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'The people who control the country.' How Afghanistan has changed under the Taliban
Direct Translation via Google Translate. Edited.
by Kirill Semeov
Russia is determined to normalize relations, and will say anything to do so. Count up the fictions as you read, dearReader.
[REGNUM] The problems of Afghanistan are known, but the real power there lies with the Taliban movement and this cannot be ignored, Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with the press following his visit to Uzbekistan on May 28.

“There are problems in Afghanistan, they are undeniable, everyone is well aware of them. The question of how to build relationships with the current government is another question. But we have to build it somehow, these are the people who control the country, control the territory of the country. They are the power in Afghanistan today,” the Russian President said.

A day earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also made it clear that Russia is going to remove the Taliban from the list of terrorists, on which it is still included.

“Kazakhstan recently made a decision, which we are also going to make, to remove them from the list of terrorist organizations. Moreover, the UN Security Council did not declare the Taliban as a terrorist organization.
It only takes one veto, or the threat of one.
There are, in my opinion, 12–15 specific characters on the list of terrorists,” Lavrov told reporters.

Initially, the Taliban came under international sanctions and were included in terrorist lists not so much because of their own actions, but because of their support for other terrorist organizations. For example, Al-Qaeda, whose representatives received asylum in Afghanistan.
Al Qaeda is still there, as are all their little buddies. And ISIS-K is one of the leading exporters of jihad among the ISIS franchises. Some of these have connections, and have been causing trouble, in Russia.
Of course, the Taliban was and remains a fundamentalist movement, but both now and during the period of the first Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA - the Taliban state) distanced itself from obvious terrorist activities.

The Taliban, unlike Al-Qaeda and ISIS, have never advocated the dismantling of the world order and “global jihad.”
But they support — and intermarry with — those who do. Tomaytoes, tomahtoes.
During their first statehood in the 1990s, they maintained diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Pakistan. Neighboring Turkmenistan was then close to recognizing them.

At the moment, it has also become obvious that all concerns about the hypothetical expansion of the Taliban into neighboring countries have remained at the level of speculation and speculation. The Taliban movement has demonstrated in practice that it intends to build good neighborly relations with all its neighbors.
They’e still at the consolidation phase, and can’t afford external wars as well as the internal ones.
For Moscow, of course, the positive attitude of the Afghan authorities towards Russia itself and its approaches to international affairs also plays a role.

As political scientist and orientalist Mir-Ali Askerov, who recently returned from Afghanistan, told IA Regnum, “there has never been a situation in which, when you say that you are from Russia, it causes some kind of negativity, that is, it either causes at least something neutral, positive, or strictly positive attitude. The Afghans express their gratitude for the fact that you visited their country and, in general, offer their help there in every possible way.”
I assume Mr. Askerov is male.
Askerov emphasized that Afghans look with hope at the confrontation between Russia and the collective West, with the hope that Russia “will be able to withstand this onslaught, this pressure and will be able to achieve a revision of this monopolar world order.”
No doubt.
As Russian officials have rightly noted, the Taliban are making good progress in nation-building.

Although the country has serious economic problems and terrorist groups continue to operate, the risk of political and economic collapse is assessed as minimal, and the country has also managed to overcome crime and make the lives of citizens safer.

According to Askerov, the crime situation has become much better than during the reign of Ashraf Ghani and the Americans, and during that period he also had the opportunity to visit Afghanistan.

“ You can now walk around Kabul at night, during the day, at any time of the day and in any area, it is absolutely safe. The only problem is pickpockets, but this is only a problem of large markets,” said the orientalist.
Again, Mr. Askerov is not female.
At the same time, security is ensured in a much “softer” way than during the American occupation.

“Of course, there are many guards and checkpoints in the city, but they do not create the impression of a police state, as during the American presence with rough searches and searches of everyone. On the streets you can also see employees of the ministry of “commanding what is good and prohibiting what is bad” (morality police), but they act unobtrusively, politely and rather try to explain or explain something rather than prohibit and detain, so this does not cause any rejection or conflicts,” Askerov noted.
No, no, perish the thought.
At the same time, he said, some problems remain, despite the optimism of Afghans:

“The population perceives current changes positively and looks to the future with hope. But, of course, Afghans live poorly, and even the wealthiest live very modestly by our standards; economic problems have not gone away.”

Nevertheless, the Taliban still managed to somewhat stabilize the economy.

Afghanistan's foreign trade fell after they seized power. However, despite the decline in imports, most of the country's income now comes from taxes.

As experts note, the Afghan economy is no longer in a state of free fall and appears to be frozen in a precarious balance, albeit at the lowest level.

Modest positive trends include lower inflation, exchange rate stability, some recovery in imports, a more than doubling of exports,
…opium and heroin, right?
stable or slightly increased labor demand and continued wage levels.

Of course, the problem of Afghan drug trafficking remains.
Opium and heroin, yes.
However, it arose long before the Taliban came to power and was “chronic” for this country.
The Taliban took control of it during their first tenure, and never let go.
Nevertheless, the IEA leadership is making efforts to limit the production of opiates.

Thus, according to a 2023 UN report, poppy cultivation in southern Afghanistan fell by more than 80% as a result of Taliban campaigns to stop its use in opium production. For example, the decline in poppy cultivation in Helmand province has dropped by 99%.

In November 2023, a UN report found that throughout Afghanistan, poppy cultivation had fallen by more than 95%, depriving the country of its status as the world's largest opium producer.
The warehouses were full to bursting. No point in producing more until that supply is used up and the price increases.
Although Iran does not agree with such optimistic assessments, since, according to Iranian officials, supplies of opium and heroin from Afghanistan to their country continued in large volumes.
The Taliban have also made progress in dialogue and taking into account the interests of ethno-confessional minorities living in the country, primarily the Shiite Hazaras, who were able to gain access to some leadership positions, which may indicate the movement’s readiness to follow the path of forming an inclusive government.
Tokens to shut up the rubes.
However, problems remain with the Uzbek and Tajik minorities, who are dissatisfied with the fact that their representatives, not associated with the Taliban, are still not represented in the IEA power structures.

An important factor in recognizing the Taliban and removing terrorist labels from the movement is its success in suppressing the activity and presence of international terrorist organizations such as ISIS and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan.

It is significant that the Americans, who spent 20 years trying to eradicate the brainchild of Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, were forced to recognize this success. But as soon as they left, the Taliban themselves solved this problem.

In particular, as Christy Abizaid, director of the US National Counterterrorism Center, stated on September 11, 2023, "al-Qaeda is in its historic decline in Afghanistan and Pakistan and its resurgence is unlikely."

She also cited declassified data that the group had "lost access to targets, leadership talent, group cohesion, grassroots commitment, and supportive local environment." She said the terrorist organization's ability to threaten from Afghanistan " is at its lowest level" since it moved there in 1998.

The Taliban were also able to suppress the activity of ISIS and its local affiliate ISIS-K in Afghanistan.
Within Afghanistan, anyway. Or perhaps just reports of their activities. But not abroad.
After a significant increase in their activity, due to the security vacuum created in some parts of the country after the US withdrawal, the Taliban changed this dynamic, depriving the terrorists of control over certain territories that they were able to acquire by following the Americans fleeing the country.

Their activities were dealt a blow, and activity over the past year has decreased significantly, which was noted in the relevant reports of international structures.

It is noted that the Taliban were able to conduct a successful campaign against ISIS-X and eliminated most of the sleeper cells that were ready to continue terrorist attacks in Afghan cities. After a surge in the number of terrorist attacks in the first months after the Taliban came to power, their number begins to decline as a result of counter-terrorism measures by the IEA security structures.

In particular, in 2022–2023. the number of terrorist attacks and other attacks by ISIS-X has decreased significantly. If in the first year of Taliban rule (2021-2022) there were 314 attacks and assaults, then in 2022-2023. only 69 - that is, less than during any period of activity of the group in Afghanistan since its inception.

The Taliban’s fight against ISIS is systematic and consistent; for this purpose, special counter-terrorism forces have been created in Afghanistan that can effectively counter it.

This counter-terrorism unit is called "Red Squad", or "Sara Kheta" in Pashto.
... also known as Red Unit, Red Brigade, Blood Unit, Danger Group, and Taliban Special Forces Unit. The Taliban’s special forces/shock troops unit was first deployed in Sangin town in Helmand province in 2016, then claimed a victory against ISIS-Khurasan in 2018. They were most active in Kunduz, Baghlan, and Faryab Provinces.
It is divided into several battalions of 300–350 men, selected by field commanders from among the fighters based on their discipline, dedication and skills. Each battalion operates in a separate province, but within the Red Squad there is also a battalion-sized group of the most trained elite forces known as Badri 313.
The Badri 313 Battalion was trained by the Haqqani network and based at Salahaddin Ayyubi Military Operations Academy. There is evidence it was at one point al Qaeda's military arm in Pakistan, with members gleaned from the Taliban and Pakistan’s pet jihadi groups including Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Jundallah, used for nasty attacks on the Pakistani army under the leadership of Ilyas Kashmiri (until 2011) followed by Shah Sahib.
In emergency situations, units work together to cover a multi-province area.

It was the “Red Detachments” that defeated the ISIS in the province of Nangarhar, which was a stronghold of terrorists. After which part of the “Red Detachment” battalions was transferred to the province of Kunar, which was soon also cleared of ISIS militants.

Of course, it is too early to talk about a complete victory over ISIS in Afghanistan.

But a significant decrease in terrorist activity allows the Taliban movement to establish economic ties with foreign partners and organize business trips to this country.

Therefore, Russia, acting proactively, can economically enter Afghanistan before others, officially recognizing the Taliban movement as the legitimate Afghan government.

Before this, there were many factors that forced our entrepreneurs to act with caution in Afghanistan, including the fear of persecution for justifying and financing terrorism.

By removing the Taliban from the terrorist lists, Moscow can speed up the implementation of economic projects in Afghanistan and begin absolutely legal, not “gray” investments.
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Red Unit: 2023-02-21 Daily Evacuation Brief February 20, 2023
Red Brigade: 2023-05-14 With its economy in meltdown and malnutrition rising, now Afghanistan is hit by swarms of locusts
Red Brigade: 2021-05-15 Italy: Matteo Salvini avoids migrant kidnap trial
Red Brigade: 2021-04-30 Identity Of Ruthless Bandits' Leader Holding 29 Kaduna Students Exposed

Govt employee shot dead by terrorists in Rajouri, Rs 10 lakh reward for attacker whereabouts

One India summarizes:
In a significant development from Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
's Rajouri district, police have identified a foreign terrorist, known by the codename Abu Hamza, as being involved in the recent killing of a government employee. The dear departed, Mohammad Razaq, aged 40, was targeted in his village, Kunda Top, within the Thanamandi area. Razaq was an employee of the government's Social Welfare department. His brother, Mohammad Tahir Choudhary, serves in the Territorial Army but was unharmed during the attack. Following the incident, Razaq was laid to rest in his village on Tuesday.

The attack was carried out by two individuals linked to the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba'>Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
(LeT) group. They forcefully entered the compound of Choudhary's residence. Despite the grave situation, Choudhary managed to escape without any injuries. In response to this act of violence, local authorities have initiated a thorough investigation, filing a case at the Thanamandi cop shoppe. The police have gathered credible evidence pointing to Abu Hamza's involvement in this heinous act.

Efforts are underway by the police and security forces across the Rajouri-Poonch districts to apprehend this group and bring them to justice. In an attempt to gather vital information that could lead to Abu Hamza's capture, authorities have announced a reward of Rs 10 lakh. They have also released a poster depicting the terrorist, who is believed to be 32 years old and was last seen wearing a Pathani suit with a brown shawl and carrying an orange bag. Abu Hamza is known to operate in the Shadra Sharief and Der ki Gali areas and has been implicated in numerous terrorist activities.

India requests Pakistan to extradite Hafiz Saeed in 'so-called money laundering case'
[GEO.TV] India has requested Pakistain to extradite Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the chief of the banned Jamaat-ud-Dawa
...the front organization of Lashkar-e-Taiba...
(JuD), the Foreign Office confirmed Friday.

"Pakistain has received a request from the Indian authorities, seeking extradition of Hafiz Saeed
...founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba and its false-mustache offshoot Jamaat-ud-Dawa. The United Nations declared the JuD a terrorist organization in 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. Hafiz, JuD and LeT are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Pak intel apparatus, so that amounted to squat. He is periodically placed under house arrest so it looks like the govt is doing something. Once the heat is off they let him go....
in a so-called money laundering case," Foreign Office spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said in a statement.

there's no worse danger than telling a mother her baby is ugly...
there might be no plans to follow up on India’s request, as according to the spokesperson, "no bilateral extradition treaty exists between Pakistain and India".

India blames Saeed for being involved in attacks across the borders, however, the chief of the banned outfit has denied all claims.

A Pak court had sentenced Hafiz Saeed, founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
(LeT), the gang blamed by the United States and India for the deadly 2008 Mumbai siege, to 31 years in prison in two cases of terrorism financing.

An anti-terrorism court in Lahore had found Saeed guilty of terrorism financing in April 2022 and sentenced him to 32 years in jail.

Hours before Zahra’s confirmation, India had also confirmed it had formally requested Pakistain to extradite Saeed, according to India's foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.

"We have conveyed a request along with relevant supporting documents to the Government of Pakistain," Bagchi told news hounds in a media briefing.

Saeed conviction in 2022 was not the only one. Arrested in 2019, he was already serving a 15-year sentence after being found guilty of terror financing in 2020.

Saeed, who was put behind bars many times before over the past decade, denies being involved with armed operations, including the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, which killed 166 people.

Jamaat-ud-Dawa: 2023-10-25 Dawood Malik, founder of Lashkar-e-Jabbar, gunned down in North Wazoo by unknown assailants
Jamaat-ud-Dawa: 2023-09-23 CTD official links recent spate of targeted killings in Karachi to ‘enemy country’
Jamaat-ud-Dawa: 2023-09-20 India says battle with Kashmir rebels over after eight killed
Hafiz Saeed: 2023-10-25 Dawood Malik, founder of Lashkar-e-Jabbar, gunned down in North Wazoo by unknown assailants
Hafiz Saeed: 2023-09-20 India says battle with Kashmir rebels over after eight killed
Hafiz Saeed: 2023-09-16 J&K: Forces Use Drones, Fire Mortar Shells As Anantnag Operation Enters Day 3 and another soldier succumbs, raising toll to 4
Mumtaz Zahra Baloch: 2023-12-08 Pakistan to 'ascertain facts' on Afghan minister using its passport
Mumtaz Zahra Baloch: 2023-09-09 Afghanistan-based terrorists attacking Pakistan with advanced weapons
Mumtaz Zahra Baloch: 2023-08-20 'Regrettable incident': Justice Isa visits Jaranwala, assures Christian community of all-out support
Lashkar-e-Taiba: 2023-12-27 J&K Govt. Announces Compensation To Kin Of 3 Civilians Killed, Search Underway For Terrorists In Poonch
Lashkar-e-Taiba: 2023-12-17 Terrorist killed, Pulwama encounter ends: Police
Lashkar-e-Taiba: 2023-12-17 Police attach property of LeT terror associate
Arindam Bagchi: 2022-05-16 2 Sikhs gunned down on outskirts of Peshawar
Arindam Bagchi: 2022-03-20 Turkey led OIC’s invite to Hurriyat chief for Pak event draws India’s ire
Arindam Bagchi: 2022-02-16 OIC raises hijab row: It is clear Turkey is Pakistan’s new playground
Mumbai: 2023-10-14 Israeli embassy worker is attacked in Beijing on Hamas ‘Day Of Rage’
Mumbai: 2023-10-06 Daily Evacuation Brief October 6, 2023
Mumbai: 2023-10-03 Delhi Police Nabs Suspected ISIS Operative Shahnawaz Alam In Major Crackdown

J&K Govt. Announces Compensation To Kin Of 3 Civilians Killed, Search Underway For Terrorists In Poonch
[OneIndia] The Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
administration on Saturday announced compensation and jobs to the kin of the three civilians who were found dead in Poonch district as a massive search operation was underway to track down bully boyz behind the recent ambush on two Army vehicles that left five soldiers dead.

The three men, aged between 27 and 42, were found dead under "mysterious circumstances" on Friday. Their relatives and politicians, however, alleged that they were among the eight people picked up by the Army for questioning in connection with Thursday's ambush. They also alleged that four others were admitted to a government hospital with "torture injuries".

The bodies of the civilians were laid to rest at their ancestral graveyard in Buffliaz Saturday afternoon, the officials said. As the search operation was underway and the situation remained tense, the authorities suspended mobile Internet services in Poonch and neighboring Rajouri district as a precautionary measure to check rumor-mongering and prevent any law and order problem, officials said.

Five soldiers were killed and two injured when heavily armed bully boyz ambushed two Army vehicles at a blind curve at Dhatyar Morh between Dhera Ki Gali and Bufliaz on Thursday. The ambush took place when the security personnel were moving to an ongoing search operation in the general area of Dhera Ki Gali in the Thanamandi-Surankote region. Soon after the ambush, security forces launched a massive search operation in the densely forested areas, also covering nearby Thanamandi in Rajouri, but there was no fresh contact with the fleeing bully boyz so far, officials said.

Sound of firing was heard deep inside a forest in the Dhera Ki Gali area Saturday afternoon but the security agencies later clarified that security forces resorted to speculative firing to check a natural cave. Sources said the bodies of three slain civilians -- Safeer Hussain (43), Mohd Showket (27), and Shabir Ahmad (32) of Topa Peer village of Buffliaz -- were handed over to their families after a postmortem Saturday morning. "All the three were innocent civilians and died of torture in the custody of the Army," Mohd Sadiq, a relative of one of the dear departed, told PTI over the phone from the village.

Sadiq, a panch, said he had informed senior police and civil officers about the random arrests and torture but nobody paid any heed. "Five more persons are reportedly injured and are still in the custody of Army," he said.

Sources, however, said four persons - Mohd Zulfkar, his brother Mohd Betab, Fazal Hussain and Mohd Farooq -- were admitted to the Government Medical College Hospital in Rajouri with alleged torture injuries. Jammu Divisional Commissioner Ramesh Kumar and Inspector General of Police Anand Jain are also camping in Poonch and are monitoring the situation, the officials said.

Additional police and paramilitary personnel have been deployed in sensitive pockets of the districts to maintain peace.
On Saturday, December 23, One India reported:
Three to four heavily-armed terrorists targeted an army gypsy and a truck at Dhatyar Morh between Dhera Ki Gali and Bufliaz under the jurisdiction of Surankote police station in Poonch late Thursday afternoon, killing five soldiers and injuring two others. After the attack, the terrorists reportedly mutilated the bodies of at least two soldiers and took weapons of some of them.
On December 21, One India reported:
The Peoples Anti-Fascist Front (PAFF), an offshoot of the Pakistan-based terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
(LeT), claimed responsibility for the ambush.

The ambush in Poonch comes after a series of encounters in the Rajouri and Poonch districts this year. In November, a two-day-long encounter in the Dharmsal belt of the Bajimaal forest area resulted in the deaths of five Army personnel, including two captains, and a top LeT commander. Additionally, in April and May, separate incidents in the Chamrer forest led to the deaths of five and five Army personnel, respectively. The stretch between Dhera Ki Gali and Bufliaz, located on the boundary of Rajouri and Poonch districts, has seen frequent terrorist activity due to its dense forest cover. This area provides a convenient route for terrorists to infiltrate the Indian side of the border.
Poonch district: 2023-11-28 4 Army Personnel Killed In Encounter With Terrorists In J-K's Rajouri
Poonch district: 2023-10-01 Dhangri attack case: NIA raids houses of LeT OGWs in Poonch
Poonch district: 2023-08-22 Two infiltrators killed along LoC in J&K's Poonch: Army
Rajouri district: 2023-11-28 4 Army Personnel Killed In Encounter With Terrorists In J-K's Rajouri
Rajouri district: 2023-10-04 Two Army soldiers wounded in ongoing encounter in J&K’s Rajouri
Rajouri district: 2023-10-01 Dhangri attack case: NIA raids houses of LeT OGWs in Poonch

Terrorist killed, Pulwama encounter ends: Police
Dec 1
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
] The Pulwama encounter in south Kashmir which started on Thursday ended on Friday morning with the killing of a local Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
terrorist and recovery of arms and ammunition.

The killed terrorist has been identified as Kifayat Ayoub Alie, son of Muhammad Ayoub Alie of Pinjoora Shopian.

"Acting on a specific intelligence input regarding the presence of a terrorist in Arihal village of Pulwama, a joint Cordon and Search Operation (CASO) was launched by Pulwama by Police, 44 RR, and CRPF’s 182 Bn in the area," Police said. "During the search operation, the joint team encountered indiscriminate firing from the hiding terrorist. The security forces effectively retaliated, leading to an encounter."

Police said that in the ensuing exchange of fire, the terrorist identified as Kifayat Ayoub Alie, son of Muhammad Ayoub Alie of Pinjoora Shopian, associated with the proscribed terror outfit LeT, was killed and his body was recovered from the encounter site.

Police records indicate his involvement in several terror-related crimes including in case FIR No 123/2021, FIR No 294/2021, and case FIR No 180/2023 of Police Station Shopian.

Police said that significant incriminating material along with arms and ammunition including a pistol, two magazines, five rounds, and two grenades were seized from the encounter site.

It said that all the recovered items are now part of the case records for further investigation.

"A case under the relevant provisions of the law has been registered, and the investigation has been taken up," Police said. "The people of the area are requested not to approach the encounter site until the area is thoroughly sanitised and cleared of any potential kabooms."
Pulwama: 2023-10-01 Two infiltrators killed in north Kashmir’s Kupwara: police
Pulwama: 2023-09-16 Two held with arms, ammunition in Uri: Army
Pulwama: 2023-09-10 Hybrid terrorist, associate held in Budgam: police

Police attach property of LeT terror associate
Dec 6
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
] Police in Bandipora attached a 14-marla residential land at Ashtengoo Bandipora belonging to the family of a "terror associate" of Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
(LeT), under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) in north Kashmir’s Bandipora district on Wednesday.

A statement of J&K Police issued here said that the land, registered in the name of Mukhtar Bhat, the father of the accused Irfan Ahmad Bhat, was identified as "proceeds of terrorism" in a case filed against him in 2022, the Police said in a notice sent to the accused.

They said that the case pertains to the recovery of explosives and other incriminating material from his possession under case FIR No 43/2022 under sections 23 UA(P) Act, 04 and Explosive Substance Act of Police Station Bandipora.

The Police said that the land had been put under restrictions and could not be transferred, leased out, disposed of, or changed in any way without the prior permission of the designated authority.

The statement said that any violation of this order would attract penal provisions of law, they warned.

The Police also said that Irfan’s brother had exfiltrated to Pakistain in 2000 and was suspected to be involved in terrorist activities.

The Police also tweeted about the action on Wednesday, saying: "Bandipora Police has attached 14 Marla of residential land at Ashtengoo Bandipora in case FIR No 43/2022. The land had been identified as proceeds of terrorism and was attached under the UAPA. The land belongs to the family of a terror associate of LeT, Irfan Ahmad Bhat. His brother had also exfiltrated to Pakistain in 2000."
Bandipora: 2023-09-25 Two terror modules busted in Kulgam, five arrested: police
Bandipora: 2023-09-12 Three held with grenades in north Kashmir’s Baramulla
Bandipora: 2023-08-27 Terror module busted in Bandipora

Security forces recover arms, ammunition, explosives dropped by quadcopter in Jammu
24 November
[OneIndia] On Thursday, security forces in Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
's Akhnoor sector recovered arms, ammunition, and explosives dropped by a quadcopter along the Line of Control (LoC). The haul included nine grenades and an improvised bomb (IED).

The recovery was made during a joint search operation conducted by the police and the army in the Palanwallah area near the LoC early in the morning. Officials stated that the box containing the arms and ammunition was scanned by a bomb disposal squad before being opened.

Upon opening the box, the authorities discovered an IED, a The Sick Man of Europe Turkey
...the only place on the face of the earth that misses the Ottoman Empire...
-made pistol, two magazines, 38 rounds of ammunition, and nine grenades. The search operation was initiated based on reports of a quadcopter-like noise from troops deployed in the forward areas.

A defence front man called the discovery one of the biggest hauls of quadcopter-dropped war-like stores in the Akhnoor sector. He suggested that the arms and ammunition were aimed at reviving terrorism in the Rajouri and Akhnoor sectors of Jammu and Kashmir.

An FIR has been registered at the Khour Police Station, and an investigation into the incident has commenced. The authorities are determined to uncover the source of the arms and ammunition and apprehend those responsible for the attempted infiltration.

The recovery of arms, ammunition, and explosives along the LoC underscores the continued threat of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. The security forces remain vigilant in their efforts to thwart any attempts to disrupt peace and stability in the region.
Akhnoor sector: 2023-04-25 Poonch: 30 being questioned, Lashkar-e Taiba dunnit, killer’s bullets were American left-behinds in Afghanistan
Akhnoor sector: 2010-01-13 Another infiltration bid foiled in Jammu
Akhnoor sector: 2008-08-27 Jammu on high alert; militants kill five

CTD nabs 10 members of banned outfits across Punjab
[Dawn] The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) claimed on Saturday to have arrested 10 suspected forces of Evil linked with different banned
...the word banned seems to have a different meaning in Pakistain than it does in most other places. Or maybe it simply lacks any meaning at all...
s during operations in separate areas of the province.

According to the front man, the CTD Punjab
1.) Little Orphan Annie's bodyguard
2.) A province of Pakistain ruled by one of the Sharif brothers
3.) A province of India. It is majority (60 percent) Sikh and Hindoo (37 percent), which means it has relatively few Moslem riots....

conducted 117 intelligence-based operations in different districts of the province to effectively deal with any untoward incident of terrorism, in which 117 suspected persons were interrogated and 10 suspected forces of Evil were arrested with weapons, explosives and other prohibited material.

Among the arrested forces of Evil are Syed Agha, Muhammad Nouman, Ataur Rehman, Muhammad Osama, Siddique, Shah Nawaz, Muhammad Sufyan Serwer, Muhammad Safdar, Qasim Khan and Abdul Haq, he said and added that they belongs to the banned murderous Moslem Islamic State
...formerly ISIS or ISIL, depending on your preference. Before that they were al-Qaeda in Iraq, as shaped by Abu Musab Zarqawi. They're really very devout, committing every atrocity they can find in the Koran and inventing a few more. They fling Allah around with every other sentence, but to hear western pols talk they're not really Moslems....
group (ISIS), Tehrik-e-Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
Pakistain (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
... a 'more violent' offshoot of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistain. LeJ's purpose in life is to murder anyone who's not of utmost religious purity, starting with Shiites but including Brelvis, Ahmadis, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Rosicrucians, and just about anyone else you can think of. They are currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of al-Qaeda ...
, al-Qaeda and 313-Brigade.
The Badri 313 Battalion is either an elite unit of the Taliban, trained by the Haqqani network and based at Salahaddin Ayyubi Military Operations Academy or al Qaeda's military arm in Pakistan, with members gleaned from the Taliban and Pakistan’s pet jihadi groups including Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Jundallah, and the habit of nasty attacks on the army of Pakistan under the leadership of Ilyas Kashmiri (until 2011) followed by Shah Sahib.
The spokesperson said the arrest of these forces of Evil was carried out during intelligence-based operations in Lahore, Rahim Yar Khan, Sergodha and Bahawalpur.

He said that two IED bombs, one hand grenade, three detonators, 11 feet of safety fuse wire, four banned books, 95 Pamphlets,114 stickers, one receipt book and Rs26,225 in cash have been recovered from the possession of the terrorists.

The front man further said that the suspected forces of Evil were planning to target important installations.

The CTD police have registered eight cases against the forces of Evil and shifted them to some unknown location.

Dawood Malik, founder of Lashkar-e-Jabbar, gunned down in North Wazoo by unknown assailants
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
] Another terrorist involved in anti-India activities Dawood Malik, considered a close aide of wanted terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar
...One of the major players in Pak terrorism. In early 1994, India incarcerated him for his activities. In 1995, foreign tourists were kidnapped in Jammu and Kashmir. The kidnappers included his release among their demands. One of the hostages managed to escape but the rest were eventually killed. In 1999, he was freed by the Indian government in exchange for passengers on hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 that had been diverted to Kandahar. The hijackers were led by Masood Azhar's brother, Ibrahim Athar. Once he was handed over to the hijackers, they fled to Pak territory despite the fact that Islamabad had earlier stated that any of the hijackers would be jugged at the border. The Pak government had also previously indicated that Azhar would be allowed to return home since he did not face any charges there. Shortly after his release, he made a public address to an estimated 10,000 people in Karachi, firing up the rubes against America and India...
, was rubbed out on Pakistain soil by unknown button men, reports said.
Unknown, you say? That most certainly wouldn’t be RAW then. Good to know.
According to reports in Pak media, Malik, termed a tribal elder, was rubbed out by unknown assailants in Pakistain's North Wazoo. Police said that it was a assassination carried out by unknown masked men in Mirali area of the North Waziristan tribal district on Friday morning.

Malik was targeted by masked men at a private clinic and the assailants managed to escape after the attack. Malik is said to be the founder of Lashkar-e-Jabbar and also a close aide of one of India's most wanted Lions of Islam Azhar.

The fresh incident raises questions of a war among the terrorist organizations that are functional in Pakistain. In last few weeks, several Lions of Islam wanted in India have been bumped off in Pakistain by unknown button men.
More unknown killers roaming in the wilds of Pakistan, you say? Very definitely not RAW, and probably not Mossad either, as they are currently occupied elsewhere.
On October 11, Shahid Latif, one of India's most wanted Lions of Islam and also a key conspirator in the 2016 Pathankot terror attack case was rubbed out by unknown button men in Pakistain's Sialkot. On October 1, Mufti Qaiser Farooq, a former member of Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
and a close associate of Hafiz Saeed
...founder of Lashkar-e-Taiba and its false-mustache offshoot Jamaat-ud-Dawa. The United Nations declared the JuD a terrorist organization in 2008 and Hafiz Saeed a terrorist as its leader. Hafiz, JuD and LeT are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Pak intel apparatus, so that amounted to squat. He is periodically placed under house arrest so it looks like the govt is doing something. Once the heat is off they let him go....
, the criminal mastermind behind the 26/11 attacks, was also killed in Pakistain.
Shahid Latif: 2016-05-19 Interpol issues red corner notice against Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar
Shahid Latif: 2004-04-25 Qazi sez ain't no al-Qaeda in Pakland
Masood Azhar: 2023-06-14 NIA attaches 3 properties in Srinagar belonging to 2 Hurriyat leaders in terror funding case
Masood Azhar: 2023-05-16 NIA Raids Multiple Locations In South Kashmir In Terror Funding Case
Masood Azhar: 2023-05-12 NIA Crackdown In Kashmir Continues: Properties Of JeM, Hizbul Terrorists Attached
Mirali: 2023-05-24 Two girls’ schools blown up in North Waziristan
Mirali: 2023-05-16 Five security men among nine injured in Waziristan blast
Mirali: 2023-04-09 Two police officials martyred in Swabi, Waziristan attacks

Daily Evacuation Brief October 6, 2023
[AfghanDigest] LAST 24 HOURS
  • PAKISTAN’S DEPORTATION THREAT - ECHOES OF HYPOCRISY – Lost amid the panic over the recent call to deport over 1 million Afghans from Pakistan is a lesson from a similar situation that shares many similarities with the crisis between Kabul and Islamabad of today. Pakistan’s Minister of the Interior has recently claimed that Afghan nationals have been complicit in terror attacks and are to blame for much of the insecurity in the country. In addition, both the previous regime and the current one have continued to blame the Taliban authorities for sheltering the TTP terror groups in Afghanistan and have suggested they are aiding the terrorists with weapons and equipment. While this may be true, the heavy-handed response called for by the caretaker regime seems excessive and calls to mind the events that transpired after the deadly Mumbai terror attacks that struck India in 2008.

    • On November 26th, 2008 a terror group consisting of 10 militant Islamists that was headquartered and trained in Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Taiba, launched a series of 12 coordinated gun and bomb attacks which lasted for a total of four days across Mumbai. The attacks killed 175 people (9 of whom included the terrorists) and wounded another 300. The attacks are commonly referred to as the 26/11 Attacks.

    • Similar to the situation facing Pakistan today, India alleged that support for the terrorists had been provided by the Pakistani intelligence services and that Pakistan had provided shelter for the group as it trained for its mission. Pakistan vehemently denied these accusations for several months but was eventually forced to investigate the cases in Pakistan under significant international pressure. Just like Pakistan, India lost nearly twenty police and military personnel putting the terrorists down. However, while there were some calls for the mass deportation of Pakistani nationals living in India, the brunt of the criticism fell on the Indian government and a slew of officials resigned.

    • Most will concede that Pakistan has borne the brunt of the violence outside of Afghanistan’s borders after the Taliban seized power in 2021. Few agree with this bizarre and unprecedented deportation action that has seemingly come out of nowhere and could affect over a million people who never had anything to do with terrorism.

  • INDIAN OFFICIALS SAY THEY ARE IN TOUCH WITH AFGHAN DIPLOMATS IN THE COUNTRY – Officials in the Ministry of External Affairs said that their government was in discussions with Afghan diplomats who worked in the Embassy in New Delhi and also in both consulates (Mumbai and Hyderabad). The discussions indicated that the Embassy wanted to close but both Consul Generals wanted to keep their missions open to continue serving Afghan citizens.

  • 55 AFGHAN FEMALE STUDENTS FINALLY ARRIVE IN DUBAI – Photos of another 55 female students who had been invited to Dubai to study under a wealthy patron’s offer to pay for their scholarships made the rounds on social media. Some staunch supporters of the Taliban regime took to social media and called on the Supreme Leader to reverse his policies with regard to banning education for women.

  • IRANIAN MEDIA OUTLETS CONTINUE TO SOUND ALARM OVER AFGHAN REFUGEES – A report from Jahan San’at News in Tehran is sounding the alarm that Southern neighborhoods of Tehran are overrun by Afghan refugees and that government infrastructure is being threatened by the additional workload. Some Iranian media outlets continue to promote xenophobic reporting with regard to the Afghan community there.

Maidan Wardak: An unidentified resistance group claims to have orchestrated the assassination of Qari Obeidah, a commander in the Haqqani Network.

Kunar: ISIS-K elements claim to have launched an attack on the Taliban barracks in the Mazar Dara Valley of Nurgal district yesterday. They claim to have killed one Taliban fighter while the others dispersed.

NEXT 24 HOURS: No Threats Reported


India says battle with Kashmir rebels over after eight killed
[ENGLISH.ALARABIYA.NET] India said Tuesday that a weeklong battle between its soldiers and suspected rebels in Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
had ended with eight people killed.

The battle started last Wednesday when bandidos gunnies ambushed and killed two soldiers and a police officer who were patrolling the Gadole forests in the disputed territory.

Over the following days, three more soldiers were found dead after they went missing during the protracted firefight.

The Indian army deployed helicopters and drones and launched bombs into the forests while pursuing the attackers.

Police officer Vijay Kumar said two bandidos gunnies were killed in the battle including Uzair Khan, a local commander of the Pakistain-based krazed killer group Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
"We have spotted one more body of a dead krazed killer," Kumar told news hounds, adding that no more button men were on the lam.

Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistain, with both countries claiming it in full and fighting two wars over control of the Himalayan territory.

A violent mostly peaceful insurgency beginning in 1989 killed tens of thousands of people including Indian troops, bandidos gunnies and civilians.

New Delhi accuses Islamabad of supporting the rebels, claims Pakistain denies.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government stripped the Indian-administered section of Kashmir of its limited constitutional autonomy in 2019 and imposed direct rule.

Deadly battles between security forces and rebels have been less common in the years since.

Two other shootouts in Kashmir this month claimed the lives of three security forces personnel and five suspected rebels.
One India adds:
"There is a huge area that remains to be searched. There can be a lot of unexploded shells which will be recovered and destroyed. We appeal to the people not to go to the area," he added.

The ADGP said security forces had reports that two to three terrorists were there. "There is a possibility that the third dead body may be somewhere. It will be known after the search is complete," Kumar said.
More from Greater Kashmir:
Speaking to news hounds, Additional Director General of Police Kashmir, Vijay Kumar said the body of Uzair Khan has been retrieved from the encounter site while another body is lying there.

Responding to a question, Kumar said that they had inputs about the presence of 2-3 snuffies in the area. "Searches are underway in the area to look for the third terrorist," he said.

An Army colonel, a Major, a soldier and a DySP of Jammu and Kashmir Police were killed in the encounter which broke out last Wednesday in the Gadole area of Kokernag.

Gadole: 2023-09-16 J&K: Forces Use Drones, Fire Mortar Shells As Anantnag Operation Enters Day 3 and another soldier succumbs, raising toll to 4
Gadole: 2023-09-15 J&K: 3 Security Officers Martyred In Anantnag Encounter, 2 LeT Terrorists Trapped
Anantnag: 2023-09-17 Pak Army Gave Cover-Fire To 3 Terrorists Killed In Uri: Army
Anantnag: 2023-09-16 J&K: Forces Use Drones, Fire Mortar Shells As Anantnag Operation Enters Day 3 and another soldier succumbs, raising toll to 4
Anantnag: 2023-09-15 J&K: 3 Security Officers Martyred In Anantnag Encounter, 2 LeT Terrorists Trapped

J&K: Forces Use Drones, Fire Mortar Shells As Anantnag Operation Enters Day 3 and another soldier succumbs, raising toll to 4
[OneIndia] Drones have been pressed into service to pinpoint the location of the turbans who have taken positions in the forest area on a hilly terrain in Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
's Anantnag district, officials said as the operation to flush out the ultras entered the third day on Friday.

The turbans killed four security personnel on Wednesday.

''The forces fired mortar shells on the terrain where they believe the turbans are hiding, based on drone surveillance,'' the officials said.

The security forces have maintained a tight cordon in the area, they added.

Colonel Manpreet Singh, commanding officer of the 19 Rashtriya Rifles unit of the Army, Major Ashish Dhonchak, Deputy Superintendent of Jammu and Kashmir Police Humayun Bhat and a soldier were killed in an encounter with the turbans at Gadole in the Kokernag area of the south Kashmir district on Wednesday morning.

Anantnag Encounter: Soldier Loses Life, Toll Climbs To 4

[OneIndia] A fourth soldier departed this vale of tears on Friday, bringing the corpse count to four in an ongoing encounter in Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir
...a disputed territory lying between India and Pakistain. After partition, the Paks grabbed half of it and call it Azad (Free) Kashmir. The remainder they refer to as "Indian Occupied Kashmir". They have fought four wars with India over it, the score currently 4-0 in New Delhi's favor. After 72 years of this nonsense, India cut the Gordian knot in 2019, removing the area's special status, breaking off Ladakh as a separate state, and allowing people from other areas to settle (or in the case of the Pandits, to resettle) there....
. The area is cordoned off, and a search operation is underway, according to an official statement.

The encounter followed a shootout that erupted between security forces and concealed bully boyz in the Kokernag area of Anantnag on Wednesday. In this violent mostly peaceful exchange, an Army Rashtriya Rifles unit Commanding Officer (Colonel), a Company Commander (Major), and a Jammu and Kashmir Police Deputy Superintendent (DSP) bit the dust. The encounter is ongoing.

The four officials who tragically bit the dust are Colonel Manpreet Singh, Major Ashish Dhonchack, DSP Humayun Bhat, and the fourth soldier whose identity has not been disclosed.

Colonel Manpreet Singh and Major Ashish Dhonchack were laid to rest in their hometown of Panipat on Friday morning. DSP Humayun Bhat was given his final farewell on Thursday at his residence in Budgam. After the encounter, the Indian Army airlifted their remains to Srinagar on Thursday, and a tribute was paid to their mortal remains on Thursday evening.

Officials have disclosed that the army was leading the operation based on specific intelligence inputs, searching for bully boyz in a hideout when the firefight erupted. The bully boyz initiated gunfire, resulting in the immediate death of Colonel Manpreet Singh and injuries to two other officials who later gave up the ghost in a Srinagar hospital.

The bully boyz are believed to be associated with "The Resistance® Front," a proxy group of Lashkar-e-Taiba
...the Army of the Pure, an Ahl-e-Hadith terror organization founded by Hafiz Saeed. LeT masquerades behind the Jamaat-ud-Dawa facade within Pakistain and periodically blows things up and kills people in India. Despite the fact that it is banned, always an interesting concept in Pakistain, the organization remains an blatant tool and perhaps an arm of the ISI...
. Security forces suspect that two to three bully boyz are still hiding in the area. To facilitate surveillance and aid in the search operation, Heron drones and quadcopters have been deployed in the region, as reported by officials.

In response to the killing of four security personnel, anti-Pakistain protests erupted on Thursday in various parts of Jammu city. Organizations such as Panun Kashmir and the Eik Sanatam Bharat Dal (ESBD) paid homage to the fallen personnel and called for a comprehensive operation against the terrorist network in Jammu and Kashmir.

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