one considered the fact that all the hateful and divisive
...politicians call things divisive when when the other side sez something they don't like. Their own statements are never divisive, they're principled...
rhetoric pouring forth from the left, as well as from some Moslem leaders, is inevitably going to be taken seriously by someone?

Home Front: WoT
Philadelphia teen charged with plotting potentially 'catastrophic terrorist attack'
[NYPOST] A Philadelphia teenager has been charged with plotting a potentially "catastrophic terrorist attack" after federal authorities discovered the teen had been allegedly communicating with an al-Qaeda-affiliated terror group and gathering bomb-making material.

The 17-year-old was taken into custody by FBI SWAT officers at his home in West Philadelphia on Aug. 11 after an investigation headed by the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, officials revealed Monday.

The unnamed teen is suspected to have been in contact with Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad,
...the Syrian branch of this Al Qaeda franchise is the Uzbeks/Tajiks/Uighurs section allied to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in Idlib Province, having pulled together fighters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Katibat Imam al Bukhari, and Turkestan Islamic Party. It was listed a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in March, 2022. Back home they mostly cause trouble in post-Soviet Central Asia, Russia and Xinjiang of the Uygur Autonomous Region of China...
an organization designated as a global terrorist group by the State Department in 2022.

The group, which has links to al Qaeda, primarily operates in Syria’s Idlib Province but is also believed to be responsible for the April 2017 metro attack in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and an August 2016 suicide boom-mobileing outside the Chinese Embassy in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

The juvenile allegedly received guidance from the terror group on how to construct improvised bombs and FBI agents observed the teen purchasing bomb-making materials and "outdoor or tactical gear" before his arrest.

"The work of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force potentially thwarted a catastrophic terrorist attack in the name of a perverted ideology that in no way, shape, or form represents the beliefs of the overwhelming majority of peace-seeking people of faith, including Moslems," Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner said Monday.

"The charges we have filed against this individual represent the most serious alleged terrorist activity prosecuted in Philadelphia County court in recent history. We intend to pursue full accountability for these crimes and will continue to work vigilantly with our law enforcement partners to protect all of our communities from hateful, ideologically driven acts of violence," he added.

The suspect, who wasn’t named by officials because of his status as a juvenile, will avoid federal charges for now. US attorney offices generally do not handle juvenile cases, even those related to terrorism.

a lie repeated often enough remains a lie...
the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office will file a motion to prosecute the suspect as an adult and charges could be escalated to the federal level as the investigation continues, Krasner said Monday.

The teenager has been charged with weapons of mass destruction, criminal conspiracy, arson, causing/risking catastrophe, attempt to commit criminal mischief, possession of an instrument of crime, and recklessly endangering another person.

FBI Special Agent in Charge Jacqueline Maguire said Monday that the teenager "appeared to be taking steps to travel overseas for the purpose of joining, or supporting, terrorist activity."

"Most concerning however, was the evidence that he had access to firearms and had purchased items and materials commonly used in the construction of improvised bombs," McGuire said.

In the last few weeks, the suspect had allegedly been surveilled purchasing tactical equipment, chemicals, wiring, and devices that could be used as remote detonators.

On Aug. 8, 2023, U.S. Customs and Border Protection also provided records to authorities which revealed 14 international shipments of military and tactical gear to the juvenile’s address.

"I think it’s very fair to say that lives were saved because of this investigation," McGuire added.

A 2018 bulletin from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence warns that teenagers are "particularly vulnerable" to being radicalized by terror groups that often gear their messaging toward youths, and plots and attacks by minors in the US and abroad are "likely to endure."

"ISIS and al-Qa’ida continue to influence minors through online messaging to plan and conduct attacks," the DNI memo states. "For example, in October 2018, the al-Abd al-Faqir Media Foundation—a pro-ISIS media outfit—launched its first Arabic-language magazine titled ’Youth Of The Caliphate,’ aimed at young supporters."

The missive to law enforcement notes that there were "few identifiable behaviors that raised suspicion or concern" in several terrorism cases involving minors, underscoring the challenge law enforcement face in identifying juvenile terrorists.

"Violent bad boys’ use or encouragement of minors to conduct attacks probably stems in part from their desire to influence impressionable supporters and circumvent CT security measures that monitor for suspicious activities conducted by adults," the DNI note states.
West Philadelphia: 2022-01-03 Democrat township commissioner charged with rape of 15-year-old boy in Philadelphia
West Philadelphia: 2021-07-30 'Quality-of-life crimes' in Philadelphia, including public urination and prostitution, to get new treatment
West Philadelphia: 2021-07-21 1-Year-Old Hospitalized After Being Shot In West Philadelphia Double Shooting, Police Say
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2022-12-18 Resident of Adygeya convicted of recruiting into a terrorist organization
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2022-03-09 Washington places KTJ on terrorism list

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Resident of Adygeya convicted of recruiting into a terrorist organization
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
[KavkazUzel] Farhod Zhuraev, a resident of Adygeya,
...an autonomous republic in the northwest Caucasus whose population is mostly Moslem...
was sentenced to 12 years in a penal colony, whom the court found guilty of recruiting citizens into the terrorist organization "Katiba Taukhid val-Jihad."
Also spelt Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad. The Syrian branch of this Al Qaeda franchise is the Uzbeks/Tajiks/Uighurs section allied to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) in Idlib Province, having pulled together fighters from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, Katibat Imam al Bukhari, and Turkestan Islamic Party. It was listed a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in March, 2022. Back home they mostly cause trouble in post-Soviet Central Asia, Russia and Xinjiang of the Uygur Autonomous Region of China.
The Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don found a resident of Adygeya guilty of recruiting citizens into an international terrorist organization.

The court found that Farhod Zhuraev, from August to October 2020, took part in the activities of Katiba Tawhid wal-Jihad, in particular, he contacted via the Internet with a member of the organization who lived in Volgograd, Kommersant writes on December 16 with the link to the management of the FSB of Russia in Adygea.

Zhuraev repeatedly talked with the inhabitants of Adygea, tried to recruit them to participate in the mentioned organization, and justified terrorist activities. In addition, on his page on the social network, the convict posted videos and audio recordings justifying violent acts on religious grounds, called for extremist and terrorist activities.

The court found Zhuraev guilty and sentenced him to 12 years in prison. The verdict has entered into force.

Zhuraev was charged under part 2 of article 280 (public calls for extremist activities), part 2 of article 205.2 (public calls for terrorist activities), part 1.1 of article 205.1 (assistance in terrorist activities) and part 2 of article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in activities terrorist organization), according to the file on the website of the court.

Earlier, the "Caucasian Knot" wrote that in March 2021, a native of Central Asia , a supporter of a terrorist organization, was detained. He confessed to preparing a terrorist act in the center of Maikop.
Adygeya: 2022-04-29 Good Morning
Adygeya: 2022-04-29 Court in Adygeya cancels fine for activist for distributing Islamic newspaper
Adygeya: 2006-05-05 Seven Russian villages still hit by bird flu
Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad: 2022-03-09 Washington places KTJ on terrorism list
Volgograd: 2022-11-23 On the return of Stalingrad
Volgograd: 2022-11-19 Russian Perspective: Operation to Denazify Ukraine: Operational Brief November 18th (updated)
Volgograd: 2022-11-07 Who actually ran out of rockets?

Washington places KTJ on terrorism list

IDLIB, Syria (North Press) – US designated on Monday Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad (KTJ) which fights alongside Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS, formerly al-Nusra Front) and cooperates with other designated terrorist groups in northwest Syria as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) pursuant to Executive Order 13224.

The KTJ entered to the Syrian territory in mid-2012 with the goal to fight the Syrian government forces, exclusive source told North Press.

KTJ worked independently for years before joining the fight alongside HTS that spread its power over Idlib and other parts in the countryside of Hama, Aleppo and Latakia, according to the sources.

The sources noted that the number of members of the KTJ ranks between 800 and 1000 lead by a foreigner known as Jundallah al-Uzbeki.

Most of the members are Uzbeks and Tajiks who mainly deploy in al-Ghab Plain west of Hama and Jabal al-Akrad north of Latakia, according to the sources.

The KTJ receives special support by parties outside Syria, but nowadays it is receiving direct support by the HTS after it has come under its command and fought alongside it, according to the same sources.
Ghab Plain: 2022-03-06 Mutual shelling continues between government and opposition in the northwest
Ghab Plain: 2022-02-04 Russian warplanes resume bombing in Idlib
Ghab Plain: 2022-02-03 Turkish forces are reinforcing south of Idlib
Jabal al-Akrad: 2021-11-15 Syrian government shelling of opposition-held areas in Idlib injures four
Jabal al-Akrad: 2021-08-27 Russian warplanes target Turkish-backed factions in Syria's Idlib, Latakia countryside
Jabal al-Akrad: 2021-06-02 Government forces, opposition exchange shelling in Syria's Idlib

Gaza court gives life terms to 2 killers of Italian activist
[Al Ahram] Four Paleostinian hardliners were cooled for a few years
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!
, two for life, on Monday after a Gazoo military court found them guilty of the kidnap and murder of an Italian peace activist in April 2011.
Mahmud Al-Salfiti and Tamer Al-Husasna were found guilty of kidnapping and murdering Vittorio Arrigoni and each sentenced by the court in the Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,-ruled enclave to life imprisonment.

Another member of the Salafist group, Khadr Faruk Jerim, received a 10-year prison term for kidnapping the Italian while a fourth, Amer Abu Ghola, was cooled for a few years
Maw! They're comin' to get me, Maw!
for a year for providing the house in which Arrigoni was found hanged.

The tribunal also ordered to dismiss Salfiti, Husasna and Jerim from the police force they served on. Abu Ghola is a fisherman.

Arrigoni, 36, a long-time member of the pro-Paleostinian International Solidarity Movement, was kidnapped on April 14, 2011.

Shortly after his disappearance, a previously-unknown Salafist group released a YouTube video showing a bruised and bloodied Arrigoni and threatened to kill him within 30 hours if Hamas failed to release a group of jihadist prisoners.

Hamas security forces found Arrigoni's body shortly afterwards, ahead of the stated deadline, in an abandoned house in northern Gazoo.

Among those held by Hamas the group demanded be freed was Sheikh Hisham Al-Saedini, a leader of the Salafist group Tawhid wal Jihad. He was eventually released last month following Jordanian intervention.

Hamas quickly incarcerated
You have the right to remain silent...
several suspects in the case, and a week later raided a house where three more suspects were reportedly hiding.

Two were killed during the raid, and a third was taken into custody.

Arrigoni's death shocked the local community and international aid workers and activists in Gazoo, where he had lived and worked for much of the three years prior to his death. His murder was the first of a foreigner in Gazoo since Hamas took over in 2007.

Africa North
Egypt Sentences 14 Islamists to Hang for Sinai Attacks
[An Nahar] An Egyptian court sentenced 14 Islamists to death on Tuesday for the 2011 murder of seven people at a bank and a police post in the Sinai Peninsula, scene of mounting violence near the border with Israel.

The court in the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya convicted the 14 of carrying out the attacks in June and July last year on behalf of the hardline group Tawhid wal Jihad (Monotheism and Holy War).

One civilian was among the dead.

The verdict came amid a massive crackdown by the army on growing lawlessness in the Sinai since the overthrow of veteran strongman Hosni Mubarak
...The former President-for-Life of Egypt, dumped by popular demand in early 2011...
in February last year.

Home Front: Politix
Media Matters: On Fox News Sunday, Hume falsely asserted that Al Qaeda in Iraq 'was there before we got there'
Summary: On Fox News Sunday, Brit Hume asked Juan Williams, "Who are we fighting there [in Iraq] now, Juan?" then answered his own question: "Al Qaeda in Iraq. They were there before we got there, and they're there now." In fact, U.S. military and intelligence officials have reportedly stated that Al Qaeda in Iraq didn't exist before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, didn't pledge its loyalty to Osama bin Laden until October 2004, and isn't controlled by bin Laden or his top aides.
That's a pretty distorted picture Media Matters is drawing. It's intentionally distorted, of course, aimed at people who don't pay attention.

Let us take a few moments to drift back in time, to those thrilling days of yesteryear, before Zark changed the name of Tawhid wal Jihad to al-Qaeda in Iraq. Al-Tawhid, as those of us who have been looking at things besides Britney's caesarean scar know, was Zark's personal terror organization, originally established to overthrow the Jordanian monarchy and replace it with a caliphate or something. And sonofagun but al-Tawhid was also an integral part of Ansar al-Islam. We, on this very website, watched as Ansar al-Islam devolved from its earlier incarnation, Jund al-Islam, which in its turn had been planted in the hills of Beverly Kurdistan in September, 2001, which some of us consider a significant date. Jund al-Islam's al-Qaeda controller was none other than Abu Zubaydah, the second of a string of Qaeda Numbah Threes to fall on hard times.

Zark was at that time maintaining al-Tawhid as distinct from al-Qaeda. The first reference I can find to it on Rantburg is from April, 2002, when the Germans arrested 11 al-Tawhid members plotting attacks on U.S. and Israeli targets within their country. Abu Qatadah, al-Qaeda's "ambassador in Europe" was described as the group's spiritual guide. He and Zark were the organization's co-founders.

Zark's day job, when he wasn't heading his own international terror organization, was as a camp commander in Afghanistan - near Herat, if I remember correctly. That was, of course, an al-Qaeda camp. But, really, other than those few things, there's not that much evidence connecting the Iraq organization with al-Qaeda.
But, but.... Richard Perle! PNAC!
Further, the 9-11 Commission found "no evidence" that contacts between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Qaeda "developed into a collaborative operational relationship" before the Iraq invasion.
Apparently they either didn't look too closely at Sammy's relationship with Ansar al-Islam or they rather legalistically didn't consider Ansar al-Islam to be al-Qaeda associated; at the time it wasn't, quite, functioning rather as an allied element, like GSPC, and being made up of several other elements besides al-Tawhid.
Dick Cheney!
On the September 9 edition of Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, following National Public Radio senior correspondent and Fox News contributor Juan Williams' statement that "the war in Iraq is serving as a recruiting tool for Al Qaeda, creating this group Al Qaeda in Iraq where it might not otherwise exist," Fox News Washington managing editor Brit Hume asserted: "That's the whole argument that you've heard all along: you better not go and take these people on in any way because it only stirs them up and creates more of them. I don't buy it."
It's the "don't resist, you'll just make it worse" argument.
Later, Hume stated, "We were also going [to Iraq] because we believed there was a terrorist connection," to which Williams replied: "And they never proved the terrorist connection, Brit."
Two words; Salman Pak. Two more words: Abu Nidal. Need two more? Abu Abbas. A few more words? Mujaheddin e-Khalq. Palestine Liberation Front. We cold go on, you know.
Prescott Bush and NAZIS!
Hume then asked: "Who are we fighting there now, Juan?" and answered his own question: "Al Qaeda in Iraq. They were there before we got there, and they're there now."
They were there before we got there. They've evolved some, and they've formed alliances with the domestic terrorist cooties. They're still the same bunch, still the same idea.
However, contrary to Hume's claim that Al Qaeda in Iraq was "there before we got there," a June 28 McClatchy Newspapers article reported that "U.S. military and intelligence officials" say "[t]he group known as al Qaida in Iraq didn't exist before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, didn't pledge its loyalty to al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden until October 2004 and isn't controlled by bin Laden or his top aides," as Media Matters for America noted.
Maybe the McClatchy Newspapers need to hire somebody who knows something about the subject.
Media Matters has also repeatedly noted (most recently here) that the 9-11 Commission found "no evidence" that contacts between Saddam Hussein's Iraq and Al Qaeda "developed into a collaborative operational relationship" before the 2003 invasion. Several other purported pre-war links between Iraq and Al Qaeda have also been debunked.
Like Zark being in Baghdad prior to the outbreak of hostilities? Like Saif al-Adel being the guy in overall charge of Qaeda ops in Iraq? All this stuff is from open source, you know.
Katrina! Cryptkeeper Karl! Valerie Plame, martyred by a desperate and cornered rabid administration!
Further, as Think Progress noted, a September 6 report from the Congressional Research Service stated that "most of the daily attacks [in Iraq] are carried out by Iraqi Sunni insurgents," not members of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Which doesn't address the question. The fact that the cannon fodder is the locals has nothing to do with who's in charge in the rarified upper echelons of the Islamic State of Iraq. Nor does it have anything to do with the alliances of that same Islamic State of Iraq.
Plastic turkey?

Africa North
Egypt finds explosives cache in Sinai Peninsula
Egyptian security forces discovered a cache of explosives on Sunday in the Sinai Peninsula, where bomb attacks have killed more than 100 people since 2004, security sources said. The cache consisted of at least 500 kg (1,100 lb) of TNT hidden in two gas containers and large plastic bags and was found in the desert area near al-Arish, on Egypt's Mediterranean coast, the sources said.

They said the explosives were discovered after a tip-off and no arrests had been made. "We received information that some elements were concealing large quantities of explosives," one of the sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Egypt has blamed the Sinai attacks, the last of which took place in April, on an Islamist militant group called al-Tawhid wal Jihad (One God and Jihad) and says the group is made up of Sinai Bedouin with militant views.

Africa North
Egypt: Government urged to revise death sentence
(SomaliNet) Egypt’s government has been urged to revise the death sentence awarded to the men found guilty of involvement of the Sinai bombings in 2004. "President Hosni Mubarak should immediately order a retrial for three men convicted of playing a role in the October 2004 terrorist attacks in the Sinai resort town of Taba," Human Rights Watch said.
Is it Ramadan again already?
Not yet, but HRW remains HRW...
The New York based body cited irregularities in the trial that saw the three men sentenced to death. "Serious allegations of torture and forced confessions, as well as prolonged incommunicado detention and lack of consultation with counsel, raise significant doubts about the fairness of the trial," the group said.
Ummm... Any opinion on the accuracy of the verdict?
Sinai witnessed three bombings in October 2004, which resulted in 34 deaths.
None of them were fair, either...
... and no Ramadan pardons for the dead victims ...
The accused trio are allegedly members of Al-Tawhid wal Jihad (Unity and Holy War), according to Egypt’s government. Many Human Rights activists have come up to battle against the death sentence in Egypt, though it has remained legal.

Africa North
Egypt’s police finds more explosives in Sinai
ISMAILIA, Egypt - Egyptian police seized 250 kg (550 lb) of explosives destined for smuggling into the Palestinian territories, police officials said on Tuesday. They said the explosives were hidden in four big plastic sacks in the Rafah area near Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip.

Three men were spotted next to the explosives and ran away towards the Sinai peninsula once they saw police approaching, said the officials, speaking on a customary condition of anonymity.
Let 'em run. The Sinai is desert, right?
Egyptian police on Friday found 1.5 tonnes (3,300 lb) of explosives in two caches in Sinai. More than 100 people were killed in bomb attacks in tourist resorts in Sinai between October 2004 and April 2006.

Egypt has blamed the attacks on an Islamist militant group called Al Tawhid wal Jihad (One God and Jihad) and says the group is made up of Sinai bedouin with militant views.
Couldn't be proper Egyptians, nope, nope, certainly not, nope ...

12 killed in Iraq violence
At least people including a US soldier were killed in violence across Iraq on Saturday. Iraqi insurgents gunned down five soldiers and killed two police in a separate bomb attack on Friday, as government forces stepped up their campaign to regain control of a war-torn country.

Captain Mahmud al-Jiburi of the Kirkuk police said gunmen had ambushed an Iraqi army patrol in the town of Hawija, in the north of the country, and killed five of them. “This clash came after police captured 23 insurgents affiliated with Tawhid wal Jihad and Ansar as-Sunna,” he said, referring to two Sunni Muslim extremist groups with ties to Al Qaeda.

Further south in Khalis, 80 kilometres northeast of Baghdad, a roadside bomb killed two Iraqi police and wounded eight people, police said. And in Baquba, a town just north of the capital notorious for sectarian attacks by rival Sunni and Shiite extremists, three bombs detonated in a crowded street market, wounding 10 people.

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