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Terror Networks & Islam
An Imam Answers Moslems' Questions

Are making shadow puppets are prohibited? or simply playing with one's shadow as if it were a pretend person?

Playing with ones shadow is a futile act and prohibited.

What is sunnah way of wearing turban?

A turban may be worn with a Shimla (tail) or without a Shimla.

Are ornaments of animals such as dolphins or birds allowed in the house, like a vase, etc?

Picture frames and photographs of animate objects are not permissible to display. .... Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'The people with the most severe punishment by Allah will be the picture makers.' Hadhrat Ibn Abbas (RA) narrates, 'I heard the messenger of Allah saying, "Every picture-maker will be in the fire. A life will be created for every picture the picture-maker made, and he will be tortured in Hell."

What parts of an animate (tasweer) objects is one not allowed to draw. Does it only refer to the eyes or any part of the body. Also, why is it not permissible to draw animate(tasweer) objects.

The entire head cannot be drawn.

I wish to know whether it is permitted to draw faces? If there is an outline of a drawing (faces/animals faces)and you go over the outline, is it permitted?

We have not come across any specific ruling in this matter. Thus, the safest would be to regard such drawings as Haraam, as is the position with the drawings of all animate objects. However, if the head is totally removed, such drawings will be permissible.

I also have some nike products from before when i didnt know it was haraam to have them. However, these products do not have the word 'nike' on them, they only have the swoosh logo (which looks like a tick) is it permissible to use these products?

On account of the "tick" being a salient and distinguishing characteristic of "Nike" products, it would be necessary to remove it before wearing any of these products.

The keeping of statues in museums and other public places?

This is not permissible.

The keeping of statues as objects of worship confined in places of worship by non-muslim minorities?

This is permissible as long as it is not exposed to the public.

Did the Taliban go against Shariah by destroying images and statues in Afghanistan?

It was an Islamic duty for the Taliban to have destroyed the statues. This should have been carried out a long time ago.

Should/can I destroy a large idol of Buhdda that my world religions teacher has placed in my classroom?

The classroom does not belong to you and you do not enjoy control over it either. Hence, you are not responsible for what the teacher places within the confines of the classroom. You are not allowed to destroy the idol in this classroom. We suggest you very politely approach the teacher requesting him to remove or conceal this idol as it offends your religious sentiments.

Is it permissible to have photos and videos taken of the Jihad that is being fought in Chechnya and place it on the internet for keeping the Muslims informed.

Yes, it is permissible.

What if one muslim only believes in Allah and his messenger, regularly thinks about Allah, reads namaz, gives zakat, fasts, introduces others to Islam, always talks about Islam to non-muslims about how it is the one and only Religion and passes on Knowledge, influences others to stop doing bad but does not drink or smoke, or or backbite but listens to english or urdu music. Will he/she still have a bad punishment and enter hell? If yes what type of punishment is it?

Listening to Music is a sin. In principle, one should make Tawbah (repent) from the sin. If a person did not make Tawbah, if Allah wills, he will forgive the person or may punish the person. We have not come across any specific punishment on the day of Qiyaamat for the sin of listening to music.


I come from Indian background and the tradition there is not to cut nails/hair on Tuesdays and Sat? Is this tradition based on any Islamic priniciple ?

We have not come across any Shar'ee reference prohibiting the trimming of nails on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Is there any "correct" way of cutting the nails ?? (Starting from the fore-finger etc.)

It has been mentioned that Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to pair his nails on a Thursday, but no sequence has been mentioned. However, many pious people recommend that one should commence with the index finger of the right hand moving towards the small finger, thereafter the small finger of the left hand leading towards the thumb and finishing with the thumb of the right hand. The toe nails, from the small toe of the right leg and complete with the small toe of the left leg.

Can one shave above the lips and around the beard during the 10 days prior Eid?

Rasulullah is reported to have said "whoever intends offering Qurbaani should not cut his hair". In view of this Hadith, it is Mustahab (preferable) not to cut the hair and nails. However, this should not be regarded as Farz or Wajib. If one does not carry out this, he/she will not be sinful.

Is it permissible to cut one's nails at night time or is this a superstition I have heard that it is not permissible?

There is no prohibition for clipping nails at night.

i am 18, i am trying to grow a beard, but my mom thinks im too young and says i don't need to keep it. ... she doesnt like it. am i supposed to keep it anyway, or should i listen to her and shave it because it doesnt look good

For Muslim males to grow a beard is Waajib (compulsory), and to let it grow a fist length is Waajib. Without any Sharie reason to cut or shave is Haraam (totally prohibited). He who does so is a Faasiq (sinner) and to shorten it less than a fist length is Makruh Tahrimi (near Haraam).' You should not obey your mother's wish against the orders of Shari'ah. You should keep a beard and follow the Sunnah of our beloved Rasul (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam).

I really want to grow a beard but am being pressurised not to by my elder brother, who is very un-islamic. Whenever I merely mention the fact of keeping a beard he bitterly argues with me. I have even thought of moving away from him because of this, but this isn't possible. What do you suggest?

The objection of your brother to keep a beard is not an exception. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'There is no obedience of a creation in the disobedience of the Creator.' We suggest you apply wisdom and diplomacy and start keeping a very small beard.

if you want to go to jihad do you have to get permisssion from your parents, please explain.

If Jihaad did not reach a situation of Fardh-e-Ayn, then one needs the permission of his parents require his service.

What is the difference between jinns and devils? Does everyone have a devil/jinn assigned to them? Are all devils locked up in Ramadan?

The Shaytaan who disobeyed Allah and refused to prostrate before Aadam [alayhis salaam] was a Jinn. He is also known as a devil. The Shaytaan has vowed to lead others astray. Those who are influenced by the Shaytaan are also Shaytaans. There are two views regarding the locking up of the Shaytaan during Ramadhan. One view is that all the Shayaateen big and small - are locked up. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said that every person has a Shaytaan with him who endervours to lead the person astray. Allah has also granted every individual the strength and ability to oppose and go against the endervours of Shaytaan.

Do jinns ever tell us what to do?

Allah Ta'ala tells us in the Qur'aan that He created Jinn and mankind to worship Him. Jinns are created from fire and have been granted strength and power. Jinns, like humans, are of two categories obedient and disobedient.

can human and jins can become friends is there any dua for this?

It is possible for humans and jinns to be friends. Unfortunately, we do not deal with befriending humans and jinns. However, if one is obedient to Allah, then even jinns respect and honour such a person.

Modernistic opinion is not to believe in Jinns. Please give valid proof for proving they a separate creation of Allah (swt)?

Jinns are a creation of Allah. He says in the Quran, 'And I have not created the jinns and man but that they worship Me'. .... Allah Ta'ala discusses the incident of the jinns bringing iman on Allah. Not being able to see jinns is not a proof of non-existence just as the existence of U.F.O. (unidentified flying object) cannot be outruled.

We have a very disturbing situation in our community. There is a person who claims that he has Jinnat in his control. .... Now many people have accepted him as a spiritual leader and go to him for their needs. .... He is getting money from them and if they stop going to him he creates wearisome and trouble for them. I believe this is causing a huge Shirk in the society.

The control of a Jinn does not indicate the religiousness of a person. It is possible for a person to control a Jinn. His unusual activities or miraculous feats does not make him a pious man. Yes, if he is a staunch adherent of the Sunnah, he is a pious man and the miraculous feats he performs are from Allah, otherwise they are from Shaytaan. .... If the people think that he is deceiving them, they should abstain from him and turn to Allah for assistance against the mischief of such miscreants.

I want to know about the dreams we see. I know dreams are from Allah. Can you tell us how to differentiate which dream is from Allah and which one from Shaitan.

In brief, dreams are of three types, i) Pious dreams, ii) Shaytaani dreams, and, iii) Reflections of the mind. Pious dreams are from Allah and Shaytaani dreams are from the Shaytaan. If one is unable to determine whether the dream is good or bad he should refer to an expert who understand the sciences of interpretations of dreams.

In my dream the quran shrunk, ayats erased and the pages were ripped to fit the new quran size. My best friend - Hindu died as a result.

It is important that you adhere to all the injunctions of the Quraan. It is not appropriate to act upon some and discard some. Therefore you should seek forgiveness and make a firm commitment to follow all the commands of Shariah and the Sunnah of Muhammed (Sallahu Alyahi Wasalam).


I have small "Cactus Tree's" in my garden, I am told that I should remove them immediately. The reason for this is the Jews will hide behind these tree's and therefore we should nor grow these trees.

It is not necessary to remove the cactus trees from your garden. The Hadith refers to a thorny tree that will assist the Jews. It does not specify which thorny tree.

I heard that there will be gold coming out of the river the Euphrates river, is this true?

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) mentioned that among the signs of Qiyaamat, 'the Euphrates and Tigris will bring up pillars of Gold.' He also advised that people should stay away from that as people will fight for the gold and many people will be killed.

I live in a US City and a restaurant here gives all its profit for temple. Are we allowed to eat from there?

.. it is not appropriate to eat at the restaurant that is known to give its proceeds to a temple or any un Islamic avenue that is against Deen and Islam. It is because of our support, the forces of Kufr and Shirk will be helped. Their agenda is to destroy Islam and Deen. therefore eating at such a restaurant is assisting in their cause.

Could we sing national anthem and say the plegde of allegience to the secular state while the flag is being raised up? Our school children are forced to attend national school, and every morning they are forced to sing and make the pledge. Muslims religious ulamas in my country also have to make the pledge during national day. Is it a act of blapshemy?

As Muslims, our pledge of allegiance is only to Allah and His Rasul (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). However, as Muslims in a non-Muslim state, we are obliged to follow the laws of the country which are not contrary to Shari'ah. The allegiance of pledge by singing the national anthem of a secular state which has many un-Islamic laws, for example, legalising homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, etc. is not permissible.

My company used to provide me for medical insurance as a benefit for me. .... They now pay 80% of the insurance premium and we pay the remaining 20%. Please Advice if I should stay in or opt out of the program? Is it ok to have comprehensive car insurance in north america or should one have minimum insurance required by law?

According to Shariah, it is not permissible to subscribe to a voluntarily Medical Aid scheme as it contains elements of Interest and Gambling. However, if it is a requirement of the company or the Government, you will be excused from subscribing to the scheme. You state you have an option to opt out, if so it is necessary for you to do so as you will be involved in a haraam transaction. If the car insurance is a government Law, you should subscribe to that plan that entails the minimum insurance.

I've heard that there'd be no Azab-ul-Khabr, for people who die of stomach ailment. Can I pray to die this way to escape the torment of the grave?

Rasulullah is reported to have said "A person who dies due to stomach ailment will be a Shaheed (martyr)". We have not come across a Hadith that shows he will be saved from the punishments of the grave.

how do we know the Quran is the word of Allah, and not the prophet's. I know they said he couldn't read or write, but what if he kept it a secret?

Allah Ta'ala says in the Noble Qur'aan, "And man is a big disputer'. In view of the disputant nature of man, it is advisable to apply wisdom and diplomacy in conveying the truth. Lack of wisdom and diplomacy in conveying the truth may have negative consequences, for example, branding truthful ones as causing Fitnah, etc.
Posted by:Mike Sylwester

#12  SHIRK - Okay, I googled it and came up with this:
Shirk - Setting up partners in worship with Allah, swt

Why the Iman is down on shirking is confusing. Maybe he was a Bengals fan.

Posted by: Snoluck Thrusing8432   2005-01-22 10:32:40 PM  

#11  "Does everyone have a devil/jinn assigned to them?"

Ah, they've met my ex-wife, then.

Posted by: Mike Kozlowski   2005-01-22 8:48:45 PM  

#10  Imam, do I wipe my ass with my left or right hand while eating?

Answer: According to Shariah, just don't confuse your napkin for toilet paper.
Posted by: Captain America   2005-01-22 8:29:11 PM  

#9  No wonder these people are so difficult: "God" (excuse me, Allan) forbids playing with shadows and listening to music. God permits being friends with "jinns" and uploading videos of human misery (slaughter of human beings). This would be sad if they were not so doggone violent.
Posted by: Jonah   2005-01-22 7:32:13 PM  

#8  #6 And the "X" in the Ford Explorer logo resembles a cross according to the wise ones of the Magic Kingdom.
Posted by: GK   2005-01-22 7:02:50 PM  

#7  He's at the Rantapalooza, playing Nanook of the North, I'd guess.
Posted by: .com   2005-01-22 6:44:38 PM  

#6  Why is Nike haram?

Probably due to this "Allah" issue. Nike caved with abject apologies all around, but they are still considered haram by Islamowhackos. Think corporations learned anything from this ? (Me neither)

why hasn't Fred added commentary?

Who do you think made up the "imam's" answers ?
Posted by: Carl in N.H.   2005-01-22 6:44:14 PM  

#5  Why is Nike haram? And why hasn't Fred added commentary?
Posted by: Korora   2005-01-22 6:34:43 PM  

#4  Jerry Shirk was a lineman for the Cleveland Browns. Hopes this helps?
Posted by: Frank G   2005-01-22 6:25:01 PM  

#3  >I believe this is causing a huge Shirk in the society<

What the hell is a Shirk?

Posted by: Snoluck Thrusing8432   2005-01-22 5:47:40 PM  

#2  "The people with the most severe punishment by Allah will be the picture makers."

Lol! Think Hollyweird is aware of this? I know what it's like to have zero artistic skill, I'm a mechanic, not an artiste', but Little Mo must've really been talentless, lol, not to mention the most petty asshole of all time.

This collection just boggles.
Posted by: .com   2005-01-22 5:21:29 PM  

#1  Ask a Holy Man(TM)! No need to think for yourself when they can do it for you! Call today!
Posted by: The Doctor   2005-01-22 5:13:47 PM  
