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Hamas captured enough Israelis during shock attack to swap for all jailed Palestinians: leader
Smoke em all. Execution for execution. I'm not empathetic
[NYPost] A senior Hamas leader said that the Islamist militant group captured enough Israeli soldiers and civilian hostages during a shock attack on Israel Saturday to free all Palestinian prisoners in the country’s jails.

"We managed to kill and capture many Israeli soldiers. The fighting is still on," said Saleh al-Arouri, deputy chief of Hamas’s political bureau, in an interview with Al Jazeera.

He claimed that senior officers were among those captured and killed during the early morning attack, the worst in 50 years, which left at least 200 Israelis dead and about 1,000 injured.

Al-Arouri refused to provide the total number of hostages captured during the attack, but Izzedine al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, claimed to have captured "dozens" of Israelis in a Telegram post, CNN reported.

Hamas Commander, Accused of Theft and Gay Sex, Is Killed by His Own
HT Weasel Zippers
GAZA CITY ‐ The death of Mahmoud Ishtiwi had all the trappings of a telenovela: sex, torture and embezzlement in Gaza's most venerated and secretive institution, the armed wing of Hamas.

Mr. Ishtiwi, 34, was a commander from a storied family of Hamas loyalists who, during the 2014 war with Israel, was responsible for 1,000 fighters and a network of attack tunnels. Last month, his former comrades executed him with three bullets to the chest.

Adding a layer of scandal to the story, he was accused of moral turpitude, by which Hamas meant homosexuality. And there were whispers that he had carved the word "zulum" ‐ wronged ‐ into his body in a desperate kind of last testament.

His death has become the talk of the town in the conservative quarters of Gaza, the Palestinian coastal territory, endlessly discussed in living rooms, at checkpoints and in cabs. But to astute Gaza observers, this was more substantive than a soap opera.

Mr. Ishtiwi, who is survived by two wives and three children, was not the first member of Hamas's armed wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, to be killed by his own. What was unprecedented was the way his relatives spoke out publicly about it.

Africa North
Egypt finds longest Gaza smuggling tunnel
Egyptian security officials say they have found a 2.5-kilometer (1.5-mile) smuggling tunnel leading into the Gaza Strip, the longest such passageway discovered in their crackdown on cross-border smuggling.
that's a loooong tunnel. Better widen the buffer zone to 5 miles
At the rate the Gazans are digging, Egypt will give the Sinai back to Israel without demanding compensation...
They say the tunnel was operated by the military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, which Egypt says is a terrorist organization that played a role in recent attacks against Egyptian security forces.
"No, no, not us"
Detonators and communications devices were among the devices found in the tunnel, which will be destroyed, officials say, speaking on condition of anonymity because they aren't authorized to brief reporters.

After a major attack in October, the Egyptian military began clearing a buffer zone along the border with Gaza in an attempt to stamp out a cross-border network of tunnels that Hamas considers a lifeline.
"Cleanup on Aisle Gazoo"

Jordanians Stage Massive Pro-Hamas Rally
[Ynet] Over 15,000 supporters of the Moslem Brüderbund hold protest in Amman, call on Paleostinian factions to intensify rocket fire into Israel.
Jordan's very own Fifth Column. Because having ISIS licking its chops on the outside isn't bad enough.
More than 15,000 Moslem Brüderbund supporters gathered at a pro-Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, rally in Jordan's capital on Friday, with many chanting "death to Israel" and urging the bully boy Paleostinian group to step up rocket salvos against Israeli towns and cities.

The evening rally, the largest such protest in Amman in years, saw scores of masked youths dressed in the uniform of Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, stage a mock military parade to the cheers of a flag-waving crowd.

The Moslem Brüderbund, the ideological counterpart to Hamas and Jordan's largest political group, is seeking to take advantage of a rise in anti-Israeli sentiment arising from the Jewish state's month-long offensive in the Gazoo Strip.

Gazoo officials say at least 1,880 Paleostinians, many of them civilians, have died in the offensive, which Israel says is aimed at ending Hamas rocket strikes on Israeli territory and rooting out the tunnels the Islamist bully boy group uses to funnel supplies and launch raids.

Most of the more than 7 million people in Jordan, a staunch US ally, are of Paleostinian origin — they or their parents having been expelled or fled to Jordan in the fighting that accompanied the 1948 establishment of Israel.

Politicians and analysts say Hamas's popularity also has soared among non-Paleostinian Jordanians as a result of the group's determined fight against the much-superior Israeli army.

On Friday, Moslem Brüderbund speakers prodded Hamas to step up its attacks against Israel to avenge Paleostinian deaths.

"In the coming phase, after negotiations failed, the only thing left is the flag of resistance which was behind the victory in Gazoo," said Zaki Bani Rusheid, deputy head of the Moslem Brüderbund in Jordan.

In contrast to other Arab states, where the Moslem Brüderbund has been banned and its followers persecuted, Jordan has tolerated the group's presence.

It enjoys a large following in major Jordanian cities that are Islamist strongholds, while Hamas has large grassroots support in Paleostinian refugee camps in the country. Jordan is home to the largest number of Paleostinian refugees.

Private and public institutions have rushed to raise donations for the Paleostinians in Gazoo, and Jordan's King Abdullah donated blood on Tuesday. Prayers have been held in mosques to commemorate those killed in Gazoo.

Jordan, which along with Egypt has a peace treaty with Israel, this week rejected calls by demonstrators, opposition parties and some mainstream politicians to expel Israel's ambassador and severe ties, saying it would be a counter-productive move.
Israel is Jordan's only effective ally against ISIS. It would be a very bad idea for Jordan to go further than verbal posturing to please the internal ravening hordes.

Israel To Escalate Gaza Military Offensive After First Citizen Killed
[TELEGRAPH] The first Israeli was killed by a missile fired from Gazoo on Tuesday night setting the week-long conflict on course for an even bloodier new phase with Israel poised to escalate its military offensive.

A 38-year-old man was pronounced death at Askelon's Barzilai medical centre after suffering severe shrapnel wounds from a missile fired on Tuesday afternoon, according to initial Israeli media reports.

The reports suggested he was an ultra-Orthodox rabbi distributing food to Israeli soldiers near the Erez border crossing into Gazoo.

Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,'s military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, grabbed credit for the death, saying they had killed a soldier in a shell attack.

"The enemy acknowledges the death of a Zionist soldier and the injury of another in the Qassam shelling of the Erez base," the unit said.
Ynet has more about the gentleman who was killed, including a photo. He doesn't look ultra-Orthodox to me, but I'm not up on current Orthodox fashions, ultra or otherwise.
[Ynet] Dror Hanin, who succumbed to his wounds after being injured by Gazoo mortar fire on the Erez Crossing on Tuesday evening, was a 37-year-old father of three from Beit Aryeh. The incident marks the first Israeli death since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge.

Itzik Cohen, a childhood friend and neighbor, said he was "full of humor and always ready to help, there are few people like him, always willing to help and to contribute. Unfortunately, he paid for his kind heart with his life."

Hanin arrived at the border crossing to distribute food and drinks to soldiers awaiting a possible ground invasion into the Strip. He was critically injured and evacuated to the Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, before succumbing to his wounds.

A 45-year-old male was also injured by the shrapnel from the mortar round, sustaining light injuries.

IAF Strikes In Gaza In Retaliation To Rocket Attack
[Ynet] IAF launches retaliation attack on Gazoo in wake of rocket fire, targeting 'terror activity site and a weapon manufacturing facility,' wounding four in latest round of escalation in south

Israeli fighter jets attacked the Gazoo Strip on Friday morning in response to rocket fire on Israel Thursday, targeting an arms warehouse and rocket launch site, and injuring four Paleostinians.

Sources on both sides confirmed the attack, which came hours after a rocket fired from the Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason,-run Paleostinian enclave hit the Jewish state. According to the IDF Spokesperson Unit direct hits were confirmed, and "the terror organization Hamas is responsible."

Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon confirmed reports that the IAF struck three direct Hamas targets in the Gazoo Strip early Friday morning: "We will not tolerate rocket fire on Israel," he said.

"The IDF and other security forces will continue to chase after those who shoot at Israel or try to execute terror attacks, and they will not hesitate to attack those attempting to do so."

Paleostinian security sources said two strikes targeted training sites of Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas's armed wing, in Beit Lahiya in northern Gazoo were hit.

In two additional air strikes at sites west of southern Gazoo city Rafah two Paleostinians were maimed, the sources said.

The attack came a short while after a rocket fired from Gazoo hit in an open area in the Sdot Negev Regional Council, causing no damage or injuries. Residents reported to hearing blasts.

A statement from the Israeli military said that in response to the rocket, its aircraft targeted "a terror activity site and a weapon manufacturing facility in the northern Gazoo strip and a weapon storage facility" in southern Gazoo.

Tensions have recently risen in and around Gazoo after a year of relative calm, with six Paleostinians and an Israeli killed since December 20 and Death Eater rocket fire sparking retaliatory air strikes.

Last week, at least one rocket hit an open area in the Eshkol Regional Council and two rockets hit open areas near Eilat. No injuries or damage were reported

On January 22, the IDF killed two Paleostinians, one of them identified by Israel as a Death Eater from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Paleostine
... Paleostinian Marxist movement, founded in 1967. It is considered a terrorist organization by more than 30 countries including the U.S., European Union, Australia, Canada, and Antarctica. The PFLP's stated goal is the establishment of a socialist State in Paleostine. They pioneered armed aircraft hijackings in the late 60s and early 70s...
who the army said was behind recent rocket attacks.

Hamas recently confirmed it had deployed forces in Gazoo to "preserve the truce" with Israel, brokered by Egypt, which ended the last major confrontation in November 2012.

While Hamas does not routinely launch projectiles at Israel, but the State holds the Islamist terror group that seized power in Gazoo in 2007 responsible for any such attacks, as it is the ad hoc sovereign of the enclave.

170,000 rockets
On Wednesday, Military Intelligence Chief Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi said that despite a drop in the number of missiles and rockets threatening Israel, their level of precision has drastically risen.

"Some 170,000 rockets and missiles are threatening the State of Israel from all regions. Up until recently, the number was much greater and it has decreased, but it will go up again.

Hamas announces cease-fire with Israel
(CNN) -- The Paleostinian group Hamas, always the voice of sweet reason, says its military wing has agreed to an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire with Israel following a sharp increase in violence between the two sides.

In a statement posted early Wednesday, Hamas -- which controls the Paleostinian territory of Gazoo -- says it will observe the cease-fire as long as Israel remains committed to the agreement.

There was no immediate response to the cease-fire announcement from Israel, which said more than 75 rockets had been fired into its territory from Gazoo in the past three days.
The Israeli news service Ynet puts it at more than 120, but clearly they are too close to have CNN's perspective on the situation.
Six Paleostinians and one Israeli died between Sunday and Tuesday in a spate of rocket attacks and Israeli Arclight airstrikes, officials on both sides reported.

Israeli warplanes struck two targets in Gazoo on Tuesday in response to the rocket fire, the Israel Defense Forces said. Hamas security sources told CNN the strikes targeted a site used to train Paleostinian forces of Evil to launch rockets and another training facility run by the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of Hamas, with two people injured.
Update from The Times of Israel:
Rockets hit Israel hours after Hamas says it’s ready for ceasefire

Five rockets hit southern Israel early Thursday morning, hours after Hamas announced it would be willing to cease its fire on Israel. There were no reports of injuries or damage after the Kassam rockets slammed into the Eshkol region. A number or rockets hit open areas near the Gaza Strip later in the day, with no reports of injuries or damage.
Taqqiyah and hudna, all in one.

Terrorist With A Five-Star Tab: Al-Mabhouh
Claudia Rosett

Were it not for the recent, high-profile murder of a Hamas terrorist leader on the premises, the Al Bustan Rotana Hotel would be notable mainly for its glitz and comfort. As it is, in the many stories written about the death of Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, found suffocated to death in his Al Bustan guest room in January, the hotel's five-star rating has been mentioned mostly in passing.

When I dropped by the Al Bustan Rotana during a recent trip to Dubai, it struck me that the luxuriousness of the hotel has not been fully conveyed. That matters. The opulence with which al-Mabhouh surrounded himself on his fatal trip underscores some big unanswered questions, not about the alleged killers (whose trail has received plenty of official attention) but about al-Mabhouh (whose doings in Dubai have yet to be explained).

Al-Mabhouh was, after all, a senior member of Hamas--a Palestinian organization that expects of its underlings an austere dedication to Islamic law and tutors them to sacrifice everything for such Hamas charter causes as the destruction of Israel. Al-Mabhouh, like a number of other Hamas leaders, was based in Damascus. But he was a big cog in a Hamas system that in 2007 seized complete control of Gaza and with the backing of Iran has made it a priority to saturate Gaza with weapons, while the population lives in poverty--dependent on massive handouts from places such as the U.S. and European Union, much of that funneled via outfits such as the United Nations.

When al-Mabhouh arrived in Dubai from Damascus on Jan. 19, it seems that austerity was not on his agenda. He checked into a plush hotel, geared to cosmopolitan pleasures. Though rates fluctuate with the season, rooms at the Al Bustan go for hundreds of dollars per night, sums that for the average resident of Gaza would represent quite a windfall.

Guests of the Al Bustan enter a huge marble-floored lobby, with a lofty atrium, tiled fountains and indoor palm trees. The arcade sells designer clothes. Restaurants on the premises offer everything from pan-fried Hokkaido scallops to "the most tender cut of corn-fed beef."

In the center of the lobby is the Gazebo Lounge, where waitresses in long skirts slit up to the thigh serve pricey whiskey, or sweets such as white chocolate crème brulee and lemon- coconut cheesecake. Bouquets of white lilies and pink roses adorn the polished tables. Tea comes in a shapely glass pot, set atop a glass-cradled candle warmer, accompanied by a plate of delicate pastries, including a melt-in-your-mouth crescent-shaped sugar cookie.

For a bit more privacy, there's a corner nook with deep sofas. The better to cosset the guests, a wooden treasure chest stands propped open to offer neat rows of plump, fresh dates. Next to it is a leather-encased box of tissues for guests to wipe their sticky fingers and a sleek black plate for the pits.

The Al Bustan is part of a chain of Rotana luxury hotels operating not only in the UAE but also in places such as Beirut, Damascus and Sudan--where the names of VIP visitors attest to the comforts of the facilities. In Khartoum the Al Salam Rotana, opened in 2007, has hosted former president Jimmy Carter, as well as U.N. gatherings. In Dubai the Al Bustan Rotana boasts a plaque near its palatial entrance noting that it was inaugurated in 1997 "under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum," then the Crown Prince and today the ruler of Dubai and prime minister of the U.A.E.

With the investigation continuing into al-Mabhouh's murder, members of the hotel staff are understandably reluctant to discuss the matter. The hotel manager on duty politely declined to answer any questions, saying only that the murder "could have happened anywhere. It's unfortunate that it happened here."

Dubai authorities find it worse than unfortunate that al-Mabhouh was murdered on their turf. They have been expressing outrage for months, calling for the capture of al-Mabhouh's killers, enlisting Interpol and releasing surveillance-camera video footage, as well as details of the passports and credit cards used by the suspects. They continue pointing fingers at Israel, which in keeping with its policy, has made no official comment on the allegations. Just this week UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan was quoted by the UAE press blaming Israel and saying that the UAE continues to hunt the killers, "to demonstrate that the UAE is a state of law and respect." The UAE, he was quoted as saying, "has got full support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),the Arab League and the Arab Summit held in Sirte, Libya, in following these criminals."

But the questions surrounding al-Mabhouh go way beyond who killed him, and my repeated queries to the Dubai Police, submitted both in person and by e-mail, have received no response. Al-Mabhouh was a founding member of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas, which have carried out scores of murderous attacks on Israel. According to Hamas he was behind the kidnapping and killing in 1989 of two Israeli soldiers. Israeli security officials have told The Wall Street Journal that he was "a key link" in smuggling weapons to Hamas in Gaza from Iran.

How was al-Mabhouh paying for his five-star lodgings in Dubai? That may be the least of the questions pertaining to his activities. But let's start somewhere. Could the UAE authorities please enlighten us on such basic matters as how al-Mabhouh arranged to pay for his luxury stay on their turf, what he did there and whether he had visited before? And with all the resources of the Arab League now on the case, would it be too much to ask for full details--whether from Damascus, Dubai or anyplace else that played host to al-Mabhouh--of who was picking up the tab for his travel, and why?

Gaza strike kills Islamic militant amid worldwide protests
(AKI) - A key militant from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziad Abu Tir, was killed on Monday on the third-day of Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, as the United Nations called for an end to the violence.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon called for an end to hostilities in the Palestinian territories, as thousands of people took to the streets around the world to protest against the violence in Gaza. At least 320 people have been killed and another 1,400 have been injured in the Israeli raids.

Another airstrike destroyed the home of Palestinian militant Maher Zaqout, senior member of the Islamist movement Hamas' Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades. Zaqout was not at home at the time of the strike. However, seven people including several member of his immediate family were reportedly killed.

Palestinian militants fired at least 50 home-made Qassam rockets at southern Israel on Monday, killing one Israeli.

In the Lebanese capital Beirut, tens of thousands of people protested against the ongoing Israeli raids. The protest was organised by the militant Hezbollah movement and called by the group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah. "It is a mistake to think that this war is against Hamas, it is against the Palestinian resistance," Nasrallah said.

At least 5,000 people gathered in the Jordanian capital Amman and burned American and Israeli flags. They marched towards the office of Jordanian Prime Minister Nader Dahabi, urging Jordan to scrap its peace agreement with Israel reached in 1994.

Protests were also held in countries including Venezuela, Chile, Pakistan, Indonesia, Syria, Egypt, Iran and Iraq and throughout Europe. At least 1,500 people gathered for violent protests near the Israeli embassy in London. Other protests were held in Spain, Denmark, Italy, France and the United States.

Meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Monday that hospitals in Gaza were "overburdened" as they struggled to cope with the influx of casualties. "We are completely overwhelmed by the number of people coming in with very serious injuries. I have never seen anything like this," said the head of the surgical ward of Shifa Hospital, in Gaza City.

A gentle soul, or agent of Hamas?
ACCORDING to those who knew him, Muhammad Harara, 27, was a gentle soul with a slow waddling gait because of congenitally dislocated hips. Unable to find work, he lived with his brother's family and was a favourite uncle. But according to the Israeli military, he was a "Hamas military wing operative", who was preparing to fire an anti-tank missile at Israeli tanks from the roof of his relatives' home. What is certain is that an Israeli tank fired on Harara about 6am on Friday, blowing him apart and killing his sister-in-law and two of her children.

The shell left a gaping hole where there had been two narrow windows in the stairwell. By the end of the day, the only evidence of Harara's presence was a slash of darkening blood and human remains on the wall. Harara's brother, Jaber, looking dazed as neighbours gathered to mourn in the alley beside his home, insisted that there were no weapons in the house and that no one in the family belonged to any armed group. "I used to work in Israel," he said. "The Israelis would never have given me permission to work there if anyone in the family had such links."

He said his brother had gone to the roof with one of his nephews to see if they could spot Israeli tanks, which were rumoured to be on the move. But like most accounts from this part of the world, it was not that simple. Another relative, who asked not to be named, said later that while Muhammad Harara was not a Hamas member, his nephew, also on the roof that morning and also named Muhammad Harara, was a member of Hamas' military wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades.

Kidnapping of Israeli Indicates Hamas Rift
The abduction of an Israeli soldier has laid bare deep rifts inside Hamas, with militants from the group claiming responsibility and Palestinian government officials insisting they knew nothing of the operation. Hamas leaders hotly denied a split. But the working assumption of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is that Hamas' exiled leader gave the green light for the raid without consulting the Hamas-led government, two senior Abbas aides told The Associated Press.
That's easy to fix. Meshaal obviously needs to come back straightaway to Gaza to iron this whole mess out. Long distance communication gets so garbled, you know.
In the power struggle between followers of the exiled Khaled Mashaal and more moderate leaders in Gaza, Mashaal's forces have the upper hand because they control the purse strings that keep Hamas afloat, said the aides. They spoke on condition of anonymity because their observations were not official policy. Hamas' military wind, known as the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, and two other groups tied to Hamas — the Popular Resistance Committees and the Army of Islam — claimed responsibility for kidnapping Cpl. Gilad Shalit. Shalit, 19, the first Israeli soldier captured by Palestinian militants in 12 years, was seized in Israel early Sunday in a raid that killed two other soldiers and three militants.

The abduction raised the specter of an overwhelming Israeli assault on Gaza, and set off a frenzied diplomatic push to win Shalit's freedom. Abbas, a moderate who was elected separately from Hamas, spoke with 19 foreign leaders to enlist their help. Most significant, according to the Abbas aides, was his call to President Bashar Assad of Syria, whose country shelters Mashaal and who is believed to have influence over the Hamas leader.

Killings May Make Hamas More Formidable
Sure, wiping out the top leaders always makes an organization better. EFL.
GAZA CITY -- In the wake of Israeli airstrikes that have decapitated the leadership of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian militant group may become even more fragmented and radicalized than before, leading to new dangers for Israel, according to Palestinian political leaders and analysts familiar with the internal operations of the organization. "The worst thing is a headless Hamas," said Eyad Sarraj, a prominent Palestinian apologistpsychiatrist and human rights advocate who has closely monitored the role of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. "A headless Hamas means too many heads, too many agendas. Then you can't control exactly what happens."
"So stop killing our leaders. Please."
With the assassination of the most influential leaders of Hamas, and raids that have killed or captured nearly the entire West Bank military command structure, the military wing in the Gaza Strip has become the most dominant faction of the organization, according to Israeli military officials and Palestinian officials.

Mohammed Deif and Adnan Ghoul, the leaders of the military wing -- known as the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades -- remain in command, and the ranks of disciplined and well-armed fighters are largely intact, Palestinian and Israeli officials said. "The new generation of leaders thinks in only one way -- the military wings," said Imad Falouji, a Palestinian legislator and former Hamas member who has authored a book about the organization. "The new policy is more dangerous for Israel than ever before. Now there is only a military policy; there is nothing political now."

In recent weeks, Hamas has engaged in intense discussion with other Palestinian factions over control of the Gaza Strip in the event that Israel pulls out. Though the committee has existed since 1996, members said it has been most active since the start of the uprising against Israel. The group has attempted to impose some order on the often conflicting Palestinian factions. The committee's weekly meetings had increased to two and three times a week but stopped with the assassination April 17 of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi, members said.
"Um, next week we're meeting at ... Mahmoud's house!"
While many members of the panel hold permanent seats, Hamas has rotated its participants, giving other members a glimpse into the personalities and structure of the secretive group. The senior leadership also shared the seat with the next tier of Hamas political officials, who are now the highest-ranking members of the Hamas political hierarchy in Gaza. "No one person monopolized the decisions of Hamas," said Ziad Abu Amr, an independent Palestinian legislator who sits on the committee.

In the absence of Yassin and Rantisi, it is unclear how power will be wielded inside Hamas, but the key players are certain to include the leaders of the Gaza military wing as well as whoever assumes control of the political faction.
Brilliant, Holmes!
Israeli officials said that despite the damage to the Hamas infrastructure, the organization has not lost its capacity to launch serious attacks against Israelis. "On the operational level, we managed to put a lot of constraints on them," said a senior Israeli intelligence official who spoke on the condition that he not be identified by name. "We've been successful, relatively speaking. But it's not the end. It's a wide and deep organization."

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